Tragedy Awareness...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I don't know what the proper term for this phenomena is but it's interesting to me and has always left me wondering what it's all about..

Before I was born, in fact, I was still a bun in the oven, my grandfather passed away suddenly.. at that exact moment my Mother's hair got a streak of white and she new at that moment her Father had died.

A year before last, my sister died in her battle against lung cancer, my sister and I were very close, best friends all of our lives. I was driving over to visit her and along the way an odd feeling of dread came over me, I knew she had died. When I arrived at her home she had in fact died at the same time as my dreaded feeling.

I can't explain this but.... it is...
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My mother also sensed when people were about to die.

Even when they'd been though entirely healthy or were healthy and then were killed in accidents.

I saw this happen to her three times in my life.

It was creepy as hell.

She called it "my curse", incidently.

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