Trump Briefings - Stupid Questions

Trump abruptly ended his Monday press conference after a contentious exchange in which he asked an Asian-American journalist to "ask China" about her question and then refused to take a query from another White House reporter.

“We have met the moment and we have prevailed,” Trump said at one point. Questioned by a reporter about the remark, Trump admitted, “You never prevail when you have 90,000 people, 100,000 people, when you have 80,000 people [dead] as of today. That’s not prevailing.” He later said he was referring to the amount of tests that have been administered.

Even that he wrong. Trump claimed that any American who wants to get tested can get a test. Adm. Brett Giroir, who is supervising the testing on the federal level, corrected the President. He said any American who needs to get tested can get a test. Trump repeated his lie after Giroir finished.

Leaving the most absurd for last, Trump accused a former President of a serious crime. Referring to his tweet on Sunday accusing Obama of “the biggest political crime in American history, by far,” Washington Post reporter Philip Rucker asked Trump, “What crime exactly are you accusing President Obama of committing and do you believe the Justice Department should prosecute him?”

Trump replied, “Obamagate. it’s been going on for a long time. It’s a disgrace that it happened. And if you look at what’s gone on and if you look at now all of this information that’s being released, and from what I understand that’s only the beginning, some terrible things happened.”

Rucker asked to what specific crime he’s referencing, Trump said, “You know what the crime is, the crime is very obvious to everybody. All you have to do is read the newspapers, except yours.”

“You’ll be seeing what’s going on in the coming weeks,” he said. “I wish you’d write honestly about it.”

Imagine that, Trump is so stupid as to accuse a former President of a serious crime, but he can't define what it is.

No wonder his supporters avoid him. Now they should ask themselves a serious question. Why in the world am I supporting this idiot?
Don’t hijack the thread with your anti Trump diatribe.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous

The media wants everyone to focus on irrelevant things such as testing everyone, when tests are normally done on those who have symptoms, negative results doesn't matter at all, only those who SHOW symptoms does.

I never wanted to be tested when I am obviously healthy, why take the test when there are ZERO symptoms?

Too many Americans remain ignorant after 5 months of this test everyone bullshit. It is a waste of time and money for the medical system, who should focus on the sick.

Because you can be asymptomatic, and still be contagious. You didn't know that?

Gawad! the ignorance is astounding!

Asymptomatic patients had the flu bug and many other sicknesses without symptoms for DECADES,, yet they were not important for testing, until this China Virus comes along, suddenly everyone must be tested no matter what, the Medical system never advocate just the a couple of Trump advisors and the media, who attack him for not testing everyone.

There have been reports that possibly over 25=50 MILLION have already been infected, show no symptoms, not get sick. There has been NO explosion of China Virus sickness in recent weeks, it is doing down.

You have been trained well.

There is no current flu bug pandemic at this time. There is a Covid 19 pandemic at this time.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous
Are Pelosi and McConnell getting tested?

That would have been a good question to ask...
They aren't. Was in the news a few days ago.
So if they aren’t why would a random insurance agent in Dallas? Media asks dumb questions. I want deep data dive into the COVID deaths.
When they were told there weren't enough tests for every congress-critter but they could be tested they declined.

It was the right thing to do.
The Sweden model is the right one IMO
Originally Posted by Sandy Shanks View Post

Business Insider reports, "Katie Miller, Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary, has tested positive for the coronavirus.

"Miller is the wife of Stephen Miller, President Donald Trump's senior adviser and primary speechwriter. Her positive diagnosis raises the possibility that people close to the president have been exposed to the virus.

"After the White House said a staffer on Pence's team had tested positive, Trump said it was a "press person" named Katie. "She's a wonderful young woman, Katie," Trump said. "She tested very good for a long period of time, and then all of a sudden today she tested positive."

Katie Miller later confirmed that she had tested positive, adding that she was asymptomatic.

Business Insider continues, "White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller was on the front lines as President Donald Trump's administration butted heads with Democratic lawmakers over Trump's wishes for a $5-billion wall along the US-Mexico border.

"The 34-year-old was also identified as the driving force behind the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy that separated migrant children from their families at the southern border.

"He has been a rising star on the far right for years, often making headlines because of his polarizing demeanor and statements."

It goes without saying this grating man is very close to Trump. He can be characterized as Trump with a brain.

That was Friday.

At his press conference today Trump admitted that he hadn't seen Pence since Friday. Over the weekend Pence was absent at an important meeting in the White House. Pence, who chairs the coronavirus task force and has been at every task force briefing, was absent today from the task force briefing.

Trump was evasive about Pence, but he mumbled something about how he would talk to Pence on the phone.
Trump abruptly ended his Monday press conference after a contentious exchange in which he asked an Asian-American journalist to "ask China" about her question and then refused to take a query from another White House reporter.

“We have met the moment and we have prevailed,” Trump said at one point. Questioned by a reporter about the remark, Trump admitted, “You never prevail when you have 90,000 people, 100,000 people, when you have 80,000 people [dead] as of today. That’s not prevailing.” He later said he was referring to the amount of tests that have been administered.

Even that he wrong. Trump claimed that any American who wants to get tested can get a test. Adm. Brett Giroir, who is supervising the testing on the federal level, corrected the President. He said any American who needs to get tested can get a test. Trump repeated his lie after Giroir finished.

Leaving the most absurd for last, Trump accused a former President of a serious crime. Referring to his tweet on Sunday accusing Obama of “the biggest political crime in American history, by far,” Washington Post reporter Philip Rucker asked Trump, “What crime exactly are you accusing President Obama of committing and do you believe the Justice Department should prosecute him?”

Trump replied, “Obamagate. it’s been going on for a long time. It’s a disgrace that it happened. And if you look at what’s gone on and if you look at now all of this information that’s being released, and from what I understand that’s only the beginning, some terrible things happened.”

Rucker asked to what specific crime he’s referencing, Trump said, “You know what the crime is, the crime is very obvious to everybody. All you have to do is read the newspapers, except yours.”

“You’ll be seeing what’s going on in the coming weeks,” he said. “I wish you’d write honestly about it.”

Imagine that, Trump is so stupid as to accuse a former President of a serious crime, but he can't define what it is.

No wonder his supporters avoid him. Now they should ask themselves a serious question. Why in the world am I supporting this idiot?
Don’t hijack the thread with your anti Trump diatribe.

The thread title is "Trump Briefings -- Stupid Questions."

My post concerned the Trump briefing today and Trump's stupid answers to reporters' question.

Defend your hero. Don't rag on those who tell the truth.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media? Truly Ridiculous
Is this the best we have in terms of the Presidency? I believe that to be a better question.
No doubt Slo-Joe asked the best question:

Trump abruptly ended his Monday press conference after a contentious exchange in which he asked an Asian-American journalist to "ask China" about her question and then refused to take a query from another White House reporter.

“We have met the moment and we have prevailed,” Trump said at one point. Questioned by a reporter about the remark, Trump admitted, “You never prevail when you have 90,000 people, 100,000 people, when you have 80,000 people [dead] as of today. That’s not prevailing.” He later said he was referring to the amount of tests that have been administered.

Even that he wrong. Trump claimed that any American who wants to get tested can get a test. Adm. Brett Giroir, who is supervising the testing on the federal level, corrected the President. He said any American who needs to get tested can get a test. Trump repeated his lie after Giroir finished.

Leaving the most absurd for last, Trump accused a former President of a serious crime. Referring to his tweet on Sunday accusing Obama of “the biggest political crime in American history, by far,” Washington Post reporter Philip Rucker asked Trump, “What crime exactly are you accusing President Obama of committing and do you believe the Justice Department should prosecute him?”

Trump replied, “Obamagate. it’s been going on for a long time. It’s a disgrace that it happened. And if you look at what’s gone on and if you look at now all of this information that’s being released, and from what I understand that’s only the beginning, some terrible things happened.”

Rucker asked to what specific crime he’s referencing, Trump said, “You know what the crime is, the crime is very obvious to everybody. All you have to do is read the newspapers, except yours.”

“You’ll be seeing what’s going on in the coming weeks,” he said. “I wish you’d write honestly about it.”

Imagine that, Trump is so stupid as to accuse a former President of a serious crime, but he can't define what it is.

No wonder his supporters avoid him. Now they should ask themselves a serious question. Why in the world am I supporting this idiot?

Trump abruptly ended his Monday press conference after a contentious exchange in which he asked an Asian-American journalist to "ask China" about her question and then refused to take a query from another White House reporter.

“We have met the moment and we have prevailed,” Trump said at one point. Questioned by a reporter about the remark, Trump admitted, “You never prevail when you have 90,000 people, 100,000 people, when you have 80,000 people [dead] as of today. That’s not prevailing.” He later said he was referring to the amount of tests that have been administered.

Even that he wrong. Trump claimed that any American who wants to get tested can get a test. Adm. Brett Giroir, who is supervising the testing on the federal level, corrected the President. He said any American who needs to get tested can get a test. Trump repeated his lie after Giroir finished.

Leaving the most absurd for last, Trump accused a former President of a serious crime. Referring to his tweet on Sunday accusing Obama of “the biggest political crime in American history, by far,” Washington Post reporter Philip Rucker asked Trump, “What crime exactly are you accusing President Obama of committing and do you believe the Justice Department should prosecute him?”

Trump replied, “Obamagate. it’s been going on for a long time. It’s a disgrace that it happened. And if you look at what’s gone on and if you look at now all of this information that’s being released, and from what I understand that’s only the beginning, some terrible things happened.”

Rucker asked to what specific crime he’s referencing, Trump said, “You know what the crime is, the crime is very obvious to everybody. All you have to do is read the newspapers, except yours.”

“You’ll be seeing what’s going on in the coming weeks,” he said. “I wish you’d write honestly about it.”

Imagine that, Trump is so stupid as to accuse a former President of a serious crime, but he can't define what it is.

No wonder his supporters avoid him. Now they should ask themselves a serious question. Why in the world am I supporting this idiot?
Don’t hijack the thread with your anti Trump diatribe.

The thread title is "Trump Briefings -- Stupid Questions."

My post concerned the Trump briefing today and Trump's stupid answers to reporters' question.

Defend your hero. Don't rag on those who tell the truth.
Hero? I want better questions. You ask stupid questions you get stupid answers. Your post shows your TDS and that is beautiful that Tower that Trump built in your empty head, Leftist.
COVID-19 tests are available at one of the smallest health care clinics I have ever seen in a small town in southern KY I passed through yesterday.

It's a shame they aren't as available throughout the rest of the country.
Where aren’t they available?
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous

The media wants everyone to focus on irrelevant things such as testing everyone, when tests are normally done on those who have symptoms, negative results doesn't matter at all, only those who SHOW symptoms does.

I never wanted to be tested when I am obviously healthy, why take the test when there are ZERO symptoms?

Too many Americans remain ignorant after 5 months of this test everyone bullshit. It is a waste of time and money for the medical system, who should focus on the sick.

Because you can be asymptomatic, and still be contagious. You didn't know that?

Gawad! the ignorance is astounding!

Asymptomatic patients had the flu bug and many other sicknesses without symptoms for DECADES,, yet they were not important for testing, until this China Virus comes along, suddenly everyone must be tested no matter what, the Medical system never advocate just the a couple of Trump advisors and the media, who attack him for not testing everyone.

There have been reports that possibly over 25=50 MILLION have already been infected, show no symptoms, not get sick. There has been NO explosion of China Virus sickness in recent weeks, it is doing down.

You have been trained well.

There is no current flu bug pandemic at this time. There is a Covid 19 pandemic at this time.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous
Are Pelosi and McConnell getting tested?

That would have been a good question to ask...
They aren't. Was in the news a few days ago.
So if they aren’t why would a random insurance agent in Dallas? Media asks dumb questions. I want deep data dive into the COVID deaths.
When they were told there weren't enough tests for every congress-critter but they could be tested they declined.

It was the right thing to do.
There are plenty of tests but I am not sure that’s the end game. I believe in herd immunity and the model Sweden is following.

No. There aren't enough tests. Why do you think congress isn't being tested?
Trump abruptly ended his Monday press conference after a contentious exchange in which he asked an Asian-American journalist to "ask China" about her question and then refused to take a query from another White House reporter.

“We have met the moment and we have prevailed,” Trump said at one point. Questioned by a reporter about the remark, Trump admitted, “You never prevail when you have 90,000 people, 100,000 people, when you have 80,000 people [dead] as of today. That’s not prevailing.” He later said he was referring to the amount of tests that have been administered.

Even that he wrong. Trump claimed that any American who wants to get tested can get a test. Adm. Brett Giroir, who is supervising the testing on the federal level, corrected the President. He said any American who needs to get tested can get a test. Trump repeated his lie after Giroir finished.

Leaving the most absurd for last, Trump accused a former President of a serious crime. Referring to his tweet on Sunday accusing Obama of “the biggest political crime in American history, by far,” Washington Post reporter Philip Rucker asked Trump, “What crime exactly are you accusing President Obama of committing and do you believe the Justice Department should prosecute him?”

Trump replied, “Obamagate. it’s been going on for a long time. It’s a disgrace that it happened. And if you look at what’s gone on and if you look at now all of this information that’s being released, and from what I understand that’s only the beginning, some terrible things happened.”

Rucker asked to what specific crime he’s referencing, Trump said, “You know what the crime is, the crime is very obvious to everybody. All you have to do is read the newspapers, except yours.”

“You’ll be seeing what’s going on in the coming weeks,” he said. “I wish you’d write honestly about it.”

Imagine that, Trump is so stupid as to accuse a former President of a serious crime, but he can't define what it is.

No wonder his supporters avoid him. Now they should ask themselves a serious question. Why in the world am I supporting this idiot?
Don’t hijack the thread with your anti Trump diatribe.

The thread title is "Trump Briefings -- Stupid Questions."

My post concerned the Trump briefing today and Trump's stupid answers to reporters' question.

Defend your hero. Don't rag on those who tell the truth.

COVID-19 tests are available at one of the smallest health care clinics I have ever seen in a small town in southern KY I passed through yesterday.

It's a shame they aren't as available throughout the rest of the country.
Where aren’t they available?
View attachment 334973
Let’s see what they say tomorrow. Seems like there is a failure to communicate. It is a big undertaking but moving in the right direction.
Since we don't have a Press anymore, I think it would be reasonable to to suspend the White House Press briefings. They are worthless stooges for the Democrats. They can submit their "questions" online on Twitter or wherever. That way we would see the name of the idiot linked with the idiotic question.
Trump's emotional psychological breakdowns during his chaotic embarrassing falsehood filled loosely labeled "press briefings" have become so sad and immature he and his staff are now whining about the questions he is being asked. His weak and lame answers of insults and self-praise are now simply mocked and made fun of. It has driven him to the point of displaying himself as nothing more than an angry confused lying old man who has lost control of his wits.
Here is what the exchange looked like before he abruptly left.

Looks pretty childish to me. It wouldn't even have been a difficult question to answer.

As for the question about the accountant from Utah, Trump's words from over two months ago were "Anybody that wants a test can get a test. That's what the bottom line is." That was over two months ago. Is that true or is that a lie? I don't have a problem with the media asking the POTUS difficult questions.

My $0.02.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous

Is this the best we have in terms of the Presidency? I believe that to be a better question.

Trump angrily exits press conference after being challenged by female reporters.


The video is all of one minute, 31 seconds and very illuminating.

Trump fans, you don't want to watch it.


You dumbasses have never seen "angry" before.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous

The media wants everyone to focus on irrelevant things such as testing everyone, when tests are normally done on those who have symptoms, negative results doesn't matter at all, only those who SHOW symptoms does.

I never wanted to be tested when I am obviously healthy, why take the test when there are ZERO symptoms?

Too many Americans remain ignorant after 5 months of this test everyone bullshit. It is a waste of time and money for the medical system, who should focus on the sick.

Because you can be asymptomatic, and still be contagious. You didn't know that?

Gawad! the ignorance is astounding!

Asymptomatic patients had the flu bug and many other sicknesses without symptoms for DECADES,, yet they were not important for testing, until this China Virus comes along, suddenly everyone must be tested no matter what, the Medical system never advocate just the a couple of Trump advisors and the media, who attack him for not testing everyone.

There have been reports that possibly over 25=50 MILLION have already been infected, show no symptoms, not get sick. There has been NO explosion of China Virus sickness in recent weeks, it is doing down.

You have been trained well.

There is no current flu bug pandemic at this time. There is a Covid 19 pandemic at this time.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous
Are Pelosi and McConnell getting tested?

That would have been a good question to ask...
They aren't. Was in the news a few days ago.
So if they aren’t why would a random insurance agent in Dallas? Media asks dumb questions. I want deep data dive into the COVID deaths.
When they were told there weren't enough tests for every congress-critter but they could be tested they declined.

It was the right thing to do.
There are plenty of tests but I am not sure that’s the end game. I believe in herd immunity and the model Sweden is following.

No. There aren't enough tests. Why do you think congress isn't being tested?

It is a waste of time to test people who could become positive 5 minutes after the test is completed.
Is this the thread for posting about Trump being chased away from his press briefing? They, the threads, all seem to have been shut down.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous

The media wants everyone to focus on irrelevant things such as testing everyone, when tests are normally done on those who have symptoms, negative results doesn't matter at all, only those who SHOW symptoms does.

I never wanted to be tested when I am obviously healthy, why take the test when there are ZERO symptoms?

Too many Americans remain ignorant after 5 months of this test everyone bullshit. It is a waste of time and money for the medical system, who should focus on the sick.

Because you can be asymptomatic, and still be contagious. You didn't know that?

Gawad! the ignorance is astounding!

Asymptomatic patients had the flu bug and many other sicknesses without symptoms for DECADES,, yet they were not important for testing, until this China Virus comes along, suddenly everyone must be tested no matter what, the Medical system never advocate just the a couple of Trump advisors and the media, who attack him for not testing everyone.

There have been reports that possibly over 25=50 MILLION have already been infected, show no symptoms, not get sick. There has been NO explosion of China Virus sickness in recent weeks, it is doing down.

You have been trained well.

There is no current flu bug pandemic at this time. There is a Covid 19 pandemic at this time.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous
Are Pelosi and McConnell getting tested?

That would have been a good question to ask...
They aren't. Was in the news a few days ago.
So if they aren’t why would a random insurance agent in Dallas? Media asks dumb questions. I want deep data dive into the COVID deaths.
When they were told there weren't enough tests for every congress-critter but they could be tested they declined.

It was the right thing to do.
There are plenty of tests but I am not sure that’s the end game. I believe in herd immunity and the model Sweden is following.

No. There aren't enough tests. Why do you think congress isn't being tested?

It is a waste of time to test people who could become positive 5 minutes after the test is completed.
So, why is tRump being tested daily?
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous
Probably a lot of people like me. When they started advertising on local TV and radio in West Tennessee that anybody could now get tested without qualification and even private clinics trying to compete for testing, promising 2 day results, call us to schedule, I thought the disparity of availability of testing was over. Doesn't sound like it. I turned away, to watch reruns of Adam-12.
Your post doesn’t make any sense.
Reports probably wanting to get or keep the disparity of testing thing in the public awareness. They get paid to ask questions considered dumb by some, not interested, so others can be aware of known or unknown problems.
Look at my sample questions. Be honest. Mine are better?
I liked 3 through 5. 1 and 2 should have been covered by a FOX or OAN reporter, assuming they have people in the rotation, as he can call on anyone he likes. I don't know about the payment from other countries. Surly, they are. Last I heard masks and ventilators had to be purchased through an approved medical supply distributor right here in this country, by our own hospitals. Like Pence said at an earlier daily briefing along with the sturgeon general "the administration is not here to interfere with or bypass the normal for profit supply chain to distribute directly to the hospitals". So it makes sense, we souldn't be turning other countries on to them for free, but who knows? Which makes it a good question
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous

The media wants everyone to focus on irrelevant things such as testing everyone, when tests are normally done on those who have symptoms, negative results doesn't matter at all, only those who SHOW symptoms does.

I never wanted to be tested when I am obviously healthy, why take the test when there are ZERO symptoms?

Too many Americans remain ignorant after 5 months of this test everyone bullshit. It is a waste of time and money for the medical system, who should focus on the sick.

Because you can be asymptomatic, and still be contagious. You didn't know that?

Gawad! the ignorance is astounding!

Asymptomatic patients had the flu bug and many other sicknesses without symptoms for DECADES,, yet they were not important for testing, until this China Virus comes along, suddenly everyone must be tested no matter what, the Medical system never advocate just the a couple of Trump advisors and the media, who attack him for not testing everyone.

There have been reports that possibly over 25=50 MILLION have already been infected, show no symptoms, not get sick. There has been NO explosion of China Virus sickness in recent weeks, it is doing down.

You have been trained well.

There is no current flu bug pandemic at this time. There is a Covid 19 pandemic at this time.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous
Are Pelosi and McConnell getting tested?

That would have been a good question to ask...
They aren't. Was in the news a few days ago.
So if they aren’t why would a random insurance agent in Dallas? Media asks dumb questions. I want deep data dive into the COVID deaths.
When they were told there weren't enough tests for every congress-critter but they could be tested they declined.

It was the right thing to do.
There are plenty of tests but I am not sure that’s the end game. I believe in herd immunity and the model Sweden is following.

No. There aren't enough tests. Why do you think congress isn't being tested?

It is a waste of time to test people who could become positive 5 minutes after the test is completed.
So, why is tRump being tested daily?
Because he is the President of the United States. Same reason he has security detail trained to take bullets for him.

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