Trump desire to suspend the Constitution is not a deal breaker to Republicans

The only roads the federal government has an obligation to are interstate highways. The rest should be under local control or private industry.
Where do so many of these local places get their money from if they do not have it to maintain the roads?
I SEE !!!!!

You did not like the Federal suit against Trump and his father for refusing to rent to black people.


The rest you wrote was NOT an answer to my post, either.

I will get a few cookies to enjoy this moment.

THE POINT was, that at that TIME, Trump was not going to be kept off any stage for the behavior he has been showing for the past 6 years.

THAT is the POINT. 1980, Trump had a reputation.

Since 2016, his reputation has become much different and his attitude towards black people even worse.

90 % or more of black Americans who can vote would NEVER, EVER think of voting for Trump, and many more Republicans of ALL kinds chose not to vote for him in 2020.

It will be even fewer ones as we get to 2024.

So, try to make a point of Trump standing on a stage with Rosa Parks BACK THEN, and forget what he has being doing and saying for the past 6 years during his Presidency and after.

Be your guest.
You obviously never ran a business.
Any real estate broker who showed homes to Blacks back then would have had to declare bankruptcy in a month.
And I bet your parents would have blacklisted the Trump family.
If you just give the MSM one last chance, this time they won't be lying to you when they tell you the "Walls Are Closing In!" HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Just a shot in the dark: Did you get stood up a lot in high school? ;)
Justice is slow.....but who knows......

When a guy does everything to keep shooting his foot, some day he does not miss and ends up in the hospital.

The year is not over. And there is still next year.

I am all patient where Justice is concerned.
I SEE !!!!!

No, I don't think so.

In fact, such a stark case of blindness hasn't been recorded in recent history.

What do you think about the fact that your Party promulgated vaccine mandates which disproportionately discriminates against black people since they are the least vaxxed population cohort?

Particularly in DC with Mayor Bowser.

I've got about 25 other examples.

But we'll start with that, and then go through each individual one painstakingly so you can coherently explain what a good white ally you are and how you never meant to lock all those little black children out of school and force their fathers out of jobs due to a virus that kills practically no one.

Please choose your words carefully.

We're all listening.
Sorry bout that,

1. What President Trump is saying is this.
2. The Constitution itself, was thrown away when it should of protected him, ALL the politicians, all the media, the lower than a snakes belly supreme court ignored the election theft.
3. All President Trump is saying, be honest throw it out!!!!!
4. Other than that what else is there to say???
5. Brian Williams said it best, we are going into the dark ages in USA.

Where do so many of these local places get their money from if they do not have it to maintain the roads?
It depends on what they choose to spend money on. The federal government uses money to control localities. Some places would be better off turning down the money and taking care of themselves.
It depends on what they choose to spend money on. The federal government uses money to control localities. Some places would be better off turning down the money and taking care of themselves.
Control???? localities.

Give us some examples.
No, I don't think so.

In fact, such a stark case of blindness hasn't been recorded in recent history.

What do you think about the fact that your Party promulgated vaccine mandates which disproportionately discriminates against black people since they are the least vaxxed population cohort?

Particularly in DC with Mayor Bowser.

I've got about 25 other examples.

But we'll start with that, and then go through each individual one painstakingly so you can coherently explain what a good white ally you are and how you never meant to lock all those little black children out of school and force their fathers out of jobs due to a virus that kills practically no one.

Please choose your words carefully.

We're all listening.
The whole world, where needed MANDATED the vaccine because it was a health necessity as there was a GLOBAL PANDEMIC going on, and it is still going on....WInter beware !!!

Be anti vaccines all you like, but the world agreed that there was a real need to make it a mandate in many places.

You do not like vaccines, DO NOT GET IT. EVER !!!!

Most Democrats accepted the vaccines, MOST Republicans refused the vaccine.

And HERE are the consequences. They all lived and died by their beliefs ( I know you are NOT going to care about the information below. Anti vaccine, Trump followers never do. The irony is that he did take every vaccine needed, to this day, and tells his followers to take the vaccine and they boo him, now. Oh, the irony !!! )

Once COVID Vaccines Were Introduced, More Republicans Died Than Democrats​

A new Yale study looks at excess deaths by partisan affiliation in two states during the pandemic. Once vaccines were introduced in the spring of 2021, Yale SOM’s Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham and his co-authors found, the rate of deaths among Republicans and Democrats began to diverge.

The fates of Republicans and Democrats began to diverge markedly after the introduction of vaccines in April of 2021. Between March 2020 and March 2021, excess death rates for Republicans were 1.6 percentage points higher than for Democrats. After April 2021, the gap widened to 10.6 percentage points.

Does this mean that differing vaccine uptake levels between Republicans and Democrats caused the mortality gap? Goldsmith-Pinkham says this study alone doesn’t prove that’s the case. However, he believes it does offer “pretty good evidence” that vaccines are at least an important part of the story.

And if indeed that’s the case, it suggests that policy makers should be looking at vaccine-promoting interventions specifically targeted at Republicans, Goldsmith-Pinkham says: “It gives you a sense of where you should be looking and who you should be targeting if you want to solve some of these problems.”

(full article online)

It's the Democrats trying to infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.
Nooooo. It is every rational person trying to stop massacres with weapons which should not be in civilian hands, because those weapons belong in the Military ONLY.

Fewer Military weapons in civilian hands = fewer mass shootings = fewer people wounded or dead, ESPECIALLY children under 18.

Choose wisely.
I mean, maybe you could not lie about what was being said, but at this point I know you and yours are just mindless parrots, and you've gotten your talking points from your masters through folks like Stephanopoulos.

For folks like you, there's no debating you because factual reality doesn't matter and logic doesn't matter.
Ummm...this is a stupid comment. It's not true, and it's sad you might believe, or others, since it doesn't have an iota of truth.
There is no other ‘context’ save for that Trump is an enemy of the Constitution – along with the rest of the GOP, it would seem.
Trump has always looked at our Constitution as an impediment to real power.
That is why he always admired true Dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un

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