This is what a mentally ill liberal looks like..

Oops. I guess "mentally ill" and "liberal" is redundant. So who's going to pay for all this free shit?

Scared bro? Just admit you are. Our tax dollars pay for war and foreign aid they can pay for education and healthcare. See not that hard to figure out.
It's the governments job to defend our borders, it's not the governments job to pay for healthcare and every other damn thing we want.
According to who? My tax dollars belong to helping ME and others in this country not fighting some war for corporate interests and Israel's interests.
According to the Constitution. You've heard of it, haven't you?

General welfare. :)
Yeah, "Promote the general welfare" does not mean you get a free college education and free healthcare.
Actually the results of my own studies indicate that the Liberal mind is slow to develop and hardly ever lives to maturity. Even Liberals within the 50 years old age group do not appear to have brains developed beyond puberty.
Scared bro? Just admit you are. Our tax dollars pay for war and foreign aid they can pay for education and healthcare. See not that hard to figure out.
It's the governments job to defend our borders, it's not the governments job to pay for healthcare and every other damn thing we want.
According to who? My tax dollars belong to helping ME and others in this country not fighting some war for corporate interests and Israel's interests.
According to the Constitution. You've heard of it, haven't you?

General welfare. :)
Yeah, "Promote the general welfare" does not mean you get a free college education and free healthcare.
Nothings free. :) My tax dollars pay for it all slick. Just like yours and everyone else's.
Actually the results of my own studies indicate that the Liberal mind is slow to develop and hardly ever lives to maturity. Even Liberals within the 50 years old age group do not appear to have brains developed beyond puberty.
What happens to liberal brains after reaching 50 years of age.

I really hate to inform those Liberals approaching 50 years of age because the prognosis isn't good. DEMENTIA!!
It's the governments job to defend our borders, it's not the governments job to pay for healthcare and every other damn thing we want.
According to who? My tax dollars belong to helping ME and others in this country not fighting some war for corporate interests and Israel's interests.
According to the Constitution. You've heard of it, haven't you?

General welfare. :)
Yeah, "Promote the general welfare" does not mean you get a free college education and free healthcare.
Nothings free. :) My tax dollars pay for it all slick. Just like yours and everyone else's.
Apparently you don't know what the word "general" means. You get K-12, along with everybody else. If you want more, you pay for it yourself.
Bill got away with a lot and Hillary got used to the idea. Problem is she doesn't have the personality to pull it off.

I never really understood this “charisma” that Bill Clinton was supposed to have. I never understood why so many people seemed to like him and trust him so much. From the beginning,he always came across tobe as a bit sleazy. I probably wasn't thinking that in terms of sexual behavior until the scandals related to that started coming out; but when that aspect of his persona started coming to light, it made perfect sense to me with regard to how I already perceived him.

I think I mainly perceived him, right away, as the sort of person who would tell you what he thought you wanted to hear, without regard to whether it was true or helpful or even harmless. I guess, perhaps, to those for whom what they really did want to hear was what he thought hey wanted to hear, perhaps he came across as charismatic. To me, he came across as dishonest, insincere, and untrustworthy. He came across to me as someone who, if he made a statement, I had better find a more reliable source to confirm it before I assumed it to have any basis in truth.
Bill got away with a lot and Hillary got used to the idea. Problem is she doesn't have the personality to pull it off.

I never really understood this “charisma” that Bill Clinton was supposed to have. I never understood why so many people seemed to like him and trust him so much. From the beginning,he always came across tobe as a bit sleazy. I probably wasn't thinking that in terms of sexual behavior until the scandals related to that started coming out; but when that aspect of his persona started coming to light, it made perfect sense to me with regard to how I already perceived him.

I think I mainly perceived him, right away, as the sort of person who would tell you what he thought you wanted to hear, without regard to whether it was true or helpful or even harmless. I guess, perhaps, to those for whom what they really did want to hear was what he thought hey wanted to hear, perhaps he came across as charismatic. To me, he came across as dishonest, insincere, and untrustworthy. He came across to me as someone who, if he made a statement, I had better find a more reliable source to confirm it before I assumed it to have any basis in truth.
Yes, Bill was/is like a slick used car salesman. Some people see it, some don't. I never liked him or took anything he said seriously but the fact is that a lot of people do. Of course it helps if the liberal press is on your side polishing every turd. Hillary's steamy pile is getting too much even for them to overcome.
Oops. I guess "mentally ill" and "liberal" is redundant. So who's going to pay for all this free shit?

uch will add billions a year to the debt
free college is a lie and will add billions to the debt
transform our energy will require tyranny on a level that will make leftist happy,and it will, of course, add billions to the debt
overturn CU, of course this leftist is against freedom
$15 min wage just shows how fucking dumb he thinks leftist are. nothing more than a bribe
war on drugs; over due
infrastructure is a lie, it's not crumbling, that's fear mongering, but it will add billions to the debt, so leftist support it.
raise taxes, fucking moron, that chased the rich out of other countries
stop endless military spending, ie; fuck the poor and the Vets
SS add billions to the debt
hows about we end black on black brutality, gnaw, that would take work
cops shouldn't have access to equipment private citizens don't.

so it's clear, to anyone that can think, that bern wants to destroy the country with debt issues.

BUT there is good news

He will so alienate the military and the police, they will help us rid ourselves of DC so we can get back to having some freedom.
Oops. I guess "mentally ill" and "liberal" is redundant. So who's going to pay for all this free shit?

Just stopping mindless endless military spending will pay for everything else.

Wasn't Obama supposed to stop the "mindless endless military spending"? I mean that was why you voted for him, right? How about this latest piece of news regarding Obama's military spending...

Obama's Syria Strategy - Another Dismal Failure | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So was Obama lying to you or did he just fail? And if Obama was lying or just a failure, what makes you think Sanders isn't lying too? What makes you think he won't be just as much a failure as Obama was?

After all, they're both cut from the same piece of Socialist cloth, aren't they? They both promised the same things and the the younger, hipper, darker of the two, who by all rights should have succeeded, didn't do very well, did he?

So what makes you think an older, whiter guy can succeed where the younger, hipper, darker president failed? Maybe if you wish in one hand and shit in the other, this will all come true. But somehow, I kinda doubt it.

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