Top Wisconsin Democrat Janet Bewley Kills Mother and 5-Year-Old Daughter in Car Accident While She’s on the Phone with Local Media

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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What the hell was she driving for? She just had cataract eye surgery the day before.

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What the hell was she driving for? She had just had cataract eye surgery the day before.

Sounds like she's serious about the whole abortion/decrease the surplus population thing. What a monster.
What the hell was she driving for? She had just had cataract eye surgery the day before.

If she was on the phone, that's manslaughter.

If she was on the phone with a media outlet, there will be a recording.

She needs to resign immediately.
Yea, that looks like irresponsible driving.
Don't they tell people not to drive after eye surgery?
I see people texting and looking at their phone while they are driving sometimes.
It's a dangerous practice.
Against the law in this state. Sounds like criminally irresponsible driving.
What the hell was she driving for? She just had cataract eye surgery the day before.

The surgery would prompt adventure because the patient can see so much better after they are removed.
Some enterprising reporters should investigate whether Bewley voted for the law banning driving while on your phone. ;)

She needs to resign immediately.
Depending if she was using a hands free device that usually come with today cars or holding the phone will be the bigger question.

If hands free then nothing anyone can do but holding the phone then she should be facing two counts of manslaughter for each death and she would step away from her position and beg for forgiveness.
Update: Janet Bewley has still not resigned.

Ashland police still are waiting for final reconstruction reports on the July 22 fatal crash involving state Sen. Janet Bewley.

Ashland Police Chief Bill Hagstrom said Thursday that the Wisconsin State Patrol report still could take a while to complete.
What the hell was she driving for? She just had cataract eye surgery the day before.

What the hell was she driving for? She just had cataract eye surgery the day before.

Another murderous Democrat...

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