Memorial Day is a day to remember those that have fallen in service to this country.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
On this day I want to remember those young kids who volunteered for service who just happened to be in Khobar Towers that fateful day when Al Qaeda ran a truck full of explosives next to it killing nineteen U.S. service members, and some 500 people were injured. It was a stain upon the negligent Clinton Admin along with other Islamic attacks against US. All those kids were doing, was keeping the peace between Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Bill Clinton(husband of the sick bitch) called in the FBI and did not consider this as an act of war by radical Islamists. And what is really deplorable is that Oblamma a few years later considered this just "work place violence". Dont forget, who the real enemies of the US are, they are living in this country wanting to "Fundamentally Transform" it into a 3rd world shithole.
Khobar Towers bombing of 1996 | terrorist attack, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Khobar Towers bombing of 1996, terrorist attack on a U.S. Air Force housing complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, on June 25, 1996. The bombers drove a tanker truck packed with 5,000 pounds (2,268 kg) of explosives near the complex and then jumped into waiting vehicles, escaping just before detonation. The explosion, which was so loud that it was heard some 20 miles (32 km) away, left a crater 85 feet (26 metres) wide and 35 feet (10.6 metres) deep. Nineteen U.S. service members were killed, and some 500 people were injured.
In the words of that great patriot and moral American, Donald J Trump.

This Memorial Day, celebrate the American soldiers dead AND alive who keep our freedom alive. Also, scorn those cowards who claim service and dishonor those soldiers. Today we have Richard "DaNang Dick" Blumenthal senator from CT who lied about serving in Viet Nam. He has the gall to call Kavanaugh and Trump liars, when his is the biggest lie of all. Pass this post out to all you know who celebrate Memorial Day.
Memorial Day Keynote Address by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard at Kauai Veterans Cemetery - May 29, 2017

This Memorial Day, celebrate the American soldiers dead AND alive who keep our freedom alive. Also, scorn those cowards who claim service and dishonor those soldiers. Today we have Richard "DaNang Dick" Blumenthal senator from CT who lied about serving in Viet Nam. He has the gall to call Kavanaugh and Trump liars, when his is the biggest lie of all. Pass this post out to all you know who celebrate Memorial Day.

Memorial Day is not for those who served and survived. It is reserved for those who sacrificed their lives for this nation.

Veteran's Day is for those who served.

Armed Forces Day is for those currently serving.
This Memorial Day, celebrate the American soldiers dead AND alive who keep our freedom alive. Also, scorn those cowards who claim service and dishonor those soldiers. Today we have Richard "DaNang Dick" Blumenthal senator from CT who lied about serving in Viet Nam. He has the gall to call Kavanaugh and Trump liars, when his is the biggest lie of all. Pass this post out to all you know who celebrate Memorial Day.

Memorial Day is not for those who served and survived. It is reserved for those who sacrificed their lives for this nation.

Veteran's Day is for those who served.

Armed Forces Day is for those currently serving.
Go piss up a rope. I thank veterans on all those days. Go be offended by it.
On this day I want to remember those young kids who volunteered for service who just happened to be in Khobar Towers that fateful day when Al Qaeda ran a truck full of explosives next to it killing nineteen U.S. service members, and some 500 people were injured. It was a stain upon the negligent Clinton Admin along with other Islamic attacks against US. All those kids were doing, was keeping the peace between Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Bill Clinton(husband of the sick bitch) called in the FBI and did not consider this as an act of war by radical Islamists. And what is really deplorable is that Oblamma a few years later considered this just "work place violence". Dont forget, who the real enemies of the US are, they are living in this country wanting to "Fundamentally Transform" it into a 3rd world shithole.
Khobar Towers bombing of 1996 | terrorist attack, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Khobar Towers bombing of 1996, terrorist attack on a U.S. Air Force housing complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, on June 25, 1996. The bombers drove a tanker truck packed with 5,000 pounds (2,268 kg) of explosives near the complex and then jumped into waiting vehicles, escaping just before detonation. The explosion, which was so loud that it was heard some 20 miles (32 km) away, left a crater 85 feet (26 metres) wide and 35 feet (10.6 metres) deep. Nineteen U.S. service members were killed, and some 500 people were injured.
A nice rebuke to the real reason for memorial day. You're sick!
This Memorial Day, celebrate the American soldiers dead AND alive who keep our freedom alive. Also, scorn those cowards who claim service and dishonor those soldiers. Today we have Richard "DaNang Dick" Blumenthal senator from CT who lied about serving in Viet Nam. He has the gall to call Kavanaugh and Trump liars, when his is the biggest lie of all. Pass this post out to all you know who celebrate Memorial Day.

Memorial Day is not for those who served and survived. It is reserved for those who sacrificed their lives for this nation.

Veteran's Day is for those who served.

Armed Forces Day is for those currently serving.
Go piss up a rope. I thank veterans on all those days. Go be offended by it.
So, you like liars-and Blumenthal is not a veteran, he is a coward!
This Memorial Day, celebrate the American soldiers dead AND alive who keep our freedom alive. Also, scorn those cowards who claim service and dishonor those soldiers. Today we have Richard "DaNang Dick" Blumenthal senator from CT who lied about serving in Viet Nam. He has the gall to call Kavanaugh and Trump liars, when his is the biggest lie of all. Pass this post out to all you know who celebrate Memorial Day.

Memorial Day is not for those who served and survived. It is reserved for those who sacrificed their lives for this nation.

Veteran's Day is for those who served.

Armed Forces Day is for those currently serving.
Go piss up a rope. I thank veterans on all those days. Go be offended by it.

I am offended by your stupidity. As a veteran, I have that right, dumbass!
This Memorial Day, celebrate the American soldiers dead AND alive who keep our freedom alive. Also, scorn those cowards who claim service and dishonor those soldiers. Today we have Richard "DaNang Dick" Blumenthal senator from CT who lied about serving in Viet Nam. He has the gall to call Kavanaugh and Trump liars, when his is the biggest lie of all. Pass this post out to all you know who celebrate Memorial Day.

Memorial Day is not for those who served and survived. It is reserved for those who sacrificed their lives for this nation.

Veteran's Day is for those who served.

Armed Forces Day is for those currently serving.
Go piss up a rope. I thank veterans on all those days. Go be offended by it.
So, you like liars-and Blumenthal is not a veteran, he is a coward!

Blumenthal served in the US Marine Corps Reserves. Sickening that politics now decides that they aren't actual veterans.
This Memorial Day, celebrate the American soldiers dead AND alive who keep our freedom alive. Also, scorn those cowards who claim service and dishonor those soldiers. Today we have Richard "DaNang Dick" Blumenthal senator from CT who lied about serving in Viet Nam. He has the gall to call Kavanaugh and Trump liars, when his is the biggest lie of all. Pass this post out to all you know who celebrate Memorial Day.

Memorial Day is not for those who served and survived. It is reserved for those who sacrificed their lives for this nation.

Veteran's Day is for those who served.

Armed Forces Day is for those currently serving.
Go piss up a rope. I thank veterans on all those days. Go be offended by it.
So, you like liars-and Blumenthal is not a veteran, he is a coward!

Blumenthal served in the US Marine Corps Reserves. Sickening that politics now decides that they aren't actual veterans.

I think you need to learn the definition of "veteran".
This Memorial Day, celebrate the American soldiers dead AND alive who keep our freedom alive. Also, scorn those cowards who claim service and dishonor those soldiers. Today we have Richard "DaNang Dick" Blumenthal senator from CT who lied about serving in Viet Nam. He has the gall to call Kavanaugh and Trump liars, when his is the biggest lie of all. Pass this post out to all you know who celebrate Memorial Day.

Memorial Day is not for those who served and survived. It is reserved for those who sacrificed their lives for this nation.

Veteran's Day is for those who served.

Armed Forces Day is for those currently serving.
Go piss up a rope. I thank veterans on all those days. Go be offended by it.
So, you like liars-and Blumenthal is not a veteran, he is a coward!

Blumenthal served in the US Marine Corps Reserves. Sickening that politics now decides that they aren't actual veterans.

I think you need to learn the definition of "veteran".
I think you are being too technical. Half the population has no idea who fought in what war. The point is, Blumenthal is the BIGGEST LIAR of all time, and people who post support for the military, past and present should be encouraged to do so.
This Memorial Day, celebrate the American soldiers dead AND alive who keep our freedom alive. Also, scorn those cowards who claim service and dishonor those soldiers. Today we have Richard "DaNang Dick" Blumenthal senator from CT who lied about serving in Viet Nam. He has the gall to call Kavanaugh and Trump liars, when his is the biggest lie of all. Pass this post out to all you know who celebrate Memorial Day.

Memorial Day is not for those who served and survived. It is reserved for those who sacrificed their lives for this nation.

Veteran's Day is for those who served.

Armed Forces Day is for those currently serving.
Go piss up a rope. I thank veterans on all those days. Go be offended by it.

I am offended by your stupidity. As a veteran, I have that right, dumbass!
The feeling's mutual.
Memorial Day is not for those who served and survived. It is reserved for those who sacrificed their lives for this nation.

Veteran's Day is for those who served.

Armed Forces Day is for those currently serving.
Go piss up a rope. I thank veterans on all those days. Go be offended by it.
So, you like liars-and Blumenthal is not a veteran, he is a coward!

Blumenthal served in the US Marine Corps Reserves. Sickening that politics now decides that they aren't actual veterans.

I think you need to learn the definition of "veteran".
I think you are being too technical. Half the population has no idea who fought in what war. The point is, Blumenthal is the BIGGEST LIAR of all time, and people who post support for the military, past and present should be encouraged to do so.

Nah the biggest liar is pretending to be patriotic while rather than fighting with your fellow Americans you get daddy to get you a sick note.

Or believing that somehow deriding US POW's and gold star families because they have different political leanings and religious beliefs is "Patriotic".
Go piss up a rope. I thank veterans on all those days. Go be offended by it.
So, you like liars-and Blumenthal is not a veteran, he is a coward!

Blumenthal served in the US Marine Corps Reserves. Sickening that politics now decides that they aren't actual veterans.

I think you need to learn the definition of "veteran".
I think you are being too technical. Half the population has no idea who fought in what war. The point is, Blumenthal is the BIGGEST LIAR of all time, and people who post support for the military, past and present should be encouraged to do so.

Nah the biggest liar is pretending to be patriotic while rather than fighting with your fellow Americans you get daddy to get you a sick note.

Or believing that somehow deriding US POW's and gold star families because they have different political leanings and religious beliefs is "Patriotic".
NO! Neither Obama nor Trump said they served in VietNam when they didn't. We KNOW who did say that-lying dick head.
So, you like liars-and Blumenthal is not a veteran, he is a coward!

Blumenthal served in the US Marine Corps Reserves. Sickening that politics now decides that they aren't actual veterans.

I think you need to learn the definition of "veteran".
I think you are being too technical. Half the population has no idea who fought in what war. The point is, Blumenthal is the BIGGEST LIAR of all time, and people who post support for the military, past and present should be encouraged to do so.

Nah the biggest liar is pretending to be patriotic while rather than fighting with your fellow Americans you get daddy to get you a sick note.

Or believing that somehow deriding US POW's and gold star families because they have different political leanings and religious beliefs is "Patriotic".
NO! Neither Obama nor Trump said they served in VietNam when they didn't. We KNOW who did say that-lying dick head.

Yup, granted one of them said he'd make a great General when daddy had to get him out of serving his country. Healthy enough to be active in college athletics, but when it came time to serve, he was disabled.
Blumenthal served in the US Marine Corps Reserves. Sickening that politics now decides that they aren't actual veterans.

I think you need to learn the definition of "veteran".
I think you are being too technical. Half the population has no idea who fought in what war. The point is, Blumenthal is the BIGGEST LIAR of all time, and people who post support for the military, past and present should be encouraged to do so.

Nah the biggest liar is pretending to be patriotic while rather than fighting with your fellow Americans you get daddy to get you a sick note.

Or believing that somehow deriding US POW's and gold star families because they have different political leanings and religious beliefs is "Patriotic".
NO! Neither Obama nor Trump said they served in VietNam when they didn't. We KNOW who did say that-lying dick head.

Yup, granted one of them said he'd make a great General when daddy had to get him out of serving his country. Healthy enough to be active in college athletics, but when it came time to serve, he was disabled.
The other one said"you didn't build that". Besides me and others, the immigrants we worship are famous for building things-how on earth does he get a pass for that? Not as bad as Blumenthal's lies, but close.
I think you need to learn the definition of "veteran".
I think you are being too technical. Half the population has no idea who fought in what war. The point is, Blumenthal is the BIGGEST LIAR of all time, and people who post support for the military, past and present should be encouraged to do so.

Nah the biggest liar is pretending to be patriotic while rather than fighting with your fellow Americans you get daddy to get you a sick note.

Or believing that somehow deriding US POW's and gold star families because they have different political leanings and religious beliefs is "Patriotic".
NO! Neither Obama nor Trump said they served in VietNam when they didn't. We KNOW who did say that-lying dick head.

Yup, granted one of them said he'd make a great General when daddy had to get him out of serving his country. Healthy enough to be active in college athletics, but when it came time to serve, he was disabled.
The other one said"you didn't build that". Besides me and others, the immigrants we worship are famous for building things-how on earth does he get a pass for that? Not as bad as Blumenthal's lies, but close.

Not sure what "you didn't build that" (and mentioning you had help along the way likely) has to do with lying and military service.

I knew plenty of guys in the military who'd lie about their MOS or rating and where they'd been. Not cool.

Don't know many draft dodgers who lied about themselves to avoid serving. MUCH worse.

Then to take something like POW's and politicize that for your own goals saying you don't like them. Fuck that.

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