Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

How sick is it that we can no longer say our POW/MIA/KIA are American heroes for what they went through.

HOW DO YOU KNOW what every POW went through? I said nothing of the missing or the dead. They were doing the job they signed up for. They knew the risk. Not every POW is treated like that! They were captured. It wasn't their choice. It wasn't an act of bravery. If they were as hero, what are you going to call the real heroes who go beyond the call of duty by choice, risk life and limb, die to save other lives? People like Audie Murphy. And if they are a hero, then what about cops? Firemen? Other people who suffer and die in the service of their country that weren't in the military?

They give medals for these things. It's always a sad and unfortunate thing. War is never good. But as soon as you succumb to political correctness and start calling EVERYONE a hero, then NO ONE becomes a hero. The word "hero" becomes about as meaningless as Obama made getting a Nobel Prize.

Fuck off with your POWs aren't American Hero's BS. Yes. Every time McCain flew over enemy territory knowing the North vietnamise were trying to kill him that was an act of BRAVERY

You talk about risking all to save lives. Why did McCain get his first Purple Heart? Oh yeah, trying to save another pilot rather than seeking cover.

Fuck off. I get your anti-American sentiment. Your hatred at POWs being honored.

I don't care if it's "politically correct" to salute those warriors who fought , were tortured, who risked their lives for America. But that's me.

He has no idea what the phrase, "Going Downtown" means.
John McTumor wasn’t in WW2. And yes, he was a loser. He only made it through the naval academy because of who his daddy was. He only got sent out on an aircraft carrier because of who his daddy was. The only thing more gross then Trump continuing to bang of the piece of shit are you libtards trying to hold McTumor up as some type of hero when just a few years ago you were posting what a racist dog he was.
McCain retired from the Navy as a captain on April 1, 1981. ... His numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal.
So these are the regular decorations for a soldier? Remind me how many soldiers receive a bronze star on average? Let alone three. Let alone a silver star. Let alone all the other medals.

He got all those medals because of his daddy, and the cofactors he was a POW. John McTumor was just a little rich kid who got where he was because his daddy helped him. He had a long history of sending other people’s family off to die while he sheltered his chubby, useless little offspring. McTumor was garbage and the world is a better place with him dead. Hope it’s really hot in hell for him.
Sure that's how medals work. The only thing you need to do is have a good daddy. Crixus I don't spend time on idiots. You sir are an idiot.

Yet here you are. Is John Kerry a hero to moron? I’ll tell you what medals in the military are, they are like a buck fifty at the PX. McTumar was a plonker and a piece of shit. Hope he is getting spit roasted in hell.

Absolutely. Three purple hearts... Received a silver star for saving the lives of his fellow men on his boat by rushing enemy soldiers on foot while wounded, and a bronze star for diving in the water after being wounded another time to save a Green beret's life while under fire.

People are alive with families today because of what he did.

I guess if you are a commie he wasn't a hero to you. I don't agree with all of his politics. But clearly a hero.

What you report is factual but there is more to it. Kerry was supposed to be mid stream. But he would take it close to the shore where it would draw fire. Then he would jump on the Mah Duece and chew up the jungle. If anyone was still alive on shore. The time he jumped on the shore after an enemy, the enemy was wounded by the 50 cal but returned fire, wounding Kerry. Kerry took him out with an M-16. You can never say Kerry was a coward. He was deemed a loose cannon though. He was a bullet magnet. As tradition has it, you get 3 silvers/bronze/purples you get a desk job either as a reward to save your life or as a way to get your bullet magnet out of action. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER stand too close to a bullet magnet.
Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

He takes his feud with the Arizona senator to a new level.


07/18/2015 12:22 PM EDT

Updated 07/19/2015 09:39 AM EDT

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

View attachment 263103



Two emaciated American civilians, Lee Rogers left and John C. Todd, sit outside a gym which had been used as a Japanese prison camp following their release by Allied forces liberating the city.Philippines,1945

Dramatic Photos - San Thomas Prison Liberation
tramp is a loser.

John McTumor wasn’t in WW2. And yes, he was a loser. He only made it through the naval academy because of who his daddy was. He only got sent out on an aircraft carrier because of who his daddy was. The only thing more gross then Trump continuing to bang of the piece of shit are you libtards trying to hold McTumor up as some type of hero when just a few years ago you were posting what a racist dog he was.
McCain retired from the Navy as a captain on April 1, 1981. ... His numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal.
So these are the regular decorations for a soldier? Remind me how many soldiers receive a bronze star on average? Let alone three. Let alone a silver star. Let alone all the other medals.
McCain's old man was an Admiral and McCain's career wasn't exactly distinguished until he was shot down.

Ok. I mean a purple heart trying to save another pilot from a fire. Bronze star. Multiple citations for performing accurate bombing runs against Hanoi in the heart of North Vietnam.

And then of course the bombing run where his plane was shot, as he was trying to take out Hanois power plant, and put ordinance on target, before being forced to bail, where he was crippled and tortured as a POW for over 5 years.

Yes his dad was an admiral. When northern Vietnamese found that out, they put him in solitary confinement for two entire years. Then told him that he would be released, which he turned down because other non officers hadn't been released and how it might look bad that he was getting preferential treatment because of his father.

Definitely a military hero. If you take a bayonet to the crotch by the enemy you are a hero lol.

Again, I get the Hanoi Jane hatred for those soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines in Vietnam. I just won't agree with them and their anti veteran stances.
Last edited:
Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

He takes his feud with the Arizona senator to a new level.


07/18/2015 12:22 PM EDT

Updated 07/19/2015 09:39 AM EDT

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

View attachment 263103



Two emaciated American civilians, Lee Rogers left and John C. Todd, sit outside a gym which had been used as a Japanese prison camp following their release by Allied forces liberating the city.Philippines,1945

Dramatic Photos - San Thomas Prison Liberation
tramp is a loser.

John McTumor wasn’t in WW2. And yes, he was a loser. He only made it through the naval academy because of who his daddy was. He only got sent out on an aircraft carrier because of who his daddy was. The only thing more gross then Trump continuing to bang of the piece of shit are you libtards trying to hold McTumor up as some type of hero when just a few years ago you were posting what a racist dog he was.
McCain retired from the Navy as a captain on April 1, 1981. ... His numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal.
So these are the regular decorations for a soldier? Remind me how many soldiers receive a bronze star on average? Let alone three. Let alone a silver star. Let alone all the other medals.
McCain's old man was an Admiral and McCain's career wasn't exactly distinguished until he was shot down.

Ok. I mean a purple heart trying to save another pilot from a fire. Bronze star. Multiple citations for performing accurate bombing runs against Hanoi in the heart of North Vietnam.

And then of course the bombing run where his plane was shot, continued and put ordinance on target, before being forced to bail, where he was crippled and tortured as a POW for over 5 years.

Yes his dad was an admiral. When northern Vietnamese found that out, they put him in solitary confinement for two entire years. Then told him that he would be released, which he turned down because other non officers hadn't been released and how it might look bad that he was getting preferential treatment because of his father.

Definitely a military hero.

Yup. Definitely a fanboy.
Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

He takes his feud with the Arizona senator to a new level.


07/18/2015 12:22 PM EDT

Updated 07/19/2015 09:39 AM EDT

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

View attachment 263103



Two emaciated American civilians, Lee Rogers left and John C. Todd, sit outside a gym which had been used as a Japanese prison camp following their release by Allied forces liberating the city.Philippines,1945

Dramatic Photos - San Thomas Prison Liberation
tramp is a loser.

John McTumor wasn’t in WW2. And yes, he was a loser. He only made it through the naval academy because of who his daddy was. He only got sent out on an aircraft carrier because of who his daddy was. The only thing more gross then Trump continuing to bang of the piece of shit are you libtards trying to hold McTumor up as some type of hero when just a few years ago you were posting what a racist dog he was.
McCain retired from the Navy as a captain on April 1, 1981. ... His numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal.
So these are the regular decorations for a soldier? Remind me how many soldiers receive a bronze star on average? Let alone three. Let alone a silver star. Let alone all the other medals.
McCain's old man was an Admiral and McCain's career wasn't exactly distinguished until he was shot down.

Ok. I mean a purple heart trying to save another pilot from a fire. Bronze star. Multiple citations for performing accurate bombing runs against Hanoi in the heart of North Vietnam.

And then of course the bombing run where his plane was shot, as he was trying to take out Hanois power plant, and put ordinance on target, before being forced to bail, where he was crippled and tortured as a POW for over 5 years.

Yes his dad was an admiral. When northern Vietnamese found that out, they put him in solitary confinement for two entire years. Then told him that he would be released, which he turned down because other non officers hadn't been released and how it might look bad that he was getting preferential treatment because of his father.

Definitely a military hero. If you take a bayonet to the crotch by the enemy you are a hero lol.

Again, I get the Hanoi Jane hatred for those soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines in Vietnam. I just won't agree with them and their anti veteran stances.

Who backs his accounts? His daddy’s buds. Fuck the trash. Much better men served. McTumor did nothing extraordinary other then have a rich daddy who was an admiral.
McCain retired from the Navy as a captain on April 1, 1981. ... His numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal.
So these are the regular decorations for a soldier? Remind me how many soldiers receive a bronze star on average? Let alone three. Let alone a silver star. Let alone all the other medals.

He got all those medals because of his daddy, and the cofactors he was a POW. John McTumor was just a little rich kid who got where he was because his daddy helped him. He had a long history of sending other people’s family off to die while he sheltered his chubby, useless little offspring. McTumor was garbage and the world is a better place with him dead. Hope it’s really hot in hell for him.
Sure that's how medals work. The only thing you need to do is have a good daddy. Crixus I don't spend time on idiots. You sir are an idiot.

Yet here you are. Is John Kerry a hero to moron? I’ll tell you what medals in the military are, they are like a buck fifty at the PX. McTumar was a plonker and a piece of shit. Hope he is getting spit roasted in hell.

Absolutely. Three purple hearts... Received a silver star for saving the lives of his fellow men on his boat by rushing enemy soldiers on foot while wounded, and a bronze star for diving in the water after being wounded another time to save a Green beret's life while under fire.

People are alive with families today because of what he did.

I guess if you are a commie he wasn't a hero to you. I don't agree with all of his politics. But clearly a hero.

What you report is factual but there is more to it. Kerry was supposed to be mid stream. But he would take it close to the shore where it would draw fire. Then he would jump on the Mah Duece and chew up the jungle. If anyone was still alive on shore. The time he jumped on the shore after an enemy, the enemy was wounded by the 50 cal but returned fire, wounding Kerry. Kerry took him out with an M-16. You can never say Kerry was a coward. He was deemed a loose cannon though. He was a bullet magnet. As tradition has it, you get 3 silvers/bronze/purples you get a desk job either as a reward to save your life or as a way to get your bullet magnet out of action. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER stand too close to a bullet magnet.
Nobody wants to pick apart a Veteran's service but when the service is part of a phony political agenda all bets are off. At least one of Kerry's Hearts was self inflicted when he threw a grenade into a cache of V.C. rice (or some poor village's rice stash) and got a chunk of rice in his ass. The other Heart was a band aid wound to the finger from a mine that went off.
Last edited:
Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

He takes his feud with the Arizona senator to a new level.


07/18/2015 12:22 PM EDT

Updated 07/19/2015 09:39 AM EDT

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

View attachment 263103



Two emaciated American civilians, Lee Rogers left and John C. Todd, sit outside a gym which had been used as a Japanese prison camp following their release by Allied forces liberating the city.Philippines,1945

Dramatic Photos - San Thomas Prison Liberation
tramp is a loser.

John McTumor wasn’t in WW2. And yes, he was a loser. He only made it through the naval academy because of who his daddy was. He only got sent out on an aircraft carrier because of who his daddy was. The only thing more gross then Trump continuing to bang of the piece of shit are you libtards trying to hold McTumor up as some type of hero when just a few years ago you were posting what a racist dog he was.
McCain retired from the Navy as a captain on April 1, 1981. ... His numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal.
So these are the regular decorations for a soldier? Remind me how many soldiers receive a bronze star on average? Let alone three. Let alone a silver star. Let alone all the other medals.
McCain's old man was an Admiral and McCain's career wasn't exactly distinguished until he was shot down.

Ok. I mean a purple heart trying to save another pilot from a fire. Bronze star. Multiple citations for performing accurate bombing runs against Hanoi in the heart of North Vietnam.

And then of course the bombing run where his plane was shot, as he was trying to take out Hanois power plant, and put ordinance on target, before being forced to bail, where he was crippled and tortured as a POW for over 5 years.

Yes his dad was an admiral. When northern Vietnamese found that out, they put him in solitary confinement for two entire years. Then told him that he would be released, which he turned down because other non officers hadn't been released and how it might look bad that he was getting preferential treatment because of his father.

Definitely a military hero. If you take a bayonet to the crotch by the enemy you are a hero lol.

Again, I get the Hanoi Jane hatred for those soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines in Vietnam. I just won't agree with them and their anti veteran stances.

Who backs his accounts? His daddy’s buds. Fuck the trash. Much better men served. McTumor did nothing extraordinary other then have a rich daddy who was an admiral.
He got all those medals because of his daddy, and the cofactors he was a POW. John McTumor was just a little rich kid who got where he was because his daddy helped him. He had a long history of sending other people’s family off to die while he sheltered his chubby, useless little offspring. McTumor was garbage and the world is a better place with him dead. Hope it’s really hot in hell for him.
Sure that's how medals work. The only thing you need to do is have a good daddy. Crixus I don't spend time on idiots. You sir are an idiot.

Yet here you are. Is John Kerry a hero to moron? I’ll tell you what medals in the military are, they are like a buck fifty at the PX. McTumar was a plonker and a piece of shit. Hope he is getting spit roasted in hell.

Absolutely. Three purple hearts... Received a silver star for saving the lives of his fellow men on his boat by rushing enemy soldiers on foot while wounded, and a bronze star for diving in the water after being wounded another time to save a Green beret's life while under fire.

People are alive with families today because of what he did.

I guess if you are a commie he wasn't a hero to you. I don't agree with all of his politics. But clearly a hero.

What you report is factual but there is more to it. Kerry was supposed to be mid stream. But he would take it close to the shore where it would draw fire. Then he would jump on the Mah Duece and chew up the jungle. If anyone was still alive on shore. The time he jumped on the shore after an enemy, the enemy was wounded by the 50 cal but returned fire, wounding Kerry. Kerry took him out with an M-16. You can never say Kerry was a coward. He was deemed a loose cannon though. He was a bullet magnet. As tradition has it, you get 3 silvers/bronze/purples you get a desk job either as a reward to save your life or as a way to get your bullet magnet out of action. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER stand too close to a bullet magnet.
Nobody wants to pick apart a Veteran's service but when the service is part of a phony political agenda all bets are off. At least one of Kerry's Hearts was self inflicted when he threw a grenade into a cache of V.C. rice (or some poor village's rice stash) and got a chunk of rice in his ass. The other Heart was a band aid wound to the finger from a mine that went off.

Unless you put it out there like Bloomenthall and Kerry did.
He got all those medals because of his daddy, and the cofactors he was a POW. John McTumor was just a little rich kid who got where he was because his daddy helped him. He had a long history of sending other people’s family off to die while he sheltered his chubby, useless little offspring. McTumor was garbage and the world is a better place with him dead. Hope it’s really hot in hell for him.
Sure that's how medals work. The only thing you need to do is have a good daddy. Crixus I don't spend time on idiots. You sir are an idiot.

Yet here you are. Is John Kerry a hero to moron? I’ll tell you what medals in the military are, they are like a buck fifty at the PX. McTumar was a plonker and a piece of shit. Hope he is getting spit roasted in hell.

Absolutely. Three purple hearts... Received a silver star for saving the lives of his fellow men on his boat by rushing enemy soldiers on foot while wounded, and a bronze star for diving in the water after being wounded another time to save a Green beret's life while under fire.

People are alive with families today because of what he did.

I guess if you are a commie he wasn't a hero to you. I don't agree with all of his politics. But clearly a hero.

What you report is factual but there is more to it. Kerry was supposed to be mid stream. But he would take it close to the shore where it would draw fire. Then he would jump on the Mah Duece and chew up the jungle. If anyone was still alive on shore. The time he jumped on the shore after an enemy, the enemy was wounded by the 50 cal but returned fire, wounding Kerry. Kerry took him out with an M-16. You can never say Kerry was a coward. He was deemed a loose cannon though. He was a bullet magnet. As tradition has it, you get 3 silvers/bronze/purples you get a desk job either as a reward to save your life or as a way to get your bullet magnet out of action. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER stand too close to a bullet magnet.
Nobody wants to pick apart a Veteran's service but when the service is part of a phony political agenda all bets are off. At least one of Kerry's Hearts was self inflicted when he threw a grenade into a cache of V.C. rice (or some poor village's rice stash) and got a chunk of rice in his ass. The other Heart was a band aid wound to the finger from a mine that went off.

The only thing wrong (and it's a doozie) was Kerry was a loose cannon that was a bullet magnet. He took unnecessary chances and got awarded for those chances when wounded. You can do the old heave Ho Crap all you want and disagree with him about his political posturing all you want but he served with honor. That's more than MOST in Washington can say.
Sure that's how medals work. The only thing you need to do is have a good daddy. Crixus I don't spend time on idiots. You sir are an idiot.

Yet here you are. Is John Kerry a hero to moron? I’ll tell you what medals in the military are, they are like a buck fifty at the PX. McTumar was a plonker and a piece of shit. Hope he is getting spit roasted in hell.

Absolutely. Three purple hearts... Received a silver star for saving the lives of his fellow men on his boat by rushing enemy soldiers on foot while wounded, and a bronze star for diving in the water after being wounded another time to save a Green beret's life while under fire.

People are alive with families today because of what he did.

I guess if you are a commie he wasn't a hero to you. I don't agree with all of his politics. But clearly a hero.

What you report is factual but there is more to it. Kerry was supposed to be mid stream. But he would take it close to the shore where it would draw fire. Then he would jump on the Mah Duece and chew up the jungle. If anyone was still alive on shore. The time he jumped on the shore after an enemy, the enemy was wounded by the 50 cal but returned fire, wounding Kerry. Kerry took him out with an M-16. You can never say Kerry was a coward. He was deemed a loose cannon though. He was a bullet magnet. As tradition has it, you get 3 silvers/bronze/purples you get a desk job either as a reward to save your life or as a way to get your bullet magnet out of action. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER stand too close to a bullet magnet.
Nobody wants to pick apart a Veteran's service but when the service is part of a phony political agenda all bets are off. At least one of Kerry's Hearts was self inflicted when he threw a grenade into a cache of V.C. rice (or some poor village's rice stash) and got a chunk of rice in his ass. The other Heart was a band aid wound to the finger from a mine that went off.

The only thing wrong (and it's a doozie) was Kerry was a loose cannon that was a bullet magnet. He took unnecessary chances and got awarded for those chances when wounded. You can do the old heave Ho Crap all you want and disagree with him about his political posturing all you want but he served with honor. That's more than MOST in Washington can say.

Hm. Wonder if ol’Blood and guts Kerry got anyone killed with his stupidity? What you describe ain’t bravery, it’s stupidity and likely why he got his medals. The were in a hurry to get him out of country so they tacked the shit on him and sent him away so he could sell his country out to Iran.
Yet here you are. Is John Kerry a hero to moron? I’ll tell you what medals in the military are, they are like a buck fifty at the PX. McTumar was a plonker and a piece of shit. Hope he is getting spit roasted in hell.

Absolutely. Three purple hearts... Received a silver star for saving the lives of his fellow men on his boat by rushing enemy soldiers on foot while wounded, and a bronze star for diving in the water after being wounded another time to save a Green beret's life while under fire.

People are alive with families today because of what he did.

I guess if you are a commie he wasn't a hero to you. I don't agree with all of his politics. But clearly a hero.

What you report is factual but there is more to it. Kerry was supposed to be mid stream. But he would take it close to the shore where it would draw fire. Then he would jump on the Mah Duece and chew up the jungle. If anyone was still alive on shore. The time he jumped on the shore after an enemy, the enemy was wounded by the 50 cal but returned fire, wounding Kerry. Kerry took him out with an M-16. You can never say Kerry was a coward. He was deemed a loose cannon though. He was a bullet magnet. As tradition has it, you get 3 silvers/bronze/purples you get a desk job either as a reward to save your life or as a way to get your bullet magnet out of action. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER stand too close to a bullet magnet.
Nobody wants to pick apart a Veteran's service but when the service is part of a phony political agenda all bets are off. At least one of Kerry's Hearts was self inflicted when he threw a grenade into a cache of V.C. rice (or some poor village's rice stash) and got a chunk of rice in his ass. The other Heart was a band aid wound to the finger from a mine that went off.

The only thing wrong (and it's a doozie) was Kerry was a loose cannon that was a bullet magnet. He took unnecessary chances and got awarded for those chances when wounded. You can do the old heave Ho Crap all you want and disagree with him about his political posturing all you want but he served with honor. That's more than MOST in Washington can say.

Hm. Wonder if ol’Blood and guts Kerry got anyone killed with his stupidity? What you describe ain’t bravery, it’s stupidity and likely why he got his medals. The were in a hurry to get him out of country so they tacked the shit on him and sent him away so he could sell his country out to Iran.

All bullet magnets were done the same way. Kerry just went into Politics, that's all.
Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

He takes his feud with the Arizona senator to a new level.


07/18/2015 12:22 PM EDT

Updated 07/19/2015 09:39 AM EDT

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

View attachment 263103



Two emaciated American civilians, Lee Rogers left and John C. Todd, sit outside a gym which had been used as a Japanese prison camp following their release by Allied forces liberating the city.Philippines,1945

Dramatic Photos - San Thomas Prison Liberation
tramp is a loser.
John "the songbird" McCain -RINO- Republican in Name Only - Was shot down over Vietnam and was imprisoned into the Hanoi Hilton. His other inmates told how Johnny boy sang like a songbird giving up vital information that caused other soldiers to be harmed. I sent Johnny a email one day, telling him that when he screwed over the US by enacting the McCain/Feingold act, that he was a traitor to the country and that he should stop hiding behind his military career, when ever he was accosted for his actions and words. He never sent an email back, because he is was a liberal chickenshit...

Just sayin... you realize that story has been debunked numerous times?
It originated from a group of Vietnam vets (not imprisoned with McCain) who posted up flyers accusing him of giving vital information, however they had zero basis for that claim. They were supporting an opponent candidate, who distanced himself from the group once they circulated the infamous flyer.
Despite McCain's lifelong two-faced all accounts he was a war hero who went through unimaginable torture.

there is a tiny grain of truth in that foot in mouth trump said about
Mc Cain----getting captured is actually a BLACK MARK according to
military "ethics"-------however his remark was still idiotic. Getting
captured does not make a person a hero, however

It was a heat of the moment comeback, that he immediately walked back.

The fact that the media latched onto, and that liberals try to spin it into an anti-vet statement, is absurd.
Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

He takes his feud with the Arizona senator to a new level.


07/18/2015 12:22 PM EDT

Updated 07/19/2015 09:39 AM EDT

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

View attachment 263103



Two emaciated American civilians, Lee Rogers left and John C. Todd, sit outside a gym which had been used as a Japanese prison camp following their release by Allied forces liberating the city.Philippines,1945

Dramatic Photos - San Thomas Prison Liberation
tramp is a loser.

McCain was being an asshole and deserved to be called on it.

Well then, we should be calling Trump on it every fucking day because there are not many bigger assholes around...

When has Trump falsely and wrongly insulted millions of good Americans, most of whom are his own supporters? Cause that is what McCain did.
I didn't write the page, but I'd be willing to believe a snake like McCain did just about anything someone accused him of. I just have to look at his senate voting record, his cozy relationship with the likes of George Soros and other democrook sociopaths. The sort of friends one keeps reflects on your character, and he had nothing but malevolent assholes for "friends".

Someone who makes friends with a piece of shit like Ted Kennedy has no value in their character.


And that's your decision. If to you you would rather live in a world of lies and fantasy because it suits your political beliefs, so be it.
If to you you would rather live in a world of lies and fantasy because it suits your political beliefs,
Talk about "calling the kettle black"....

Interesting fun, but untrue nonetheless and quite a diversion. Nice try though.

Typical liberal response, thanks for playing.

View attachment 263181

To call out a lie that someone fails to back up as a lie

So sad that things like "fact based statements" made by a conservative, supporting a Republican Senator veteran POW against people lying about our soldiers and calling them evil things is being a typical liberal

As usual, a liberal, whether republican or democrat will use the Rules for Radicals to try to avert the issue.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site
McCain had a unique POW experience. Initially, he was taken to the infamous Hanoi Hilton prison camp, where he was interrogated. By McCain’s own account, after three or four days, he cracked. He promised his Vietnamese captors, “I’ll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital. ”His Vietnamese capturers soon realized their POW, John Sidney McCain III, came from a well-bred line of American military elites. McCain’s father, John Jr., and grandfather, John Sr., were both full Admirals."
John McCain hid behind his service while fucking over the US citizen. He not only was a traitor at Hanoi, he was a Traitor working against the US during peacetime. Fuck him and hope he burns in hell along with the Kennedy brothers he worked with.
McCain was a mediocre Naval Officer, and mediocre Naval Aviator, remember his Dad was an Admiral and that goes a long way in the service, especially back then. The Navy, like the other branches of the service take care of their own.

He became a hero through chance, but also perseverance as a POW. I respect him for that, but can separate his military service from his political life which he acted like a spoiled child, attention getter, and used his party as backboard often sabotaging their efforts. In that way he was a traitor, and I lost respect for him as a politician, not as a veteran.
John McCain was like John Kennedy. John Kennedy was the leader on the fastest ship in the navy during WWII, yet he allowed it to be rammed by another ship. John McCain who flew one of the fastest planes in the air force, allowed it to be shot down. Flagrant assholes. Both..

I guess you voted for Obama then, since you think so lowly of McCain.

No, I wrote in Nixon for that one.
Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

He takes his feud with the Arizona senator to a new level.


07/18/2015 12:22 PM EDT

Updated 07/19/2015 09:39 AM EDT

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

View attachment 263103



Two emaciated American civilians, Lee Rogers left and John C. Todd, sit outside a gym which had been used as a Japanese prison camp following their release by Allied forces liberating the city.Philippines,1945

Dramatic Photos - San Thomas Prison Liberation
tramp is a loser.

McCain was being an asshole and deserved to be called on it.

Well then, we should be calling Trump on it every fucking day because there are not many bigger assholes around...

When has Trump falsely and wrongly insulted millions of good Americans, most of whom are his own supporters? Cause that is what McCain did.
Well he did say that liberals were low IQ like Joe "the Groper" Biden. It is a true statement, and yes, the truth hurts sometimes.
John McCain hid behind his service while fucking over the US citizen. He not only was a traitor at Hanoi, he was a Traitor working against the US during peacetime. Fuck him and hope he burns in hell along with the Kennedy brothers he worked with.

That's where I am with Mclame. Even IF his military record was purely honorable, his actions in the senate, ESPECIALLY his very last vote, were as reprehensible as could be. It erased anything good he did prior to being a senator. Throwing the election to that meat puppet parasite, throwing Sarah Palin under the bus, whatever part he played in taking the bullshit Steel Dossier to Comey...

All that just compounds my contempt and makes the stories I've heard about his less than distinguished military history all the more plausible. Had he at least gone out more honorable than he did, rather than as a miserable, petty, vindictive little asshole I might be able to at least resist condemning him out of the slightest bit of respect.

I'm confident he is in hell with his "friend" Ted Kennedy, and I'm glad.

And that's your decision. If to you you would rather live in a world of lies and fantasy because it suits your political beliefs, so be it.
If to you you would rather live in a world of lies and fantasy because it suits your political beliefs,
Talk about "calling the kettle black"....

Interesting fun, but untrue nonetheless and quite a diversion. Nice try though.
Typical liberal response, thanks for playing.

View attachment 263181

To call out a lie that someone fails to back up as a lie

So sad that things like "fact based statements" made by a conservative, supporting a Republican Senator veteran POW against people lying about our soldiers and calling them evil things is being a typical liberal
As usual, a liberal, whether republican or democrat will use the Rules for Radicals to try to avert the issue.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site
McCain had a unique POW experience. Initially, he was taken to the infamous Hanoi Hilton prison camp, where he was interrogated. By McCain’s own account, after three or four days, he cracked. He promised his Vietnamese captors, “I’ll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital. ”His Vietnamese capturers soon realized their POW, John Sidney McCain III, came from a well-bred line of American military elites. McCain’s father, John Jr., and grandfather, John Sr., were both full Admirals."
John McCain hid behind his service while fucking over the US citizen. He not only was a traitor at Hanoi, he was a Traitor working against the US during peacetime. Fuck him and hope he burns in hell along with the Kennedy brothers he worked with.

I prefer military people who don't hide behind high ranking parents when they kill 27 sailors by hot starting their planes.

NAVY RELEASES McCAIN’s RECORDS – McCain was personally responsible for the deadliest fire in the history of the US Navy

He was a global collectivist traitor. Fuck him.

The blaming him for the Forrestal fire is like blaming Abraham Lincoln for getting shot at Ford's theater. Anyone who believes that steaming pile of manure has never seen the flight deck video of the incident. McCain had nothing to do with it other than sitting in his cockpit.

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