trump indictments sparked attacks by Russia linked hackers

Wait what, I thought Trump was supposed to be totally under control of Russia per the media blitz on his Russia, Russia, Russia ties. Now we're supposed to believe they've let this major asset get away?
Wait what, I thought Trump was supposed to be totally under control of Russia per the media blitz on his Russia, Russia, Russia ties. Now we're supposed to believe they've let this major asset get away?
Yeah, Poootin was pretty sure he could help him win a second term. But he failed.

When did the repub party become pro-Russian?
Just a piece Of advice ...

... if you're going to pull the same "foreign agents election interference" con again ...

... pick a different country.

Try Lithuania or North Korea.

The hacking no doubt originated in the Duchy of Grand Fenwick.

I heard those rats now have one of our own nukes and they're threatening us with it.

Why not? The Russians want to undermine the United States and would certainly use Trump to do that with or without his cooperation.

You're giving them far more credit than they deserve, they can't even undermine a dinky little country like Ukraine. Russia had a barely measurable effect on the outcome of the 2016 election and the truth is, whatever interference that took place originated in the Democrat Party.
You're giving them far more credit than they deserve, they can't even undermine a dinky little country like Ukraine. Russia had a barely measurable effect on the outcome of the 2016 election and the truth is, whatever interference that took place originated in the Democrat Party.

So true!!

Meanwhile as the Democrats are watching the swinging shiny object called Russia Trump Trump Trump….and the product of their own creation,….The Chinese government has been making inroads against us all with the help of the Biden family who are more than willing to look the other way for all those cash payments.
It is long past time that patriotic democrats forcibly removed Republicans and their Russian allies from the nation. All Democrat, all the time.
Why not? The Russians want to undermine the United States and would certainly use Trump to do that with or without his cooperation.
And repubs know it. They are fully supporting Russia's influence on our country.

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