Trump bemoans lack of immigrants from majority-white countries to the US

A lie spewed by moron Dem sheeple - According to data from the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, crime rates in the city exponentially increased last year from 2022. Homicides, for example, increased by nearly 35%, while robberies were up 67%. Violent crime as a whole shot up by almost 40% in 2023 compared to the previousloathing?

There seems to be this odd coincidence aligning Dem / Marxist ideology of a protected criminal class with out of control crime rates.
Jesus MAGA invincible ignorance gets old quickly. Taking one city for the nation.

Too much for me.
Shut up dummy. Crime is running rampant across the nation. That shit stain Dem POS assholes refuse to prosecute the crimes and set the criminals free, thereby massively under reporting crime in government data doesn't mean crime has gone down. You lowlife scum are not fooling the American citizens.
Yet you are the one to have fixated on race, you absolute fuckwit, whilst I have talked nationalities.
Nope. Wrong again, Simp.

The OP brought up race. I’m discussing the subject of the thread you raving lunatic.
Do you know anything?

Originally an apolitical character, Pepe was appropriated from 2015 to 2016 onward as a symbol of the alt-right movement.[7][8][9] The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) included Pepe in its hate symbol database in 2016, but said most instances of Pepe were not used in a hate-related context.[10][11] Since then, Furie has expressed his dismay at Pepe being used as a hate symbol and has sued organizations for doing so.[12]

Nothing to do with my post.

Do you dress in black face?
There seems to be this odd coincidence aligning Dem / Marxist ideology of a protected criminal class with out of control crime rates.
FACT! When even their leader in the White House himself is a criminal tells you everything you need to know about Democrats. Bribery, extortion, money laundering, tax evasion that's their dear leader. :oops:

“And when I said, you know, ‘Why can’t we allow people to come in from nice countries,’ I’m trying to be nice. Nice countries, you know like Denmark, Switzerland? Do we have any people coming in from Denmark? How about Switzerland? How about Norway?”

Well how can he make it clearer ? Surely this is the Cheif Cyclops who can unite White America ?
These darkies are everywhere. Rapists, murderers and in TV ads.

Prez Trump is right to highlight this threat to Whire America.
But will he act on this or is it just something he says because it appeals to all America ?
How many black members of the British Royal Family are there?



Maybe they should start breeding outside their own bloodlines.
Do you know anything?

Originally an apolitical character, Pepe was appropriated from 2015 to 2016 onward as a symbol of the alt-right movement.[7][8][9] The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) included Pepe in its hate symbol database in 2016, but said most instances of Pepe were not used in a hate-related context.[10][11] Since then, Furie has expressed his dismay at Pepe being used as a hate symbol and has sued organizations for doing so.[12]
The original 4Chan gaslighting that you shitlibs fell for!...OMG!....ROFLMFAO!!! :rofl:
Shut up dummy. Crime is running rampant across the nation. That shit stain Dem POS assholes refuse to prosecute the crimes and set the criminals free, thereby massively under reporting crime in government data doesn't mean crime has gone down. You lowlife scum are not fooling the American citizens.

Tell us about your personal experiences with this running rampant crime.

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