Traitor or Patriot? Discussing Mark Meadows.

Why is what they would do so important? You're better than they are, right? ...right? Do you think they deserve the death penalty?
If found guilty of Treason, why yes!

I wrote if the harshest penalty was death for their crime they are convicted of and now you are running with I want everyone genocide because you are the typical asshole that take just one word and run as far as they can with what it and try to make it about what you want it about!

So again if found guilty and if the harshest punishment is death, then so be it!
If found guilty of Treason, why yes!

I wrote if the harshest penalty was death for their crime they are convicted of and now you are running with I want everyone genocide because you are the typical asshole that take just one word and run as far as they can with what it and try to make it about what you want it about!

So again if found guilty and if the harshest punishment is death, then so be it!
It's obvious that you want the result to be death.

"Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), vice chair of the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol siege, read urgent Jan. 6 text messages Monday between Mark Meadows, former White House chief of staff to former President Donald Trump, and "multiple Fox News hosts," including Laura Ingraham, Brian Kilmeade, and Sean Hannity, plus lawmakers in the Capitol during the riot, administration officials, and Donald Trump Jr.

On Monday night, Hannity had Meadows on his Fox News show to discuss the committee's vote to hold Meadows in contempt of Congress; Hannity did not ask Meadows about the texts from Trump Jr. or others and did not mention the message he had sent the former chief of staff. The Jan. 6 text messages made public Monday "stand in contrast with some of the messages that Ingraham, Hannity and Kilmeade sent to Fox News viewers in appearances on the night of Jan. 6."

At least the hosts didn't publicly show weakness once they got in front of the camera -- but these texts they sent are highly disappointing and shows utter weakness and disloyalty...texts like what Laura Ingraham said -- “Hey Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home … this is hurting all of us … he is destroying his legacy,” -- how is a false flag operation carried out by the FBI and Antifa hurting Trump's legacy?? Also, this text from Brian Kilmeade -- “Please get him on tv. Destroying everything you have accomplished,” -- how is something that was carried out by George Soros and the Deep State destroying what Trump accomplished?? If anything, Trump planned all of this in order for them to walk right into his trap....

Luckily, Fox was smart enough to not report any of this as the news was breaking last night...that is a good thing....and since their moment of weakness, they have gotten back on script and framed January 6th in the appropriate way...If they can just stick to script and not deviate; they can make it thru this without appearing to be full of shit to their loyal base......but it does leave to question...What is the true face of these hosts...the face they show to the cameras every night; or the weakness we saw shown thru those text messages?

Treason by the ex prez not news?

trump cultists are either mentally I’ll or working for Russia
I'm not right wing. I didn't vote for Trump and my beef with Obama is limited. I'm just not a violent thug that wants my political opponents to be killed.
Fuck you!

You have taken what I wrote out of context purposely to call me something, so let me be clear and what I wrote is IF FOUND GUILTY and THE HARSHEST PENALTY IS DEATH THEN THAT IS WHAT THEY SHOULD GET!

Now I know if and found is large words for you and you can not comprehend those words because Trump ( Your Gawd ) taught you to be ignorant but if found guilty by a jury and the harshest penalty is death, then hang them…

No matter who they are!

Got it Trumpster?
I would deflect from the point I made too if I were trying to cape up for those people.....
Your point is irrelevant. Are you capable of having a discussion without pointing to the right constantly to justify your own nonsense?
The select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot recommended that the House hold former President Donald Trump's White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena.

The bipartisan, nine-member panel voted unanimously in support of sending to the House a report that includes a resolution recommending a vote to find Meadows in contempt.

The panel also revealed a series of text messages that Meadows had received on Jan. 6, including from Fox News hosts and Trump's own son, calling on the then-senior aide to get the president

I seem to have have wrote if found guilty of the crime by a jury those involved should get the harshest punishment by law even if it meant death…

If found guilty… Now what does that mean?

I know you idiots on this board from left to right just take one comment out of context and cut what was written to support your fucking narrative but let me say it again if found guilty, and yes if the harshest penalty is death then hang them all!

Now you do know they are going after Trump and those involved at the higher level for Treason, so you do know that the death penalty will be on the table IF ever taken to court, and if found guilty then hang them all and let be done with this chapter once and for all…

Now again if found guilty, but you will claim attempting to overthrow an election is not worthy of a hanging but I bet our Founding Father’s would disagree….
We know how this is going to go, no matter what comes out. The cult will hold, although it may diminish a bit.
Fuck you!

You have taken what I wrote out of context purposely to call me something, so let me be clear and what I wrote is IF FOUND GUILTY and THE HARSHEST PENALTY IS DEATH THEN THAT IS WHAT THEY SHOULD GET!

Now I know if and found is large words for you and you can not comprehend those words because Trump ( Your Gawd ) taught you to be ignorant but if found guilty by a jury and the harshest penalty is death, then hang them…

No matter who they are!

Got it Trumpster?

Nobody is going to be hanged. You'll have to keep dreaming.
Your point is irrelevant. Are you capable of having a discussion without pointing to the right constantly to justify your own nonsense?
I am pointing to you.....

If these were Muslims storming the Capitol....YOU -- would have a totally different energy....YOU -- wouldn't be calling them "political opponents" -- YOU -- would be calling them terrorists...while opining about our way of life and Constitutional Democracy, blah blah blah...

It is the audacity folks like YOU and other people who cape up for Conservative rage gone wrong that I am pointing out......the entitlement one must have that storming the Capitol to try to overturn the results of an election should be treated as no big deal when it fails -- is what I am pointing out....

The rest of us already know what would have been happening if muslims stormed the Capitol..they would have been killed....on the spot....examples would have been made out of them.....and wanna be moderates like you would have been silent about it...

There is a reason why Conservatives feel they could have pulled something like this off with little blow back...and are actively trying to pull it off again and be successful...because they know they will be empathized with and coddled by wanna be moderates like you...
better than how the left thinks when they/you want to ignore civil rights,,
Oh so now Meadows not appearing is a "civil rights issue"? Meadows can exercise his "civil rights" by appearing & taking the 5th if he thinks he'll incriminate himself by talking.

Why do you have a problem with that?
I am pointing to you.....

If these were Muslims storming the Capitol....YOU -- would have a totally different energy....YOU -- wouldn't be calling them "political opponents" -- YOU -- would be calling them terrorists...while opining about our way of life and Constitutional Democracy, blah blah blah...

It is the audacity folks like YOU and other people who cape up for Conservative rage gone wrong that I am pointing out......the entitlement one must have that storming the Capitol to try to overturn the results of an election should be treated as no big deal when it fails -- is what I am pointing out....

The rest of us already know what would have been happening if muslims stormed the Capitol..they would have been killed....on the spot....examples would have been made out of them.....and wanna be moderates like you would have been silent about it...

There is a reason why Conservatives feel they could have pulled something like this off with little blow back...and are actively trying to pull it off again and be successful...because they know they will be empathized with and coddled by wanna be moderates like you...

You're accusing me of a lot just based on your assumptions about my bias. Of course you're wrong, but I don't have a way to prove it to you in the hypothetical situation you created to expose what you believe is my bias.

Do you often tell people what they think and what they would do rather than asking them and trying to have a discussion?
A patriot puts country before self-interest and political party.

A traitor puts self-interest and political party before country.
What stopped Meadows from invoking his fifth amendment right?
At the end of his letter, Mark Meadows lawyer writes, "We recognize and do not dispute that the violence and interference with the processes of our democratic institutions as occurred on January 6, 2021, were deplorable and unjustifiable events."

His lawyer, Mr. Twilliger is right on that point.

Where he errors in his letter and the law he cites, is that we facing an issue of first impression: The use of executive power to undermine the electoral process of this country and the use of said power to interfere with the Constitutional transfer of power.

Meadows should be held in contempt for his failure to appear and then dragged to testify before the committee. He may plead the fifth. That is his right. Let him plead it in public.

its clear beyond any doubt, the insurrection was premeditated, the lowest of the scum, Fox hosts, and Republican house members were complicit, and Trump was in on it from the beginning.

Why is Trump not under arrest this morning, with such clear evidence if the crimes he participated in?

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