Transgender teen: 'My death needs to mean something'

Being a mentally healthy person has several components. One is accepting who you are and that won't change. The next step is accepting that not everyone is going to be okay with who you are and that won't change either. With many of these emotionally driven suicides what drives the deranged to suicide is the knowledge they cannot control others and the futility of trying.

The suicide isn't born of depression but rage. This boy wasn't depressed. He was furious. Fortunately he killed himself before he murdered a classroom full of six year olds.
Boy! People like you encourage this mental illness and it lead to his death.

Exactly. His death was a direct result of adults in the APA encouraging delusion and misdiagnosing it as "gender dysphoria". His parents should sue any mental health professional who had contact with that boy who encouraged him in the delusion that he was somehow "a girl born in the wrong body". A boy is a boy. Next we will be hearing that children really feel like antelopes, ARE antelopes "born in the wrong body". So then they will affix antlers and hooves presumably...

...or as in my case wings...because I was certain I was a bird as a young child. Imagine if a faction of supposedly knowledgable adults had sided with my delusion and encouraged me to jump off the roof with my cardboard wings?

The parents should sue the crap out of the psychologists. Maybe this boy's death WILL mean something after all?...
America is the most tolerant country in the world. Mexicans of all genders die in the desert trying to reach the US. They stone kids like this to death in Sharia dominated countries. When is the homo-lobby going to stop whining? The dirty little secret is that the radical left teaches kids like this that their life is hopeless and then they use them for political fodder when they commit suicide. Media personality Charles Krauthammer lost the use of his legs and 90% of his arms in an accident in college at 24 years of age but he thanks God for the greatest Country that allowed him to become a success in spite of his disability.
So sad that her parents didn't accept her and she felt so isolated.

I wish she has reached out to others.
Wrong pronoun. It's "him". Transgender is a mental disorder. I'm sure there is some liberal behind this boy's decision to off himself.
Even if you are working with ppl with disorders, you work within their framework to communicate and connect with them.
After you speak on the same terms,
Then you can talk and walk through the rest of the counseling to handle the conflicts.

Especially with suicide, heck if I had to talk someone off the ledge by addressing them as a puppy dog or whatever, if thats what it takes to save them from jumping, id get them to a safe place first and foremost.

Get them to a place of safety. Work the rest out after establishing safe relations without fear. One step at a time!
So sad that her parents didn't accept her and she felt so isolated.

I wish she has reached out to others.

Why do people keep calling him a girl?
The personality inside that boy's body was female and responded to being recognized as female.
Yes the physical body is 100% male.
Nobody is denying that.

What ppl don't all get is how can the person inside not be okay wirh be
We don't get it because it's bullshit. If your personality is that you feel you are something that you are not, the problem isn't your body, it's your personality. We used to call that a mental disorder, now we are supposed to call reality the disorder.

I've run into cases that were both ways:
one where the person was disturbed with unnatural thoughts and impulses.
in that case it was clear this wasn't right for him, because he felt negative and afraid he would act
on negative impulses. After the negative spiritual influence was removed, he went back to normal
and eventually overcome his other problems, too. The first step was to get over his fear that he was
transgender which in his case wasn't real or natural for him.

another case the person was Happy to finally be honest and come out as a she.
Did not have any issues with being born in a male body, but decided to deal with it
and make decisions one day at a time. But was RELIEVED to finally be HONEST
about it, and come out to wife, family and friends. And was HAPPIER than he had ever been
before while repressed and resentful that society expected him to act male. When he let that go
he was happy and looked forward to making changes, and working it all out.
so in that case, even though I disagreed, I had to agree that if that is what my friend
is, female in personality and soul, then of course I want my friend to be happy and be true to herself/himself.

So if that is how I need to talk with my friend, of course I started addressing her
as female.

the difference between the two cases is the person finally felt loved and accepted
and no longer felt negative and false. So it is up to the person to figure out who they
are spiritually and deal with that.

the common factor in both cases was FORGIVENESS and HEALING.

So that's what I seek, to make sure people reach the maximum state of Healing
so they have pure peace of mind, and they make decisions when they are fully aware and rightminded.

I still did not agree with my friend who decided to go through physical changes.
I recommended waiting until the new emotions stabilized to make sure no rash decisions were made.
But my friend was so happy, and had support of family and friends, if that was his/her
true self I had to let go and trust my friend to know the direction they wanted to take with their life.

I would have preferred to wait and counsel through it longer.
Either way, both my friends received healing and made different decisions afterwards.

One decided he was fine as he was, the other decided he was a she and wanted to "redecorate"
her body to be female and enjoy life that way.

The main thing is not to make decisions out of fear but truly be at peace and healed
and not be in conflict or under negative pressure, either way.
America is the most tolerant country in the world. Mexicans of all genders die in the desert trying to reach the US. They stone kids like this to death in Sharia dominated countries. When is the homo-lobby going to stop whining? The dirty little secret is that the radical left teaches kids like this that their life is hopeless and then they use them for political fodder when they commit suicide. Media personality Charles Krauthammer lost the use of his legs and 90% of his arms in an accident in college at 24 years of age but he thanks God for the greatest Country that allowed him to become a success in spite of his disability.

I think it is equally a problem for both extremes on the left and right
to recognize that Forgiveness is the key to healing.

People on the left seem afraid of conversion and reparative therapy,
thinking it means forced torture and guilt or fear driven coercion,
but the real spiritual healing therapy that has rid people of unwanted sexual attraction, addiction or abusive
behavior is based on Freely chosen Forgiveness.

and some of the religious who want to harp and reject gays and transgender
also defy and negate the very environment of forgiveness and healing
that is the only thing that has ever worked in cases of people changing and transitioning out of
their homosexual or gender issues in cases these WEREN'T natural for them.

So both sides could benefit from studying and understanding
the TRUE process of spiritual healing that has helped people,
whether or not they change their gender or orientation,
the common factor that has prevented suicides is forgiveness and healing.
So sad that her parents didn't accept her and she felt so isolated.

I wish she has reached out to others.

They have to live with contributing to their daughter's death.

Beautiful and intelligent girl.
DNA says otherwise.

Teen suicide isn't uncommon. This case is a sad as all the others, nothing special. Blaming his parents was part of his problem. What's your problem?

This is yet another case when liberals bury their heads in the sand when scientific facts prove them wrong 100%.

A self mutilated cross dressing queer is still a male, no matter what the progressives want to pretend otherwise.

People on both sides have rejected and obstructed the process of proving spiritual healing using science.
the Christian doctors who have done research on this
complained that as many atheists were opposed to the idea of using science to prove spiritual prayer
as CHRISTIAN believers who even PRAYED for the studies to FAIL
because they feared it would lead to people worshipping and depending on science to prove anything
before they believed it.

What I find that research into spiritual healing will show
1. the common factor in mental and physical healing
in the methods of spiritual healing and recovery is
FORGIVENESS. Unforgiveness blocks or obstructs
the natural healing process of mind, body and even relations.
Forgiveness opens up the channels for love and positive
energy to flow to heal people and relations.

2. just because someone goes through spiritual healing
does not mean they will change their orientation or religion.
they may remain gay or remain nontheist even after receiving full healing.

Because the results would change views on BOTH sides,
that is where there is MUTUAL fear and resistance to change.

Both sides think the other should change, and aren't so ready to
admit where they have fallen short and have contributed to the conflicts not being resolved.
It's hard to change people with OCD too. But that doesn't mean the APA should tell people with OCD that their compulsions are "normal and healthy"; and petition local governments to accomodate people's compulsive behaviors.
It's hard to change people with OCD too. But that doesn't mean the APA should tell people with OCD that their compulsions are "normal and healthy"; and petition local governments to accomodate people's compulsive behaviors.
No but while ppl are going through recovery, it helps to have a supportive environment to facilitate the healing. Combative relations can make it worse as in this case.
The only successful cases of healing Ive heard of were through forgiveness and acceptance not rejection that blocks the healing.

Also some ppl may not ever be able to change.

Even if you had a terminal cancer case you would still accept and work with the person to keep them comfortable and avoid pain from putting pressure on the tumor area that is abnormal. You would not blame the cancer patient for the sickness.

Even when they bring cancer on themselves by smoking, the cure to both the cancer and the addiction or conflict causing the smoking is forgiveness so they can heal on all levels.
It's hard to change people with OCD too. But that doesn't mean the APA should tell people with OCD that their compulsions are "normal and healthy"; and petition local governments to accomodate people's compulsive behaviors.
No but while ppl are going through recovery, it helps to have a supportive environment to facilitate the healing. Combative relations can make it worse as in this case.
The only successful cases of healing Ive heard of were through forgiveness and acceptance not rejection that blocks the healing.

Also some ppl may not ever be able to change.

Even if you had a terminal cancer case you would still accept and work with the person to keep them comfortable and avoid pain from putting pressure on the tumor area that is abnormal. You would not blame the cancer patient for the sickness.

Even when they bring cancer on themselves by smoking, the cure to both the cancer and the addiction or conflict causing the smoking is forgiveness so they can heal on all levels.
Back to the case at hand, the combative relationship is the one who was ill fighting those who tried to help him. There was no rejection that can honestly be placed on the parents. The need for forgiveness lays with the dead child, not his parents. Forgiveness heals the aggressor not the victim...which does not apply here as far as I can tell.
It's hard to change people with OCD too. But that doesn't mean the APA should tell people with OCD that their compulsions are "normal and healthy"; and petition local governments to accomodate people's compulsive behaviors.
No but while ppl are going through recovery, it helps to have a supportive environment to facilitate the healing. Combative relations can make it worse as in this case.
The only successful cases of healing Ive heard of were through forgiveness and acceptance not rejection that blocks the healing.

Also some ppl may not ever be able to change.

Even if you had a terminal cancer case you would still accept and work with the person to keep them comfortable and avoid pain from putting pressure on the tumor area that is abnormal. You would not blame the cancer patient for the sickness.

Even when they bring cancer on themselves by smoking, the cure to both the cancer and the addiction or conflict causing the smoking is forgiveness so they can heal on all levels.
Back to the case at hand, the combative relationship is the one who was ill fighting those who tried to help him. There was no rejection that can honestly be placed on the parents. The need for forgiveness lays with the dead child, not his parents. Forgiveness heals the aggressor not the victim...which does not apply here as far as I can tell.
Where do you get that forgiveness heals the wrongdoer notvthe victim?
Forgiveness heals the person who agrees or asks help to forgive. If it is mutual yes
All people can heal.

Especially in this case if you
Blame the kid for not forgiving the circumstances yes I totally agree this kid
Needed help with forgiveness in order to heal.

Now not in one case of helping someone
To receive help with forgiveness and healing have i seen or heard of them getting to that point by blaming or pushing. That tends to backfire and cause more negative reactions. healing works by ppl who are already healed by forgiveness reaching out and not judging.

The spiritual healing experts I know with positive reputations all practice the forgiveness they teach to create a healing environment where the spirit of forgiveness and grace multiplies and spreads. They will all tell you this blame rejection attitude does not work but makes itworse.
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My EX brother in law is transgendered person, he had his penis surgically removed. Why, I don't know, it still bothers me. I have Celiac disease , epilepsy and worst of all, lactose intolerance. I don't get special rights for that. And don't want it. But I don't get any surgeries to cure THAT, and those are real problems. I don't get any special rights for any of that, and we aren't asking for them. But Gays? Gays, they are...special. Why is that?
My EX brother in law is transgendered person, he had his penis surgically removed. Why, I don't know, it still bothers me. I have Celiac disease , epilepsy and worst of all, lactose intolerance. I don't get special rights for that. And don't want it. But I don't get any surgeries to cure THAT, and those are real problems. I don't get any special rights for any of that, and we aren't asking for them. But Gays? Gays, they are...special. Why is that?
You are right that it is one thing not to be excluded unfairly but another thing to demand policies that impose on or exclude others which becomes special rights. The poicies in houston went too far and crossed the line. The reason for this is the backlash against gays, because there had been wrongful discrimnation when ppl try to correct it they overcorrect or overcompensate and it goes too far the other way. Equal and opposite karma.

Now by ADA people do sue to get handicapped accommodations added.

And yes ppl are arguing not to deny insurance benefits to longterm cancer patients and not to avoid hiring or promoting women where maternity is an issue.

This is an added issue of how much we should use govt to regulate business or to let owners and workers decide who to hire and who to work for by free market choice.
After reading his letter, he probably was never transgendered to begin with. He was just deeply disturbed. He knew something was wrong but not what. He just felt wrong all over inside and out. Transgendered was an answer. Maybe not the right answer.
After reading his letter, he probably was never transgendered to begin with. He was just deeply disturbed. He knew something was wrong but not what. He just felt wrong all over inside and out. Transgendered was an answer. Maybe not the right answer.
. His parents should have encouraged him to be openly gay, that it was okay with them. He would be alive today.
After reading his letter, he probably was never transgendered to begin with. He was just deeply disturbed. He knew something was wrong but not what. He just felt wrong all over inside and out. Transgendered was an answer. Maybe not the right answer.
. His parents should have encouraged him to be openly gay, that it was okay with them. He would be alive today.
Likely not. As he said in his letter he was never going to be loved enough. He was never going to have enough friends. He was never going to be beautiful enough. The problem was completely inside himself.

His parents don't sound like the kind of people willing to sin just to placate their disturbed son. It wouldn't have been enough anyway.
Transgender folks often have mental health issues and are often very confused and or disturbed. That is a fact which often has nothing to do with their sexual orientation.

And to be clear, I am not unsympathetic to their plight.

But most people who go through gender reassignment surgery are required to have months of therapy before surgery is even considered. This is for a reason.

We had a friend who went through gender reassignment....(female to male). She went through a 1 1/2 years of therapy before surgery.

This kid clearly had deep issues which their suicide note highlighted. To blame the kid's death or unloving parents alone is bullshit.
When I was a baby my parents played Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and Michael Savage next to my crib while I slept. I wasn't allowed to wear pink or play with my sisters dolls.

I have more man in me than all the men in California combined.

The question is how much did you charge all those men who were inside you?
After reading his letter, he probably was never transgendered to begin with. He was just deeply disturbed. He knew something was wrong but not what. He just felt wrong all over inside and out. Transgendered was an answer. Maybe not the right answer.
. His parents should have encouraged him to be openly gay, that it was okay with them. He would be alive today.
How do we know they didn't?, he admits to acting gay just to piss them off. Counseling could have been for many if his issues, his letter is just the one sided rants of a 14 year old who thought he had all the answers.

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