Trump bragged that his tower withstood a fire — silent about lack of sprinklers


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Trump bragged that his tower withstood a fire — but has been silent about the man who died in it

I guess the thought that he was against something that may have saved a life...escapes him?

Billionaire too cheap to install sprinklers.

"After the fire, Trump’s former opposition to a law requiring sprinklers in residential high-rise buildings came under scrutiny. In the 1990s and early 2000s, Trump lobbied against a bill that would have required sprinklers to be installed in all residential buildings in New York, backing down only after existing buildings such as his own were allowed to be grandfathered in, the New York Daily News reported.

On Saturday, Nigro confirmed to reporters to that no sprinklers were in place in the upper residential floors of Trump Tower, where the fire broke out.

Several residents also spoke of the fear and chaos that erupted after they realized their building was on fire.

“It was a very horrible experience . . . there was no evacuation system in place . . . we were at a loss of what to do. I almost fainted. I thought we would die,” Lalitha Mason, who lives on the 36th floor of Trump Tower, told the New York Post. “My husband is disabled and we were helpless. All we could do is put wet towels under the door and pray.”"

For the president, however, the fire seemed first a chance to boast of the construction quality of Trump Tower on Twitter, his preferred method of communicating with the public.

“Very confined (well built building),” Trump tweeted Saturday, about an hour after the fire broke out. “Firemen (and women) did a great job. THANK YOU!”

Fire at Trump Tower is out. Very confined (well built building). Firemen (and women) did a great job. THANK YOU!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 7, 2018
Trump also declared that the fire had been extinguished — before it actually had been.

The fire was still not considered to be under control then because of smoke conditions above the 50th floor, Nigro said Saturday. It was brought under control shortly before 8 p.m. Saturday, about an hour after Trump’s tweet, fire officials said.

“This was a very difficult fire. As you can imagine, the apartment is quite large; we are 50 stories up,” Nigro said. “The rest of the building had a considerable amount of smoke.”

Though Trump thanked the “firemen (and women)” who responded to the blaze, his tweet made no mention of those who had suffered injuries.

At the time, the resident who had been pulled from his burning Trump Tower apartment was listed in critical condition, and officials initially said four firefighters suffered minor injuries.

Officials later announced that the Trump Tower resident had died at Mount Sinai Hospital and identified him as 67-year-old Todd Brassner, who lived in unit 50C. They also revised the count of injured firefighters from four to six.

Nevertheless, Trump’s Saturday evening tweet has remained the only comment he has made regarding the fire in his building, where he keeps an office and a residence. The White House said Saturday that the first family was not in New York when the fire broke out.

On Sunday morning, Trump posted about a half-dozen tweets on a variety of subjects, including the “rigged” investigation into Hillary Clinton and how he and Chinese President Xi Jinping would “always be friends, no matter what happens with our dispute on trade.” But he has not revisited the Trump Tower fire, even after news of Brassner’s death.
This is the kind of outrage that makes the left look stupid and desperate.
This is the kind of outrage that makes the left look stupid and desperate.
Sheesh! It's just a post..meant to inform...oddly enough, your kind never responds to the facts...just shits on the info..and then moves on.

Trump is a cheap bastard that cares nothing for others...I'm not outraged...because this is exactly what I expect from him.That does not make me a leftist..that makes me a realist.
oddly enough, your kind...

I'm one of a kind, bitch; unlike the droves of partisan hacks that populate this forum. The facts are that an old man died in a building fire. Trying to blame it on Trump is weak as fuck. You don't even know that sprinklers would have saved him. I'm not a Trump supporter. I just have a low tolerance for weak ass bullshit.
Trump bragged that his tower withstood a fire — but has been silent about the man who died in it

I guess the thought that he was against something that may have saved a life...escapes him?

Billionaire too cheap to install sprinklers.

"After the fire, Trump’s former opposition to a law requiring sprinklers in residential high-rise buildings came under scrutiny. In the 1990s and early 2000s, Trump lobbied against a bill that would have required sprinklers to be installed in all residential buildings in New York, backing down only after existing buildings such as his own were allowed to be grandfathered in, the New York Daily News reported.

On Saturday, Nigro confirmed to reporters to that no sprinklers were in place in the upper residential floors of Trump Tower, where the fire broke out.

Several residents also spoke of the fear and chaos that erupted after they realized their building was on fire.

“It was a very horrible experience . . . there was no evacuation system in place . . . we were at a loss of what to do. I almost fainted. I thought we would die,” Lalitha Mason, who lives on the 36th floor of Trump Tower, told the New York Post. “My husband is disabled and we were helpless. All we could do is put wet towels under the door and pray.”"

For the president, however, the fire seemed first a chance to boast of the construction quality of Trump Tower on Twitter, his preferred method of communicating with the public.

“Very confined (well built building),” Trump tweeted Saturday, about an hour after the fire broke out. “Firemen (and women) did a great job. THANK YOU!”

Fire at Trump Tower is out. Very confined (well built building). Firemen (and women) did a great job. THANK YOU!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 7, 2018
Trump also declared that the fire had been extinguished — before it actually had been.

The fire was still not considered to be under control then because of smoke conditions above the 50th floor, Nigro said Saturday. It was brought under control shortly before 8 p.m. Saturday, about an hour after Trump’s tweet, fire officials said.

“This was a very difficult fire. As you can imagine, the apartment is quite large; we are 50 stories up,” Nigro said. “The rest of the building had a considerable amount of smoke.”

Though Trump thanked the “firemen (and women)” who responded to the blaze, his tweet made no mention of those who had suffered injuries.

At the time, the resident who had been pulled from his burning Trump Tower apartment was listed in critical condition, and officials initially said four firefighters suffered minor injuries.

Officials later announced that the Trump Tower resident had died at Mount Sinai Hospital and identified him as 67-year-old Todd Brassner, who lived in unit 50C. They also revised the count of injured firefighters from four to six.

Nevertheless, Trump’s Saturday evening tweet has remained the only comment he has made regarding the fire in his building, where he keeps an office and a residence. The White House said Saturday that the first family was not in New York when the fire broke out.

On Sunday morning, Trump posted about a half-dozen tweets on a variety of subjects, including the “rigged” investigation into Hillary Clinton and how he and Chinese President Xi Jinping would “always be friends, no matter what happens with our dispute on trade.” But he has not revisited the Trump Tower fire, even after news of Brassner’s death.


oddly enough, your kind...

I'm one of a kind, bitch; unlike the droves of partisan hacks that populate this forum. The facts are that an old man died in a building fire. Trying to blame it on Trump is weak as fuck. You don't even know that sprinklers would have saved him. I'm not a Trump supporter. I just have a low tolerance for weak ass bullshit.
Must be hard..having to sneak up in the mirror...with the low tolerance and all. I find you banal..and pretty much the same as all the other cookie cutter assholes who never are able to respond to a post without casting it in their political mold...and ignoring any inconvenient fought sprinklers for his building..that's a fact smegma lips...and it speaks to his character..not that most of us need any confirmation as to that!

The sprinklers might have saved him..argue that..idiot.

As for not being a Trump your posting record...and try to say THAT with a straight face...Lol!

BTW...those who cut out pieces of posts to respond to them..are intellectually dishonest...and define the term hacks.
When I owned rental properties, mostly single houses but a few duplexes, I offered to install sprinklers if the tenants would agree to a $2/month rent increase. A figure that would cover the installation costs in about 2,500 months. For you mathematically challenged liberals, that's 208 years, 4 months. Not really expecting any tenant to stay that long nor even to own any of the properties that long. Point was, did they want sprinklers enough to put a tiny bit of skin in the game.

One tenant did. She was 83 years old at the time and valued every minute she had left. Her unit got a very high grade sprinkler system installed very quickly. The others? A few didn't want the mess of the installation; most objected to paying $24 more per years (libs: $2 per month times 12 months in a year = $24).

The others failed to see ANY value in sprinklers so I simply honored their wishes. Over the years one of the houses had a fire. A grease fire on the stove which would have been made worse by sprinklers. But the dumb shit living there tried to throw the flaming pan out a closed window so there was more damage than there should have been. Most of it to his clothing but enough skin damage to make him smart. Smart as in suffer a little pain - not to increase intelligence. Could have saved his skin had he put a tiny bit in the game.
When I owned rental properties, mostly single houses but a few duplexes, I offered to install sprinklers if the tenants would agree to a $2/month rent increase. A figure that would cover the installation costs in about 2,500 months. For you mathematically challenged liberals, that's 208 years, 4 months. Not really expecting any tenant to stay that long nor even to own any of the properties that long. Point was, did they want sprinklers enough to put a tiny bit of skin in the game.

One tenant did. She was 83 years old at the time and valued every minute she had left. Her unit got a very high grade sprinkler system installed very quickly. The others? A few didn't want the mess of the installation; most objected to paying $24 more per years (libs: $2 per month times 12 months in a year = $24).

The others failed to see ANY value in sprinklers so I simply honored their wishes. Over the years one of the houses had a fire. A grease fire on the stove which would have been made worse by sprinklers. But the dumb shit living there tried to throw the flaming pan out a closed window so there was more damage than there should have been. Most of it to his clothing but enough skin damage to make him smart. Smart as in suffer a little pain - not to increase intelligence. Could have saved his skin had he put a tiny bit in the game.
Nice story..this has what to do with the OP?
Nice story..this has what to do with the OP?

Oh dear, feeling triggered with that reading comprehension issue?

But I'll spell it out for hopes you'll find an adult to sound out the words for you:

In places where building codes do not require sprinklers they are not installed because of the costs that would price the property - or the rent for it - out of reach for many possible tenants. Of course since you Democrats prefer people living in cardboard boxes on the street that may not make a whole lot of sense. The cost factor is reinforced by the number of tenants who would prefer not to have their lives disrupted by the mess of a post-construction (that means after the place was built and has been occupied) installation.

Oh.....that IS complicated!

Perhaps you can find a conservative who doesn't run from your antics to sound out the words?

OK, maybe not.......
I'm one of a kind, bitch
hahahah ... uh, no, you are not. You are far from one of a kind, and you are often of the intellectually laziest kind:

"I say everything sucks, therefore I can never be wrong about anything."

Lazy as lazy gets. No offense.
Nice story..this has what to do with the OP?

Oh dear, feeling triggered with that reading comprehension issue?

But I'll spell it out for hopes you'll find an adult to sound out the words for you:

In places where building codes do not require sprinklers they are not installed because of the costs that would price the property - or the rent for it - out of reach for many possible tenants. Of course since you Democrats prefer people living in cardboard boxes on the street that may not make a whole lot of sense. The cost factor is reinforced by the number of tenants who would prefer not to have their lives disrupted by the mess of a post-construction (that means after the place was built and has been occupied) installation.

Oh.....that IS complicated!

Perhaps you can find a conservative who doesn't run from your antics to sound out the words?

OK, maybe not.......
LoL! people are idiots. so..let me..spell it out for you...

I'm not a Republican..until 2 years ago..guess what changed?

Had you actually read the article..which I doubt..most of you regs never'd have noted that the issue was that New York City made it mandatory for ALL high-rises to have sprinklers..Trump fought that law until the city caved and grandfathered Trump's buildings in. Thus, the rent...was not an issue..the expense for Trump to comply to the proposed code change was. As those who would be in the market for an apt. in Trump's building would probably not care about rent costs--I doubt your 'cardboard box' analogy would hold water. Trump is a billionaire..or so the rumor is...the way he runs from petty expenses would make one wonder...nonetheless..I guess the concept of spending some money..because it's the right thing to do...escapes both him and you.

But in your little world that believes that a person's political affiliation has something to do with their matters little to are not living up to the hype.

I'll give you a clue...assumptions are for mediocre minds--that can't hack the nuances of higher functioning.
Trump bragged that his tower withstood a fire — but has been silent about the man who died in it

I guess the thought that he was against something that may have saved a life...escapes him?

Billionaire too cheap to install sprinklers.

"After the fire, Trump’s former opposition to a law requiring sprinklers in residential high-rise buildings came under scrutiny. In the 1990s and early 2000s, Trump lobbied against a bill that would have required sprinklers to be installed in all residential buildings in New York, backing down only after existing buildings such as his own were allowed to be grandfathered in, the New York Daily News reported.

On Saturday, Nigro confirmed to reporters to that no sprinklers were in place in the upper residential floors of Trump Tower, where the fire broke out.

Several residents also spoke of the fear and chaos that erupted after they realized their building was on fire.

“It was a very horrible experience . . . there was no evacuation system in place . . . we were at a loss of what to do. I almost fainted. I thought we would die,” Lalitha Mason, who lives on the 36th floor of Trump Tower, told the New York Post. “My husband is disabled and we were helpless. All we could do is put wet towels under the door and pray.”"

For the president, however, the fire seemed first a chance to boast of the construction quality of Trump Tower on Twitter, his preferred method of communicating with the public.

“Very confined (well built building),” Trump tweeted Saturday, about an hour after the fire broke out. “Firemen (and women) did a great job. THANK YOU!”

Fire at Trump Tower is out. Very confined (well built building). Firemen (and women) did a great job. THANK YOU!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 7, 2018
Trump also declared that the fire had been extinguished — before it actually had been.

The fire was still not considered to be under control then because of smoke conditions above the 50th floor, Nigro said Saturday. It was brought under control shortly before 8 p.m. Saturday, about an hour after Trump’s tweet, fire officials said.

“This was a very difficult fire. As you can imagine, the apartment is quite large; we are 50 stories up,” Nigro said. “The rest of the building had a considerable amount of smoke.”

Though Trump thanked the “firemen (and women)” who responded to the blaze, his tweet made no mention of those who had suffered injuries.

At the time, the resident who had been pulled from his burning Trump Tower apartment was listed in critical condition, and officials initially said four firefighters suffered minor injuries.

Officials later announced that the Trump Tower resident had died at Mount Sinai Hospital and identified him as 67-year-old Todd Brassner, who lived in unit 50C. They also revised the count of injured firefighters from four to six.

Nevertheless, Trump’s Saturday evening tweet has remained the only comment he has made regarding the fire in his building, where he keeps an office and a residence. The White House said Saturday that the first family was not in New York when the fire broke out.

On Sunday morning, Trump posted about a half-dozen tweets on a variety of subjects, including the “rigged” investigation into Hillary Clinton and how he and Chinese President Xi Jinping would “always be friends, no matter what happens with our dispute on trade.” But he has not revisited the Trump Tower fire, even after news of Brassner’s death.
Trump bragged that his tower withstood a fire — but has been silent about the man who died in it
I haven't been following that event.

Did Trump not so much as offer condolences to the man's loved ones and friends? WTH? I guess his "thoughts and prayers" are reserved for victims of politically opportune events, victims of mass shootings....

Why am I not surprised? It's clear that Trump hasn't an iota of empathy....

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