“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”

Good on President Trump not attending the fraudulent inauguration. In fact this can be his build up to running again in 2024 by not accepting the STEAL! You know the Fake News will go crazy, which can draw all the attention back to him instead of watching Corrupt Joe get it fraudulently handed to him. It can all go back to saying MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

I agree. I wouldn't show up either. This was the biggest fraudulent election in this country's history. Oh and you can bet all the attention will be on Trump and not the jackass who stole the election.

Just wait till jackass implements his list. I've seen it and its a doozy. Every one who voted for jackass and whore will be regretting that vote big time. Google and find his list.

Fraudulent election is the big lie that Trump has used to try and retain power and manipulate you.

Good on President Trump not attending the fraudulent inauguration. In fact this can be his build up to running again in 2024 by not accepting the STEAL! You know the Fake News will go crazy, which can draw all the attention back to him instead of watching Corrupt Joe get it fraudulently handed to him. It can all go back to saying MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

I agree. I wouldn't show up either. This was the biggest fraudulent election in this country's history. Oh and you can bet all the attention will be on Trump and not the jackass who stole the election.

Just wait till jackass implements his list. I've seen it and its a doozy. Every one who voted for jackass and whore will be regretting that vote big time. Google and find his list.

Fraudulent election is the big lie that Trump has used to try and retain power and manipulate you.

Not a lie at all. Plenty of evidence out there. You just don't want to believe it.

If Biden were Trump YOU'D be screaming election fraud long and loud and all that evidence you say doesn't exist would be front and center in your claims.
I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.

So says just another indoctrinated lemming. Censoring is ok, as long as the ”correct” things are being censored. Rioting, looting, burning and even taking over an entire city block and a government building is ok, as long as the “protestors” are of a certain political persuasion. Parlor, the equivlent of Twitter, can be removed from AWS because AWS doesn’t like the content. They seem to be fine with plenty of liberal content. No problems with it whatsoever. Yeah, it is us that have been conned. LOL. If you can’t see the problem here, it is YOU that has been conned.

Chansley, also known as Jake Angeli, called the Washington office of the FBI on Thursday and voluntarily spoke to law enforcement.

The DOJ said in a statement quote: "Chansley said that he came as part of a group effort with other 'patriots' from Arizona, at the request of the President that all 'patriots' come to D.C. on January 6, 2021."

Before his arrest, NBC reported that Chansley gloated about how the crowd infiltrated the Capitol, forcing lawmakers to flee, telling the network quote:"The fact that we had a bunch of traitors in office, hunkered down, put on gas masks and retreat to their underground bunker, I consider that a win."

LOL...so Trump encouraged a “peaceful” protest of a fraudulent election and because some took it too far it is his fault. The Democrats never incited any of the protests this past year than resulted in 25 deaths. Nope, didn’t happen, but Trump, yes, it is all his fault. You can’t make this level of naiveté up.
How about this....Biden and Pelosi saying he is deranged, a liar a racist a xenophobe and a misogynists. In essence saying 75 million people are so naïve that they voted for a guy like that.

Sure.....Lets stop the vitriol and the division and lets move forward. So for starters lets insult the intelligence of half the voting population.

They are doing a dam good job of uniting the country.

FYI...I did not vote for a deranged individual, nor did I vote for a racist a mysgonist or a xenophobe.

Don't tell me I am naïve and stupid.. I am not. I do my own thinking and to be honest, It has worked quite well for me.

Trump suffers from a massive inferiority complex.. He knows that under the gold leaf he is low class and dumb. He's going to take revenge on ALL of us for not worshipping him.
I get it.
You hate Trump.
I understand.
But your sentiments....no....actually, you entire post is based on your hatred for him. Not actual proven fact.
Like I said. I get it. You hate him.
I am not a fan of Biden. But find me a post that I wrote that used my emotion to define him as opposed to fact.
You wont be able to.

Trump is trash and not very bright.. Fact is that Trump is a liar, a cheat and a bully and always has been. The American voters have voted him out and he doesn't want to go so he's getting his revenge on the whole country.. Defend him if you will. It says a lot about the sort of man you are.
Defend him?

Nah. He doesn't need my defense.

But you cant help but post from the emotion of hate. And that makes you look childish.

Patriot, Trump's ardent followers planted two bombs in the Capitol.
No. a handful of Domestic terrorist's did.
Biden ardent followers burnt down cities this past summer.
No. A handful of Domestics terrorists did.
And quite honestly, why should he ?
As for myself and 74,999,999 other Americans, Biden will be an illegitimate president in a stolen election.
View attachment 439380
Fraudulent election is the big lie that Trump has used to try and retain power and manipulate you.

A top Georgia election official says Rudy Giuliani 'lied' about election fraud by presenting a deceptively edited video as evidence
You can call Trump a liar, you can call Giuliani a liar, but there is one thing you can't dispute when it comes to election fraud....... Election laws were changed unconstitutionally. State courts can't change election laws. PERIOD.
Fraudulent election is the big lie that Trump has used to try and retain power and manipulate you.

A top Georgia election official says Rudy Giuliani 'lied' about election fraud by presenting a deceptively edited video as evidence
You can call Trump a liar, you can call Giuliani a liar, but there is one thing you can't dispute when it comes to election fraud....... Election laws were changed unconstitutionally. State courts can't change election laws. PERIOD.

You'd believe anything.

Fraudulent election is the big lie that Trump has used to try and retain power and manipulate you.

A top Georgia election official says Rudy Giuliani 'lied' about election fraud by presenting a deceptively edited video as evidence
You can call Trump a liar, you can call Giuliani a liar, but there is one thing you can't dispute when it comes to election fraud....... Election laws were changed unconstitutionally. State courts can't change election laws. PERIOD.

You'd believe anything.

Very important . A Democrat operative would never lie.
Fraudulent election is the big lie that Trump has used to try and retain power and manipulate you.

A top Georgia election official says Rudy Giuliani 'lied' about election fraud by presenting a deceptively edited video as evidence
You can call Trump a liar, you can call Giuliani a liar, but there is one thing you can't dispute when it comes to election fraud....... Election laws were changed unconstitutionally. State courts can't change election laws. PERIOD.

You'd believe anything.

Very important . A Democrat operative would never lie.

You think everyone is a corrupt liar and a cheat.. Why is that?

Anyone can file a lawsuit even if they don't have standing or evidence. Do you have ANY education?
there is one thing you can't dispute when it comes to election fraud....... Election laws were changed unconstitutionally.
That is absolutely disputed...by numerous courts that threw that specious argument out. Including the Supreme Court...that is overwhelmingly conservative and has not one...but THREE Trump appointees on it.


You are getting people killed

I get that you're pissed that your guy lost the election.

I get that you think that somehow you deserved to win it.

You just lost

Be a grown up
I might attend... the Trump rally if he holds one.

Not a huge rally goer, but I was impressed by Jan 6th.
You were impressed by an insurrection that killed several?

That's on you

Killed several? No kidding, by the end of the week it'll be hundreds...dumbass.

It was great. The founders approve 100%. Freedom is worth dying for, so their lives were not in vein unlike the BLM rioters who just got beat up for nothing while democrat party cheered.

A peaceful protest is usually better than a violent one, even if the taking over of the building was well deserved. Protests are about showing of force and the lack of cuckery.

Leftists have taken over dozens and dozens of buildings and been cheered for it, in fact Bernie Sanders writes how he proudly took part in conquering a public space. This year they took an entire city block, while many died. So you can start explaining there if you truly have a problem with it, there will be zero walking back over here.
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