To the Trump supporters, what makes you think they will govern in your best interest?


VIP Member
Sep 2, 2018
What makes you think the Trump supporters in congress with there type of behavior can and will govern successfully for you? What in history shows what you are doing working in your favor. What I'm saying is, people that behave like Trump and his supporters in congress are normally not the ones that care about the people that follow them. History would show them using you like pawns on a chess board while they fatten their pockets and your life doesn't get any better.
What makes you think the Trump supporters in congress with there type of behavior can and will govern successfully for you? What in history shows what you are doing working in your favor. What I'm saying is, people that behave like Trump and his supporters in congress are normally not the ones that care about the people that follow them. History would show them using you like pawns on a chess board while they fatten their pockets and your life doesn't get any better.

It is a gamble.

But considering that the alternative, ie the lefties, who have a strong record of being deeply, ideologically and emotionally committed to be actively hostile to our interests,

it is a very easy gamble to take.
Is this a joke? Have you been paying attention at all to how Biden and the Democrats are selling out America to foreign interests and opening the border to hordes of undocumented, unknown people and shipping them all over the country giving THEM full benefits and taking resources AWAY from poor Americans? Good Lord, open your eyes.
well.....if anyone can turn victory into defeat faster than a repunklican i don't know who that is. Many of them are hampered by a seriously biased media. Some of them want the media to love them. Those 13 traitorous rino we can always count on when the chips are down to side with the democrats are further left than right. Mccain when the bastard was alive, Romney, Graham, Collins, that disgusting murkowski and the other low lifes that consistently stab their constituency in the backs.

Most of them are cowards. We can't count on them. BUT...the one thing we can count on is the absolute Evil that IS the democrat party. The mass hypnosis for lack of a better term at the moment of the democrat voting base is mind boggling. The lack of discernment, the insistence on tolerating anything perverse. Everything they do and stand for is the antithesis of anything good, healthy, or fulfilling.
First, let's clear something up. There are a number of total assholes in Congress and some of them are Repubs and some of them are Democrats. And some of those Repubs are Trump supporters, while others are anti-Trumpers. To be honest, some people in Congress (both sides) are not assholes; they may or may not have policy differences, but what else is new. And that is okay by me, I have my values and biases and everyone else has theirs and there's nothing wrong with that.

And therein lies the answer to your question about behavior makin a difference in governance. For me it isn't about character or personality, not entirely. I don't see a great deal of difference between GOPers who are assholes and those who are not, either way they are very likely to support conservative values a lot more than the democrats are. I would rather have an asshole who supports an agenda that I think is more pro-growth and pro-safety and security than another asshole that doesn't, or even a non-asshole.

History would show them using you like pawns on a chess board while they fatten their pockets and your life doesn't get any better.

Frankly I believe it is the democrats who are using us more like pawns and are fattening their wallets while our lives are getting any better. Checked out the recent inflation numbers recently? If I'm not mistaken the polls and surveys show a lot more people think the country is fucked up and heading in the wrong direction since Biden and the Democrats took over. There's a reason why his poll numbers are in decline.
What makes you think the Trump supporters in congress with there type of behavior can and will govern successfully for you? What in history shows what you are doing working in your favor. What I'm saying is, people that behave like Trump and his supporters in congress are normally not the ones that care about the people that follow them. History would show them using you like pawns on a chess board while they fatten their pockets and your life doesn't get any better.

It's like the old Reagan line: Are you better off four years ago than you are today?

Republicans are not angels, but our country is in better hands with them than Democrats. Our country went to total hell with an all Democrat government in less than a year. Inflation out of control, labor shortages, supply chain problems, border the worst it's been in over 20 years, gasoline over 30% higher and expected to go more and going from a country that was the worlds largest fuel exporter to us begging OPEC for more oil, heating bills expected over 50% higher than last year................

Sure, we have to weed out the bad Republicans like the ones that supported the Democrat pork bill, but most of the Republicans are for the country instead of the party.
well.....if anyone can turn victory into defeat faster than a repunklican i don't know who that is. Many of them are hampered by a seriously biased media. Some of them want the media to love them. Those 13 traitorous rino we can always count on when the chips are down to side with the democrats are further left than right. Mccain when the bastard was alive, Romney, Graham, Collins, that disgusting murkowski and the other low lifes that consistently stab their constituency in the backs.

Most of them are cowards. We can't count on them. BUT...the one thing we can count on is the absolute Evil that IS the democrat party. The mass hypnosis for lack of a better term at the moment of the democrat voting base is mind boggling. The lack of discernment, the insistence on tolerating anything perverse. Everything they do and stand for is the antithesis of anything good, healthy, or fulfilling.
My statement was not to show support for Democrats. Both sides have there own problems and in my opinion the lgbt issues will bring down the democratic congress by itself without having to go into other issues.
What makes you think the Trump supporters in congress with there type of behavior can and will govern successfully for you? What in history shows what you are doing working in your favor. What I'm saying is, people that behave like Trump and his supporters in congress are normally not the ones that care about the people that follow them. History would show them using you like pawns on a chess board while they fatten their pockets and your life doesn't get any better.
the only interest that Trump supporters have is that their bigotry is validated.
What makes you think the Trump supporters in congress with there type of behavior can and will govern successfully for you? What in history shows what you are doing working in your favor. What I'm saying is, people that behave like Trump and his supporters in congress are normally not the ones that care about the people that follow them. History would show them using you like pawns on a chess board while they fatten their pockets and your life doesn't get any better.

That's every politician wanting to fatten their wallet.

In general though republicans more often than democrats care about america and what America stands for. And that's all I care about really.

Federal government isnt supposed to care about me as an individual, their job is to do what's in the best interest of the nation. It's up to state politicians to look after me but even then they still don't care about me as an individual.

I just want politicians that care about america and Americans and their best interest, but also stay out of my personal life. Democrats overall do the exact opposite of those things, which has been greatly proven this year as democrats have done a lot to hurt America and don't a lot to get in my persona life.
Why does insulting Trump and his supporters make you feel good?
Many people have low self-esteem so they put down others to make themselves feel better about themselves and their low self-esteem. He just needs to try to find people he can look down upon. Kind of sad if you think about it.

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