“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”

I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.
some people were conned. A small percentage

Most of us 75 million people believe the democrat's capitalized on COVID to allow for voting for those who otherwise would not take the time to vote because they had better things to do.

And whereas many of us are frustrated because our elected leaders refused to look into the possibility of wrong doing, and they left it up to the courts.... only a fool would think a judge wants her or his name to go down as the one who initiated the overturning of an election.

Sadly, whereas most of us know how to control our frustration, a few thousand could not and now all 75 million are defined by the few thousand.

You know...there was a time where the idea of a special counsel for the Russian collusion thing was not going to happen, and the left threw a fit...so one was appointed.

What if one wasn't? How would the left have reacted? Do you believe a few thousand would NOT have reacted with violence?

You know...in all fairness...when you have 75 million who think something was wrong, both sides should address it. The right with the collusion thing? Agreed to a special counsel.

The left with the voter thing? Simply criticized those that disagreed.

What ever happened to being human. We are not talking about conspiracy theorists. We are talking about 70 Million people.
Thank you, for such a well thought out post!
I have to get dinner started... the hubby needs his dinner or he gets cranky!!

I will respond as soon as I can....
some people were conned. A small percentage

Most of us 75 million people believe the democrat's capitalized on COVID to allow for voting for those who otherwise would not take the time to vote because they had better things to do.

And whereas many of us are frustrated because our elected leaders refused to look into the possibility of wrong doing, and they left it up to the courts.... only a fool would think a judge wants her or his name to go down as the one who initiated the overturning of an election

Republicans, for the past decade, have been focused on expanding their own base, with absentee mail in voting. It's been fruitful for the republican states that have expanded their access to it in their election laws, like the State of Florida.

It's our constitutional right, for we the people to choose who represents us in our govt.

We all should be rejoicing, that we have finally, found a way that we can easily execute our right to vote, instead of the barricades and hurdles to fight through and jump.

Those people who didn't vote before but could via absentee, were not lazy (generalized word).... They were blue collar workers, people on an hourly wage who needed every dime of their pay, people who have to take buses to work or get lifts from coworkers to make it there, people with no cars to easily get to polling places without losing hours of work....people attending college out of state....

Our insistence of voting on a workday, a Tuesday, without it being a Holiday....has been a purposeful way, to disenfranchise these people, where as I As a white collar worker got paid for my time off to vote as a benefit, and I automatically was registered to vote with a nod, when getting my drivers license.

Absentee/mail in voting is a positive.....for our Democratic, Constitutional Republic.....democrats should not be shunned for expanding it....It's a good thing!

Republicans have A LOT of blue collar workers they could pick up as well along with the elderly and disabled republicans who can not easily make it to the polls anymore.

COVID was a reason to expand access, a legitimate reason.... and you will find that both Republican and Democratic legislatures expanded it in the primaries.

Even in these battle ground states, the republicans expanded mail in voting....but they got creamed in the primary so they then went on a mission to try to take it back.....purely for political reasons, and Trump started his mission of saying the election was rigged, saying the absentee voting was a fraud, before the first vote was even cast, in the election.....

Right then the brainwashing of his flock that absentee votes are fraudulent and only votes in person and on election day should count....BEGAN.

So he later could proclaim himself the winner on election night, without absentee votes even opened yet! All the bull crap conspiracy of him winning but in the middle of the night votes just APPEARED for Biden.... when we knew all along the absentee votes, mostly all democratic votes in battleground states would not be counted until after election day votes.

How did we know that? His campaign had the Republican legislatures vote NO on authorizing those states, to be able to begin counting absentee votes earlier than election day.

This whole thing actually hurt him in the long run! (There is a God, and he heard my prayers, AMEN!) :)

He made millions of republican votes, out there to be had....disappear, by not considering the virus safety concerns of the elderly, who normally voted in person, by telling them, absentee voting was a fraud....They just didn't vote....

That was long winded!

And I didn't even get to your other parts of your post!!:eek:

I'm taking a pause, and sending this first! My response to the other things will come after I take a break!
And quite honestly, why should he ?
As for myself and 74,999,999 other Americans, Biden will be an illegitimate president in a stolen election.
View attachment 439380
Was this Trump talk?

His CODED MESSAGE to his insurrectionist Twitter followers?

Wink Wink. " I will not be at the inauguration.... the coast is clear for you, to do some damage"

Michael Cohen said, that's how Trump directs his people.... this kind of guised talk.
I might attend... the Trump rally if he holds one.

Not a huge rally goer, but I was impressed by Jan 6th.
Cool. You should live stream yourself trying to break in or assaulting police officers. I’d love to watch as you get a mud hole stomped into your seditious ass.
Stay home, stay safe. No one should be going to the inauguration; most notable, the Liberal and Democrat pundits who want to egregiously lock down all other aspects of our lives. If you show up after telling people they can’t be with extended family, you are full of shit.
some people were conned. A small percentage

Most of us 75 million people believe the democrat's capitalized on COVID to allow for voting for those who otherwise would not take the time to vote because they had better things to do.

And whereas many of us are frustrated because our elected leaders refused to look into the possibility of wrong doing, and they left it up to the courts.... only a fool would think a judge wants her or his name to go down as the one who initiated the overturning of an election

Republicans, for the past decade, have been focused on expanding their own base, with absentee mail in voting. It's been fruitful for the republican states that have expanded their access to it in their election laws, like the State of Florida.

It's our constitutional right, for we the people to choose who represents us in our govt.

We all should be rejoicing, that we have finally, found a way that we can easily execute our right to vote, instead of the barricades and hurdles to fight through and jump.

Those people who didn't vote before but could via absentee, were not lazy (generalized word).... They were blue collar workers, people on an hourly wage who needed every dime of their pay, people who have to take buses to work or get lifts from coworkers to make it there, people with no cars to easily get to polling places without losing hours of work....people attending college out of state....

Our insistence of voting on a workday, a Tuesday, without it being a Holiday....has been a purposeful way, to disenfranchise these people, where as I As a white collar worker got paid for my time off to vote as a benefit, and I automatically was registered to vote with a nod, when getting my drivers license.

Absentee/mail in voting is a positive.....for our Democratic, Constitutional Republic.....democrats should not be shunned for expanding it....It's a good thing!

Republicans have A LOT of blue collar workers they could pick up as well along with the elderly and disabled republicans who can not easily make it to the polls anymore.

COVID was a reason to expand access, a legitimate reason.... and you will find that both Republican and Democratic legislatures expanded it in the primaries.

Even in these battle ground states, the republicans expanded mail in voting....but they got creamed in the primary so they then went on a mission to try to take it back.....purely for political reasons, and Trump started his mission of saying the election was rigged, saying the absentee voting was a fraud, before the first vote was even cast, in the election.....

Right then the brainwashing of his flock that absentee votes are fraudulent and only votes in person and on election day should count....BEGAN.

So he later could proclaim himself the winner on election night, without absentee votes even opened yet! All the bull crap conspiracy of him winning but in the middle of the night votes just APPEARED for Biden.... when we knew all along the absentee votes, mostly all democratic votes in battleground states would not be counted until after election day votes.

How did we know that? His campaign had the Republican legislatures vote NO on authorizing those states, to be able to begin counting absentee votes earlier than election day.

This whole thing actually hurt him in the long run! (There is a God, and he heard my prayers, AMEN!) :)

He made millions of republican votes, out there to be had....disappear, by not considering the virus safety concerns of the elderly, who normally voted in person, by telling them, absentee voting was a fraud....They just didn't vote....

That was long winded!

And I didn't even get to your other parts of your post!!:eek:

I'm taking a pause, and sending this first! My response to the other things will come after I take a break!
Interesting and inciteful post. As all of your are.

However, you left out a few things.

1) You were always able to request an absentee ballot not just based on being out of state but also based on being unable to go to a polling place due to work demands or health restrictions
2) Polls always opened before normal working hours and closed well after working hours.

Now sure, I get it......'I work 12 hour days and unable to get to the polls'....thus the absentee ballot.

So lets be honest....who did the unsolicited absentee ballots benefit?

Those that considered voting so unimportant, that they refused to mildly inconvenience themselves to do it.

And those people do not consider voting a privilege. They consider it a burden and not worth it.

Should they be part of deciding who will run the free world?
I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.

So says just another indoctrinated lemming. Censoring is ok, as long as the ”correct” things are being censored. Rioting, looting, burning and even taking over an entire city block and a government building is ok, as long as the “protestors” are of a certain political persuasion. Parlor, the equivlent of Twitter, can be removed from AWS because AWS doesn’t like the content. They seem to be fine with plenty of liberal content. No problems with it whatsoever. Yeah, it is us that have been conned. LOL. If you can’t see the problem here, it is YOU that has been conned.
I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.

So says just another indoctrinated lemming. Censoring is ok, as long as the ”correct” things are being censored. Rioting, looting, burning and even taking over an entire city block and a government building is ok, as long as the “protestors” are of a certain political persuasion. Parlor, the equivlent of Twitter, can be removed from AWS because AWS doesn’t like the content. They seem to be fine with plenty of liberal content. No problems with it whatsoever. Yeah, it is us that have been conned. LOL. If you can’t see the problem here, it is YOU that has been conned.

Chansley, also known as Jake Angeli, called the Washington office of the FBI on Thursday and voluntarily spoke to law enforcement.

The DOJ said in a statement quote: "Chansley said that he came as part of a group effort with other 'patriots' from Arizona, at the request of the President that all 'patriots' come to D.C. on January 6, 2021."

Before his arrest, NBC reported that Chansley gloated about how the crowd infiltrated the Capitol, forcing lawmakers to flee, telling the network quote:"The fact that we had a bunch of traitors in office, hunkered down, put on gas masks and retreat to their underground bunker, I consider that a win."
I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.

So says just another indoctrinated lemming. Censoring is ok, as long as the ”correct” things are being censored. Rioting, looting, burning and even taking over an entire city block and a government building is ok, as long as the “protestors” are of a certain political persuasion. Parlor, the equivlent of Twitter, can be removed from AWS because AWS doesn’t like the content. They seem to be fine with plenty of liberal content. No problems with it whatsoever. Yeah, it is us that have been conned. LOL. If you can’t see the problem here, it is YOU that has been conned.

Chansley, also known as Jake Angeli, called the Washington office of the FBI on Thursday and voluntarily spoke to law enforcement.

The DOJ said in a statement quote: "Chansley said that he came as part of a group effort with other 'patriots' from Arizona, at the request of the President that all 'patriots' come to D.C. on January 6, 2021."

Before his arrest, NBC reported that Chansley gloated about how the crowd infiltrated the Capitol, forcing lawmakers to flee, telling the network quote:"The fact that we had a bunch of traitors in office, hunkered down, put on gas masks and retreat to their underground bunker, I consider that a win."

LOL...so Trump encouraged a “peaceful” protest of a fraudulent election and because some took it too far it is his fault. The Democrats never incited any of the protests this past year than resulted in 25 deaths. Nope, didn’t happen, but Trump, yes, it is all his fault. You can’t make this level of naiveté up.
And quite honestly, why should he ?
As for myself and 74,999,999 other Americans, Biden will be an illegitimate president in a stolen election.
View attachment 439380

As an 83-year-old, I was brought up to respect our leaders.

So I shall certainly refer to him as "Mr." Biden, but it would stick in my craw to use the title of "President."

If the Dems really won, they would not have so vociferously denied rigging. Instead they would have cooperated in an investigation to prove that he had won honestly. That would have been the patriotic thing to do.

I am so proud of President Trump's not going to the Inauguration. If he went, that would simply acknowledge that Mr. Biden had won legitimately.

Personally, I hope many Americans find other things to do on January 20 instead of watching Mr. Biden's Inauguration.
I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.

So says just another indoctrinated lemming. Censoring is ok, as long as the ”correct” things are being censored. Rioting, looting, burning and even taking over an entire city block and a government building is ok, as long as the “protestors” are of a certain political persuasion. Parlor, the equivlent of Twitter, can be removed from AWS because AWS doesn’t like the content. They seem to be fine with plenty of liberal content. No problems with it whatsoever. Yeah, it is us that have been conned. LOL. If you can’t see the problem here, it is YOU that has been conned.

Chansley, also known as Jake Angeli, called the Washington office of the FBI on Thursday and voluntarily spoke to law enforcement.

The DOJ said in a statement quote: "Chansley said that he came as part of a group effort with other 'patriots' from Arizona, at the request of the President that all 'patriots' come to D.C. on January 6, 2021."

Before his arrest, NBC reported that Chansley gloated about how the crowd infiltrated the Capitol, forcing lawmakers to flee, telling the network quote:"The fact that we had a bunch of traitors in office, hunkered down, put on gas masks and retreat to their underground bunker, I consider that a win."

LOL...so Trump encouraged a “peaceful” protest of a fraudulent election and because some took it too far it is his fault. The Democrats never incited any of the protests this past year than resulted in 25 deaths. Nope, didn’t happen, but Trump, yes, it is all his fault. You can’t make this level of naiveté up.
How about this....Biden and Pelosi saying he is deranged, a liar a racist a xenophobe and a misogynists. In essence saying 75 million people are so naïve that they voted for a guy like that.

Sure.....Lets stop the vitriol and the division and lets move forward. So for starters lets insult the intelligence of half the voting population.

They are doing a dam good job of uniting the country.

FYI...I did not vote for a deranged individual, nor did I vote for a racist a mysgonist or a xenophobe.

Don't tell me I am naïve and stupid.. I am not. I do my own thinking and to be honest, It has worked quite well for me.
I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.

So says just another indoctrinated lemming. Censoring is ok, as long as the ”correct” things are being censored. Rioting, looting, burning and even taking over an entire city block and a government building is ok, as long as the “protestors” are of a certain political persuasion. Parlor, the equivlent of Twitter, can be removed from AWS because AWS doesn’t like the content. They seem to be fine with plenty of liberal content. No problems with it whatsoever. Yeah, it is us that have been conned. LOL. If you can’t see the problem here, it is YOU that has been conned.

Chansley, also known as Jake Angeli, called the Washington office of the FBI on Thursday and voluntarily spoke to law enforcement.

The DOJ said in a statement quote: "Chansley said that he came as part of a group effort with other 'patriots' from Arizona, at the request of the President that all 'patriots' come to D.C. on January 6, 2021."

Before his arrest, NBC reported that Chansley gloated about how the crowd infiltrated the Capitol, forcing lawmakers to flee, telling the network quote:"The fact that we had a bunch of traitors in office, hunkered down, put on gas masks and retreat to their underground bunker, I consider that a win."

LOL...so Trump encouraged a “peaceful” protest of a fraudulent election and because some took it too far it is his fault. The Democrats never incited any of the protests this past year than resulted in 25 deaths. Nope, didn’t happen, but Trump, yes, it is all his fault. You can’t make this level of naiveté up.
How about this....Biden and Pelosi saying he is deranged, a liar a racist a xenophobe and a misogynists. In essence saying 75 million people are so naïve that they voted for a guy like that.

Sure.....Lets stop the vitriol and the division and lets move forward. So for starters lets insult the intelligence of half the voting population.

They are doing a dam good job of uniting the country.

FYI...I did not vote for a deranged individual, nor did I vote for a racist a mysgonist or a xenophobe.

Don't tell me I am naïve and stupid.. I am not. I do my own thinking and to be honest, It has worked quite well for me.

Trump suffers from a massive inferiority complex.. He knows that under the gold leaf he is low class and dumb. He's going to take revenge on ALL of us for not worshipping him.
And quite honestly, why should he ?
As for myself and 74,999,999 other Americans, Biden will be an illegitimate president in a stolen election.
View attachment 439380
Was this Trump talk?

His CODED MESSAGE to his insurrectionist Twitter followers?

Wink Wink. " I will not be at the inauguration.... the coast is clear for you, to do some damage"

Michael Cohen said, that's how Trump directs his people.... this kind of guised talk.
Coded message?

It is obvious it is coded because a man in jail said so? A man who Trump said he would never pardon claims that his messages are coded?

You know...I can say I love you, and my adversary can say it is a coded message because the term "love", when I use it, means I hate you.

I am sure you are aware that there is nothing a woman or man can ever say where someone can say it is a coded message.

And I am curious....he had 100 million followers....exactly how would ANY of them know it was a coded message. Did he send personal messages to all of them? Any of them?

If someone sent you a coded message, exactly how would you know it was a coded message?

Look, I appreciate your posts...always...and yes, your avatar is hot and you know I think that....., but I digress. And yes, the fact that you know to make dinner for your husband so he wont be grumpy....but I digress...again ( I actually laughed out loud at that post)......

But....to say the President of the United States sent out a coded message to 75 million people with no way to tell them it is a coded message? That is the definition of conspiracy theory. And I, for one, find it demeaning to your position.
I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.

So says just another indoctrinated lemming. Censoring is ok, as long as the ”correct” things are being censored. Rioting, looting, burning and even taking over an entire city block and a government building is ok, as long as the “protestors” are of a certain political persuasion. Parlor, the equivlent of Twitter, can be removed from AWS because AWS doesn’t like the content. They seem to be fine with plenty of liberal content. No problems with it whatsoever. Yeah, it is us that have been conned. LOL. If you can’t see the problem here, it is YOU that has been conned.

Chansley, also known as Jake Angeli, called the Washington office of the FBI on Thursday and voluntarily spoke to law enforcement.

The DOJ said in a statement quote: "Chansley said that he came as part of a group effort with other 'patriots' from Arizona, at the request of the President that all 'patriots' come to D.C. on January 6, 2021."

Before his arrest, NBC reported that Chansley gloated about how the crowd infiltrated the Capitol, forcing lawmakers to flee, telling the network quote:"The fact that we had a bunch of traitors in office, hunkered down, put on gas masks and retreat to their underground bunker, I consider that a win."

LOL...so Trump encouraged a “peaceful” protest of a fraudulent election and because some took it too far it is his fault. The Democrats never incited any of the protests this past year than resulted in 25 deaths. Nope, didn’t happen, but Trump, yes, it is all his fault. You can’t make this level of naiveté up.
How about this....Biden and Pelosi saying he is deranged, a liar a racist a xenophobe and a misogynists. In essence saying 75 million people are so naïve that they voted for a guy like that.

Sure.....Lets stop the vitriol and the division and lets move forward. So for starters lets insult the intelligence of half the voting population.

They are doing a dam good job of uniting the country.

FYI...I did not vote for a deranged individual, nor did I vote for a racist a mysgonist or a xenophobe.

Don't tell me I am naïve and stupid.. I am not. I do my own thinking and to be honest, It has worked quite well for me.

Trump suffers from a massive inferiority complex.. He knows that under the gold leaf he is low class and dumb. He's going to take revenge on ALL of us for not worshipping him.
I get it.
You hate Trump.
I understand.
But your sentiments....no....actually, you entire post is based on your hatred for him. Not actual proven fact.
Like I said. I get it. You hate him.
I am not a fan of Biden. But find me a post that I wrote that used my emotion to define him as opposed to fact.
You wont be able to.
I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.

So says just another indoctrinated lemming. Censoring is ok, as long as the ”correct” things are being censored. Rioting, looting, burning and even taking over an entire city block and a government building is ok, as long as the “protestors” are of a certain political persuasion. Parlor, the equivlent of Twitter, can be removed from AWS because AWS doesn’t like the content. They seem to be fine with plenty of liberal content. No problems with it whatsoever. Yeah, it is us that have been conned. LOL. If you can’t see the problem here, it is YOU that has been conned.

Chansley, also known as Jake Angeli, called the Washington office of the FBI on Thursday and voluntarily spoke to law enforcement.

The DOJ said in a statement quote: "Chansley said that he came as part of a group effort with other 'patriots' from Arizona, at the request of the President that all 'patriots' come to D.C. on January 6, 2021."

Before his arrest, NBC reported that Chansley gloated about how the crowd infiltrated the Capitol, forcing lawmakers to flee, telling the network quote:"The fact that we had a bunch of traitors in office, hunkered down, put on gas masks and retreat to their underground bunker, I consider that a win."

LOL...so Trump encouraged a “peaceful” protest of a fraudulent election and because some took it too far it is his fault. The Democrats never incited any of the protests this past year than resulted in 25 deaths. Nope, didn’t happen, but Trump, yes, it is all his fault. You can’t make this level of naiveté up.
How about this....Biden and Pelosi saying he is deranged, a liar a racist a xenophobe and a misogynists. In essence saying 75 million people are so naïve that they voted for a guy like that.

Sure.....Lets stop the vitriol and the division and lets move forward. So for starters lets insult the intelligence of half the voting population.

They are doing a dam good job of uniting the country.

FYI...I did not vote for a deranged individual, nor did I vote for a racist a mysgonist or a xenophobe.

Don't tell me I am naïve and stupid.. I am not. I do my own thinking and to be honest, It has worked quite well for me.

Trump suffers from a massive inferiority complex.. He knows that under the gold leaf he is low class and dumb. He's going to take revenge on ALL of us for not worshipping him.
I get it.
You hate Trump.
I understand.
But your sentiments....no....actually, you entire post is based on your hatred for him. Not actual proven fact.
Like I said. I get it. You hate him.
I am not a fan of Biden. But find me a post that I wrote that used my emotion to define him as opposed to fact.
You wont be able to.

Trump is trash and not very bright.. Fact is that Trump is a liar, a cheat and a bully and always has been. The American voters have voted him out and he doesn't want to go so he's getting his revenge on the whole country.. Defend him if you will. It says a lot about the sort of man you are.
I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.

So says just another indoctrinated lemming. Censoring is ok, as long as the ”correct” things are being censored. Rioting, looting, burning and even taking over an entire city block and a government building is ok, as long as the “protestors” are of a certain political persuasion. Parlor, the equivlent of Twitter, can be removed from AWS because AWS doesn’t like the content. They seem to be fine with plenty of liberal content. No problems with it whatsoever. Yeah, it is us that have been conned. LOL. If you can’t see the problem here, it is YOU that has been conned.

Chansley, also known as Jake Angeli, called the Washington office of the FBI on Thursday and voluntarily spoke to law enforcement.

The DOJ said in a statement quote: "Chansley said that he came as part of a group effort with other 'patriots' from Arizona, at the request of the President that all 'patriots' come to D.C. on January 6, 2021."

Before his arrest, NBC reported that Chansley gloated about how the crowd infiltrated the Capitol, forcing lawmakers to flee, telling the network quote:"The fact that we had a bunch of traitors in office, hunkered down, put on gas masks and retreat to their underground bunker, I consider that a win."

LOL...so Trump encouraged a “peaceful” protest of a fraudulent election and because some took it too far it is his fault. The Democrats never incited any of the protests this past year than resulted in 25 deaths. Nope, didn’t happen, but Trump, yes, it is all his fault. You can’t make this level of naiveté up.
How about this....Biden and Pelosi saying he is deranged, a liar a racist a xenophobe and a misogynists. In essence saying 75 million people are so naïve that they voted for a guy like that.

Sure.....Lets stop the vitriol and the division and lets move forward. So for starters lets insult the intelligence of half the voting population.

They are doing a dam good job of uniting the country.

FYI...I did not vote for a deranged individual, nor did I vote for a racist a mysgonist or a xenophobe.

Don't tell me I am naïve and stupid.. I am not. I do my own thinking and to be honest, It has worked quite well for me.

Trump suffers from a massive inferiority complex.. He knows that under the gold leaf he is low class and dumb. He's going to take revenge on ALL of us for not worshipping him.
I get it.
You hate Trump.
I understand.
But your sentiments....no....actually, you entire post is based on your hatred for him. Not actual proven fact.
Like I said. I get it. You hate him.
I am not a fan of Biden. But find me a post that I wrote that used my emotion to define him as opposed to fact.
You wont be able to.

Trump is trash and not very bright.. Fact is that Trump is a liar, a cheat and a bully and always has been. The American voters have voted him out and he doesn't want to go so he's getting his revenge on the whole country.. Defend him if you will. It says a lot about the sort of man you are.
Defend him?

Nah. He doesn't need my defense.

But you cant help but post from the emotion of hate. And that makes you look childish.
Good on President Trump not attending the fraudulent inauguration. In fact this can be his build up to running again in 2024 by not accepting the STEAL! You know the Fake News will go crazy, which can draw all the attention back to him instead of watching Corrupt Joe get it fraudulently handed to him. It can all go back to saying MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

I agree. I wouldn't show up either. This was the biggest fraudulent election in this country's history. Oh and you can bet all the attention will be on Trump and not the jackass who stole the election.

Just wait till jackass implements his list. He has a Dem House and Senate so there is nothing to stop him. I've seen that list and its a doozy. Every one who voted for jackass and whore will be regretting that vote big time. Google and find his list.
I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.

So says just another indoctrinated lemming. Censoring is ok, as long as the ”correct” things are being censored. Rioting, looting, burning and even taking over an entire city block and a government building is ok, as long as the “protestors” are of a certain political persuasion. Parlor, the equivlent of Twitter, can be removed from AWS because AWS doesn’t like the content. They seem to be fine with plenty of liberal content. No problems with it whatsoever. Yeah, it is us that have been conned. LOL. If you can’t see the problem here, it is YOU that has been conned.

Chansley, also known as Jake Angeli, called the Washington office of the FBI on Thursday and voluntarily spoke to law enforcement.

The DOJ said in a statement quote: "Chansley said that he came as part of a group effort with other 'patriots' from Arizona, at the request of the President that all 'patriots' come to D.C. on January 6, 2021."

Before his arrest, NBC reported that Chansley gloated about how the crowd infiltrated the Capitol, forcing lawmakers to flee, telling the network quote:"The fact that we had a bunch of traitors in office, hunkered down, put on gas masks and retreat to their underground bunker, I consider that a win."

LOL...so Trump encouraged a “peaceful” protest of a fraudulent election and because some took it too far it is his fault. The Democrats never incited any of the protests this past year than resulted in 25 deaths. Nope, didn’t happen, but Trump, yes, it is all his fault. You can’t make this level of naiveté up.
How about this....Biden and Pelosi saying he is deranged, a liar a racist a xenophobe and a misogynists. In essence saying 75 million people are so naïve that they voted for a guy like that.

Sure.....Lets stop the vitriol and the division and lets move forward. So for starters lets insult the intelligence of half the voting population.

They are doing a dam good job of uniting the country.

FYI...I did not vote for a deranged individual, nor did I vote for a racist a mysgonist or a xenophobe.

Don't tell me I am naïve and stupid.. I am not. I do my own thinking and to be honest, It has worked quite well for me.

Trump suffers from a massive inferiority complex.. He knows that under the gold leaf he is low class and dumb. He's going to take revenge on ALL of us for not worshipping him.
I get it.
You hate Trump.
I understand.
But your sentiments....no....actually, you entire post is based on your hatred for him. Not actual proven fact.
Like I said. I get it. You hate him.
I am not a fan of Biden. But find me a post that I wrote that used my emotion to define him as opposed to fact.
You wont be able to.

Trump is trash and not very bright.. Fact is that Trump is a liar, a cheat and a bully and always has been. The American voters have voted him out and he doesn't want to go so he's getting his revenge on the whole country.. Defend him if you will. It says a lot about the sort of man you are.
Defend him?

Nah. He doesn't need my defense.

But you cant help but post from the emotion of hate. And that makes you look childish.

Patriot, Trump's ardent followers planted two bombs in the Capitol.

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