This seems to be a New National Security Clearance Scandal

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Was I the only one who caught the look on Whitaker's face when Roger Stone's arrest came up at his inquisition? Watch for the questions from Collins to Whitaker, especially when it delves into the timing of when CNN knew of the impending raid. Whitaker acknowledged that it would be illegal for a news media to be alerted to a raid while it was still sealed. His look at that point in time betrayed his thoughts of "... crap, they can take out the security clearances of Mueller's entire team with this one ...". Leaking a raid while it is still under seal is a felony. Knowing a leak occurred and not reporting it is also a felony, both of which would immediately affect a national security clearance. Without a security clearance classified documents are illegal to read. Without the ability of secrecy of national security clearances the communications among the insurrectionists may be fatally crippled.

Evidence of the leak was reported here

Stone's lawyer offers proof CNN is in bed with FBI
American Thinker ^ | 02/05

Apparently all President Trump has to do is suspend the national security clearances of Mueller's entire team until the leaker ('AAW'?) is prosecuted.

Video of the proceeding can be found here -

So what?

"A perp walk, or walking the perp,[note 1] is a practice in American law enforcement of taking an arrested suspect through a public place, creating an opportunity for the media to take photographs and video of the event. The defendant is typically handcuffed or otherwise restrained, and is sometimes dressed in prison garb. Within the United States the perp walk is most closely associated with New York City.[1][2] The practice rose in popularity in the 1980s under U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani, when white-collar criminals were perp-walked."
Perp walk - Wikipedia

Roger Stone brought this on himself.
So what?

"A perp walk, or walking the perp,[note 1] is a practice in American law enforcement of taking an arrested suspect through a public place, creating an opportunity for the media to take photographs and video of the event. The defendant is typically handcuffed or otherwise restrained, and is sometimes dressed in prison garb. Within the United States the perp walk is most closely associated with New York City.[1][2] The practice rose in popularity in the 1980s under U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani, when white-collar criminals were perp-walked."
Perp walk - Wikipedia

Roger Stone brought this on himself.
Again for culpably SLOW and STUPID, telling CNN when the raid was is ILLEGAL.......
Trump ought to declassify EVERYTHING and let the rage of the nation deal with the sociopath traitors in DC.

It's not as if we have secrets the foreign enemies of the republic don't know. It's about keeping Americans a species of walking mushrooms.

So what?

"A perp walk, or walking the perp,[note 1] is a practice in American law enforcement of taking an arrested suspect through a public place, creating an opportunity for the media to take photographs and video of the event. The defendant is typically handcuffed or otherwise restrained, and is sometimes dressed in prison garb. Within the United States the perp walk is most closely associated with New York City.[1][2] The practice rose in popularity in the 1980s under U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani, when white-collar criminals were perp-walked."
Perp walk - Wikipedia

Roger Stone brought this on himself.
Nobody is talking about taking pictures, you fucking hack.....Who told them where the best opportunity for pictures to be taken was going to be?

If you are going to say they were lucky or just smart newsies, you're an even bigger dope hack than I had already become accustomed to.
So what?

"A perp walk, or walking the perp,[note 1] is a practice in American law enforcement of taking an arrested suspect through a public place, creating an opportunity for the media to take photographs and video of the event. The defendant is typically handcuffed or otherwise restrained, and is sometimes dressed in prison garb. Within the United States the perp walk is most closely associated with New York City.[1][2] The practice rose in popularity in the 1980s under U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani, when white-collar criminals were perp-walked."
Perp walk - Wikipedia

Roger Stone brought this on himself.
Nobody is talking about taking pictures, you fucking hack.....Who told them where the best opportunity for pictures to be taken was going to be?

If you are going to say they were lucky or just smart newsies, you're an even bigger dope hack than I had already become accustomed to.
Fly Catcher either knows this. Or has his head so far up the Obomanations ass, that he actually likes it when he is shitted upon.... ABNORMALS enjoy the most hideous killing babies, AFTER 36 WEEKS!
The "perp walk" is a deliberate attempt to poison the minds of the jury pool against a defendant, and deny him the right to a fair trial. The courts should rule it UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
So what?

"A perp walk, or walking the perp,[note 1] is a practice in American law enforcement of taking an arrested suspect through a public place, creating an opportunity for the media to take photographs and video of the event. The defendant is typically handcuffed or otherwise restrained, and is sometimes dressed in prison garb. Within the United States the perp walk is most closely associated with New York City.[1][2] The practice rose in popularity in the 1980s under U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani, when white-collar criminals were perp-walked."
Perp walk - Wikipedia

Roger Stone brought this on himself.

Nobody is talking about taking pictures, you fucking hack.....Who told them where the best opportunity for pictures to be taken was going to be?

If you are going to say they were lucky or just smart newsies, you're an even bigger dope hack than I had already become accustomed to.

Fly Catcher either knows this. Or has his head so far up the Obomanations ass, that he actually likes it when he is shitted upon.... ABNORMALS enjoy the most hideous killing babies, AFTER 36 WEEKS!

Q. Who told them where the best opportunity for pictures to be taken was going to be

A1 Maybe someone on the CNN staff can see the future, precognition needs to be ruled out.

A2 Maybe a member of the FBI was so sick and tired of Trump's attack on the agency, they wanted Trump's buddy to be photographed and humiliated.

A3 I don't know, nor do you.

Paranoia strikes deep, into the biddable brain it will seep.
The "perp walk" is a deliberate attempt to poison the minds of the jury pool against a defendant, and deny him the right to a fair trial. The courts should rule it UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Interesting comment. I suppose the arrest itself, even without a "perp walk" will appear on the nightly news or daily paper and influence a jury. However, if a juror has made their decision prior to the trail, that juror has violated the instruction of the court and could face serious repercussions.

Litigators are very good at picking the jury, as anyone who has ever served on a jury or watched voir dire ( a preliminary examination of a a juror by a judge or counsel) understands.
Q. Who told them where the best opportunity for pictures to be taken was going to be

A1 Maybe someone on the CNN staff can see the future, precognition needs to be ruled out.

A2 Maybe a member of the FBI was so sick and tired of Trump's attack on the agency, they wanted Trump's buddy to be photographed and humiliated.

A3 I don't know, nor do you.

Paranoia strikes deep, into the biddable brain it will seep.
The most simple and obvious answer is undoubtedly the right one: CNN was told to be at Roger Stone's house on a specific day and time so they could record Mueller's show of massive overkill power and put the fear of God into any other particular victim of his inquisition.
Apparently it's not only blatantly unethical but illegal. Mueller stepped into a big pile of doo this time.
So what?

"A perp walk, or walking the perp,[note 1] is a practice in American law enforcement of taking an arrested suspect through a public place, creating an opportunity for the media to take photographs and video of the event. The defendant is typically handcuffed or otherwise restrained, and is sometimes dressed in prison garb. Within the United States the perp walk is most closely associated with New York City.[1][2] The practice rose in popularity in the 1980s under U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani, when white-collar criminals were perp-walked."
Perp walk - Wikipedia

Roger Stone brought this on himself.

He did? How? I find it astonishing (well not really given your authoritarian proclivity's) that you think it OK to use an armed SWAT team to arrest a old geezer with ZERO history of violence in any way. That is the tactic of the asshole, the tactic of the criminal prosecutor who knows he has nothing so is trying to terrify his target. In other words, asshole, it is the tactics of an authoritarian government attempting to instill fear in all who would oppose them.

The tactics of your hero's maduro, and castro, for instance.
So what?

"A perp walk, or walking the perp,[note 1] is a practice in American law enforcement of taking an arrested suspect through a public place, creating an opportunity for the media to take photographs and video of the event. The defendant is typically handcuffed or otherwise restrained, and is sometimes dressed in prison garb. Within the United States the perp walk is most closely associated with New York City.[1][2] The practice rose in popularity in the 1980s under U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani, when white-collar criminals were perp-walked."
Perp walk - Wikipedia

Roger Stone brought this on himself.

Again for culpably SLOW and STUPID, telling CNN when the raid was is ILLEGAL.......

I don't think so. Of course I'm not the authority on the US Code as you seem to imply you are. So post the citation, or admit you don't what you are crowing about.

My agency had a press officer who was the only one permitted to communicate with the press. I suspect the FBI is no different.
Meuller is using fascist tactics against anyone who was associated with the President. The bad precedents being set here, that the deep state has this much power over the President, is dangerous for our system of government.
A couple of months ag, the news revealed Cohens
congressional testimony was requested by the Special Counsel and then he was charged in court that Friday for lying to congress.

Roger Stones congressional testimony was requested as well, but no charges came right away. CNN stalked the court where the grand jury resided, on Thursdays since then, looking for a hint of the Special Counsel pre filings for a Friday indictment....

all of Mueller`s indictments come on Friday, since the beginning of him charging people.

the Thursday before Stone`s Friday indictment, special counsel filed a sealed indictment in the court for Friday... Everyone thought it could be for Roger Stone.... The arrest they had been waiting for since his congressional testimony had been requested.

CNN had a LOCAL reporter who lived in Stone's area, stake out his house, not the big guns from CNN headquarters... A local guy... After the sealed filings by the SC on Thursday...

this is not out of the realm of reality, except to those convinced in their own heads, of a conspiracy, or a leak.
A couple of months ag, the news revealed Cohens
congressional testimony was requested by the Special Counsel and then he was charged in court that Friday for lying to congress.

Roger Stones congressional testimony was requested as well, but no charges came right away. CNN stalked the court where the grand jury resided, on Thursdays since then, looking for a hint of the Special Counsel pre filings for a Friday indictment....

all of Mueller`s indictments come on Friday, since the beginning of him charging people.

the Thursday before Stone`s Friday indictment, special counsel filed a sealed indictment in the court for Friday... Everyone thought it could be for Roger Stone.... The arrest they had been waiting for since his congressional testimony had been requested.

CNN had a LOCAL reporter who lived in Stone's area, stake out his house, not the big guns from CNN headquarters... A local guy... After the sealed filings by the SC on Thursday...

this is not out of the realm of reality, except to those convinced in their own heads, of a conspiracy, or a leak.

Who arrived a full hour ahead of time so that his cameraman could set up for the shot. In other words they were tipped off by the fbi, yet another in a long line of actions that shows them to be an out of control, corrupt organization.
A couple of months ag, the news revealed Cohens
congressional testimony was requested by the Special Counsel and then he was charged in court that Friday for lying to congress.

Roger Stones congressional testimony was requested as well, but no charges came right away. CNN stalked the court where the grand jury resided, on Thursdays since then, looking for a hint of the Special Counsel pre filings for a Friday indictment....

all of Mueller`s indictments come on Friday, since the beginning of him charging people.

the Thursday before Stone`s Friday indictment, special counsel filed a sealed indictment in the court for Friday... Everyone thought it could be for Roger Stone.... The arrest they had been waiting for since his congressional testimony had been requested.

CNN had a LOCAL reporter who lived in Stone's area, stake out his house, not the big guns from CNN headquarters... A local guy... After the sealed filings by the SC on Thursday...

this is not out of the realm of reality, except to those convinced in their own heads, of a conspiracy, or a leak.

Who arrived a full hour ahead of time so that his cameraman could set up for the shot. In other words they were tipped off by the fbi, yet another in a long line of actions that shows them to be an out of control, corrupt organization.

sealed indictments filed are sealed so that the arrest or sealed search warrant can be executed without the alleged peep knowing, and given a chance to destroy evidence, and are served at the crack of dawn. That is the general protocol....

They served Manafort's sealed search warrant the same time, right before the crack of dawn.

it is not out of the norm to expect the sealed indictment and search warrant to be served to Roger Stone that friday, before the rooster crows imo. Sending a LOCAL reporter with his camera man to the stone residence, before the crack of dawn is not far fetched, again...imo. Especially if you've been following the Russia\Trump campaign investigation closely, as I have been doing.

Corsi, Don jr, and Kushner's homes are probably being staked out as well.... Any of them are likely next...
So what?

"A perp walk, or walking the perp,[note 1] is a practice in American law enforcement of taking an arrested suspect through a public place, creating an opportunity for the media to take photographs and video of the event. The defendant is typically handcuffed or otherwise restrained, and is sometimes dressed in prison garb. Within the United States the perp walk is most closely associated with New York City.[1][2] The practice rose in popularity in the 1980s under U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani, when white-collar criminals were perp-walked."
Perp walk - Wikipedia

Roger Stone brought this on himself.

What the fuck does the perp walk have to do with the FBI leaking classified information to a news outlet so they could be there before the raid and film the entire thing?
Who arrived a full hour ahead of time so that his cameraman could set up for the shot. In other words they were tipped off by the fbi, yet another in a long line of actions that shows them to be an out of control, corrupt organization.

The press, at best, might be guilty of stalking all the players

Trump baselessly implies CNN was tipped off to Roger Stone's indictment. CNN explains it was just good reporting.

The theory that CNN was tipped off, possibly by the FBI itself, had picked up quite a bit of steam in the hours before Trump's tweet, being promoted by conservative pundits like Greta Van Susteren.

CNN media reporter Oliver Darcy on Friday criticized Trump for spreading this "baseless" conspiracy theory, adding, "Color me shocked!"

A couple of months ag, the news revealed Cohens
congressional testimony was requested by the Special Counsel and then he was charged in court that Friday for lying to congress.

Roger Stones congressional testimony was requested as well, but no charges came right away. CNN stalked the court where the grand jury resided, on Thursdays since then, looking for a hint of the Special Counsel pre filings for a Friday indictment....

all of Mueller`s indictments come on Friday, since the beginning of him charging people.

the Thursday before Stone`s Friday indictment, special counsel filed a sealed indictment in the court for Friday... Everyone thought it could be for Roger Stone.... The arrest they had been waiting for since his congressional testimony had been requested.

CNN had a LOCAL reporter who lived in Stone's area, stake out his house, not the big guns from CNN headquarters... A local guy... After the sealed filings by the SC on Thursday...

this is not out of the realm of reality, except to those convinced in their own heads, of a conspiracy, or a leak.

Who arrived a full hour ahead of time so that his cameraman could set up for the shot. In other words they were tipped off by the fbi, yet another in a long line of actions that shows them to be an out of control, corrupt organization.

sealed indictments filed are sealed so that the arrest or sealed search warrant can be executed without the alleged peep knowing, and given a chance to destroy evidence, and are served at the crack of dawn. That is the general protocol....

They served Manafort's sealed search warrant the same time, right before the crack of dawn.

it is not out of the norm to expect the sealed indictment and search warrant to be served to Roger Stone that friday, before the rooster crows imo. Sending a LOCAL reporter with his camera man to the stone residence, before the crack of dawn is not far fetched, again...imo. Especially if you've been following the Russia\Trump campaign investigation closely, as I have been doing.

Corsi, Don jr, and Kushner's homes are probably being staked out as well.... Any of them are likely next...

No knock Warrant Services, as you just described are reserved for DANGEROUS felons, and spies who might be able to destroy valuable evidence, and clearly, now political opponents so long as you are allied against the "ruling political class".

You had best be very careful what you are wishing for here Care, this way leads to madness and revolution. These are the tactics of tyrants. Not the USA.

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