Time Magazine Admits: AG Jeff Sessions is Succeeding


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Even though he refuses to appoint a second Special Counsel, naming a Utah procesuter instead to look into Shrillary, Obama, and the DimocRATs.

He's basically doing what the president elected him to do, something the author of the Time article admits to in the piece @ Time Mag. Admits: AG Jeff Sessions is Succeeding | Breitbart and Jeff Sessions is Winning for Donald Trump. If Only He Can Keep His Job

IMHO, he's done the smart thing by appointing a PROSECUTOR who can bring about grand juries and actually seek to bring wrong doers before judges. And this has been going on since last Fall. One has to wonder just what has been and is being done to seek indictments BEFORE any statues of limitations occur.
A Special Counsel is almost immune from oversight. This Utah prosecutor has to answer to the AG and Sessions can keep a finger on what's going on. I'll bet he's also keeping the president in the loop.

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