Trifecta!!!! Santorum! Santorum! Santorum!


But you'll probably think it's "honest reporting" because they are saying bad things abuot conservatives.

Are they going to just make stuff up? Is there a central planning division in the "mainstream media"? Is there a place from whence the bad things are invented?

Please.........explain it to us.

Look we know you drank the liberal koolaid and we know you think only conservatives have "conspiracies."

But if you are so dumb you don't think the liberal media is in the tank for Obama and will do what they can to get him elected, you aren't paying attention.

Run along, and go infect a thread where they all think liberalism is "objective."


I don't think "the media" is liberal. I think op-ed sections of newspapers and cable divisions of TV News stations and blogs and partisan websites are all flourishing. But to say that these entities are overwhelmingly liberal or even mostly liberal ( especially in terms of viewership and readership ) is a claim that you have yet to support.
What's to talk about?

You either believe that theory or you don't.

Nobody is going to convince anybody to change their minds regarding this issue.

And the debate today won't be saying anything that hasn't been said here thousands of times.

Way to miss the point. I was not suggesting that we should discuss it. I was noting that it is bullshit to claim that "nobody" ( meaning the media )
covered Wright and the bullshit, out of context comments.

Yeah, I get a kick out of it when they try to claim that the MSM didn't discuss Wright, Obama wasn't vetted, yada, yada.

They live in an alternate reality.

It's hilarious when Wright gets brought up. A man who's served his country, worked hard, paid his taxes and STILL got treated like a second or third class citizen by his own country because of his skin color.

And he was mad about it.

Go figure.
What's to talk about?

You either believe that theory or you don't.

Nobody is going to convince anybody to change their minds regarding this issue.

And the debate today won't be saying anything that hasn't been said here thousands of times.

Way to miss the point. I was not suggesting that we should discuss it. I was noting that it is bullshit to claim that "nobody" ( meaning the media )
covered Wright and the bullshit, out of context comments.

Yeah, I get a kick out of it when they try to claim that the MSM didn't discuss Wright, Obama wasn't vetted, yada, yada.

They live in an alternate reality.

Obama was not vetted. His high level of incompetence on the job should be proof of that. Ironically, he'll probably be saved by the fact the economy is getting better despite him. And the GOP Candidates kind of suck.

But no, we did not hear nearly enough about Wright compared to how much we've heard about Newt and his ex-wife.

Oh, by the way, is there a context where "God Damn America" ever sounds good or can be explained?
Are they going to just make stuff up? Is there a central planning division in the "mainstream media"? Is there a place from whence the bad things are invented?

Please.........explain it to us.

Look we know you drank the liberal koolaid and we know you think only conservatives have "conspiracies."

But if you are so dumb you don't think the liberal media is in the tank for Obama and will do what they can to get him elected, you aren't paying attention.

Run along, and go infect a thread where they all think liberalism is "objective."


I don't think "the media" is liberal. I think op-ed sections of newspapers and cable divisions of TV News stations and blogs and partisan websites are all flourishing. But to say that these entities are overwhelmingly liberal or even mostly liberal ( especially in terms of viewership and readership ) is a claim that you have yet to support.

Objectivity, by it's very nature, needs to be "liberal".
Amazing race the GOP is having this election cycle.

I think it speaks to the wide range of GOP MASTERS fighting for control of today's Republican Party.

I doubt Ricky will win the nod from the GOP, but then too, when it comes to political prognostication, I am seldom right.

You touched on the key point.

The GOP establishment, the Obama campaign, and the left wing media, all want Mitt Romney. Conservatives and much of the rank and file GOP want anyone but Mitt Romney. It's telling that only now, Rick Santorum has taken the momentum. We really wanted Herman Cain, then we settled for Newt Gingrich, now in desperation, we try Rick Santorum.

As usual, when the lefties are correct, they are for the wrong reasons. This will help Obama, but not because the voters chose Rick Santorum, or because Obama is a good or competent POTUS, but because having Romney forced on us is going to dampen much of the enthusiasm on the right. Many of us will see this as a repeat of the John McCain nomination from 4 years ago.

I can guarantee you that if Obama could pick the GOP nominee, it would be Santorum. Nobody WANTS Mitt, you're just on the forced march to Mittdom. :lol:
Way to miss the point. I was not suggesting that we should discuss it. I was noting that it is bullshit to claim that "nobody" ( meaning the media )
covered Wright and the bullshit, out of context comments.

Yeah, I get a kick out of it when they try to claim that the MSM didn't discuss Wright, Obama wasn't vetted, yada, yada.

They live in an alternate reality.

It's hilarious when Wright gets brought up. A man who's served his country, worked hard, paid his taxes and STILL got treated like a second or third class citizen by his own country because of his skin color.

And he was mad about it.

Go figure.

Reverand Wright lives in a big mansion in Tinley Park... all paid for by the suckers in the south side slums he spent the last 40 years scamming.

He's livin' Large!
What's to talk about?

You either believe that theory or you don't.

Nobody is going to convince anybody to change their minds regarding this issue.

And the debate today won't be saying anything that hasn't been said here thousands of times.

Way to miss the point. I was not suggesting that we should discuss it. I was noting that it is bullshit to claim that "nobody" ( meaning the media )
covered Wright and the bullshit, out of context comments.

Yeah, I get a kick out of it when they try to claim that the MSM didn't discuss Wright, Obama wasn't vetted, yada, yada.

They live in an alternate reality.

What you're unwilling to admit is that the MSM didn't plaster that shit all over the news for weeks on end like they have done against EVERY Republican that comes down the pike. The 200 reporters sent to Wasilla is a good example that you MIGHT want to look at. In 2008 there was NOTHING on the MSM about Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko and Jeremiah Wright, you had to go to the Internet to learn anything about those guys and their connections to Obama.

To deny that only proves it's you living in an alternate universe...
Joe's right.

Anyone who wins in the debates or the GOP primaries is the automatic target for the LSM

To bad they weren't as serious about Barry when he was running.

No new agency sent 200 reporters to Chicago to dig up dirt on Barry like they did on Palin.

Ayers, Wright and all his Chicago thug connections got a basic pass.

Wonder what the LSM would have found if they actually dug looking for something??

Fuck, I'll go you all one better. I live in the Chicago Area.

When Obama was running for Senate in 2004, the Chicago Media sandbagged his top Democratic opponent, a fellow named Blair Hull, by printing the police report of a complaint and letting everyone know he called his wife the dreaded "c-word". After he beat Hull, they then went to work on the GOP nominee, Jack Ryan. They even got a judge to unseal his custody agreement, to find scurilous and false accusations made by his "Actress" wife, Jeri Ryan. (And I put "Actress" in parathesis because if you ever had to sit through an episode of Star Trek:Voyager, you'd doubt that.)

Nary a word about Reverand "God Damn America". We didn't hear about that joker until 2008, after he locked it up against Hillary. And then it was "nothing to see here."

Yeah. Amazing ain't it??

To bad we don't have honest unbiased media in the country.

They wanted America to elect this guy and America fell for it hook line an sinker.

I still think some honest reporter needs to get on his horse and start digging into Obama big time. I just wonder what he will discover??

There ain't a politician alive that doesn't have something he doesn't want discovered. Barry ain't any different.
Way to miss the point. I was not suggesting that we should discuss it. I was noting that it is bullshit to claim that "nobody" ( meaning the media )
covered Wright and the bullshit, out of context comments.

Yeah, I get a kick out of it when they try to claim that the MSM didn't discuss Wright, Obama wasn't vetted, yada, yada.

They live in an alternate reality.

Obama was not vetted. His high level of incompetence on the job should be proof of that. Ironically, he'll probably be saved by the fact the economy is getting better despite him. And the GOP Candidates kind of suck.

But no, we did not hear nearly enough about Wright compared to how much we've heard about Newt and his ex-wife.

Oh, by the way, is there a context where "God Damn America" ever sounds good or can be explained?

Obama hasn't been at all incompetent. Incompetent is missing all the evidence that is pointing to a major terrorist attack then after that attack happens, vowing to get the perpetrator, trashing two countries, one of which was completely unrelated to the attack, trashing the economy and leaving the whole mess uncompleted for the next guy that comes along. Without getting the guy who plotted the attack in the first place.

That's incompetence.
Way to miss the point. I was not suggesting that we should discuss it. I was noting that it is bullshit to claim that "nobody" ( meaning the media )
covered Wright and the bullshit, out of context comments.

Yeah, I get a kick out of it when they try to claim that the MSM didn't discuss Wright, Obama wasn't vetted, yada, yada.

They live in an alternate reality.

Obama was not vetted. His high level of incompetence on the job should be proof of that. Ironically, he'll probably be saved by the fact the economy is getting better despite him. And the GOP Candidates kind of suck.

But no, we did not hear nearly enough about Wright compared to how much we've heard about Newt and his ex-wife.

Oh, by the way, is there a context where "God Damn America" ever sounds good or can be explained?

You just said " God Damn America" in a context that can be explained. As did I. amazing, isn't it?
Yeah, I get a kick out of it when they try to claim that the MSM didn't discuss Wright, Obama wasn't vetted, yada, yada.

They live in an alternate reality.

It's hilarious when Wright gets brought up. A man who's served his country, worked hard, paid his taxes and STILL got treated like a second or third class citizen by his own country because of his skin color.

And he was mad about it.

Go figure.

Reverand Wright lives in a big mansion in Tinley Park... all paid for by the suckers in the south side slums he spent the last 40 years scamming.

He's livin' Large!

Wright served in the military and was a top flight cardiologist that treated President Johnson.

Please..keep digging. I'm sure it was all a "scam". Because a black man can't possibly have made money, honestly. Right chief?
Yeah, I get a kick out of it when they try to claim that the MSM didn't discuss Wright, Obama wasn't vetted, yada, yada.

They live in an alternate reality.

Obama was not vetted. His high level of incompetence on the job should be proof of that. Ironically, he'll probably be saved by the fact the economy is getting better despite him. And the GOP Candidates kind of suck.

But no, we did not hear nearly enough about Wright compared to how much we've heard about Newt and his ex-wife.

Oh, by the way, is there a context where "God Damn America" ever sounds good or can be explained?

Obama hasn't been at all incompetent. Incompetent is missing all the evidence that is pointing to a major terrorist attack then after that attack happens, vowing to get the perpetrator, trashing two countries, one of which was completely unrelated to the attack, trashing the economy and leaving the whole mess uncompleted for the next guy that comes along. Without getting the guy who plotted the attack in the first place.

That's incompetence.

You know, there's a 12 step program for those still suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome 3 years after he left office.

It's called Vodka. :lol:
Wright served in the military and was a top flight cardiologist that treated President Johnson.

Please..keep digging. I'm sure it was all a "scam". Because a black man can't possibly have made money, honestly. Right chief?

Well, i don't think anyone in the "religion" business makes money honestly. I think ALL religions are scams.

But telling folks they are poor because White People are evil and America should be damned, and then moving out of that slum into a nice white neighborhood in a gated community.

I think there's a tad of hypocrisy there, don't you think?
Obama was not vetted. His high level of incompetence on the job should be proof of that. Ironically, he'll probably be saved by the fact the economy is getting better despite him. And the GOP Candidates kind of suck.

But no, we did not hear nearly enough about Wright compared to how much we've heard about Newt and his ex-wife.

Oh, by the way, is there a context where "God Damn America" ever sounds good or can be explained?

Obama hasn't been at all incompetent. Incompetent is missing all the evidence that is pointing to a major terrorist attack then after that attack happens, vowing to get the perpetrator, trashing two countries, one of which was completely unrelated to the attack, trashing the economy and leaving the whole mess uncompleted for the next guy that comes along. Without getting the guy who plotted the attack in the first place.

That's incompetence.

You know, there's a 12 step program for those still suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome 3 years after he left office.

It's called Vodka. :lol:

I love the smell of deflection in the morning.

Smells like victory. :lol:
Obama hasn't been at all incompetent. Incompetent is missing all the evidence that is pointing to a major terrorist attack then after that attack happens, vowing to get the perpetrator, trashing two countries, one of which was completely unrelated to the attack, trashing the economy and leaving the whole mess uncompleted for the next guy that comes along. Without getting the guy who plotted the attack in the first place.

That's incompetence.

You know, there's a 12 step program for those still suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome 3 years after he left office.

It's called Vodka. :lol:

I love the smell of deflection in the morning.

Smells like victory. :lol:

If you are still here whining about Bush 3 years later, you have an issue.

I look at it from a standard. I would LOVE to have my life from 2006 back, when I made much better money, had an office instead of a cubicle, and didn't work nearly as hard.

My worst year under Bush was better than my best year under Obama. And I think that applies to most people.
See....they pretend that Wright, Rezko, and Ayers wasn't reported on in the "MSM" and that you had to go to the Internet to find out about them.

Its' hilarious.
You just said " God Damn America" in a context that can be explained. As did I. amazing, isn't it?

Um, no. "God Damn America" does not sound better because you put more words around it.

Neither does "I like to be able to fire people" for that matter.

Context matters. Please say that you agree.

Why should I say that.

If someone's brain is diseased enough to string together the words "God Damned America", and then blurt them out IN A CHURCH, that's pretty sick.

Even sicker is sitting their with your wife and two children and listening to that and not walking out immediately because this guy is your political patron.

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