To all you people that get your news from ABC/CBS/NBC, i.e. MSM ONE word describes you!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

Gullible definition is - easily duped or cheated.

Watching ABC news poke fun at Trump's son declaring...
Donald Trump Jr. says Covid deaths are 'almost nothing' on a day reporting 90,000 infected, 1,000 dead
YUP you all are being so SUCKED in by the MSM and ALL because they've donated 90% of their money to Biden!
And so the chest beating, sobbing, wailing, lamenting MSM is beating this number and Donald Trump Jr as be heartless, no compassion!
YOU dummies!
A) Today according to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 45,882,938 Cases and 1,193,154 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer Total reported deaths 961... NOT a "1,000"!
B) How many people have survived in the USA? 6,017,537!
C) How many "CRITICAL" Cases that MAY DIE??? 16,983! Really... and these sophisticated quote quasi Journalists are leading the news with Donald Trump Jr's statement!
OH woe is US!!!
FACTS folks!!! 142,770,323 tests have been done in America!
FACTS folks and you really gullible people totally TOTALLY ignore THESE DEATHS!
Today as of 10/30/20 there have been 717,152 Americans 303 days nearly twice as many future presidents, future inventors, future billionaires, future fathers/mothers were murdered as died from COVID! Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973
AND what were the ages of the people that died from COVID from 2/1/20 to 10/17/20?
The attached chart shows from this CDC site: Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
NOTE: 78% of all deaths are by people retired, physically attenuated to COVID and frankly from a Darwinian point of view..."Survival of the fittest"!
YET you don't hear about the 2,000+ Abortions of future presidents, etc. but you hear about a minuscule amount of people past their PRIME!


CDC: 94% of Covid-19 deaths had underlying medical conditions

View attachment 408895

Gullible definition is - easily duped or cheated.

Watching ABC news poke fun at Trump's son declaring...
Donald Trump Jr. says Covid deaths are 'almost nothing' on a day reporting 90,000 infected, 1,000 dead
YUP you all are being so SUCKED in by the MSM and ALL because they've donated 90% of their money to Biden!
And so the chest beating, sobbing, wailing, lamenting MSM is beating this number and Donald Trump Jr as be heartless, no compassion!
YOU dummies!
A) Today according to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 45,882,938 Cases and 1,193,154 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer Total reported deaths 961... NOT a "1,000"!
B) How many people have survived in the USA? 6,017,537!
C) How many "CRITICAL" Cases that MAY DIE??? 16,983! Really... and these sophisticated quote quasi Journalists are leading the news with Donald Trump Jr's statement!
OH woe is US!!!
FACTS folks!!! 142,770,323 tests have been done in America!
FACTS folks and you really gullible people totally TOTALLY ignore THESE DEATHS!
Today as of 10/30/20 there have been 717,152 Americans 303 days nearly twice as many future presidents, future inventors, future billionaires, future fathers/mothers were murdered as died from COVID! Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973
AND what were the ages of the people that died from COVID from 2/1/20 to 10/17/20?
The attached chart shows from this CDC site: Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
NOTE: 78% of all deaths are by people retired, physically attenuated to COVID and frankly from a Darwinian point of view..."Survival of the fittest"!
YET you don't hear about the 2,000+ Abortions of future presidents, etc. but you hear about a minuscule amount of people past their PRIME!

View attachment 408912
CDC: 94% of Covid-19 deaths had underlying medical conditions

View attachment 408896
All the people who are voting for Biden and have fallen for the corona hoax,they indeed get their news from them. :auiqs.jpg:
200,000+ deaths. Not "nothing" as blob junior would have you believe.
200,000- deaths, is an average year for prog drivers on the streets....You know the ones that break the law, because the law doesnt apply to them....Oh yeah, when the green new deal comes out, no one will be allowed to own a combustion engine vehicle, that will go over well for the poor....
200,000+ deaths. Not "nothing" as blob junior would have you believe.
200,000- deaths, is an average year for prog drivers on the streets....You know the ones that break the law, because the law doesnt apply to them....Oh yeah, when the green new deal comes out, no one will be allowed to own a combustion engine vehicle, that will go over well for the poor....

Your usual complete garbage response. You never disappoint.
200,000+ deaths. Not "nothing" as blob junior would have you believe.
200,000- deaths, is an average year for prog drivers on the streets....You know the ones that break the law, because the law doesnt apply to them....Oh yeah, when the green new deal comes out, no one will be allowed to own a combustion engine vehicle, that will go over well for the poor....

Your usual complete garbage response. You never disappoint.
Global Road Safety
  • Each year, 1.35 million people are killed on roadways around the world.4
  • Every day, almost 3,700 people are killed globally in road traffic crashes involving cars, buses, motorcycles, bicycles, trucks, or pedestrians. More than half of those killed are pedestrians, motorcyclists, and cyclists.4
America's networks' news broadcasts, 24 hour cable news channels, and U,S. based internet "blogs" pump out more bullsh!t than all bovine sources on the planet.

Anyone who believes they are "informed" because they watch or listen to these liars is an idiot. If your "news" source reinforces your personal beliefs consistently, it's heavily biased.

To get honest reports, the source must not have a dog in the fight. Journalists cannot be cheerleaders. If cheerleading is your "news" source, you are an idiot.

Now, go out and find the truth, if you dare.

The marxist politburo criticizes the son of POTUS while Hunted has been on a global crime spree including raping and torturing 10-year old girls in China. They say the girls' screams will haunt you. ABC will never report on it.... they're too worried about what deduction DJT took on his 2014 tax return. They truly are the enemy of the people and the twisted fucks need to be further marginalized these next 4 years.
200,000+ deaths. Not "nothing" as blob junior would have you believe.

200K was the low end of the range, blobber blobbing blob thingy. So Trump did a great job and even then blobber blob blobbing Democrat governors were responsible for most of those deaths, blob.

Seriously though? How old are you? LOL. Who talks like that? I mean who after junior high
200,000+ deaths. Not "nothing" as blob junior would have you believe.

200K was the low end of the range, blobber blobbing blob thingy. So Trump did a great job and even then blobber blob blobbing Democrat governors were responsible for most of those deaths, blob.

Seriously though? How old are you? LOL. Who talks like that? I mean who after junior high

The blob losing 200,000 people and calling it "nothing" should be his bumper sticker.
200,000+ deaths. Not "nothing" as blob junior would have you believe.

200K was the low end of the range, blobber blobbing blob thingy. So Trump did a great job and even then blobber blob blobbing Democrat governors were responsible for most of those deaths, blob.

Seriously though? How old are you? LOL. Who talks like that? I mean who after junior high

The blob losing 200,000 people and calling it "nothing" should be his bumper sticker.

Now you're quoting yourself and attributing it to Trump, blob, Your blob doesn't get any more blob, blob
200,000+ deaths. Not "nothing" as blob junior would have you believe.

200K was the low end of the range, blobber blobbing blob thingy. So Trump did a great job and even then blobber blob blobbing Democrat governors were responsible for most of those deaths, blob.

Seriously though? How old are you? LOL. Who talks like that? I mean who after junior high

The blob losing 200,000 people and calling it "nothing" should be his bumper sticker.

Now you're quoting yourself and attributing it to Trump, blob, Your blob doesn't get any more blob, blob

Its good that me calling your lord and master "blob" has messed with your limited cranial capacity so much.

The blob is likely to win re-election...that should help your mental state because you sound like you're losing it...
200,000+ deaths. Not "nothing" as blob junior would have you believe.

200K was the low end of the range, blobber blobbing blob thingy. So Trump did a great job and even then blobber blob blobbing Democrat governors were responsible for most of those deaths, blob.

Seriously though? How old are you? LOL. Who talks like that? I mean who after junior high

The blob losing 200,000 people and calling it "nothing" should be his bumper sticker.

Now you're quoting yourself and attributing it to Trump, blob, Your blob doesn't get any more blob, blob

Its good that me calling your lord and master "blob" has messed with your limited cranial capacity so much.

The blob is likely to win re-election...that should help your mental state because you sound like you're losing it...

LOL, blob, posting like you is blobbing losing it, LOL, blobber blob
200,000+ deaths. Not "nothing" as blob junior would have you believe.

200K was the low end of the range, blobber blobbing blob thingy. So Trump did a great job and even then blobber blob blobbing Democrat governors were responsible for most of those deaths, blob.

Seriously though? How old are you? LOL. Who talks like that? I mean who after junior high

The blob losing 200,000 people and calling it "nothing" should be his bumper sticker.
Compared to 700,000 future presidents, teachers, parents that idiots like you seem to think is OK to murder... YES they are nothing because of these 200,000 HERE ARE THE FACTS... something you don't deal with!
78% of deaths are for people that Darwin would say "Survival of the fittest"... yet YOU are willing to sacrifice the future by killing
700,000 future presidents, doctors, brothers, sisters, you name it and you are OK with their being KILLED mercilessly!
Honestly I'm one of those over 65 and have lived a full life and am watching my contacts, but if given a choice of dying to help save
700,000 lives... it is worth it!

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