"Truck Nuts"


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
One of things about living in these times is the wonderful humor and tragedy of it. If it were possible to juxtapose the beautiful and horrible next to each other in some way where would that lead? What thoughts would grow out of it? I'll leave that thought there, but given debates that have substantive value I'll leave you with this debate to ponder and pick a side. Reasons?

"I love to talk about truck nuts, probably for the same reason that racists love to talk about crime rates in the ghetto. Regardless of why, I just can’t get enough of the phenomenon of people affixing plastic testicles to their motor vehicles.

Obviously, I think people should be free to do pretty much whatever they want when it comes to decorating their vehicles. So I find the truck nuts story circulating around the blogosphere very disturbing. Apparently, a South Carolina woman was given a $445 ticket for her truck’s nuts. Her story is making news, because she’s secured a jury trial to protest the ticket." Is A Ban on ‘Truck Nuts’ Unconstitutional? « Above the Law: A Legal Web Site
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i think it will be overturned....truck nuts are after all a freedom of expression issue...to me....i dont find them offensive...they are kinda funny dangling there...swaying back and forth and all
Whats next, tickets for those naked chrome chicks you see on mudflaps?

Its the End of the world as we knowit.


The lady should protest, make a sign:

Free my nutz!

It doesn't take much imagination to envision what is going to be running vertically, up and down the middle of the front grills of 18-wheelers, if this trend continues . . . :cool:
It doesn't take much imagination to envision what is going to be running vertically, up and down the middle of the front grills of 18-wheelers, if this trend continues . . . :cool:
Ah, the slipperly slope argu..........


K. I'm not even a guy, but that pic of them in the article invokes pain.
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I think that it reflects the status of the driver but if you want to look like a couple of nuts go for it. I have a truck and I find that my friends love it especially when they need to haul something.
"I love to talk about truck nuts, probably for the same reason that racists love to talk about crime rates in the ghetto. Regardless of why, I just can’t get enough of the phenomenon of people affixing plastic testicles to their motor vehicles.

You assume that one has to be "racist" in order to "like" talking about high crime rates in the ghetto?

Why is it that there are high crime rates in the ghetto?

Am I racist for asking that?

Is it racist for me to also note that the crime rate around "crackah trailer parks" is high too?

Truck nuts are just tastelss and I hate them as much as I hate a brother driving along with porn blazing from his headrests via a tiny tv screen.... Oh my, does that make me a racist???

Jeez you race baiters crack me up..... you ONLY identify yourself by your race.... pretty dayumn shallow of ya axe me. :lol:

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