Thoughts on college debt forgiveness.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
A lot of older folks have no footprint on Twitter and Facebook. They may even still read broadsheet newspapers that are dying on the vine due to the increasingly prohibitive expense of production costs coupled with dwindling subscriptions. Old habits die hard and this may be the only thing keeping actual print publications afloat in a world where younger generations have attention spans measured in nanoseconds.

This is not to say that seniors today are being left behind and jettisoned by the grinding approach of electronic and synchronous orbiting technology. There is a harsh reality afoot in this world today and that is that the average high school graduate of 60 years ago probably has higher intelligence and better reading and writing skills than many people today running around with graduate degrees.

Here is wisdom: There is only one thing in this world worse than no education and that is bad education. The kids today are no different than we were, but they are victimized by these tin horn liberal arts colleges that instead of preparing them for useful citizenship, indebts them with worthless skills. Education is not what it once was. It abuses its victims with a bill of goods, imbues them with a cultish self-hatred and sends them out into the world to destroy the foundations of civilized society.

Ask yourself if you were young and realized you would never attain the lifestyle of your parents and grandparents due to globalization enriching political leadership by swindling you of a dignified living. Ask yourself if you would be out there burning down someone’s business or tearing down statues at the bidding of educators deflecting responsibility away from themselves as charlatans while colleges get richer.

It is unfortunate that millions of people in America have been taken in by the scam of a college education and a subterfuge is at hand in the form of debt forgiveness on the backs of taxpayers. Ask yourself if you think the government is going to step forward and pay for your mortgage, car lease or gambling debts. You know the answer to that.

We will always need higher education for doctors, engineers, and specialists we depend on. Lawyers, not so much. We need to close most of America’s colleges and hand them the bill for ripping off the kids. We could start right here in the home city.

Fast Facts: Endowments (73) (

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Of course they will not pay for my mortgage. They will be there for big business though. Those who have seem to always get more which is why I support programs that give those with little something.
The only people who desire it are those in-debt and dishonest. Again the left entertains the lowest common denominator, because it's ALWAYS their hope to normalize the lowest common denominator.

The dumber, weaker and more pathetic a public is the easier they are to control, that's front and center the communist's playbook.
Take half a year's worth of what we spend on the military and forgive it all.


That would empower generations of younger people and would help America stay ahead globally all while doing nothing to enrich old white people. Not interested.
Borrowing too much money is an expensive lesson to learn. Which means it is remembered.....unless you are a politician.

Yeah, young people should have had a better perspective after a lifetime of being told college is their only path to not flipping hamburgers at McDonald's.
First we must ask all the parents that scraped by and lived within their means to send their kids to college,

Plus all the kids who struggled to pay back loans.

Should they all be reimbursed their money..........,HA!!!!
The dumber, weaker and more pathetic a public is the easier they are to control, that's front and center the communist's playbook.

Not making it possible for more people to get educated without going into severe debt will definitely help with rampant ignorance.

They took the loans out they can pay them back.

Obviously they should have taken some courses on finances.

No forgiveness.


Borrowing too much money is an expensive lesson to learn. Which means it is remembered.....unless you are a politician.

Yeah, young people should have had a better perspective after a lifetime of being told college is their only path to not flipping hamburgers at McDonald's.

Ya gotta love these jugheads who get degrees in women's studies and the like and cant figure out why they cant get a job.
First we must ask all the parents that scraped by and lived within their means to send their kids to college,

Plus all the kids who struggled to pay back loans.

Should they all be reimbursed their money..........,HA!!!!


We should never make things better for the collective good of our nation because it's not fair to the people that came before.
Forgive nothing, or forgive everything.
I am more inclined to the first than the latter. When you sign your name and take on an obligation that is a responsibility that is too lightly taken. The promise of a future employment in underwater basketweaving, women's studies, sociology etc. is a will o' the wisp.
Rather that the system collapse under it's weight than kick the can down the road.
Will those who actually worked to pay off their indebtedness be refunded for fulfilling their obligation? How much will working taxpayers be forced to endure to keep feeding the pigs at the trough?
Ya gotta love these jugheads who get degrees in women's studies and the like and cant figure out why they cant get a job.

Yeah, and those teachers that struggle to pay back 100k in loans when they start out at 35k/yr in some places.
The problem with the left is that they want MORE scam degrees and scam universities.

I want less, and I want also the fraudsters held responsible. Gender studies degree is nothing but a degree in leftist indoctrination, no one should have to pay for that garbage.

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