Trump Can't Stand the Heat

A funny article about a choice issue with a play on words.

I think Donald will take the heat of the campaign just fine.

As usual with him however he will show absolutely no class at all and will use ad hominem caricature attacks with no real substance to them -- an old frat boy throwing insults to see if any will stick.

When it is all over however, and Donald loses the election, and then comes to grasp how much of his wealth he has blown in this latest attempt to bamboozle the world, he will suffer a major breakdown similar to what derailed Howard Hughes. Then he will go into seclusion like Hughes did and live the rest of his life out as a recluse.

So ultimately with everything that is at stake, and the total destruction of his hidden real personality that Trump will experience, I don't think he will be able to take all that heat.
do you need a tissue? crackers with the whine?

You're the one crying.........:badgrin:
He scammed people with his fake University, robbed people of their down-payments with his real-estate scam in Mexico, fleeced three little girls after having them perform at his rally and now he is setting himself up to fleece a hotel in Virginia.

What is it with Trumpf supporters....that they would defend a deadbeat?

Is he that ignorant that he can't figure out that if you leave the doors open, you can't keep the room cool in 90 degree weather?

Maybe the fact that Hillary's convention is turning out to be a way more effective one than his chaotic one last week is what is making him hot under the collar?

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump is complaining about hot air at a Virginia hotel, and the hotel is pushing back.

The Republican presidential nominee said he felt like he was "in a sauna" speaking to supporters at the Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center on Monday and warned he might not pay the bill.

Hotel officials told WDBJ in Roanoke that the air conditioning system "was on and working properly throughout the event." The hotel said temperatures in the 90s did pose "a challenge" while doors were open for two hours to let hundreds of people enter the ballroom. It says staff did everything possible to keep guests comfortable.

Donald Trump Doesn't Like the Heat
He is a thinned skinned vulgarian and thief, the rubes love him because he shows his christian "values"
but he had nothing to do with Benghazi, like the other candidate did.

He just expects working service for his money.
------------------------------------- and JC says it correctly !!

The blind leading the blind?
More smears. Sounds like they did have a problem, they said it was working fine but added the weather and open doors posed a problem. Does not compute.

"But this is ridiculous," Trump said. "So then there'll be an article, 'Donald Trump refuses to pay the bill.' Of course. And you know what, the smart people say, 'Trump is smart.' The other people would say, 'Oh, isn't that terrible.' Ok. I think the ballroom and the people that own this hotel should be ashamed of themselves."

And you, the Trumpscam-ian that you are, will say, "he was right. Even if he opened the doors, the hotel should have just turned the temperature to zero" because your hero must never be wrong!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
He scammed people with his fake University, robbed people of their down-payments with his real-estate scam in Mexico, fleeced three little girls after having them perform at his rally and now he is setting himself up to fleece a hotel in Virginia.

What is it with Trumpf supporters....that they would defend a deadbeat?

Is he that ignorant that he can't figure out that if you leave the doors open, you can't keep the room cool in 90 degree weather?

Maybe the fact that Hillary's convention is turning out to be a way more effective one than his chaotic one last week is what is making him hot under the collar?

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump is complaining about hot air at a Virginia hotel, and the hotel is pushing back.

The Republican presidential nominee said he felt like he was "in a sauna" speaking to supporters at the Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center on Monday and warned he might not pay the bill.

Hotel officials told WDBJ in Roanoke that the air conditioning system "was on and working properly throughout the event." The hotel said temperatures in the 90s did pose "a challenge" while doors were open for two hours to let hundreds of people enter the ballroom. It says staff did everything possible to keep guests comfortable.

Donald Trump Doesn't Like the Heat
He is a thinned skinned vulgarian and thief, the rubes love him because he shows his christian "values"
but he had nothing to do with Benghazi, like the other candidate did.

He just expects working service forhis money.
good business people adjust or compensate a bill for incompetent service in the hopes of a return visit.
And NOW it's time for the adults to speak.
The owner of the hotel is a very well known radical LIB.
Sworn testimony from the hotel's employees involved with the air conditioning temperature settings have ALREADY admitted they did NOT turn the air conditioning up to the level ANY other event in the room would have been set up.
The owner gave those employees, all of whom are also Hillary supporters to keep the temp 'nice and warm' for Trump and his supporters.
What the owner forgot is there are digital 'footprints' in the air conditioning data so the people in the accounting department can make sure the least amount of money is being spent on the electric bill each month.
You stupid fucking LIBs are ALWAYS so fucking far behind what's really going on it's laughable.
Trump's lawyer, the best in the world, have already filed with the court to have the air conditioning setting data provided to his lawyers.
Already the hotel owner is having to 'settle' with Trump.
Stupid dummy LIBs!

And we're supposed to take your word for that? Bwahahaha....where's your link, dummy? It's a known fact that Trump likes to scam people....your defending it doesn't change it.

A USA Today investigation found that Trump failed to pay numerous former contractors and employees associated with his businesses thousands of dollars over many years.

Virginia Hotel Defends Itself After Trump Threatens To Not Pay Over Hot Room
trump and co. are working on making sure Americans endure more violent attacks overseas because it will make for good political fodder in an election... perpetual party over country, it's the modern GOP way. :eusa_clap:

donald actually hopes putin gets a hold of SoS classified emails!

Trump Says He Hopes Russia Finds Clinton’s Deleted Emails
---------------------------------------- Let Americans stay in the USA where they belong . Actually though , I like when dual citizen ameicans travel overseas as it gets them out of the USA Valerie .
"This has to be the first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his political opponent," "That's not hyperbole. Those are just the facts. This has gone from being a matter of curiosity and a matter of politics to being a national security issue."

Trump Says He Hopes Russia Finds Clinton’s Deleted Emails

I love how you left wing whackos don't even understand Trump was being one hell of a sarcastic smartass over the ignorant Clinton camp and all her minions like Valerie and Mertex trying to make Trump the issue of the hacked emails.


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