Tide shifts to Obama in most competitive states


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Tide shifts to Obama in most competitive states | General Headlines | Comcast

Despite a continuing gray economic sky and unrest in the Mideast, the president has edged ahead of Romney in some of the most competitive states, including Iowa and Virginia, and forced Romney to redouble efforts in Florida and Ohio, without which he has little chance of becoming president.

With about six weeks left before Election Day and early voting under way in some states, Romney faces a problematic map, a ticking clock and a campaign demeanor that has failed to click with many voters.

Get it in gear America, time to send Obama packing,quit drinking this clowns kool-aid...:clap2:

Barring some big fuckup by Obama..the Romney campaign is in freefall.

They are putting all their chips on the debate. Romney's not even campaigning much.

Romney's campaign makes McCain's campaign look great.
Barring some big fuckup by Obama..the Romney campaign is in freefall.

They are putting all their chips on the debate. Romney's not even campaigning much.

Romney's campaign makes McCain's campaign look great.

No kidding, and Obama has a arsenal on material to unload on Willard from all his foot-in-mouths.

I'm sure Obama is going to kick Willard's ass up and down the block at the debates :up:
The GOP needs to learn to pick better candidates. The fact that the worst President in history is doing well means the GOP has failed.

Does that make the GOP "The worst party in history"???

Perhaps. They've certainly failed the American people. At least with the Democratic Party you pretty much know what you'll get.

We pretty much know what we will get from Republicans. That is why they are losing so badly
Barring some big fuckup by Obama..the Romney campaign is in freefall.

They are putting all their chips on the debate. Romney's not even campaigning much.

Romney's campaign makes McCain's campaign look great.

No kidding, and Obama has a arsenal on material to unload on Willard from all his foot-in-mouths.

I'm sure Obama is going to kick Willard's ass up and down the block at the debates :up:

well certainly he wouldn't want to talk about his record,just sound bites.

Its a style over substance for these people.
Perhaps. They've certainly failed the American people. At least with the Democratic Party you pretty much know what you'll get.

We pretty much know what we will get from Republicans. That is why they are losing so badly

I disagree. If the Republicans focused on their core platform they would be winning. The problem is they haven't.

That's exactly why they are losing. The Willard camp said to hell with the independents and are going straight for the radical right wing vote
Perhaps. They've certainly failed the American people. At least with the Democratic Party you pretty much know what you'll get.

We pretty much know what we will get from Republicans. That is why they are losing so badly

I disagree. If the Republicans focused on their core platform they would be winning. The problem is they haven't.

Depends what platform you are talking about

If you are talking the platform of old..
Fiscal Responsibility
Sensible government programs
A social safety net
Reasonable tax rates
Education for all

If you are talking about today's Republicans

Cut taxes regardless of impact
Every man for himself
Anti gay, anti black, anti Hispanic
Ban abortion in every case
Break up unions

Then.....Americans know what they are getting
Tide shifts to Obama in most competitive states

The GOP needs to learn to pick better candidates. The fact that the worst President in history is doing well means the GOP has failed.

This president is doing ok now because he's "the first black president" thats it. If he were some white guy he'd be out of it already...He'll lose in the end though, in spite of the emotional attachment .
We pretty much know what we will get from Republicans. That is why they are losing so badly

I disagree. If the Republicans focused on their core platform they would be winning. The problem is they haven't.

Depends what platform you are talking about

If you are talking the platform of old..
Fiscal Responsibility
Sensible government programs
A social safety net
Reasonable tax rates
Education for all

If you are talking about today's Republicans

Cut taxes regardless of impact
Every man for himself
Anti gay, anti black, anti Hispanic
Ban abortion in every case
Break up unions

Then.....Americans know what they are getting

Shocking, old Republican means progressive liberal to you... The problem is new today’s Republicans are more or less the same as Democrats through POLICY. I'll ask YOU for the ten thousand time... What's your favorite Bush era policy repeal that Obama and the Dems have done... Then I'll give you the list of expansions of Bush era policies Obama and Dems have done.

So through policy, Dems are the "todays" Republicans... you fucking hyper partisan troll.

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