Transgender teen: 'My death needs to mean something'

It's hard to change people with OCD too. But that doesn't mean the APA should tell people with OCD that their compulsions are "normal and healthy"; and petition local governments to accomodate people's compulsive behaviors.
No but while ppl are going through recovery, it helps to have a supportive environment to facilitate the healing. Combative relations can make it worse as in this case.
The only successful cases of healing Ive heard of were through forgiveness and acceptance not rejection that blocks the healing.

Also some ppl may not ever be able to change.

Even if you had a terminal cancer case you would still accept and work with the person to keep them comfortable and avoid pain from putting pressure on the tumor area that is abnormal. You would not blame the cancer patient for the sickness.

Even when they bring cancer on themselves by smoking, the cure to both the cancer and the addiction or conflict causing the smoking is forgiveness so they can heal on all levels.
Back to the case at hand, the combative relationship is the one who was ill fighting those who tried to help him. There was no rejection that can honestly be placed on the parents. The need for forgiveness lays with the dead child, not his parents. Forgiveness heals the aggressor not the victim...which does not apply here as far as I can tell.
Where do you get that forgiveness heals the wrongdoer notvthe victim?
Forgiveness heals the person who agrees or asks help to forgive. If it is mutual yes
All people can heal.

Especially in this case if you
Blame the kid for not forgiving the circumstances yes I totally agree this kid
Needed help with forgiveness in order to heal.

Now not in one case of helping someone
To receive help with forgiveness and healing have i seen or heard of them getting to that point by blaming or pushing. That tends to backfire and cause more negative reactions. healing works by ppl who are already healed by forgiveness reaching out and not judging.

The spiritual healing experts I know with positive reputations all practice the forgiveness they teach to create a healing environment where the spirit of forgiveness and grace multiplies and spreads. They will all tell you this blame rejection attitude does not work but makes itworse.
I was only referring to this situation, sorry for the confusion.
Hey now, sometimes even I feel I've got some male voice, either Thomas Jefferson, Thomas More or Thomas Aquinas preaching through me about church-state reforms. I wish I could pay them to leave me alone, especially when it feels like I'm hosting a Constitutional convention on my conscience. If you invite Jesus to live in your heart, isn't that like letting The Man live inside you?

Just messing with you. I know I'm a mess but have just learned to live with it and manage when the Angels in Heaven try to talk through me which is always an interesting challenge. As long as it's angels not demons I can cope. But I do not hesitate to get ppl helpi s they have any signs of demons. That is serious and no one deserves to suffer when it can be cured through healing prayer for deliverance.

With me and my Constitutional tirades I blame on past like karma with Jefferson or whoever, i've learned to live and laugh or I couldn't tolerate the nonsense inside or out. Id be crazier than I am as it is. Cannot stand bipartisan bickering and blame back and forth but am surrounded by it as the byproduct of American freedoms of speech and participation in democratic due process. So i learned to take the good with the bad forgiving the worst and making the most of the best.

Happy New Year abd Happy Healing to all I pray receive peace and grace through forgiveness of any barriers left standing in the way.

Have a great year! From The Man in me I sometimes wish would go speak through someone else and let me sleep....
The parents should sue the crap out of the psychologists. Maybe this boy's death WILL mean something after all?...
I could be wrong, but the only way that his parents would have a solid shot against whoever the boy went to would be if the person was encouraging him to kill himself and if his parents didn't go to therapy with him, they may not ever know what was being said to him during his sessions.

God bless you and his family always!!!

Are liberals suggesting mentally balanced people jump in front of trucks? That mentally balanced people commit suicide? This kid was sadly SEVERELY mentally ill.
It's hard to change people with OCD too. But that doesn't mean the APA should tell people with OCD that their compulsions are "normal and healthy"; and petition local governments to accomodate people's compulsive behaviors.
A doctor who gave laxatives and purging techniques to a bulemic would go to jail. Yet liberals enable the mental illness with trangsgendered people. it's a criime. The liberlas and the doctors need to be jailed.
The parents should sue the crap out of the psychologists. Maybe this boy's death WILL mean something after all?...
I could be wrong, but the only way that his parents would have a solid shot against whoever the boy went to would be if the person was encouraging him to kill himself and if his parents didn't go to therapy with him, they may not ever know what was being said to him during his sessions.

Encouraging him in his delusion WAS encouraging him to kill himself. Telling a boy "you can mutilate your healthy organs and become a girl" is a lie. It is also a mind fuck. So any therapist egging this kid on in his delusion is guilty of mind-fucking him and should be taken to the cleaners.

Any therapist or therapeutic body who admits to encouraging this delusion in children should be first sued and then censured by all other health organizations. Period. No exceptions. This sad ruse, this real-life version of The Emperor's New Clothes is a sick joke that has run its course. And now a boy lies dead directly because of it.

As I said before, I fully agree with the title of this thread. This boy's life SHOULD mean something after all..
To be fair
Liberal thought police have chimed in, and this is how you are supposed to think and speak we referring to severaly mentally ill people that liberals enable.

The transgender life What to know say and understand -
. To be fair, novasteve,
How many troubled souls are alive because the liberal hearted gave them the benefit of the doubt, took their word for it that they were spiritually gay bi or transgender, and saved them from suicide? There are plenty of Christian gays and lesbians who dont change orientation after healing and making peace with God on how they were born.

It goes both ways. Some find peace and change, some dont change and find peace in acceptance. Its not all one way. Each person is different. Thats why this is happening to teach us to let go of judging, heal and this wont keep happening where ppl are born with adverse spiritual karma. Its happening until all past issues are healed and not repeated over and over reborn in future generations. Its part ofca collective healing process to learn unconditional love and forgiveness that breaks the cycle of negative conditions and judgment out of ill will and unforgiveness of the past.
Science and medicine have become infected by political correctness.
hi novasteve
Why not study and prove spiritual healing can cure people of not only unwanted homosexual attractions but also is used to cure other ills both physical mental or spiritual. by proving this is natural safe and effective using medical science, then it can be made publicly accessible as normal treatment.

Sources to recommend for formal medical research and development are posted at freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

If millions are spent researching medical marijuana, why not invest in proving purely natural means of healing spiritually that have zero side effects, are free and can be replicated by teaching and training more people, and can cure more diseases than marijuana can. Why research marijuana and not spiritual healing that can cure addiction itself. How many more lives could be saved
The people promoting this mentally ill boy's suicide for political points are unethical and immoral individuals. All this will do is encourage individuals with this mental illness of not identifying with their biological sex to commit suicide to "mean something" and "contribute to the cause". These liberals and "transactivists" are harming the very people they claim to care about. I can understand "transsexuals" encouraging such destructive behavior since they don't know any better. But this behavior of idolizing the suicide of a young boy and attacking his parents is even beyond the pale for these internet "social justice warriors".
The people promoting this mentally ill boy's suicide for political points are unethical and immoral individuals. All this will do is encourage individuals with this mental illness of not identifying with their biological sex to commit suicide to "mean something" and "contribute to the cause". These liberals and "transactivists" are harming the very people they claim to care about. I can understand "transsexuals" encouraging such destructive behavior since they don't know any better. But this behavior of idolizing the suicide of a young boy and attacking his parents is even beyond the pale for these internet "social justice warriors".
Okay, Steinlight, novasteve and others who feel it is the fault of liberals for promoting political agenda.
In part, I AGREE with you that rejecting and demonizing healing therapy that has been shown to SAVE LIVES is not only immoral and unethical but criminal, in negligently denying lifesaving treatment for people who otherwise end up harming or killing themselves and others. Not just cases of suicide, I'm talking about the cure for TRULY sick pedophile and predatory criminal illness, so more lives and innocent victims can be spared.

I do NOT agree with treating ALL such people or cases as mental illness that can or should be changed.
Some people REALLY ARE born spiritually as their gender, orientation, or a mix that is rejected in society.
Some of them CANNOT change, CANNOT help being born spiritually that way, and should not be made to suffer.

It can equally drive people to suicide by PUSHING them and forcing on them to change how they are, instead of working with them to forgive and let the spiritual healing come naturally. Look at the case of the minister's son who attempted suicide, and was blamed for that! These things can go either way, the common key is forgiving to bring about healing and the common drive toward suicide is from guilt, fear and unforgiven conflict that blocks spiritual healing.

Judging and rejecting BLOCKS the very spiritual healing that is used to SAVE lives and CHANGE people in cases where unwanted attractions and orientation CAN be changed.

So Steinlight and novasteve
if you are SO CONCERNED that people get spiritual help for healing and cure for these disorders and cases
that CAN be effectively, naturally and safely changed by free choice,

Are you willing to stand with me to promote a petition and campaign drive
to raise money for medical research into the methods of diagnosis, treatment and cure
to save lives of both the people who CAN change after healing and those who find they CANNOT.

Either way, whether God means for them to change or stay as they are,
they can all find healing and be freed of the negative demons of mental illness
that torment them as well as other people who suffer from other conditions that can be
cured the same way!

If we can push for scientific research and proof that these methods
are safe, harmless, natural and effective, then more lives can be saved.

And all the cases that can be changed can get that help.
And if people can't change, they can still find healing and not suffer as this poor soul did.

The more I read his story, I want to do more to reach out and promote healing on all sides.

So yes, I totally DISAGREE with abusing his conditions to push
either political or religious propaganda. Spiritual healing that helps people
to heal, can be proven scientifically and does not have to be pigeonholed by any side
to serve any agenda. Or it doesn't work. It works by freely chosen forgiveness
and using prayers in Christ Jesus authority to remove demonic influences and
generational curses that respond to that level of energy. This can be proven by science
if we apply our minds, talents and resources to it.

Are you willing to go for a cure?

Thanks and my prayers are that you will
and you won't turn out to be empty hypocrites
just using this tragedy to argue politically.

That you WILL look into the spiritual healing that works
and see that this is what we need. This is what that
poor kid was missing that could save other lives, too!

I Pray that we can all be joined in Christ
to seek healing and cure for all the misery, sickness
and suffering that this brings out, and humanity benefits and heals in the process.

Thank you

If you really care so much, and I hope and pray you do,
I ask your help to write up a formal petition that I can co-sign
and present to the healing ministries I know are reputable and
can support scientific research, and to the groups and leaders
I know about who can address this to the LGBT communities.
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Okay, Steinlight, novasteve and others who feel it is the fault of liberals for promoting political agenda.
In part, I AGREE with you that rejecting and demonizing healing therapy that has been shown to SAVE LIVES is not only immoral and unethical but criminal, in negligently denying lifesaving treatment for people who otherwise end up harming or killing themselves and others. Not just cases of suicide, I'm talking about the cure for TRULY sick pedophile and predatory criminal illness, so more lives and innocent victims can be spared.

I do NOT agree with treating ALL such people or cases as mental illness that can or should be changed.
Some people REALLY ARE born spiritually as their gender, orientation, or a mix that is rejected in society.
Some of them CANNOT change, CANNOT help being born spiritually that way, and should not be made to suffer.

Born spiritually as another gender than their body??? Are you daft? The hindus would say we were born in different genders all the time over many thousands of years. Yet they would say equally that any gender one finds oneself in, regardless of past-life preferences of the soul, IS THE GENDER WE ARE TO LEARN IN THIS TIME AROUND.

Unless you are bigoted towards the hindu outlook on the world?

I'm a registered democrat BTW. However I will admit that this last election directly because of and for no other reason than the insanity of the cult of LGBT having taken over the command of any of our erstwhile good candidates, I voted almost all republican choices Fall 2014. In fact, I was and am so viscerally-repulsed by this insanity-run-rampant with your cult that if I wasn't sure if a candidate was democrat or republican, I'd check out their name to see if it was "rednecky" enough and vote for the person I intuited would be more likely to be conservative.

I was CERTAIN I was a bird as a child. Yet adults around me didn't give me avian hormones in preperation for my wing-enhancement surgery. Nor did they build me a nest in tree in the front yard. In fact, what they did do was step in and remove my cardboard wings as I was preparing to jump off the roof; and they saved my life. After a good talking to and some chiding from peers about how I needed to come back to reality, come back to reality I did.

Perhaps I was a bird in another life. Perhaps I felt at the time and wistfully now and then still do that it was unfair for those people to have interfered with what I surely was. But by now I'd be in a mental ward, insising I was a bird into adult life....without good and proper correction to keep me on course with this life's tasks.

Think outside the box Emily. You know in your heart this bullshit is wrong. You have been so caught up in your cult that you have not bothered to actually step outside your bubble and look in at what is actually being done. It always happens this way with cults. They progress to insane levels before the bottom falls out. But up until that moment you interview the faithful in the fold they will argue, fight and swear on their life that what they were up to "is perfectly right!".. Then later, sometimes years later you catch up to them after some deprogramming therapy and its unanimous: "I can't believe what I was led incrementally into doing!" "It's like I was under hypnosis".

I'm snapping my fingers for you Emily. *SNAP!*. Wake up.

(Actual "Procedure"/Butchery that your cult was pushing this boy towards)



Yeah, the cold truth staring people in the face tends to receive a lull of quiet reflection. Good. It's about time...
Okay, Steinlight, novasteve and others who feel it is the fault of liberals for promoting political agenda.
In part, I AGREE with you that rejecting and demonizing healing therapy that has been shown to SAVE LIVES is not only immoral and unethical but criminal, in negligently denying lifesaving treatment for people who otherwise end up harming or killing themselves and others. Not just cases of suicide, I'm talking about the cure for TRULY sick pedophile and predatory criminal illness, so more lives and innocent victims can be spared.

I do NOT agree with treating ALL such people or cases as mental illness that can or should be changed.
Some people REALLY ARE born spiritually as their gender, orientation, or a mix that is rejected in society.
Some of them CANNOT change, CANNOT help being born spiritually that way, and should not be made to suffer.

Born spiritually as another gender than their body??? Are you daft? The hindus would say we were born in different genders all the time over many thousands of years. Yet they would say equally that any gender one finds oneself in, regardless of past-life preferences of the soul, IS THE GENDER WE ARE TO LEARN IN THIS TIME AROUND.

Unless you are bigoted towards the hindu outlook on the world?

I'm a registered democrat BTW. However I will admit that this last election directly because of and for no other reason than the insanity of the cult of LGBT having taken over the command of any of our erstwhile good candidates, I voted almost all republican choices Fall 2014. In fact, I was and am so viscerally-repulsed by this insanity-run-rampant with your cult that if I wasn't sure if a candidate was democrat or republican, I'd check out their name to see if it was "rednecky" enough and vote for the person I intuited would be more likely to be conservative.

I was CERTAIN I was a bird as a child. Yet adults around me didn't give me avian hormones in preperation for my wing-enhancement surgery. Nor did they build me a nest in tree in the front yard. In fact, what they did do was step in and remove my cardboard wings as I was preparing to jump off the roof; and they saved my life. After a good talking to and some chiding from peers about how I needed to come back to reality, come back to reality I did.

Perhaps I was a bird in another life. Perhaps I felt at the time and wistfully now and then still do that it was unfair for those people to have interfered with what I surely was. But by now I'd be in a mental ward, insising I was a bird into adult life....without good and proper correction to keep me on course with this life's tasks.

Think outside the box Emily. You know in your heart this bullshit is wrong. You have been so caught up in your cult that you have not bothered to actually step outside your bubble and look in at what is actually being done. It always happens this way with cults. They progress to insane levels before the bottom falls out. But up until that moment you interview the faithful in the fold they will argue, fight and swear on their life that what they were up to "is perfectly right!".. Then later, sometimes years later you catch up to them after some deprogramming therapy and its unanimous: "I can't believe what I was led incrementally into doing!" "It's like I was under hypnosis".

I'm snapping my fingers for you Emily. *SNAP!*. Wake up.

(Actual "Procedure"/Butchery that your cult was pushing this boy towards)



Hi Silhouette
I'm quite glad we agree that if it is a spiritual process behind it, there are reasons for that too.

Great I believe if we start with the spiritual perspective we can get away from trying to dictate how to handle it from there.

If we can agree something is going on spiritually then it has to be chosen freely.

Nobody can take soneones personal spiritual process and dictate by law how to manage how they respond. You just cant impose on others either how to respond of their spiritual beliefs and process are different. We can agree to work by free will to finish the spiritual process of resolution and peace but cant force it through govt. Must remain private where it is spiritual in nature.

The same laws apply though, you cant be abusing people especially minors and excuse that by claiming religion. We still must agree on civil laws and standards but for the spiritual decisions that is private. So if you feel you are meant to change inside or outside, thats a spiritual choice and process too of experiencing that. you may not impose on others but ask mutually to respect each other, not force it either way.
The sad fact is he would never be the woman he felt like inside. No matter what he did or what was done to him he was never really going to be a woman. This is the tragedy of mental illness.

Well, I was born white, but I feel I might be black. No matter what I do, I will never be black, be on welfare and get reparation money. I want someone else to pay for my mortgage, free gas and free phone.
The sad fact is he would never be the woman he felt like inside. No matter what he did or what was done to him he was never really going to be a woman. This is the tragedy of mental illness.

Well, I was born white, but I feel I might be black. No matter what I do, I will never be black, be on welfare and get reparation money. I want someone else to pay for my mortgage, free gas and free phone.
What a coincidence, I was born a human but I feel I might be a bird. No matter what I do I can't lay eggs like I want or soar off the edge of a rooftop. I want surgically-attached wings so I can fulfill my spiritual destiny in this life.

Emily, you COMPLETELY do not understand the hindu religion. Your life especially to hindus is fastened upon your current position. You must deal with it according to the cards you were dealt and only then can you ascend to a higher level. Visit the library when you get a chance..
The sad fact is he would never be the woman he felt like inside. No matter what he did or what was done to him he was never really going to be a woman. This is the tragedy of mental illness.

Well, I was born white, but I feel I might be black. No matter what I do, I will never be black, be on welfare and get reparation money. I want someone else to pay for my mortgage, free gas and free phone.
What a coincidence, I was born a human but I feel I might be a bird. No matter what I do I can't lay eggs like I want or soar off the edge of a rooftop. I want surgically-attached wings so I can fulfill my spiritual destiny in this life.

Emily, you COMPLETELY do not understand the hindu religion. Your life especially to hindus is fastened upon your current position. You must deal with it according to the cards you were dealt and only then can you ascend to a higher level. Visit the library when you get a chance..

Nelly, is that you?

Btw, since I feel I might be black, I am wondering, if I let's say shoot the white guy, would that be treated as hate crime?
Nelly, is that you?

Btw, since I feel I might be black, I am wondering, if I let's say shoot the white guy, would that be treated as hate crime?

OK, you've made your point. Now you're just beating Emily up and making "racism look cool". Don't sideline the debate, thanks.

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