Trump and Palin?? Please Explain...


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
Does anybody really respect Sarah Palin on a political level? I know she got popular with the VP nomination that ended up bombing McCains campaign, then used her popularity to start a reality TV show, however, I hear many conservatives talking about this influence that she has... I just don't see it. Listening to her talk is like listening to a mindless robot spitting out conservative talking points to a kindergarten class. Why is Trump putting so much weight on this endorsement?? Is it because they are both Reality TV stars? Can anybody explain this?

I never watched Bimbos show. Having to see her and her drunken family in fistfights, her daughter that has two different baby daddies, her eagerness to "kick ass" and not consider any consequences, her love of hunting animals from a helicopter...all this shit is enough to make me gag.

Now, think on this. I DID watch Celeb Apprentice. Y'all need to watch that show with reruns. And instead of being behind a desk in Trump Tower and how he handles each team, how he responds to them, how he reacts, his comments after the teams leave and the ones that who you want in the oval office with a pen in his hand? And do you want to see his wife...the one that has pics all over the net of sucking dick, being FLOTUS?Really?

I can see it now. Palin and Trumps sons will go find more cecils to kill so all three can stand over the body from the canned hunt.
I saw about 5 minutes of one of her shows. She shot at a Caribou 2 times from 75 yards and missed both times. One of the guys with her shot and killed it. She posed with the dead animal as if she shot it.

must be Uncle Ted's sister.

I never watched again.
I saw about 5 minutes of one of her shows. She shot at a Caribou 2 times from 75 yards and missed both times. One of the guys with her shot and killed it. She posed with the dead animal as if she shot it.

must be Uncle Ted's sister.

I never watched again.

Yes, the F.B.I. should nail her for sending Top Secret emails over an unsecured server and for using her job as Secretary of State to get donations to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation. Hang her. Any tree will do.
She couldn't garner enough ratings for a stupid cable news show . I don't see her influencing anyone .
I caught a couple of minutes of a Donald Jr. interview ... he said he would be sleeping on a friends couch in Iowa and hunting deer all weekend.

uh huh, sure Jr.

btw, the last day of the nonresident season is Jan 2nd.

Jr is a liar just like Sr is.
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Putting aside all the left wing talking points it's really very simple in Iowa Trump needs help with evangelicals against Cruz Palin is still very popular with them Palin gets air time and major publicity by endorsing Trump. If Cruz wasn't a serious challenge to Trump in Iowa and Palins star had not faded I doubt you would see her endorsing Trump or Trump caring if she did.
Does anybody really respect Sarah Palin on a political level?
Nope, personally I think they just trot her out to remind folks what a conservative version of Rosie O'Donnell would sound like.

Well, you can't say they're trotting Hillary out. They've got her hid out in a safe house.
Good, I hope they keep the corrupt, lying bitch there... in fact I wouldn't shed any tears if they just went ahead and burned it down with her inside, poetic justice for the staffers she managed to get killed in Benghazi.
wow, now they need to have thing explained to them? It' doesn't sink in anyway. how many times did we warn them about that same thing, with their thingles and hardon over Obama.

and look what we got for it. things aren't just worse. he's shown he's a traitor to us and our country. my gawd
wow, now they need to have thing explained to them? It' doesn't sink in anyway. how many times did we warn them about that same thing, with their thingles and hardon over Obama.

and look what we got for it. things aren't just worse. he's shown he's a traitor to us and our country. my gawd

fever with those fits?
I guess the
it's really very simple in Iowa Trump needs help with evangelicals against Cruz Palin is still very popular with them
I guess this is what amazes me. Why is she popular to evangelicals or anybody who is serious about politics? Even if she preaches the same values, her presentation can't be something that people take seriously... Am I wrong?
Does anybody really respect Sarah Palin on a political level? I know she got popular with the VP nomination that ended up bombing McCains campaign, then used her popularity to start a reality TV show, however, I hear many conservatives talking about this influence that she has... I just don't see it. Listening to her talk is like listening to a mindless robot spitting out conservative talking points to a kindergarten class. Why is Trump putting so much weight on this endorsement?? Is it because they are both Reality TV stars? Can anybody explain this?

Palin's fund raising abilities for conservative candidates on state and federal level are legendary. Ditto her campaigning for those candidates. She lights a fire under the base.

McCain bombed McCain's campaign. Not Palin. He is despised today and she is still adored in conservative circles.

Her endorsement of Trump will fire it up. Volunteers will come out in droves.
Putting aside all the left wing talking points it's really very simple in Iowa Trump needs help with evangelicals against Cruz Palin is still very popular with them Palin gets air time and major publicity by endorsing Trump. If Cruz wasn't a serious challenge to Trump in Iowa and Palins star had not faded I doubt you would see her endorsing Trump or Trump caring if she did.

Palin's star had faded when? I missed it with all due respect. Since her VP slot she's a hot ticket to have her fire up conservative support for a candidate she's been into.

Take Cruz for example. Palin's come out swinging for him many many times. Including campaigning for him for Senate. This must have been a hard choice for her.

She campaigned in Texas for him in 2012.
I guess the
it's really very simple in Iowa Trump needs help with evangelicals against Cruz Palin is still very popular with them
I guess this is what amazes me. Why is she popular to evangelicals or anybody who is serious about politics? Even if she preaches the same values, her presentation can't be something that people take seriously... Am I wrong?

Yes, the evangelicals should be following Bill Clinton and his line of bimbos, right?

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