Jack Smith could face indictment


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Those of us who paid attention in Physics (and many of us who didn't), are well aware that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Democrats, in their desperate fury to throw the kitchen sink at Trump, are not only putting him in the driver's seat for 2024; they are putting themselves in serious legal jeopardy.

Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz said that Special Counsel Jack Smith could himself be indicted if the indictment of former President Donald Trump is thrown out.

“You know the worst thing about this indictment, under the terms of this indictment, Jack Smith can be indicted. Let me explain to you why,” Dershowitz said. “The statute says the following, two or more persons conspire to injure and deny somebody the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured him by the constitution. What if a court ultimately rules that Donald Trump had a right under the First Amendment to make his Jan. 6 speech and to do what he did? Then Jack Smith will have conspired to deny him of that right. That’s how serious this is.”

The possibility of this is very real.

Trump will never win his trial in DC.

But he will definitely appeal it - and the case is almost just as flimsy as the rest. He will win on appeal.

Potentially right around the time he moves back into the White House.

What a confluence of striking events that is.

How sweet it's going to be next year, when the idiot Leftists crowing on this board about what seems to be an imminent victory - self-immolate into the perpetual abyss of total loss.
Those of us who paid attention in Physics (and many of us who didn't), are well aware that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Democrats, in their desperate fury to throw the kitchen sink at Trump, are not only putting him in the driver's seat for 2024; they are putting themselves in serious legal jeopardy.

How sweet it's going to be next year, when the idiot Leftists crowing on this board about what seems to be an imminent victory - self-immolate into the perpetual abyss of total loss.
I doubt it. But keep dreaming. Trump has to win first. I'd say, there is about a 0.0% chance of that happening. :)
Those of us who paid attention in Physics (and many of us who didn't), are well aware that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Democrats, in their desperate fury to throw the kitchen sink at Trump, are not only putting him in the driver's seat for 2024; they are putting themselves in serious legal jeopardy.

The possibility of this is very real.

Trump will never win his trial in DC.

But he will definitely appeal it - and the case is almost just as flimsy as the rest. He will win on appeal.

Potentially right around the time he moves back into the White House.

What a confluence of striking events that is.

How sweet it's going to be next year, when the idiot Leftists crowing on this board about what seems to be an imminent victory - self-immolate into the perpetual abyss of total loss.
Uhhh you’re watching the reaction to Trumps actions physics boy. That’s how Smith came to be.
The man that sat on OJ's team

He also defended dictators.

What is your point?

Accomplished attorneys take jobs like that all the time, someone has to defend these crooks.

And he's said explicitly time again he's no fan of Trump.

Oh, and most importantly: He was a far more successful record as a litigator than Jack Smith.

Did you bother to look into your saviour's track record in court?

That's the problem when you're an incurious MSM puppet who simply just relies on what he's told.

Those of us who paid attention in Physics (and many of us who didn't), are well aware that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Democrats, in their desperate fury to throw the kitchen sink at Trump, are not only putting him in the driver's seat for 2024; they are putting themselves in serious legal jeopardy.

The possibility of this is very real.

Trump will never win his trial in DC.

But he will definitely appeal it - and the case is almost just as flimsy as the rest. He will win on appeal.

Potentially right around the time he moves back into the White House.

What a confluence of striking events that is.

How sweet it's going to be next year, when the idiot Leftists crowing on this board about what seems to be an imminent victory - self-immolate into the perpetual abyss of total loss.
Donald Trump is falling down, falling down, falling down, Donald Trump is falling down and taking the GOP with him!
He also defended dictators.

What is your point?

Accomplished attorneys take jobs like that all the time, someone has to defend these crooks.

And he's said explicitly time again he's no fan of Trump.

Oh, and most importantly: He was a far more successful record as a litigator than Jack Smith.

Did you bother to look into your saviour's track record in court?

That's the problem when you're an incurious MSM puppet who simply just relies on what he's told.

That's not all Al did, but I was keeping the more sordid accusations against him out of the post. He's a slimey D-Bag, but he's even more of an ambulance chaser as a lawyer.
I know more about the Constitution than he does.

Jack Smith isn't my savior. He's just the guy that's gonna take YOUR savior down.

But whatever helps you get through the day.

What I'm watching is a brazen attempt to takedown the Left's most feared political opponent, and it's going to epically blow up in your miserable little faces.
Trump's only defense under the latest indictment is that he really, truly, believed that he won the election. But testimony, from a plethora of sources, indicates he knew good and well, not only that he lost, but that he was going to lose. "We will leave that to the next guy", a direct quote from Trump speaking to the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff three days BEFORE January 6.

You guys are delusional fools.
Trump's only defense under the latest indictment is that he really, truly, believed that he won the election. But testimony, from a plethora of sources, indicates he knew good and well, not only that he lost, but that he was going to lose. "We will leave that to the next guy", a direct quote from Trump speaking to the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff three days BEFORE January 6.

You guys are delusional fools.



The only delusional fool is the person who thinks third person hearsay is going to hold up in the Supreme Court after this trash case gets appealed.

I'm sure if you were on this message board in 2017/18 you were arguing just as vociferously at the time that Russiagate would see Trump imprisoned.

But like Charlie Brown trying to kick that football, you fall for it again and again and again.

The media's useful idiot.

But whatever helps you get through the day.

What I'm watching is a brazen attempt to takedown the Left's most feared political opponent, and it's going to epically blow up in your miserable little faces.
Uhhh yeah, an indictment isn’t subtle it’s pretty brazen, and is their job to try and take down people they have evidence committed crimes… so I’m not seeing what your issue is
Uhhh yeah, an indictment isn’t subtle it’s pretty brazen,

Yes, which is what they had in mind when they coined the phrase:

"You can indict a ham sandwich."

You idiots don't understand that, ultimately, none of the Establishment politicians manipulating your emotions expect to win ANY of these cases.

That is not their purpose.

Their purpose is a last ditch effort to take down Trump, politically.

Which is why the Washington Post is now reporting that Obama has warned Biden Trump is much stronger than they want to believe.

And why CNN's top elections analyst is pointing out that Trump is much stronger now than he was in 2016 or 2020.

But keep on believin' your own BS.

It'll be amusing to see what you come up with to rationalize it all come November next year.
He also defended dictators.

What is your point?

Accomplished attorneys take jobs like that all the time, someone has to defend these crooks.

And he's said explicitly time again he's no fan of Trump.

Oh, and most importantly: He was a far more successful record as a litigator than Jack Smith.

Did you bother to look into your saviour's track record in court?

That's the problem when you're an incurious MSM puppet who simply just relies on what he's told.



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