Troops Abroad

Do we bring our troops home as planned or send more to take care of business

  • Yes, send more troops

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • No, bring them all home

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2015
One of Obammy's campaign promises was to reduce US presence in the ME and bring our troops home. But as tensions are even more heightened by terrorism, civil wars over there, and a number of other issues facing the region and our this really such a good idea anymore?

Should we get out now & leave the governments, terrorists and people deal with their own crap & we mind our own business? Just cut our ties & losses & walk away.


Should we send more troops over there to kick some serious butt?

Do nothing until the traitor is out of office, then take care of business.
Do nothing until the traitor is out of office, then take care of business.
Sounds like a vote for Hillary^.....Trump said he will cut and run, leave it to the Russians.
Do nothing until the traitor is out of office, then take care of business.
Sounds like a vote for Hillary^.....Trump said he will cut and run, leave it to the Russians.
Reagan cut and ran and some people think he belongs on Mt. Rushmore. His response to the Marine barracks being blown up in Lebanon was to invade Granada. WTF is an obammy anyway?
Do nothing until the traitor is out of office, then take care of business.
Sounds like a vote for Hillary^.....Trump said he will cut and run, leave it to the Russians.
Reagan cut and ran and some people think he belongs on Mt. Rushmore. His response to the Marine barracks being blown up in Lebanon was to invade Granada. WTF is an obammy anyway?
Bullshit, there was no target to go after in Lebanon and Granada is in Spain. Grenada is the island Reagan liberated where American students were being held hostage. It had nothing to do with Lebanon or a response to the Marine barracks being blown up. And leaving the embassy open in Lebanon was pointless and unlike Obama, Reagan wasn't willing to put American lives at risk by leaving them there as targets for terrorists in a civil war.
I volunteered the draft. Everyone in the military are volunteers today. Harms way may or may not come your way.
One of Obammy's campaign promises was to reduce US presence in the ME and bring our troops home. But as tensions are even more heightened by terrorism, civil wars over there, and a number of other issues facing the region and our this really such a good idea anymore?

Should we get out now & leave the governments, terrorists and people deal with their own crap & we mind our own business? Just cut our ties & losses & walk away.


Should we send more troops over there to kick some serious butt?

killing muslims won't work, they like being killed, it's a one way trip to the virgins.

they live a lifestyle that is centuries behind the rest of the world, they have tv and internet and still have chosen to live like that.

we see how well refugees treat the locals that are helping them.

there is no cure for muslim

time to cut and run, respond to any attack with carpet bombing of some place important to them. not mecca, they'd lose their fucking minds.

I also choose running b/c leftist don't know how to win a war and won't do what is needed to win, more of us die b/c of that.
I worked for a Japanese country in the US and remember that when my boss says mush mush over the telephone he is talking to his girlfriend and when talking to his boss in Japan says mush.

edit: not pronounced mush like mush you husky dogs but like meuch.
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And keep them out of this country.
fdr put Japs and Germans in prison camps during the war, didn't matter that they were citizens

but keeping muslims out is evul

fdr, the lefts best Pres evuh, was more evil than Trump, but it was ok when he did it b/c insert idiotic reason that has nothing to do with reality and you're a racist
The problems I see in pulling out.....

1. The very fact we pull out would be viewed as 'turning tail & running in defeat' by not only our enemy, the world as a whole but even within our own people. Make no mistake, we are in a war and fighting for our liberties against terrorism and trying to keep that fight confined to their shores. I agree we don't need to be involved in their civil wars or wars amongst the other countries within that region for power over the other.

2. This may have been a great idea years before, but things have changed and progressed enough that I don't really see it as a smart move anymore.

3. By leaving the fight, we are handing over our own responsibilities as a democratic nation into the hands of other world powers. I wouldn't want Russia taking credit for protecting our freedoms OR forcing us to live by theirs because of their victory in our stead. We should fight our own battles, not let someone else with their own interests in mind.

The problems I see in sending more troops...

1. It kind of leaves us vulnerable at home and wide open for attack. Unfortunately the population of this country isn't so patriotic to it's beliefs to form together en masse to protect the peoples or our interests as we used to be. We've become just a wee bit spoiled by enjoying our freedoms and demanding our rights to do as we please without ever having to face the danger of loosing it from an outside source. Sure everyone and anyone can sit around & bitch about the government or their neighbor abusing those rights or 'amending' the rules to fit everyone IF they cared enough to be interested. We are living in a generation of privilege that's never been in a position to consider just what it takes to keep those same rights & freedoms.
The point of these comments is that we don't have enough troops to cover all bases home & abroad since there is a lot of people that would 'let someone else do it' & doesn't like war & thinks of it as a dirty word.

2. Another or continuing drain on the economy, deficit and/or financial ability to cover such expenses.

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