Told Ya'll Christie KNEW!

I said it from the very beginning, that this thing was about a LOT MORE THAN A TRAFFIC JAM ON THE BRIDGE.

Christie Knew About Lane Closings, Ex-Port Authority Official Says

The former Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings on the George Washington Bridge in the scandal now swirling around Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said on Friday that the governor knew about the lane closings when they were happening, and that he had the evidence to prove it.

In a letter released by his lawyer, the official, David Wildstein, a high school friend of Mr. Christie’s who was appointed with the governor’s blessing at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which controls the bridge, described the order to close the lanes as “the Christie administration’s order” and said “evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference” three weeks ago.

“Mr. Wildstein contests the accuracy of various statements that the governor made about him and he can prove the inaccuracy of some,” the letter added.

The letter marked the first signal that Mr. Christie may have been aware of the closings, something he repeatedly denied during thenews conference.

In early January, documents revealed that a deputy chief of staff to Mr. Christie, Bridget Anne Kelly, had sent an email to Mr. Wildstein saying, “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” the town at the New Jersey end of the bridge, where Mr. Christie’s aides had pursued but failed to receive an endorsement from the mayor.

Mr. Christie has steadfastly denied that he knew before this month that anyone in his administration was responsible for the lane closings, and his administration has tried to portray it as the actions of a rogue staff member.

The governor fired Ms. Kelly. Mr. Wildstein, the director of interstate capital projects at the Port Authority, resigned.""""

Pees obviously doesn't know about the video...
As usual, we are on the same page MarcATL. Right down to the toast.

Just think. Rand Paul is dancing around in little circles in his office right now.

Jeb Bush is giggling and high-fiving.

Ted Cruz is hitting his knees and thanking Jesus.

Look for a sale on popcorn cuz its gonna be another fun ride on the Clown Car.

But, Christie is basically an enormous ego with little short legs sticking out of one end. he won't resign. He will believe he can ride it out and it wouldn't surprise me if he can.

I'm remembering the Vitter/Coburn/Santorum money/sex scandal. Not one of them lost anything and Santorum actually ran for prez.

"I'm remembering the Vitter/Coburn/Santorum money/sex scandal........................" and forgetting all about the dem money/sex scandals.

Christie is a Republican.

If you really want to talk about Dem scandals, start a thread.

Or, alternatively, you could just face up to the topic of this thread. But, really, what are the chances you would ever have the courage to do that?


Full transcript: N.J. Gov. Chris Christie?s Jan. 9 news conference on George Washington Bridge scandal - The Washington Post

GOV. CHRISTIE: She had no prior approval. I mean, let's put aside the supposition. She had no prior approval from the chief of staff, who was her direct report. And she had no prior approval from the governor. She did not seek it. We weren't informed about it. And so if she acted in a manner which exceeded her authority, which seems, you know, to be a possibility, you know, that's what she did. But I had no knowledge of this and neither did the chief of staff.

Q: I think he said that you would have -- (off mic) -- your intention at this point to get to the bottom of why the lanes were ultimately closed?

GOV. CHRISTIE: Well, to the extent I can, Jenna. I mean, from what I know, at this point, Mr. Baroni and Mr. Wildstein's position is that the lines were closed to do a traffic study. And I have heard nothing from them that changes their position. I now see emails which indicate that there is a political overtone to what went on. I don't know what the situation is. I don't know whether -- like I said -- I think I answered this before -- I don't know whether this was some type of rogue political operation that morphed into a traffic study or a traffic study that morphed into an additional rogue political -- I don't know.

Neither one of these are Christie saying he did not know the lanes were closed. He is plainly saying he was not informed one of his staff ordered it, and he did not know it was for anything but a traffic study.

Wildstein is claiming to have evidence that Christie did know what it was for.
Baloney. Pure baloney.

The question is not whether he knew about the closings, but whether he either ordered them or was aware that they had been ordered by someone on his staff as a vindictive measure against the mayor of that town.

So what if he knew about the lane closings? Means absolutely nothing.

More Democrat attempts to kill his '16 candidacy.

Pretty lame.

Nope. Go back and listen to Christie on video say from the very beginning that he didn't know about them. He lied on live television. It's the lie that will do him in. He's toast.

Lol, coming from someone who believes obama knows nothing about all of his scandals. You have no creditbility whats so ever. Now go wack off at your obama poster

Why don't you come out of your mama's basement and show me where I have said in any of my posts that Obama knew nothing about his scandals. Go ahead. Or STFU. I have a feeling you're going to STFU.
i'm not surprised by liberal hacks like luddley already convicting before the facts are in.

liberal hacks like him don't understand facts.
i'm not surprised by liberal hacks like luddley already convicting before the facts are in.

liberal hacks like him don't understand facts.

Bring on the FACTS, Yurt.

I'll be back to check on the FACTS you post.
Look for a sale on popcorn cuz its gonna be another fun ride on the Clown Car.

But, Christie is basically an enormous ego with little short legs sticking out of one end. he won't resign. He will believe he can ride it out and it wouldn't surprise me if he can.

I'm remembering the Vitter/Coburn/Santorum money/sex scandal. Not one of them lost anything and Santorum actually ran for prez.

"I'm remembering the Vitter/Coburn/Santorum money/sex scandal........................" and forgetting all about the dem money/sex scandals.

Christie is a Republican.

If you really want to talk about Dem scandals, start a thread.

Or, alternatively, you could just face up to the topic of this thread. But, really, what are the chances you would ever have the courage to do that?



I did in my response to g5000. This was just a shout out to you and the other hack.
Baloney. Pure baloney.

The question is not whether he knew about the closings, but whether he either ordered them or was aware that they had been ordered by someone on his staff as a vindictive measure against the mayor of that town.

So what if he knew about the lane closings? Means absolutely nothing.

More Democrat attempts to kill his '16 candidacy.

Pretty lame.

Nope. Go back and listen to Christie on video say from the very beginning that he didn't know about them. He lied on live television. It's the lie that will do him in. He's toast.

I disagree that it's the end of him.

Read these posts. They right knows he lied but they don't have anyone else. This next election with be the same Parade of the Clowns as the last one. They'll throw their arms around each wannabe and sing their praises to the skies. Each one will fall and they'll move on to the next failure. And, finally, they'll swear they're madly in love with the candidate.

And, sadly, that candidate may well turn out to be Christie.

And, he'll lose.

But, the right WILL vote for him.


I have ALWAYS said....if it ends up Clinton and Christie running in 2016 it will be the first time EVER that I haven't voted. I will not vote for either one....there's no "worse of 2 evils" when it comes to them.
i'm not surprised by liberal hacks like luddley already convicting before the facts are in.

liberal hacks like him don't understand facts.

There are 4 properties involved now, Ft Lee, Hoboken, Bellville and Harrison. In each case the governor's office is linked to closely to what appears to be some kind of abuse of power.

The more that comes out the harder it becomes for Christie to claim to be the innocent dupe of those around him. If that is his defense then he is unfit for office because he is an appalling judge of character.
Baloney. Pure baloney.

The question is not whether he knew about the closings, but whether he either ordered them or was aware that they had been ordered by someone on his staff as a vindictive measure against the mayor of that town.

So what if he knew about the lane closings? Means absolutely nothing.

More Democrat attempts to kill his '16 candidacy.

Pretty lame.

Christie had multiple Press Conferences where he told the American people that he had absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE of the bridge closings.

If this is true...he's TOAST!

Forget '16, he'll have to resign in disgrace NOW!!!

Toast I sed....TOAST!!!


Good! If he's lying, I hope he goes away! If we had him running against Clinton, the democrats would win either way.
Just a few hours ago (which I broke to you last week)


Cute, huh?

Hoboken Mayor?s Diary Called Into Question in Christie Scandal - ABC News

Hoboken mayor Dawn Zimmer’s journal, which she turned over to the U.S. Attorney’s office, has emerged as a crucial part of her claim against the administration of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. But now something she said in a deposition in July 2013 is calling into question her diary writing.

Earlier this month, on the heels of the developing lanes closure scandal, Zimmer accused the Christie administration of threatening to withhold Sandy relief funds if she did not back a Rockefeller Group development deal in Hoboken. When she came forward she pointed to diary entries she kept in May 2013, in which she writes about being approached and threatened by Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno. The Christie administration has denied Zimmer’s accusations.

In July 2013, Zimmer was deposed during a wrongful termination suit. The deposition, obtained by ABC News, would have been about two months after she chronicled the threats from the Christie administration.

“When you have meetings regarding day-to-day activities involving Hoboken business with your department heads, do you memorialize any of the conversation that takes place yourself?” attorney Louis Zayas, who represented former Hoboken public safety director Angel Alicea in a wrongful termination suit, asked Zimmer.

Zimmer replied, “No, I don’t transcribe it.”

This is taken out of context. In Termination hearings the matter is recorded, and if appeals are made transcripts are made. So, it is entirely possible - and most likely - the Mayor was speaking the truth and this report is nothing more than a red herring.
Full transcript: N.J. Gov. Chris Christie?s Jan. 9 news conference on George Washington Bridge scandal - The Washington Post

GOV. CHRISTIE: She had no prior approval. I mean, let's put aside the supposition. She had no prior approval from the chief of staff, who was her direct report. And she had no prior approval from the governor. She did not seek it. We weren't informed about it. And so if she acted in a manner which exceeded her authority, which seems, you know, to be a possibility, you know, that's what she did. But I had no knowledge of this and neither did the chief of staff.

Q: I think he said that you would have -- (off mic) -- your intention at this point to get to the bottom of why the lanes were ultimately closed?

GOV. CHRISTIE: Well, to the extent I can, Jenna. I mean, from what I know, at this point, Mr. Baroni and Mr. Wildstein's position is that the lines were closed to do a traffic study. And I have heard nothing from them that changes their position. I now see emails which indicate that there is a political overtone to what went on. I don't know what the situation is. I don't know whether -- like I said -- I think I answered this before -- I don't know whether this was some type of rogue political operation that morphed into a traffic study or a traffic study that morphed into an additional rogue political -- I don't know.

Neither one of these are Christie saying he did not know the lanes were closed. He is plainly saying he was not informed one of his staff ordered it, and he did not know it was for anything but a traffic study.

????? Really?

"And I'll say one last thing, just so we're really clear. I had no knowledge or involvement in this issue, in its planning or it execution, and I am stunned by the abject stupidity that was shown here.""""
The subpoena's start coming due on the 3rd. Next week will be interesting.
i'm not surprised by liberal hacks like luddley already convicting before the facts are in.

liberal hacks like him don't understand facts.

Bring on the FACTS, Yurt.

I'll be back to check on the FACTS you post.

what facts have you posted luddley?


you made the claim, back it up or be another jakestarkey

That's what I thought.

All the facts aren't in. I'll give you that. But, given the facts we have now, my bet is he knew and he ordered it.

And, I'll be that when it is proven that he did know and did order it, you and other brainless hacks like brown trout will still be trying to make it about Dems.

But hey, I understand you've got to go with what little you have.
Just a few hours ago (which I broke to you last week)


Cute, huh?

Hoboken Mayor?s Diary Called Into Question in Christie Scandal - ABC News

Hoboken mayor Dawn Zimmer’s journal, which she turned over to the U.S. Attorney’s office, has emerged as a crucial part of her claim against the administration of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. But now something she said in a deposition in July 2013 is calling into question her diary writing.

Earlier this month, on the heels of the developing lanes closure scandal, Zimmer accused the Christie administration of threatening to withhold Sandy relief funds if she did not back a Rockefeller Group development deal in Hoboken. When she came forward she pointed to diary entries she kept in May 2013, in which she writes about being approached and threatened by Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno. The Christie administration has denied Zimmer’s accusations.

In July 2013, Zimmer was deposed during a wrongful termination suit. The deposition, obtained by ABC News, would have been about two months after she chronicled the threats from the Christie administration.

“When you have meetings regarding day-to-day activities involving Hoboken business with your department heads, do you memorialize any of the conversation that takes place yourself?” attorney Louis Zayas, who represented former Hoboken public safety director Angel Alicea in a wrongful termination suit, asked Zimmer.

Zimmer replied, “No, I don’t transcribe it.”

This is taken out of context. In Termination hearings the matter is recorded, and if appeals are made transcripts are made. So, it is entirely possible - and most likely - the Mayor was speaking the truth and this report is nothing more than a red herring.

EdgeTho is a red herring....
Full transcript: N.J. Gov. Chris Christie?s Jan. 9 news conference on George Washington Bridge scandal - The Washington Post

GOV. CHRISTIE: She had no prior approval. I mean, let's put aside the supposition. She had no prior approval from the chief of staff, who was her direct report. And she had no prior approval from the governor. She did not seek it. We weren't informed about it. And so if she acted in a manner which exceeded her authority, which seems, you know, to be a possibility, you know, that's what she did. But I had no knowledge of this and neither did the chief of staff.

Q: I think he said that you would have -- (off mic) -- your intention at this point to get to the bottom of why the lanes were ultimately closed?

GOV. CHRISTIE: Well, to the extent I can, Jenna. I mean, from what I know, at this point, Mr. Baroni and Mr. Wildstein's position is that the lines were closed to do a traffic study. And I have heard nothing from them that changes their position. I now see emails which indicate that there is a political overtone to what went on. I don't know what the situation is. I don't know whether -- like I said -- I think I answered this before -- I don't know whether this was some type of rogue political operation that morphed into a traffic study or a traffic study that morphed into an additional rogue political -- I don't know.

Neither one of these are Christie saying he did not know the lanes were closed. He is plainly saying he was not informed one of his staff ordered it, and he did not know it was for anything but a traffic study.

????? Really?

"And I'll say one last thing, just so we're really clear. I had no knowledge or involvement in this issue, in its planning or it execution, and I am stunned by the abject stupidity that was shown here.""""

Oh damn, there's more of those pesky little facts the right hates so much.

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