Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

He takes his feud with the Arizona senator to a new level.


07/18/2015 12:22 PM EDT

Updated 07/19/2015 09:39 AM EDT

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

View attachment 263103



Two emaciated American civilians, Lee Rogers left and John C. Todd, sit outside a gym which had been used as a Japanese prison camp following their release by Allied forces liberating the city.Philippines,1945

Dramatic Photos - San Thomas Prison Liberation
tramp is a loser.

John McTumor wasn’t in WW2. And yes, he was a loser. He only made it through the naval academy because of who his daddy was. He only got sent out on an aircraft carrier because of who his daddy was. The only thing more gross then Trump continuing to bang of the piece of shit are you libtards trying to hold McTumor up as some type of hero when just a few years ago you were posting what a racist dog he was.
McCain retired from the Navy as a captain on April 1, 1981. ... His numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal.
So these are the regular decorations for a soldier? Remind me how many soldiers receive a bronze star on average? Let alone three. Let alone a silver star. Let alone all the other medals.

He got all those medals because of his daddy, and the cofactors he was a POW. John McTumor was just a little rich kid who got where he was because his daddy helped him. He had a long history of sending other people’s family off to die while he sheltered his chubby, useless little offspring. McTumor was garbage and the world is a better place with him dead. Hope it’s really hot in hell for him.
Sure that's how medals work. The only thing you need to do is have a good daddy. Crixus I don't spend time on idiots. You sir are an idiot.

Yet here you are. Is John Kerry a hero to moron? I’ll tell you what medals in the military are, they are like a buck fifty at the PX. McTumar was a plonker and a piece of shit. Hope he is getting spit roasted in hell.

Absolutely. Three purple hearts... Received a silver star for saving the lives of his fellow men on his boat by rushing enemy soldiers on foot while wounded, and a bronze star for diving in the water after being wounded another time to save a Green beret's life while under fire.

People are alive with families today because of what he did.

I guess if you are a commie he wasn't a hero to you. I don't agree with all of his politics. But clearly a hero.
Way too many!
My point is that the divide isn't kept wide by these kinds of posts. It's kept wide because we have somebody in the White House that goes out of his way to keep the divide wide.

I disagree, the divide was wide with Bush, got wider with Obama and now is wider yet. We are letting the extremes run America.
Bush was a born again Christian. Obama was as centrist as they come and Trump is..... well Trump. In my opinion of the three Obama was the least extreme. So when you say "we" I think you mean the Republicans. See who is the Democratic frontrunner. Not the extremes as you put it but the centrist. That should tell you something.

We means all, both extremes are the problem. My opinion was Bush was the least extreme, however, my opinion is based on my conservative leanings, you tend to lean more liberal, so I can see your point.

The extremes are very intolerant to other's ideas and that is where we are. no tolerance.
Not for nothing. Trump was elected because he was so extreme. The Democrats elected Hillary over Bernie. This time around we have several left-wing candidates, the Democrats again seem to prefer the centrist. I don't see any evidence of the Democrats preferring extremes. I do however see evidence that Republicans prefer it. Reagan, for instance, would not have a spot in this Republican party.

Trump wasn't elected because he was extreme, he was elected, in my opinion was because he was different. He wasn't the status quo, people thought he would get rid of the swamp in DC, they bought into him helping the working class family. Hillary was an establishment politician that was no different than Obama, Bush and her husband Bill. They voted for change, it was all a facade, Trump really is no different than the people before him and in many ways worse. Many Democratic candidates in the race today are far left, Biden and the governor of Montana, whose name I forget seem to be the centrist, so we will see how this plays out. The governor of Montana is appealing to me, however there is a long way to go. My question is how far left or right does a candidate have to go to get them nomination only to comeback to the middle again?
It turns out that Trump was the adult in the feud and McCain was vindictive and juvenile. Imagine being so full of hatred that you keep the feud going after death by by preventing the President of the United States from attending your funeral. The media loved McCain because he tended to try to split his own political party. Otherwise they would have thrown him away like any other republican.
My point is that the divide isn't kept wide by these kinds of posts. It's kept wide because we have somebody in the White House that goes out of his way to keep the divide wide.

I disagree, the divide was wide with Bush, got wider with Obama and now is wider yet. We are letting the extremes run America.
Bush was a born again Christian. Obama was as centrist as they come and Trump is..... well Trump. In my opinion of the three Obama was the least extreme. So when you say "we" I think you mean the Republicans. See who is the Democratic frontrunner. Not the extremes as you put it but the centrist. That should tell you something.

We means all, both extremes are the problem. My opinion was Bush was the least extreme, however, my opinion is based on my conservative leanings, you tend to lean more liberal, so I can see your point.

The extremes are very intolerant to other's ideas and that is where we are. no tolerance.
Not for nothing. Trump was elected because he was so extreme. The Democrats elected Hillary over Bernie. This time around we have several left-wing candidates, the Democrats again seem to prefer the centrist. I don't see any evidence of the Democrats preferring extremes. I do however see evidence that Republicans prefer it. Reagan, for instance, would not have a spot in this Republican party.

Trump wasn't elected because he was extreme, he was elected, in my opinion was because he was different. He wasn't the status quo, people thought he would get rid of the swamp in DC, they bought into him helping the working class family. Hillary was an establishment politician that was no different than Obama, Bush and her husband Bill. They voted for change, it was all a facade, Trump really is no different than the people before him and in many ways worse. Many Democratic candidates in the race today are far left, Biden and the governor of Montana, whose name I forget seem to be the centrist, so we will see how this plays out. The governor of Montana is appealing to me, however there is a long way to go. My question is how far left or right does a candidate have to go to get them nomination only to comeback to the middle again?
Biden is leading the polls being in the middle. So again, seems this question only has to be asked for the Republican side.
Trump was playing hard core politics and McCain couldn't take it. Instead of firing back or making a deal with the leader of his own party he behaved like a pussy and whined and complained to his friends in the liberal media.
John McTumor wasn’t in WW2. And yes, he was a loser. He only made it through the naval academy because of who his daddy was. He only got sent out on an aircraft carrier because of who his daddy was. The only thing more gross then Trump continuing to bang of the piece of shit are you libtards trying to hold McTumor up as some type of hero when just a few years ago you were posting what a racist dog he was.
McCain retired from the Navy as a captain on April 1, 1981. ... His numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal.
So these are the regular decorations for a soldier? Remind me how many soldiers receive a bronze star on average? Let alone three. Let alone a silver star. Let alone all the other medals.

He got all those medals because of his daddy, and the cofactors he was a POW. John McTumor was just a little rich kid who got where he was because his daddy helped him. He had a long history of sending other people’s family off to die while he sheltered his chubby, useless little offspring. McTumor was garbage and the world is a better place with him dead. Hope it’s really hot in hell for him.
Sure that's how medals work. The only thing you need to do is have a good daddy. Crixus I don't spend time on idiots. You sir are an idiot.

Yet here you are. Is John Kerry a hero to moron? I’ll tell you what medals in the military are, they are like a buck fifty at the PX. McTumar was a plonker and a piece of shit. Hope he is getting spit roasted in hell.

I think you are wrong on this point. My father is a veteran of WWII and has two Bronze Stars and a Medal of Conduct, he risked his life and expected nothing from his service. He earned those medals.

He earned allot more then stupid medals.
Trump was playing hard core politics and McCain couldn't take it. Instead of firing back or making a deal with the leader of his own party he behaved like a pussy and whined and complained to his friends in the liberal media.

Pretty much how he got through life to. That and a helping hand from daddy.
I disagree, the divide was wide with Bush, got wider with Obama and now is wider yet. We are letting the extremes run America.
Bush was a born again Christian. Obama was as centrist as they come and Trump is..... well Trump. In my opinion of the three Obama was the least extreme. So when you say "we" I think you mean the Republicans. See who is the Democratic frontrunner. Not the extremes as you put it but the centrist. That should tell you something.

We means all, both extremes are the problem. My opinion was Bush was the least extreme, however, my opinion is based on my conservative leanings, you tend to lean more liberal, so I can see your point.

The extremes are very intolerant to other's ideas and that is where we are. no tolerance.
Not for nothing. Trump was elected because he was so extreme. The Democrats elected Hillary over Bernie. This time around we have several left-wing candidates, the Democrats again seem to prefer the centrist. I don't see any evidence of the Democrats preferring extremes. I do however see evidence that Republicans prefer it. Reagan, for instance, would not have a spot in this Republican party.

Trump wasn't elected because he was extreme, he was elected, in my opinion was because he was different. He wasn't the status quo, people thought he would get rid of the swamp in DC, they bought into him helping the working class family. Hillary was an establishment politician that was no different than Obama, Bush and her husband Bill. They voted for change, it was all a facade, Trump really is no different than the people before him and in many ways worse. Many Democratic candidates in the race today are far left, Biden and the governor of Montana, whose name I forget seem to be the centrist, so we will see how this plays out. The governor of Montana is appealing to me, however there is a long way to go. My question is how far left or right does a candidate have to go to get them nomination only to comeback to the middle again?
Biden is leading the polls being in the middle. So again, seems this question only has to be asked for the Republican side.

Biden has remained where he is in the polls by being quiet.
Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

He takes his feud with the Arizona senator to a new level.


07/18/2015 12:22 PM EDT

Updated 07/19/2015 09:39 AM EDT

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

View attachment 263103



Two emaciated American civilians, Lee Rogers left and John C. Todd, sit outside a gym which had been used as a Japanese prison camp following their release by Allied forces liberating the city.Philippines,1945

Dramatic Photos - San Thomas Prison Liberation
tramp is a loser.

John McTumor wasn’t in WW2. And yes, he was a loser. He only made it through the naval academy because of who his daddy was. He only got sent out on an aircraft carrier because of who his daddy was. The only thing more gross then Trump continuing to bang of the piece of shit are you libtards trying to hold McTumor up as some type of hero when just a few years ago you were posting what a racist dog he was.
McCain retired from the Navy as a captain on April 1, 1981. ... His numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal.
So these are the regular decorations for a soldier? Remind me how many soldiers receive a bronze star on average? Let alone three. Let alone a silver star. Let alone all the other medals.

He got all those medals because of his daddy, and the cofactors he was a POW. John McTumor was just a little rich kid who got where he was because his daddy helped him. He had a long history of sending other people’s family off to die while he sheltered his chubby, useless little offspring. McTumor was garbage and the world is a better place with him dead. Hope it’s really hot in hell for him.

Do you think you're being edgy with something new here, I hate to break it to you but this is a tired old thing Hanoi Jane. Yes I've heard the same exact story from Hillary and Obama's extreme left supporters 10 years ago. From Al Gore's extreme left supporters on why he should be president over Bush. From Clinton's extreme left on why it should be him over Dole. I get your story.

His daddy didn't cover for him come Vietnam and get him a stateside post. And because of that, he fought and nearly died for his country.

And cuntos like you are happy to see American military veterans, POWS, and the like die in pain.


Nope. Don’t change the fact that McTumor was nothing but a rich white kid who’s daddy did all his heavy lifting for him. His time in Hanoi was justice.
Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

He takes his feud with the Arizona senator to a new level.


07/18/2015 12:22 PM EDT

Updated 07/19/2015 09:39 AM EDT

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

View attachment 263103



Two emaciated American civilians, Lee Rogers left and John C. Todd, sit outside a gym which had been used as a Japanese prison camp following their release by Allied forces liberating the city.Philippines,1945

Dramatic Photos - San Thomas Prison Liberation
tramp is a loser.

John McTumor wasn’t in WW2. And yes, he was a loser. He only made it through the naval academy because of who his daddy was. He only got sent out on an aircraft carrier because of who his daddy was. The only thing more gross then Trump continuing to bang of the piece of shit are you libtards trying to hold McTumor up as some type of hero when just a few years ago you were posting what a racist dog he was.
McCain retired from the Navy as a captain on April 1, 1981. ... His numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal.
So these are the regular decorations for a soldier? Remind me how many soldiers receive a bronze star on average? Let alone three. Let alone a silver star. Let alone all the other medals.

He got all those medals because of his daddy, and the cofactors he was a POW. John McTumor was just a little rich kid who got where he was because his daddy helped him. He had a long history of sending other people’s family off to die while he sheltered his chubby, useless little offspring. McTumor was garbage and the world is a better place with him dead. Hope it’s really hot in hell for him.

Do you think you're being edgy with something new here, I hate to break it to you but this is a tired old thing Hanoi Jane. Yes I've heard the same exact story from Hillary and Obama's extreme left supporters 10 years ago. From Al Gore's extreme left supporters on why he should be president over Bush. From Clinton's extreme left on why it should be him over Dole. I get your story.

His daddy didn't cover for him come Vietnam and get him a stateside post. And because of that, he fought and nearly died for his country.

And cuntos like you are happy to see American military veterans, POWS, and the like die in pain.


Nope. Don’t change the fact that McTumor was nothing but a rich white kid who’s daddy did all his heavy lifting for him. His time in Hanoi was justice.

Nah Hanoi Jane. That's Trump who's daddy got him out of the war and lived the rich kid life where his Vietnam wasn't being sent off to war but avoiding STDs..
Last edited:
I disagree, the divide was wide with Bush, got wider with Obama and now is wider yet. We are letting the extremes run America.
Bush was a born again Christian. Obama was as centrist as they come and Trump is..... well Trump. In my opinion of the three Obama was the least extreme. So when you say "we" I think you mean the Republicans. See who is the Democratic frontrunner. Not the extremes as you put it but the centrist. That should tell you something.

We means all, both extremes are the problem. My opinion was Bush was the least extreme, however, my opinion is based on my conservative leanings, you tend to lean more liberal, so I can see your point.

The extremes are very intolerant to other's ideas and that is where we are. no tolerance.
Not for nothing. Trump was elected because he was so extreme. The Democrats elected Hillary over Bernie. This time around we have several left-wing candidates, the Democrats again seem to prefer the centrist. I don't see any evidence of the Democrats preferring extremes. I do however see evidence that Republicans prefer it. Reagan, for instance, would not have a spot in this Republican party.

Trump wasn't elected because he was extreme, he was elected, in my opinion was because he was different. He wasn't the status quo, people thought he would get rid of the swamp in DC, they bought into him helping the working class family. Hillary was an establishment politician that was no different than Obama, Bush and her husband Bill. They voted for change, it was all a facade, Trump really is no different than the people before him and in many ways worse. Many Democratic candidates in the race today are far left, Biden and the governor of Montana, whose name I forget seem to be the centrist, so we will see how this plays out. The governor of Montana is appealing to me, however there is a long way to go. My question is how far left or right does a candidate have to go to get them nomination only to comeback to the middle again?
Biden is leading the polls being in the middle. So again, seems this question only has to be asked for the Republican side.

To early to see where the polls will take us, Jeb Bush was the front runner coming into the 2016 campaign and he never made it. Obama was not the front runner coming into 2008, nor was George Bush the front runner going into 2000. Dean was the front runner in 2004. So we will see.
John McTumor wasn’t in WW2. And yes, he was a loser. He only made it through the naval academy because of who his daddy was. He only got sent out on an aircraft carrier because of who his daddy was. The only thing more gross then Trump continuing to bang of the piece of shit are you libtards trying to hold McTumor up as some type of hero when just a few years ago you were posting what a racist dog he was.
McCain retired from the Navy as a captain on April 1, 1981. ... His numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal.
So these are the regular decorations for a soldier? Remind me how many soldiers receive a bronze star on average? Let alone three. Let alone a silver star. Let alone all the other medals.

He got all those medals because of his daddy, and the cofactors he was a POW. John McTumor was just a little rich kid who got where he was because his daddy helped him. He had a long history of sending other people’s family off to die while he sheltered his chubby, useless little offspring. McTumor was garbage and the world is a better place with him dead. Hope it’s really hot in hell for him.

Do you think you're being edgy with something new here, I hate to break it to you but this is a tired old thing Hanoi Jane. Yes I've heard the same exact story from Hillary and Obama's extreme left supporters 10 years ago. From Al Gore's extreme left supporters on why he should be president over Bush. From Clinton's extreme left on why it should be him over Dole. I get your story.

His daddy didn't cover for him come Vietnam and get him a stateside post. And because of that, he fought and nearly died for his country.

And cuntos like you are happy to see American military veterans, POWS, and the like die in pain.


Nope. Don’t change the fact that McTumor was nothing but a rich white kid who’s daddy did all his heavy lifting for him. His time in Hanoi was justice.

Nah Hanoi Jane. That's Trump who's daddy got him out of the war and lived the rich kid life where his Vietnam wasn't being sent off to war but avoiding STDs..

Meh, just go’s to show what a moron McTumor was.
McCain retired from the Navy as a captain on April 1, 1981. ... His numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal.
So these are the regular decorations for a soldier? Remind me how many soldiers receive a bronze star on average? Let alone three. Let alone a silver star. Let alone all the other medals.

He got all those medals because of his daddy, and the cofactors he was a POW. John McTumor was just a little rich kid who got where he was because his daddy helped him. He had a long history of sending other people’s family off to die while he sheltered his chubby, useless little offspring. McTumor was garbage and the world is a better place with him dead. Hope it’s really hot in hell for him.

Do you think you're being edgy with something new here, I hate to break it to you but this is a tired old thing Hanoi Jane. Yes I've heard the same exact story from Hillary and Obama's extreme left supporters 10 years ago. From Al Gore's extreme left supporters on why he should be president over Bush. From Clinton's extreme left on why it should be him over Dole. I get your story.

His daddy didn't cover for him come Vietnam and get him a stateside post. And because of that, he fought and nearly died for his country.

And cuntos like you are happy to see American military veterans, POWS, and the like die in pain.


Nope. Don’t change the fact that McTumor was nothing but a rich white kid who’s daddy did all his heavy lifting for him. His time in Hanoi was justice.

Nah Hanoi Jane. That's Trump who's daddy got him out of the war and lived the rich kid life where his Vietnam wasn't being sent off to war but avoiding STDs..

Meh, just go’s to show what a moron McTumor was.

Sure thing Hanoi Jane. We get that you don't like the troops.
He got all those medals because of his daddy, and the cofactors he was a POW. John McTumor was just a little rich kid who got where he was because his daddy helped him. He had a long history of sending other people’s family off to die while he sheltered his chubby, useless little offspring. McTumor was garbage and the world is a better place with him dead. Hope it’s really hot in hell for him.

Do you think you're being edgy with something new here, I hate to break it to you but this is a tired old thing Hanoi Jane. Yes I've heard the same exact story from Hillary and Obama's extreme left supporters 10 years ago. From Al Gore's extreme left supporters on why he should be president over Bush. From Clinton's extreme left on why it should be him over Dole. I get your story.

His daddy didn't cover for him come Vietnam and get him a stateside post. And because of that, he fought and nearly died for his country.

And cuntos like you are happy to see American military veterans, POWS, and the like die in pain.


Nope. Don’t change the fact that McTumor was nothing but a rich white kid who’s daddy did all his heavy lifting for him. His time in Hanoi was justice.

Nah Hanoi Jane. That's Trump who's daddy got him out of the war and lived the rich kid life where his Vietnam wasn't being sent off to war but avoiding STDs..

Meh, just go’s to show what a moron McTumor was.

Sure thing Hanoi Jane. We get that you don't like the troops.

Meh, coming some douche nozzle who likely never served, but where’s a “SEAL” t-shirt to Starbucks for free coffee that means nothing really.
Do you think you're being edgy with something new here, I hate to break it to you but this is a tired old thing Hanoi Jane. Yes I've heard the same exact story from Hillary and Obama's extreme left supporters 10 years ago. From Al Gore's extreme left supporters on why he should be president over Bush. From Clinton's extreme left on why it should be him over Dole. I get your story.

His daddy didn't cover for him come Vietnam and get him a stateside post. And because of that, he fought and nearly died for his country.

And cuntos like you are happy to see American military veterans, POWS, and the like die in pain.


Nope. Don’t change the fact that McTumor was nothing but a rich white kid who’s daddy did all his heavy lifting for him. His time in Hanoi was justice.

Nah Hanoi Jane. That's Trump who's daddy got him out of the war and lived the rich kid life where his Vietnam wasn't being sent off to war but avoiding STDs..

Meh, just go’s to show what a moron McTumor was.

Sure thing Hanoi Jane. We get that you don't like the troops.

Meh, coming some douche nozzle who likely never served, but where’s a “SEAL” t-shirt to Starbucks for free coffee that means nothing really.

I see you like just making up more lies and bashing the military.

Got it. /Ignore for Hanoi Jane here.
Nope. Don’t change the fact that McTumor was nothing but a rich white kid who’s daddy did all his heavy lifting for him. His time in Hanoi was justice.

Nah Hanoi Jane. That's Trump who's daddy got him out of the war and lived the rich kid life where his Vietnam wasn't being sent off to war but avoiding STDs..

Meh, just go’s to show what a moron McTumor was.

Sure thing Hanoi Jane. We get that you don't like the troops.

Meh, coming some douche nozzle who likely never served, but where’s a “SEAL” t-shirt to Starbucks for free coffee that means nothing really.

I see you like just making up more lies and bashing the military.

Got it. /Ignore for Hanoi Jane here.

Lol, what lever you say junior.
Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

He takes his feud with the Arizona senator to a new level.


07/18/2015 12:22 PM EDT

Updated 07/19/2015 09:39 AM EDT

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

View attachment 263103



Two emaciated American civilians, Lee Rogers left and John C. Todd, sit outside a gym which had been used as a Japanese prison camp following their release by Allied forces liberating the city.Philippines,1945

Dramatic Photos - San Thomas Prison Liberation
tramp is a loser.

John McTumor wasn’t in WW2. And yes, he was a loser. He only made it through the naval academy because of who his daddy was. He only got sent out on an aircraft carrier because of who his daddy was. The only thing more gross then Trump continuing to bang of the piece of shit are you libtards trying to hold McTumor up as some type of hero when just a few years ago you were posting what a racist dog he was.
McCain retired from the Navy as a captain on April 1, 1981. ... His numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal.
So these are the regular decorations for a soldier? Remind me how many soldiers receive a bronze star on average? Let alone three. Let alone a silver star. Let alone all the other medals.
McCain's old man was an Admiral and McCain's career wasn't exactly distinguished until he was shot down.
Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

He takes his feud with the Arizona senator to a new level.


07/18/2015 12:22 PM EDT

Updated 07/19/2015 09:39 AM EDT

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

View attachment 263103



Two emaciated American civilians, Lee Rogers left and John C. Todd, sit outside a gym which had been used as a Japanese prison camp following their release by Allied forces liberating the city.Philippines,1945

Dramatic Photos - San Thomas Prison Liberation
tramp is a loser.

John McTumor wasn’t in WW2. And yes, he was a loser. He only made it through the naval academy because of who his daddy was. He only got sent out on an aircraft carrier because of who his daddy was. The only thing more gross then Trump continuing to bang of the piece of shit are you libtards trying to hold McTumor up as some type of hero when just a few years ago you were posting what a racist dog he was.
McCain retired from the Navy as a captain on April 1, 1981. ... His numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal.
So these are the regular decorations for a soldier? Remind me how many soldiers receive a bronze star on average? Let alone three. Let alone a silver star. Let alone all the other medals.
McCain's old man was an Admiral and McCain's career wasn't exactly distinguished until he was shot down.

Hmmm good question
Sorry, but there are so many false valor guys running around making fraudulent claims when red flags go up, genuine folks ask questions.
Ahhh you are genuine. Who did you vote for?
What does that have to do with you claiming to be a secret classified CIA Operative?
Hmmm top secret
Anyone who has been involved with classified operations can spot a fake who is unable to answer questions that are easily answered appropriately without divulging classified information. A broad brush excuse of "I was in classified operations" is a bright red flag. You actually divulged one of the last things an operative would divulge, your claim of operating in Eastern Afghanistan. A real operative would have left that alone. What difference would it make if you were in Africa, Iraq, Asia or some country where no one knows the CIA operates.

Your claim is that as an American serving as a warrior and protector of America, you were shot down in eastern Afghanistan, fought off the enemy and escaped capture. Under this claim of status, you choose to criticize and insult a genuine veteran and warrior as if a seemingly pretend story and false valor puts you on an equal level with someone like John McCain.

And there I was, the enemy, in great numbers, was closing in from the north so I went south. Then they came from the south, I went east. Then they came from the East, I went west. Then they came from the west. Know what happened then?...........................................................................

I died. But that's classified.................................

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