Joe Biden has a (secret) Plan?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Going down the home stretch, the Biden campaign has ONE message: Joe Biden has a PLAN to combat the Corona Virus, and Trump has just been flailing around with NO PLAN.

Assume for a moment that this is true.

If Joe Biden has a plan...why doesn't he reveal it?

If his Plan is so great, then it will presumably save lives, right? People are DYING because Trump doesn't have a PLAN.

But if Joe Biden's plan will save lives, how could he possibly justify NOT releasing it IMMEDIATELY??? People are DYING while he DITHERS!!!

And by the way, his PLAN - he has informed us - involves MASKS, SOCIAL DISTANCING, and SCIENCE(!). And he will shut things DOWN, which Trump did not have the courage to do, except that he WILL NOT shut things down, because that would be an economic disaster (he acknowledges).

So to review: He has a plan that will save lives, but he's keeping it a secret. He will employ exactly the same stratagems as Trump - other than bullshit distinctions - but for HIM they will work. But it's all a secret.
I haven't seen Biden blow his load like Trump did at this moment when he lost the election...

Going down the home stretch, the Biden campaign has ONE message: Joe Biden has a PLAN to combat the Corona Virus, and Trump has just been flailing around with NO PLAN.

Assume for a moment that this is true.

If Joe Biden has a plan...why doesn't he reveal it?

If his Plan is so great, then it will presumably save lives, right? People are DYING because Trump doesn't have a PLAN.

But if Joe Biden's plan will save lives, how could he possibly justify NOT releasing it IMMEDIATELY??? People are DYING while he DITHERS!!!

And by the way, his PLAN - he has informed us - involves MASKS, SOCIAL DISTANCING, and SCIENCE(!). And he will shut things DOWN, which Trump did not have the courage to do, except that he WILL NOT shut things down, because that would be an economic disaster (he acknowledges).

So to review: He has a plan that will save lives, but he's keeping it a secret. He will employ exactly the same stratagems as Trump - other than bullshit distinctions - but for HIM they will work. But it's all a secret.

The blob's own events do not have masking, social distancing, and he calls the scientists in his own administration "idiots".

Your OP is a lie.
Going down the home stretch, the Biden campaign has ONE message: Joe Biden has a PLAN to combat the Corona Virus, and Trump has just been flailing around with NO PLAN.

Assume for a moment that this is true.

If Joe Biden has a plan...why doesn't he reveal it?

If his Plan is so great, then it will presumably save lives, right? People are DYING because Trump doesn't have a PLAN.

But if Joe Biden's plan will save lives, how could he possibly justify NOT releasing it IMMEDIATELY??? People are DYING while he DITHERS!!!

And by the way, his PLAN - he has informed us - involves MASKS, SOCIAL DISTANCING, and SCIENCE(!). And he will shut things DOWN, which Trump did not have the courage to do, except that he WILL NOT shut things down, because that would be an economic disaster (he acknowledges).

So to review: He has a plan that will save lives, but he's keeping it a secret. He will employ exactly the same stratagems as Trump - other than bullshit distinctions - but for HIM they will work. But it's all a secret.

The plan is to get his name in the history books as president, and then resign in favor of Harris. That is all.
Joe Biden undoubtedly has a secret plan to arrest Trump and charge him with high treason at noon on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, whether or not he actually succeeds in accessing to the office of the Presidency of the United States, and whether or not he can gain the authority and jurisdiction to charge the current President with such capital crimes at a Democrat-controlled court-martial.
That cheating son of a bitch Sleepy Joe trying to come out tonight prematurely calling this election result. We count the LEGA votes!

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