“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”

Couple of key points; because I tend to type too fast and too much.

First, Biden, fairly or unfairly, will be viewed as illegitimate by at least half the country (16% of Dem voters felt the election could have been rigged, 33% of Independents). This is all on politicians who failed to answer all questions people had about the results and prepare BEFORE the election to make sure citizens could trust the process.

Second, the GOP Party are just one and of same with the Dems again in the eyes of most Americans. I think most Americans view it as the "swamp" and their elite defenders (wealthy B-Ball players, MSM, Hollywood etc.) and the struggling, working Class.
If trump an d his team plan another revolt like the one on Wednesday at the Capitol, it makes sense he would not be there and just send his flock in to do the damage, like he did Wednesday, then abandon them and claim he Had nothing to do with it.
It was peaceful until the ANTIFA agitators showed up.

Silence is violence.

Being silent about a stolen election would have been the most violent outcome.
I hear that Xi Jinping will be attending. Very appropriate, isn't it?
I doubt it

biden is a low level CCP stooge

Maybe the Middle Kingdom will send a less important representative
If you didn't whine when the Democrats didn't attend Trump's, then you can't whine if Trump doesn't attend Biden's.

But, the left will whine about Trump when they didn't in 2016. It's the double standards of children.
Who wants that fat ass Putin cock-sucking bitch there? He's embarrassed, scared, and will be cowering somewhere being the petulant child he is. His legacy is cemented as the worse president in history and if it isn't about him, he doesn't care.

Good riddance!

Let's see: You voted for a senile old cocksucker who has the CCP's dick so far up his ass, the little yellow bastards are tickling his tonsils. And those Chinese are paying him in cheap CHinese money, like the whore he is.

What do you think Biden was doing all that time he was cowering in his basement, before the election? Probably slobbering on the knobs of his CCP overlords, while his crackhead son Hunter was in the closet smoking crack and fucking his underage niece.

That is and that will always be the "Big Guy's" legacy. How he sold out your country for 10% of the profits.
The first inauguration with a stripper pole. I bet Kamal-ho wears something slutty and red.
If you didn't whine when the Democrats didn't attend Trump's, then you can't whine if Trump doesn't attend Biden's.

But, the left will whine about Trump when they didn't in 2016. It's the double standards of children.

I honestly don't think Trump could attend the inauguration, it would make him appear to suggest he felt the election was fair. He clearly does not. I do believe if he lost to Hillary, he would have conceded and been at least somewhat gracious. He knew he was the underdog.

After four years in office, with all his accomplishments and massive growth of support, both tangibly felt in rallies and translating into real numbers (+12M voters), coupled with all the abuse and changes in the election process experienced, he couldn't come to any other conclusion.

Really, there is a big number of Americans who don't trust it either. This isn't just due to Trumps rhetoric, it was due to Election Night and the stopping of votes. I've said on here, I'm not a conspiracy guy. I don't vote, but I know what I saw and it hasn't been acceptably explained to me since.

No matter what people pretend or scream, without full explanation at the moment it happened, this is a very big deal. Not just to Americans, but to American allies who watched on Election Night also.
Trump going to the Inauguration is no different than going to a party to celebrate the fact that burglars who broke into your home and stole valuable, irreplaceable shit and the judge let them all go with no punishment at all, even though there was irrefutable evidence that it was them.

Attending would also be commending a blatant, stolen election and four years of a non-stop witch hunt.
Not only is Xi happy as horseshit at China Joe's inauguration but Obama's Mullah buddies and 40 million Illegals are partying like it is 1999.
Thank God

Only Americans should go to the inauguration, not Latin American tin-pot dictator wannabes.

I always expected Trump would not attend Biden’s inauguration but as a protest to an election he claims was stolen

But after Tuesday’s attack on Congress by a mob sent by Trump, it would be totally inappropriate for Trump to show his face.

I would like to see Mike Pence there representing the peaceful change in power.
Look at the Trump Haters already squirming for him standing up against this steal. I bet President Trump not attending will get more coverage than Corrupt Joe's rigged inauguration LOL
Trump is sulking out of office as a disgraced President

Neither he, or his family will be welcomed.
Public events that include former Presidents, will not include him. The new Presidents and former Presidents do not want to associate with him
If you didn't whine when the Democrats didn't attend Trump's, then you can't whine if Trump doesn't attend Biden's.

But, the left will whine about Trump when they didn't in 2016. It's the double standards of children.

I honestly don't think Trump could attend the inauguration, it would make him appear to suggest he felt the election was fair. He clearly does not. I do believe if he lost to Hillary, he would have conceded and been at least somewhat gracious. He knew he was the underdog.

After four years in office, with all his accomplishments and massive growth of support, both tangibly felt in rallies and translating into real numbers (+12M voters), coupled with all the abuse and changes in the election process experienced, he couldn't come to any other conclusion.

Really, there is a big number of Americans who don't trust it either. This isn't just due to Trumps rhetoric, it was due to Election Night and the stopping of votes. I've said on here, I'm not a conspiracy guy. I don't vote, but I know what I saw and it hasn't been acceptably explained to me since.

No matter what people pretend or scream, without full explanation at the moment it happened, this is a very big deal. Not just to Americans, but to American allies who watched on Election Night also.
I voted for trump in 2016, however, I was able to see all his "associates," son-in-law, aides, advisors, et al had Russian ties. This cannot be denied, except from the hypocrites who avow to suck trump's little dick regardless of his treasonous actions. You continually live with your head in the sand by thinking otherwise. I was conned in 2016 by what I thought was a swamp-eradicating trump promise. What I quickly ascertained was that he was corrupt.

Voting for Biden required me to hold my nose while filling out the bubbles. The difference between you and I is; "I am able to see the corruption of djt and didn't allow my hate of everything Democratic to cloud my senses."

Look at how quickly trump changed his tune from Wednesday to Thursday - he goes form "I love you" to "you will be prosecuted" (re: rioters at Capital). He only is interested in what benefits him in the moment. How can you support him so blindly?
Who wants that fat ass Putin cock-sucking bitch there? He's embarrassed, scared, and will be cowering somewhere being the petulant child he is. His legacy is cemented as the worse president in history and if it isn't about him, he doesn't care.

Good riddance!
Trump is the result of the near total TV media, programming and movie domination against what you call the Deplorables. And you have not let up. There will be no unity because there can not be. Half the nation will cheer if bazookas and howitzers and other weapons detonate at Biden's swearing in. The more money you take from the working class people the worse it will get. The more rights you take the more anger you will get. This is the part on you now since you are so much better.
I honestly don't think Trump could attend the inauguration, it would make him appear to suggest he felt the election was fair. He clearly does not. I do believe if he lost to Hillary, he would have conceded and been at least somewhat gracious. He knew he was the underdog.

After four years in office, with all his accomplishments and massive growth of support, both tangibly felt in rallies and translating into real numbers (+12M voters), coupled with all the abuse and changes in the election process experienced, he couldn't come to any other conclusion.

Really, there is a big number of Americans who don't trust it either. This isn't just due to Trumps rhetoric, it was due to Election Night and the stopping of votes. I've said on here, I'm not a conspiracy guy. I don't vote, but I know what I saw and it hasn't been acceptably explained to me since.

No matter what people pretend or scream, without full explanation at the moment it happened, this is a very big deal. Not just to Americans, but to American allies who watched on Election Night also.

well, Hillary Clinton to this very day still says Trump is an illegitimate president and the election was stolen from her. Not a peep from the left or media. So, by standards, it has to be fine if Trump does it.

Of course, we know the children in the media cannot remember the standards they held 5 minutes ago, so don't count on any honesty.
And quite honestly, why should he ?
As for myself and 74,999,999 other Americans, Biden will be an illegitimate president in a stolen election.
View attachment 439380

The orange pig isn't a good sport either.

The Anatomy of Leadership - A Sun Tzu perspective | CSO Online
In The Art of War, Sun Tzu characterized leadership as a mix of five traits: Intelligence, Credibility, Humaneness, Courage, and Discipline. Every organization is characterized by processes and...
Trump is the result of the near total TV media, programming and movie domination against what you call the Deplorables. And you have not let up. There will be no unity because there can not be. Half the nation will cheer if bazookas and howitzers and other weapons detonate at Biden's swearing in. The more money you take from the working class people the worse it will get. The more rights you take the more anger you will get. This is the part on you now since you are so much better.

No, he's the result of a predictable backlash to the advancement of PC "woke" culture, anti-American rhetoric, and the introduction of identity politics to the mainstream by Barack Obama in 2012.
If trump an d his team plan another revolt like the one on Wednesday at the Capitol, it makes sense he would not be there and just send his flock in to do the damage, like he did Wednesday, then abandon them and claim he Had nothing to do with it.
It was peaceful until the ANTIFA agitators showed up.

Trump wasn't encouraging Antifa to riot.. He was encouraging his brain dead sycophants.

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