Trump has really exposed the lack of logic behind presidential power


VIP Member
Sep 2, 2018
Why would a president without having to have political, government or military experience of any kind be able to be the head decision maker of those departments.

Example, a president shouldnt be able to declassify any kind of information without having some years of experience with it? I could go on and on.
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Why would a president without having to have political, government or military experience of any kind be able to be the head decision maker of those departments.

Example, a president shouldnt be able to declassify any kind of information without having some years of experience with it? I could go on and on.

I think the theory is that people vote for their president and he is elected because they believe in his policies and leadership. Thus, he is the decision maker. Policy advisors are just that, advisors.

Those who have been in government for 20, 30 years believe THEY know what is best. They are unelected, but, they've been around so long that they promote their tenure as somehow confirmation that they are the most knowledgable on a subject and have all the answers.

Presidents disagree with advisors all the time, but because Trump is an outsider and disrupter he is attacked since the Establishment can't use the advisors to control and effect policy.

Bill Clinton famously disagreed with the CIA and even shut their Director out or gave him little time. It was frustrating to the C.I.A but what could they do? He is elected, they are simply doing (or were trying to do) their sworn duty, but the president decides what to pursue or even if he will meet with the director to eve be updated or not.

We know that the Kennedys had issues with J Edgar Hoover. Really they openly despised him.
Why would a president without having to have political, government or military experience of any kind be able to be the head decision maker of those departments.

Example, a president shouldnt be able to declassify any kind of information without having some years of experience with it? I could go on and on.
I guess you think the president sits all alone in the capital and just does it all by himself.
I think the theory is that people vote for their president and he is elected because they believe in his policies and leadership. Thus, he is the decision maker. Policy advisors are just that, advisors.

Those who have been in government for 20, 30 years believe THEY know what is best. They are unelected, but, they've been around so long that they promote their tenure as somehow confirmation that they are the most knowledgable on a subject and have all the answers.

Presidents disagree with advisors all the time, but because Trump is an outsider and disrupter he is attacked since the Establishment can't use the advisors to control and effect policy.

Bill Clinton famously disagreed with the CIA and even shut their Director out or gave him little time. It was frustrating to the C.I.A but what could they do? He is elected, they are simply doing (or were trying to do) their sworn duty, but the president decides what to pursue or even if he will meet with the director to eve be updated or not.

We know that the Kennedys had issues with J Edgar Hoover. Really they openly despised him.

The problem with Trump is they couldn't brief him. He wasn't interested. Trump is very poorly educated and incurious. He's dumb.
Why would a president without having to have political, government or military experience of any kind be able to be the head decision maker of those departments.

Example, a president shouldnt be able to declassify any kind of information without having some years of experience with it? I could go on and on.
I'm guessing the forefathers trusted the voters to be logical, and only pick candidates who were qualified. They probably didn't imagine a reality show host with no qualifications whatsoever as being electable to the presidency.
I think the theory is that people vote for their president and he is elected because they believe in his policies and leadership. Thus, he is the decision maker. Policy advisors are just that, advisors.

Those who have been in government for 20, 30 years believe THEY know what is best. They are unelected, but, they've been around so long that they promote their tenure as somehow confirmation that they are the most knowledgable on a subject and have all the answers.

Presidents disagree with advisors all the time, but because Trump is an outsider and disrupter he is attacked since the Establishment can't use the advisors to control and effect policy.

Bill Clinton famously disagreed with the CIA and even shut their Director out or gave him little time. It was frustrating to the C.I.A but what could they do? He is elected, they are simply doing (or were trying to do) their sworn duty, but the president decides what to pursue or even if he will meet with the director to eve be updated or not.

We know that the Kennedys had issues with J Edgar Hoover. Really they openly despised him.
Yes the president is voted in by the people, but most voters today don't even know how a bill gets to the floor of congress let alone passes. There must be a better vetting process.
Why would a president without having to have political, government or military experience of any kind be able to be the head decision maker of those departments.

Example, a president shouldnt be able to declassify any kind of information without having some years of experience with it? I could go on and on.
Who should? There has to be an ultimate decision maker. Who's that person if not the President?
I'm guessing the forefathers trusted the voters to be logical, and only pick candidates who were qualified. They probably didn't imagine a reality show host with no qualifications whatsoever as being electable to the presidency.
We've had a lot of Presidents who were considered very "qualified" who were complete shit shows and some who really didnt have much in the way of qualifications who were good to great. You could make the argument that some of our best Presidents haven't been really "qualified" at all.
Why would a president without having to have political, government or military experience of any kind be able to be the head decision maker of those departments.

Example, a president shouldnt be able to declassify any kind of information without having some years of experience with it? I could go on and on.
Your shining example of 50 years of political and government experience is sitting in the White House right now. He wouldn't know a classified document from a comic book. So what else have you got?
The problem with Trump is they couldn't brief him. He wasn't interested. Trump is very poorly educated and incurious. He's dumb.

He is focused on results but isn't big on details. That isn't new in leadership, it's why you rely on good advisors. The problem is, right from the start he was attacked and then one such advisor, Paul Ryan was a complete idiot.

Trump had an agreement from Schumer for billions to build the wall, Paul Ryan told him to reject it. Trump the had to work around on his own in the future to build it. He relied on Ryan and was screwed over.

Then there were budgets that bloated when Trump tried to hold the line, even shutting down the economy for weeks trying to get back to some sort of budget sanity.

The Establishment fools around him steered him wrong, that's the primary reason he took less and less advice from them. Then there were the constant backstabbers or perceived backstabbers such as Sessions.

We will ever know how Trump would govern otherwise since all he experienced from day one was a full court press.
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We've had a lot of Presidents who were considered very "qualified" who were complete shit shows and some who really didnt have much in the way of qualifications who were good to great. You could make the argument that some of our best Presidents haven't been really "qualified" at all.
The good ones were smart enough to listen to the experts
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He is focused on results but isn't big on details. That isn't new in leadership, it's why you rely on good advisors. The problem is, right from the start he was attacked and then his advisor, Paul Ryan was a complete idiot.

Trump had an agreement from Schumer for billions to build the wall, Paul Ryan told him to reject it. Trump the had to work around on his own in the future to build it. He relied on Ryan and was screwed over.

Then there were budgets that bloated when Trump tried to hold the line, even shutting down the economy for weeks trying to get back to some sort of budget sanity.

The Establishment fools around him steered him wrong, that's the primary reason he took less and less advice from them. Then there were the constant backstabbers or perceived backstabbers such as Sessions.

We will ever know how Trump would govern otherwise since all he experienced from day one was a full court press.

Trump cut classes and got others to take his exams. He didn't work until he was 40. He rode around in his father's chauffeur driven Cadillac making the scene.
Trump cut classes and got others to take his exams. He didn't work until he was 40. He rode around in his father's chauffeur driven Cadillac making the scene.

He built an empire and global name brand while employing thousands along the way.

You can argue his intellectual capacity, but his path in life is more honourable than a career poltiician who makes millions from thin air somehow. Worse, those who blindly support them or don't hold them accountable.
He built an empire and global name brand while employing thousands along the way.

You can argue his intellectual capacity, but his path in life is more honourable than a career poltiician who makes millions from thin air somehow. Worse, those who blindly support them or don't hold them accountable.
His daddy gave it to him.
This astonishing jump in falsehoods is the story of Trump’s tumultuous reign. By the end of his term, Trump had accumulated 30,573 untruths during his presidency — averaging about 21 erroneous claims a day.
Trump's devoted followers aside, is there any reason in the world why Americans should believe anything Trump says?
This is typical of Trump, and he did it quite often as President. He thinks he is being clever when he attempts to have it both ways.

In the end, though, he looks like a fool because he immediately contradicts what he just said.

First, a pathetic attempt at a mea culpa for stealing Top Secret documents when he left the White House.

The Hill
reports, "Former President Trump on Monday said his aides have reached out to the Department of Justice (DOJ) to offer “whatever we can do to help,” saying the “temperature has to be brought down” after a spike in threats against law enforcement following the FBI’s search of his Mar-a-Lago estate.

“Whatever we can do to help — because the temperature has to be brought down in the country,” Trump told Fox News. “If it isn’t, terrible things are going to happen.”

However, he then repeated attacks on the FBI over the search for classified documents that took place at his Florida estate last week and defended his supporters’ threats.

“People are so angry at what is taking place. They are not going to stand for another scam,” describing the FBI’s past investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election as a “witch hunt.”

The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Yeah, he looks like an idiot.

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