This is why we need a living wage

That "good ole boy" system sure put Microsoft, Apple, Google, Yahoo and other rogues out of business, didn't they? It offends me that Westinghouse, General Electric, AT&T, Xerox and Hewlett-Packard did that.
Oh wait.
My bad.
They didn't.
Wow you just listed some of the members of the club... LOL

What happened to the thousands more that should be listed also ? Oh that's right the club is exclusive not inclusive as people might think that it is or maybe they want people to think they are when their not, but hec I don't know I might be dreaming about it all.

Hmmm seems I remember the government bringing what some sort of an (anti-trust???) lawsuit against Microsoft not so long ago, and they won that suit didn't they ? Didn't Microsoft have to make consessions in that suit or something ? The others have been on the hot seat also haven't they ?

Yep, the club that was Westinghouse, General Electric, AT&T, Xerox and Hewlett-Packard. I suppose the new club includes Microsoft, Apple, Google and Yahoo.
It's almost paranoid to claim to call them a "club".
Disruptive technologies have always leaped and smart companies have always embraced new tech/ideas.
I could have listed thousands more, but I have neither the time nor desire to do so. Just like I didn't list the extinct companies that failed to adapt.
The companies that failed to adapt eh ? Lets see, oh how about the pharmacy that was run out of business or was attempted to be run out of business by Walmart in a small town for just one of many examples we could find in the monopolizing of the US markets by the club ? Remember Wal-mart dropped it's pharmacutical prices below cost in hopes to hold them there until the little guy crumbled and failed was the case. The little guy caught them at it, and it was on, but of course Wal-mart was to big to feel the punishment or the rage in the situation. Yes there are many more cases to site, but we don't have the time nor the space to do so.
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How much are we willing to sacrifice Christie Waltons lifestyle to ensure the people running the stores that create her profits are compensated to support their family and not receive welfare.

Anyone who has seen the Documentary on Wal-Mart knows that Wal-Mart pushes it's Managers to give under paid employee's Welfare paper "hand outs" when they ask for a raise.

Why is it ok that Christie keeps so much yet the tax payers have to compensate for America's biggest employer?

You must be new to the thread, because we covered this already.

First off, you are *NOT* going to sacrifice Christie Walton lifestyle no matter what you do. There is no law you can make, no regulation you can enforce, that is going to cause Christie Walton the slightest discomfort.

You keep forgetting... she OWNS this company. If she and her fellow owners, are not compensated to the degree they wish, they could close the company, walk off with billions, and retire to small island with private servants to spend the rest of their lives in luxury.

Do you want jobs, or not? Do you want Walmart's 2.1 Million employees employed, or not?

It's like just yesterday, a guy at work was b!tch and moaning about the CEO going out and buying stuff for a work trip to Florida, and how wasteful it was.

Whether it was or not, is irrelevant. It's not his money. It's not your money. It's not your company. What part of this do you people on the left not get? It's not yours! "well blaw blaw blaw" Doesn't matter. IT IS NOT YOUR MONEY.

We used to have this concept in America "Nonya". Nonya business. You have no right whatsoever to talk about what other people should do with their money. Nonya.

And we both know right now, that if I came to your home and started complaining "you shouldn't have that, you could feed 15 orphan kids in Uganda with that money! You shouldn't buy those things. That's wasteful! How dare you spend all that money! Blaw blaw"

If I did that, you would tell me to shut up, and get off your property... AND RIGHTLY SO. It's none of my business what you do with your money.

How about we start applying those fundamentals to business owners as well? Nonya business what they do with their money. How America ended up with such nosy busy-bodies that run around sticking their fingers in everyone's business, is beyond me. How did we end up with such childish pathetic whiny people in our culture?

Secondly, and I have said this numerous times, any chain business, is setup so that each individual store is a separate business.

I don't know why this concept is so hard. Each store.... is run like a separate business. If your store doesn't have $10,000 extra, so that you can get a raise, then you can't get a raise. Doesn't matter what Walmart Corporate has. They could have TRILLIONS of dollars.

Your individual store has to make, or break payroll on it's own. Your store has to pay out it expenses alone. Doesn't matter what Corporate has. Corporate could have trillions, and if your individual store doesn't have money to pay you more, then it can't pay you more. Period.

And this last point proves it.

Thirdly, and this has been mentioned dozens of times, every single time that you try and harm the company, you only harm yourself.

I said at the very start, you are not going to 'sacrifice Christie Walton's lifestyle', and I meant it.

Every time that you pass a law, the only result is that the people harmed are yourself.

The reason is because every single penny that a company gets, is either by paying employees less, or charging customers more. And every time you pass a higher minimum wage, that is exactly what happens.

I was working at Wendy's back in the 90s. After Clinton increased the minimum wage, over the next year or two, Wendy's fired off all their part time employees. The remaining employees had to cover the jobs the fired employees did.

Further, they slowly over months and month, reduced the portion sizes. They shrank the size of the small medium and large, and then introduced the "Biggie" size with a higher price. The Biggie was actually the size of the original large. Large became the size of the medium, and the Medium the small, and Small was eliminated. For several years, Wendy's only had a medium, large and Biggie size drinks and fries.

In other words, they increased their prices.

Fast forward to today. Same thing happened after 2009. I just read an article just last week, that the average employees per Walmart store in 2007 when the minimum wage was $5.25, was 330 employees per store.

In 2010, when the minimum wage was up to $7.25, the average number of employees per store, was down to 270.

Walmart has 11,000 locations. That's a loss of 60 jobs per store. That's over half a million unemployed people that could have had jobs.

Now who 'sacrificed lifestyle' because of that minimum wage increase? Christie Walton? Or those half million unemployed? (hint: Not Christie. She's doing fine)

I just read yesterday, the retailers across the country are reducing the net-weight of consumer goods. So a box of Cherios at the store, now holds less Cherios, for the same price.

Again, who is 'sacrificing lifestyle' because of that minimum wage increase? Christie Walton? Or the 300 million people of the US that now have to pay a higher price for goods? (hint: Not Christie.)

Minimum wage hurts absolutely everyone, and especially the employees, EXCEPT for the rich and wealthy.

When you try and hurt the rich and wealthy, the only one you hurt is the poor and middle class. That's the way it ALWAYS works.

You sit there and say that the money in which is earned and is produced by the workers in which are working there after all is said and done, and in which has helped to make these people rich beyond their wildest dreams ((don't also have a stake in the fairness of the dividing process and/or that it doesn't belong to the workers in some kind of way unless it is mercifully given out to them in the situation, and this by hopefully a fair and just owner or management team that is running the plantation)) ?? It just as well beongs to everyone else who is part of the good ole boy chain or process after it is divided up supposedly, and this in a fair and decent manor or way they would say, so why not the workers to be included (respectfully) in a fair and decent way also ?

So you are an advocate of slavery, where as the master and his minions own the plantation, and how dare a slave even think that the master should be more fair than what he is when passing out the bread crumbs at the end of the day. Now we get it...:eusa_whistle:
Christie Walton is worth $36.7 Billion. Now, did she make all that money herself or was there a team involved that helped her make it?

Do YOU think she will become "unrich" if she allows Wal-Mart to pay a decent wage? Ever do the math on how much 1 billion split to all employee's in one year would do? (Of course this would make her only $35.7 Billion rich, what a struggle)

Big Corporations like Wal-Mart can buy media to convince small minds that their workers don't deserve a raise. And most buy it because we focus on the new workers, not the veteran workers.

They are also the reason for so much outsourcing.

America is a Monopoly today.

So it's time to start wondering why Christie Walton will be so upset when she only makes $35.7 Billion instead of this movement today questioning why Wal-Mart workers should be paid more. It's complete ignorance of business. What if she made only 1 Billion AND THE REST WENT TO HER WORKERS! OMG DRAMA!. SHE WOULD BE SO POOR!

Just a few points. According to Perry L. Cochell and Rodney C. Zeeb in Beating the Midas Curse,, 60% of families lose their wealth by the end of the second generation; and 90% by the end of the third generation.

Also, the Waltons' wealth comes from stock value. If they were to double wages, it would primarily come out of the pockets of other investors in the form of lower dividends for Walmart stock. It isn't like the Walton's actually have 120 billion in cash buried in their back yard. Their "wealth" is based on what people are willing to pay for the stock, not one what they are willing to pay for Great Value pickles.
How much are we willing to sacrifice Christie Waltons lifestyle to ensure the people running the stores that create her profits are compensated to support their family and not receive welfare.

Anyone who has seen the Documentary on Wal-Mart knows that Wal-Mart pushes it's Managers to give under paid employee's Welfare paper "hand outs" when they ask for a raise.

Why is it ok that Christie keeps so much yet the tax payers have to compensate for America's biggest employer?

You must be new to the thread, because we covered this already.

First off, you are *NOT* going to sacrifice Christie Walton lifestyle no matter what you do. There is no law you can make, no regulation you can enforce, that is going to cause Christie Walton the slightest discomfort.

You keep forgetting... she OWNS this company. If she and her fellow owners, are not compensated to the degree they wish, they could close the company, walk off with billions, and retire to small island with private servants to spend the rest of their lives in luxury.

Do you want jobs, or not? Do you want Walmart's 2.1 Million employees employed, or not?

It's like just yesterday, a guy at work was b!tch and moaning about the CEO going out and buying stuff for a work trip to Florida, and how wasteful it was.

Whether it was or not, is irrelevant. It's not his money. It's not your money. It's not your company. What part of this do you people on the left not get? It's not yours! "well blaw blaw blaw" Doesn't matter. IT IS NOT YOUR MONEY.

We used to have this concept in America "Nonya". Nonya business. You have no right whatsoever to talk about what other people should do with their money. Nonya.

And we both know right now, that if I came to your home and started complaining "you shouldn't have that, you could feed 15 orphan kids in Uganda with that money! You shouldn't buy those things. That's wasteful! How dare you spend all that money! Blaw blaw"

If I did that, you would tell me to shut up, and get off your property... AND RIGHTLY SO. It's none of my business what you do with your money.

How about we start applying those fundamentals to business owners as well? Nonya business what they do with their money. How America ended up with such nosy busy-bodies that run around sticking their fingers in everyone's business, is beyond me. How did we end up with such childish pathetic whiny people in our culture?

Secondly, and I have said this numerous times, any chain business, is setup so that each individual store is a separate business.

I don't know why this concept is so hard. Each store.... is run like a separate business. If your store doesn't have $10,000 extra, so that you can get a raise, then you can't get a raise. Doesn't matter what Walmart Corporate has. They could have TRILLIONS of dollars.

Your individual store has to make, or break payroll on it's own. Your store has to pay out it expenses alone. Doesn't matter what Corporate has. Corporate could have trillions, and if your individual store doesn't have money to pay you more, then it can't pay you more. Period.

And this last point proves it.

Thirdly, and this has been mentioned dozens of times, every single time that you try and harm the company, you only harm yourself.

I said at the very start, you are not going to 'sacrifice Christie Walton's lifestyle', and I meant it.

Every time that you pass a law, the only result is that the people harmed are yourself.

The reason is because every single penny that a company gets, is either by paying employees less, or charging customers more. And every time you pass a higher minimum wage, that is exactly what happens.

I was working at Wendy's back in the 90s. After Clinton increased the minimum wage, over the next year or two, Wendy's fired off all their part time employees. The remaining employees had to cover the jobs the fired employees did.

Further, they slowly over months and month, reduced the portion sizes. They shrank the size of the small medium and large, and then introduced the "Biggie" size with a higher price. The Biggie was actually the size of the original large. Large became the size of the medium, and the Medium the small, and Small was eliminated. For several years, Wendy's only had a medium, large and Biggie size drinks and fries.

In other words, they increased their prices.

Fast forward to today. Same thing happened after 2009. I just read an article just last week, that the average employees per Walmart store in 2007 when the minimum wage was $5.25, was 330 employees per store.

In 2010, when the minimum wage was up to $7.25, the average number of employees per store, was down to 270.

Walmart has 11,000 locations. That's a loss of 60 jobs per store. That's over half a million unemployed people that could have had jobs.

Now who 'sacrificed lifestyle' because of that minimum wage increase? Christie Walton? Or those half million unemployed? (hint: Not Christie. She's doing fine)

I just read yesterday, the retailers across the country are reducing the net-weight of consumer goods. So a box of Cherios at the store, now holds less Cherios, for the same price.

Again, who is 'sacrificing lifestyle' because of that minimum wage increase? Christie Walton? Or the 300 million people of the US that now have to pay a higher price for goods? (hint: Not Christie.)

Minimum wage hurts absolutely everyone, and especially the employees, EXCEPT for the rich and wealthy.

When you try and hurt the rich and wealthy, the only one you hurt is the poor and middle class. That's the way it ALWAYS works.

You sit there and say that the money in which is earned and is produced by the workers in which are working there after all is said and done, and in which has helped to make these people rich beyond their wildest dreams ((don't also have a stake in the fairness of the dividing process and/or that it doesn't belong to the workers in some kind of way unless it is mercifully given out to them in the situation, and this by hopefully a fair and just owner or management team that is running the plantation)) ?? It just as well beongs to everyone else who is part of the good ole boy chain or process after it is divided up supposedly, and this in a fair and decent manor or way they would say, so why not the workers to be included (respectfully) in a fair and decent way also ?

So you are an advocate of slavery, where as the master and his minions own the plantation, and how dare a slave even think that the master should be more fair than what he is when passing out the bread crumbs at the end of the day. Now we get it...:eusa_whistle:

Still doesn't matter. It's not yours. If I came to your home, and starting telling you, that you shouldn't have this or that, you tell me to get lost, and rightly so.

Nothing else matters. All that crap you wrote.... doesn't matter. Not yours.

FAIR is what you and the employer agree on.

If you agree to a wage, and employer pays you that wage, that's fair.

You can't say "well I'll agree to it, and that's not fair and they should pay more".

If I agree to mow your lawn for $35, and then the following week say "That's not fair, I demand $200!". What are you going to tell me? Get lost, and rightly so.

We had an agreement. If I want to end that agreement, and offer a new deal, that's fine but you have the right to reject that.

The money in your pocket, is not mine, that I can make demands. Right? Or wrong?

See, if this happened to you, you'd be screaming about it. But because it's happening to someone else, you think you have a point. But if the tables were turned, you'd have a fit about it.

And again...... you can not rationally connect this with slavery. You tell me how many slaves during plantation days, went an applied for a job, and then agreed to a wage?

You can't go fill out an application to get a job, then agree to a wage, and then start screaming "I AM A SLAVE! WAH!" Bull crap!

This isn't China. There is no Communist official saying "go work in the rice patty until you die". You can walk off the job, and nothing will happen. I know, I've done it. You can go find another job. You can learn a skill that pays more.

All that slave crap, is just that. Turds that need flushed down the drain. It's not relevant, or intellectually honest.
You must be new to the thread, because we covered this already.

First off, you are *NOT* going to sacrifice Christie Walton lifestyle no matter what you do. There is no law you can make, no regulation you can enforce, that is going to cause Christie Walton the slightest discomfort.

You keep forgetting... she OWNS this company. If she and her fellow owners, are not compensated to the degree they wish, they could close the company, walk off with billions, and retire to small island with private servants to spend the rest of their lives in luxury.

Do you want jobs, or not? Do you want Walmart's 2.1 Million employees employed, or not?

It's like just yesterday, a guy at work was b!tch and moaning about the CEO going out and buying stuff for a work trip to Florida, and how wasteful it was.

Whether it was or not, is irrelevant. It's not his money. It's not your money. It's not your company. What part of this do you people on the left not get? It's not yours! "well blaw blaw blaw" Doesn't matter. IT IS NOT YOUR MONEY.

We used to have this concept in America "Nonya". Nonya business. You have no right whatsoever to talk about what other people should do with their money. Nonya.

And we both know right now, that if I came to your home and started complaining "you shouldn't have that, you could feed 15 orphan kids in Uganda with that money! You shouldn't buy those things. That's wasteful! How dare you spend all that money! Blaw blaw"

If I did that, you would tell me to shut up, and get off your property... AND RIGHTLY SO. It's none of my business what you do with your money.

How about we start applying those fundamentals to business owners as well? Nonya business what they do with their money. How America ended up with such nosy busy-bodies that run around sticking their fingers in everyone's business, is beyond me. How did we end up with such childish pathetic whiny people in our culture?

Secondly, and I have said this numerous times, any chain business, is setup so that each individual store is a separate business.

I don't know why this concept is so hard. Each store.... is run like a separate business. If your store doesn't have $10,000 extra, so that you can get a raise, then you can't get a raise. Doesn't matter what Walmart Corporate has. They could have TRILLIONS of dollars.

Your individual store has to make, or break payroll on it's own. Your store has to pay out it expenses alone. Doesn't matter what Corporate has. Corporate could have trillions, and if your individual store doesn't have money to pay you more, then it can't pay you more. Period.

And this last point proves it.

Thirdly, and this has been mentioned dozens of times, every single time that you try and harm the company, you only harm yourself.

I said at the very start, you are not going to 'sacrifice Christie Walton's lifestyle', and I meant it.

Every time that you pass a law, the only result is that the people harmed are yourself.

The reason is because every single penny that a company gets, is either by paying employees less, or charging customers more. And every time you pass a higher minimum wage, that is exactly what happens.

I was working at Wendy's back in the 90s. After Clinton increased the minimum wage, over the next year or two, Wendy's fired off all their part time employees. The remaining employees had to cover the jobs the fired employees did.

Further, they slowly over months and month, reduced the portion sizes. They shrank the size of the small medium and large, and then introduced the "Biggie" size with a higher price. The Biggie was actually the size of the original large. Large became the size of the medium, and the Medium the small, and Small was eliminated. For several years, Wendy's only had a medium, large and Biggie size drinks and fries.

In other words, they increased their prices.

Fast forward to today. Same thing happened after 2009. I just read an article just last week, that the average employees per Walmart store in 2007 when the minimum wage was $5.25, was 330 employees per store.

In 2010, when the minimum wage was up to $7.25, the average number of employees per store, was down to 270.

Walmart has 11,000 locations. That's a loss of 60 jobs per store. That's over half a million unemployed people that could have had jobs.

Now who 'sacrificed lifestyle' because of that minimum wage increase? Christie Walton? Or those half million unemployed? (hint: Not Christie. She's doing fine)

I just read yesterday, the retailers across the country are reducing the net-weight of consumer goods. So a box of Cherios at the store, now holds less Cherios, for the same price.

Again, who is 'sacrificing lifestyle' because of that minimum wage increase? Christie Walton? Or the 300 million people of the US that now have to pay a higher price for goods? (hint: Not Christie.)

Minimum wage hurts absolutely everyone, and especially the employees, EXCEPT for the rich and wealthy.

When you try and hurt the rich and wealthy, the only one you hurt is the poor and middle class. That's the way it ALWAYS works.

You sit there and say that the money in which is earned and is produced by the workers in which are working there after all is said and done, and in which has helped to make these people rich beyond their wildest dreams ((don't also have a stake in the fairness of the dividing process and/or that it doesn't belong to the workers in some kind of way unless it is mercifully given out to them in the situation, and this by hopefully a fair and just owner or management team that is running the plantation)) ?? It just as well beongs to everyone else who is part of the good ole boy chain or process after it is divided up supposedly, and this in a fair and decent manor or way they would say, so why not the workers to be included (respectfully) in a fair and decent way also ?

So you are an advocate of slavery, where as the master and his minions own the plantation, and how dare a slave even think that the master should be more fair than what he is when passing out the bread crumbs at the end of the day. Now we get it...:eusa_whistle:

Still doesn't matter. It's not yours. If I came to your home, and starting telling you, that you shouldn't have this or that, you tell me to get lost, and rightly so.

Nothing else matters. All that crap you wrote.... doesn't matter. Not yours.

FAIR is what you and the employer agree on.

If you agree to a wage, and employer pays you that wage, that's fair.

You can't say "well I'll agree to it, and that's not fair and they should pay more".

If I agree to mow your lawn for $35, and then the following week say "That's not fair, I demand $200!". What are you going to tell me? Get lost, and rightly so.

We had an agreement. If I want to end that agreement, and offer a new deal, that's fine but you have the right to reject that.

The money in your pocket, is not mine, that I can make demands. Right? Or wrong?

See, if this happened to you, you'd be screaming about it. But because it's happening to someone else, you think you have a point. But if the tables were turned, you'd have a fit about it.

And again...... you can not rationally connect this with slavery. You tell me how many slaves during plantation days, went an applied for a job, and then agreed to a wage?

You can't go fill out an application to get a job, then agree to a wage, and then start screaming "I AM A SLAVE! WAH!" Bull crap!

This isn't China. There is no Communist official saying "go work in the rice patty until you die". You can walk off the job, and nothing will happen. I know, I've done it. You can go find another job. You can learn a skill that pays more.

All that slave crap, is just that. Turds that need flushed down the drain. It's not relevant, or intellectually honest.
You take something simple in concept and in honesty, and then you spin it for your puppet masters like a sell out soldier would do, and for whom is then waiting later for your better fluffy cot to sleep on, and a good hot meal to come very soon afterwards.

Meanwhile your fellow soldiers are fighting the good fight outside of the trenches like real men do for their freedom, and for their honor. You know what my post meant and how it is to be interpreted correctly, but you act as if it meant something different when you know good and well what it meant.
You sit there and say that the money in which is earned and is produced by the workers in which are working there after all is said and done, and in which has helped to make these people rich beyond their wildest dreams ((don't also have a stake in the fairness of the dividing process and/or that it doesn't belong to the workers in some kind of way unless it is mercifully given out to them in the situation, and this by hopefully a fair and just owner or management team that is running the plantation)) ?? It just as well beongs to everyone else who is part of the good ole boy chain or process after it is divided up supposedly, and this in a fair and decent manor or way they would say, so why not the workers to be included (respectfully) in a fair and decent way also ?

So you are an advocate of slavery, where as the master and his minions own the plantation, and how dare a slave even think that the master should be more fair than what he is when passing out the bread crumbs at the end of the day. Now we get it...:eusa_whistle:

Still doesn't matter. It's not yours. If I came to your home, and starting telling you, that you shouldn't have this or that, you tell me to get lost, and rightly so.

Nothing else matters. All that crap you wrote.... doesn't matter. Not yours.

FAIR is what you and the employer agree on.

If you agree to a wage, and employer pays you that wage, that's fair.

You can't say "well I'll agree to it, and that's not fair and they should pay more".

If I agree to mow your lawn for $35, and then the following week say "That's not fair, I demand $200!". What are you going to tell me? Get lost, and rightly so.

We had an agreement. If I want to end that agreement, and offer a new deal, that's fine but you have the right to reject that.

The money in your pocket, is not mine, that I can make demands. Right? Or wrong?

See, if this happened to you, you'd be screaming about it. But because it's happening to someone else, you think you have a point. But if the tables were turned, you'd have a fit about it.

And again...... you can not rationally connect this with slavery. You tell me how many slaves during plantation days, went an applied for a job, and then agreed to a wage?

You can't go fill out an application to get a job, then agree to a wage, and then start screaming "I AM A SLAVE! WAH!" Bull crap!

This isn't China. There is no Communist official saying "go work in the rice patty until you die". You can walk off the job, and nothing will happen. I know, I've done it. You can go find another job. You can learn a skill that pays more.

All that slave crap, is just that. Turds that need flushed down the drain. It's not relevant, or intellectually honest.
You take something simple in concept and in honesty, and then you spin it for your puppet masters like a sell out soldier would do, and for whom is then waiting later for your better fluffy cot to sleep on, and a good hot meal to come very soon afterwards.

Meanwhile your fellow soldiers are fighting the good fight outside of the trenches like real men do for their freedom, and for their honor. You know what my post meant and how it is to be interpreted correctly, but you act as if it meant something different when you know good and well what it meant.

I don't care. You have the right to be wrong. Good luck with that.
Ya see, Conservatives aren't into groupspeak. I have no control over, no responsibility for and no duty comply with what another Conservative says.

This is so very telling. You think that comment was about you. Here is the context of the statement.
So your goal isn't to improve the lives of the low end workers, but rather to eliminate their jobs and force them on to welfare?
My goal is to stop you from enslaving children to work in your coal mine.

Well aren't you quite the accomplished fellow.
You achieved your goal before you were even born.
You know, back in 1865 when slavery ended in the US.
Well aren't you quite the accomplished fellow.
You achieved your goal before you were even born.
You know, back in 1865 when slavery ended in the US.

I am a zombie, you know. It's kind of hard to tell when I was born.
In any case, it is evident that the person to whom I responded would like to repeal a number of laws, and maybe an amendment or two.
What amendment would that be? Please indicate with quotes how you have arrived at your opinion.

You think I was talking about you. You didn't bother to click on the little arrows accompanying every quote; you just assumed it was all about you. Fascinating.
I understand you so much better now. You don't care if the minimum wage is raised to keep up with inflation simply because you don't need it. You only care about things that immediately affect you, like assholes who take extra space from the next lane when they see a motorcyclist in their sideview. You consider sharing of the road with motorcyclists sacrosanct, not because of general traffic safety, but because it specifically and immediately affects you.
Thank you for sharing this with me.
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Christie Walton Deserves it ALL!

'Merica Never did a thing! Christie will keep the business alive alone if the people demand a decent wage! She can do all the jobs she get's the profits for...

Depressions are fun and appearantly don't teach others the problems that cause them!

List of labor slogans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was a dumb post. If that's the best you got, then you are on the wrong forum.
Christie Walton Deserves it ALL!

It isn't about what people "deserve" but about what people have a right to.

'Merica Never did a thing! Christie will keep the business alive alone if the people demand a decent wage!

walmart pay is comparable to other big box retailers.

She can do all the jobs she get's the profits for...

Their profits come from having an innovative business model that others try to emulate.

Depressions are fun and appearantly don't teach others the problems that cause them!

Sure because lowering dividends and lessening stock prices probably wouldn't be similar to the collapsing stock prices that set off the Great Depression. All this "living wage" nonsense is a more indirect version of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of June 1930--it prices American goods out of the global market places instead of taxing them out of it, but to the same end.
Christie Walton Deserves it ALL!

It isn't about what people "deserve" but about what people have a right to.

'Merica Never did a thing! Christie will keep the business alive alone if the people demand a decent wage!

walmart pay is comparable to other big box retailers.

She can do all the jobs she get's the profits for...

Their profits come from having an innovative business model that others try to emulate.

Depressions are fun and appearantly don't teach others the problems that cause them!

Sure because lowering dividends and lessening stock prices probably wouldn't be similar to the collapsing stock prices that set off the Great Depression. All this "living wage" nonsense is a more indirect version of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of June 1930--it prices American goods out of the global market places instead of taxing them out of it, but to the same end.

I don't believe in raising the minimum wage. I simply believe in a fair days pay for a fair days work.

Sure, it's a good business model. Outsource everything you can and pay your workers as little as possible. Lot's of profit for BUSINESS, not so much gain for America..

Since there is no competition just go down to the port and give a couple desperate people a penny or two and have them work for you. THE WORKERS ARE REPLACEABLE, (R)ight, so treat them and pay them as scum.

Eventually, the workers are going to wise up and demand their worth. History repeats itself.
Christie Walton Deserves it ALL!

'Merica Never did a thing! Christie will keep the business alive alone if the people demand a decent wage! She can do all the jobs she get's the profits for...

Depressions are fun and appearantly don't teach others the problems that cause them!

List of labor slogans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bahaha! Christie Walton doesn't do anything but sit back and cash checks.
I don't believe in raising the minimum wage. I simply believe in a fair days pay for a fair days work.

So you believe a deli clerk at walmart should get paid more than the college professor because the deli clerk puts more work in? If not, then you don't really believe that.

Sure, it's a good business model. Outsource everything you can and pay your workers as little as possible. Lot's of profit for BUSINESS, not so much gain for America..

And this is where the democratic "progressive" argument always breaks down--Walmart is NOT a manufacturer--they are a retailer. They do not "outsource" everything any more than any other retailer does. Do you think Kroger makes their own products too?

Since there is no competition just go down to the port and give a couple desperate people a penny or two and have them work for you. THE WORKERS ARE REPLACEABLE, (R)ight, so treat them and pay them as scum.

We don't have a port in my area. Individual workers are replaceable. Perhaps your issue is with those who are willing to work less for their fair pay than for people who are more greedy.

Eventually, the workers are going to wise up and demand their worth. History repeats itself.

I doubt it, at least not in my lifetime. The democratic party keeps labor pretty neutered. Low wage workers are also low information voters.
I don't believe in raising the minimum wage. I simply believe in a fair days pay for a fair days work.

Flipping a burger over is worth $15 an hour? Really? It's just that hard to flip a burger over in an air conditioned building, with a small freezer full of patties sitting at your feet? It takes SOOOOO much effort to open that lid, and slap a patty on the grill, and SOOOOOOO much skill and experience to flip the burger over.

I worked at Wendy's back when the minimum wage was $5.25. I can promise you, flipping a burger over, was worth less than $5.25. Those people made a killing given how little they did.... *I* did.

That is a fair wage, for an extremely tiny amount of 'work'.

And that's Wendy's and McDonald's, where you actually have to move your hand several inches (at least several), consistently throughout the day.

What about this guy I knew who worked as a security guard for a parking lot? He sat in a tiny booth, watching TV for 10 hours, 4 days, and then went home. Just.... sat there.... watching TV. You think that's worth $15/hr? Really?

I knew a chick that got a job at a bakery, where she sat in the cash register, watching TV. At least in her case, on the rare chance someone walked in and bought something, they had to ring them out. But for 8 hours, just watching day time soap on TV. That's worth $15? Or even $7? Really? The hardest thing she had to do, was walk to the bathroom.

Again, a fair wage, is what you and the employer agree on. That's a fair wage.

Sure, it's a good business model. Outsource everything you can and pay your workers as little as possible. Lot's of profit for BUSINESS, not so much gain for America..

We've covered this too.

The reason outsourcing exists, is because if they didn't outsource, they would close the company down, and instead of several dozen employees losing their jobs, hundreds would lose their jobs.

Do you want NO JOBS, or SOME JOBS? Those are your options there.

I've worked at several companies that engaged in outsourcing. My current job has outsourced the production of our CPU boards for our product.

Here were the options. We could either outsource... or close the company.

I have a job right now, because we outsourced. Without outsourcing, I'd be unemployed.

I don't understand why you people don't get this. The vast majority of jobs that exist, are all dependent on outsourcing. Pick out any job you want, and short of a government job, I bet there is outsourcing involved, that without it, wouldn't exist.

Eventually, the workers are going to wise up and demand their worth. History repeats itself.

That is happening every single day, constantly year round. And I'm all in favor of it.

You want to demand what you are worth? Make yourself worth more.

We had to interns working at my company for the past 10 months. They got paid very little.

One went back to school, to make herself worth more. WONDERFUL!

Another got a job at Cisco Corporation, where he'll be making triple his wage here. AWESOME!

Yet another joined a private engineering firm, and we don't know exactly what he'll make, but the company has lots of room for advancement. SWEET!!

This is the difference between rich successful people, and whiny b!tchy poor people.

IF you want to sit around and complain about how horrible you are treated and demand government action, and b!tch about the company, fine. Just remember, you'll still be poor and miserable and complainy later.

75% of all McDonald's franchise owners started off as minimum wage crew members. How did they end up owners earning $200K a year? They didn't stand outside with signs, complaining and crying about their wages. They worked their butt off, just like those three people from my company. They came, they worked, they learned, they got skills and worked their way up.
Christie Walton Deserves it ALL!

'Merica Never did a thing! Christie will keep the business alive alone if the people demand a decent wage! She can do all the jobs she get's the profits for...

Depressions are fun and appearantly don't teach others the problems that cause them!

List of labor slogans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bahaha! Christie Walton doesn't do anything but sit back and cash checks.

Doesn't matter. She owns the company.

If you had a truck, and someone asked you to rent your truck. They would pay you to use your vehicle.


Cause you own it. If you didn't get paid for your property, you would sell it off for cash.

If the Waltons didn't get paid for their ownership of the company, they would sell the company off, and 2.2 Million people would be unemployed. And countless millions would have to pay a higher prices for goods, without Walmart existing.

You seem to forget, the whole reason Walmart employs 2.2 Million people, is because people invested into Walmart.

The reason people have jobs, and the reason customers have cheaper goods, is because of those investors.

The only reason investors put that money into the company, is because they could get a return on their investment.

If you destroy that system, MILLIONS of people will lose their jobs, and fewer jobs will be created in the future.
Christie Walton Deserves it ALL!

It isn't about what people "deserve" but about what people have a right to.

walmart pay is comparable to other big box retailers.

Their profits come from having an innovative business model that others try to emulate.

Depressions are fun and appearantly don't teach others the problems that cause them!

Sure because lowering dividends and lessening stock prices probably wouldn't be similar to the collapsing stock prices that set off the Great Depression. All this "living wage" nonsense is a more indirect version of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of June 1930--it prices American goods out of the global market places instead of taxing them out of it, but to the same end.

I don't believe in raising the minimum wage. I simply believe in a fair days pay for a fair days work.

Sure, it's a good business model. Outsource everything you can and pay your workers as little as possible. Lot's of profit for BUSINESS, not so much gain for America..

Since there is no competition just go down to the port and give a couple desperate people a penny or two and have them work for you. THE WORKERS ARE REPLACEABLE, (R)ight, so treat them and pay them as scum.

Eventually, the workers are going to wise up and demand their worth. History repeats itself.
What is a 16 year old, part time fry cook at McDonald's worth?
I don't believe in raising the minimum wage. I simply believe in a fair days pay for a fair days work.

Sure, it's a good business model. Outsource everything you can and pay your workers as little as possible. Lot's of profit for BUSINESS, not so much gain for America..

Since there is no competition just go down to the port and give a couple desperate people a penny or two and have them work for you. THE WORKERS ARE REPLACEABLE, (R)ight, so treat them and pay them as scum.

Eventually, the workers are going to wise up and demand their worth. History repeats itself.
What is a 16 year old, part time fry cook at McDonald's worth?

Not the federal minimum wage. Did you not know that?
What is a 16 year old, part time fry cook at McDonald's worth?

the same amount as a 45 year married fry cook with 3 kids and a mortgage--minimum wage as long as someone else equally capable is willing to do it at minimum wage
What is a 16 year old, part time fry cook at McDonald's worth?

the same amount as a 45 year married fry cook with 3 kids and a mortgage--minimum wage as long as someone else equally capable is willing to do it at minimum wage

If you are 45, and working part time, as a fry cook, when you have 3 kids and mortgage..... then you are an idiot.

You could drive truck, and triple your income. You would mow lawns, and double your income.

You could do anything, and increase your income.

But again, here's the problem. Are YOU the customer, going to pay $30 for a quarter pounder at McDonald because the fry cook is 45 and has 3 kids and a mortgage? Of course not.

So apparently he's not worth more.

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