This Is How Republican Law-Makers Feel About Free Speech, To Hell With It!

The fleabag chick in the OP was entitled to speak. I am astonished there are people defending what was done to her just because they don't like her or what she had to say.

This is what I mean about faux right wingers who claim to adore the Constitution who consistently demonstrate they don't know the first thing about it. Their totalitarian streak gets the better of them every time.
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Zimmerman has never denied killing Martin

Of course not, that's not even at issue here, he freely admitted shooting and killing him.

What's your point?

The word killer
The killer of a man, woman or creature, and for whom the killer would not be found guilty of later in a court of law thus removes the stigmatism of the word killer after such a verdict or conclusion is reached as to why one killed or had to right? The word killer could remain as one has killed someone or something, but the impact of the word and it's meaning would change in accordance with the findings of the court or case being dealt with.

If killed and then caught in the act of murderingsomeone or something in cold bloodedness or in pre-meditated murder as found some cases, then trouble is coming for you, but instead if one killsl due to the act of self defense being administered in a case pertaining to such an act in a life threatening situation (to kill rather than to be killed in self defense) it could be easily found as appropriate in such a case, where as the act to kill a person or creature because of a life threatening situation that a person is placed in by that human or creature, one may find that to kill is always very much appropriate I think if so be the case yet it's still all depending. Now this could be echoed once again in this Zimmerman case via the verdict in the case once rendered, where as if the verdict is self defense in which they figured was to be administered properly in the case per the final decision by the jury, then what's your point again with the word killerin all of this ?

I could be called the killer of a lion, if that lion was attempting to eat me, and I would wear the title proudly if I succeeded in him not eating me or my family for that matter. I guess once a person kills anything that lives, they could be figured as a killer of that live creature or human in which they killed, so I guess it all comes down to how or why they killed in which adds the sting to the word if the reasoning behind it wasn't at all a good one. If one said that I am a killer to someone without their knowledge of why I killed, then they could draw all the negative connotations that word could entail, but if they followed up with why I killed a creature or a person as found in self defense, then they may understand as to why I had to become a killer within the situation to save a life or even my own life.
Of course not, that's not even at issue here, he freely admitted shooting and killing him.

What's your point?

The word killer
The killer of a man, woman or creature, and for whom the killer would not be found guilty of later in a court of law thus removes the stigmatism of the word killer after such a verdict or conclusion is reached as to why one killed or had to right? The word killer could remain as one has killed someone or something, but the impact of the word and it's meaning would change in accordance with the findings of the court or case being dealt with.

If killed and then caught in the act of murderingsomeone or something in cold bloodedness or in pre-meditated murder as found some cases, then trouble is coming for you, but instead if one killsl due to the act of self defense being administered in a case pertaining to such an act in a life threatening situation (to kill rather than to be killed in self defense) it could be easily found as appropriate in such a case, where as the act to kill a person or creature because of a life threatening situation that a person is placed in by that human or creature, one may find that to kill is always very much appropriate I think if so be the case yet it's still all depending. Now this could be echoed once again in this Zimmerman case via the verdict in the case once rendered, where as if the verdict is self defense in which they figured was to be administered properly in the case per the final decision by the jury, then what's your point again with the word killerin all of this ?

I could be called the killer of a lion, if that lion was attempting to eat me, and I would wear the title proudly if I succeeded in him not eating me or my family for that matter. I guess once a person kills anything that lives, they could be figured as a killer of that live creature or human in which they killed, so I guess it all comes down to how or why they killed in which adds the sting to the word if the reasoning behind it wasn't at all a good one. If one said that I am a killer to someone without their knowledge of why I killed, then they could draw all the negative connotations that word could entail, but if they followed up with why I killed a creature or a person as found in self defense, then they may understand as to why I had to become a killer within the situation to save a life or even my own life.

There is a difference between the word killer and the word murderer

A murder must be proven in a court of law and carries a prison sentence. A killer has taken the life of another human being and may or may not have comitted a crime
The fleabag chick in the OP was entitled to speak. I am astonished there are people defending what was done to her just because they don't like her or what she had to say.

This is what I mean about faux right wingers who claim to adore the Constitution who consistently demonstrate they don't know the first thing about it. Their totalitarian streak gets the better of them every time.
So your hopes are that she can just keep on going and going until she gets a win eh ? There has to be order in anything, but liberals don't go by any rules, so they stay in a fog about these things or do they ?
The word killer
The killer of a man, woman or creature, and for whom the killer would not be found guilty of later in a court of law thus removes the stigmatism of the word killer after such a verdict or conclusion is reached as to why one killed or had to right? The word killer could remain as one has killed someone or something, but the impact of the word and it's meaning would change in accordance with the findings of the court or case being dealt with.

If killed and then caught in the act of murderingsomeone or something in cold bloodedness or in pre-meditated murder as found some cases, then trouble is coming for you, but instead if one killsl due to the act of self defense being administered in a case pertaining to such an act in a life threatening situation (to kill rather than to be killed in self defense) it could be easily found as appropriate in such a case, where as the act to kill a person or creature because of a life threatening situation that a person is placed in by that human or creature, one may find that to kill is always very much appropriate I think if so be the case yet it's still all depending. Now this could be echoed once again in this Zimmerman case via the verdict in the case once rendered, where as if the verdict is self defense in which they figured was to be administered properly in the case per the final decision by the jury, then what's your point again with the word killerin all of this ?

I could be called the killer of a lion, if that lion was attempting to eat me, and I would wear the title proudly if I succeeded in him not eating me or my family for that matter. I guess once a person kills anything that lives, they could be figured as a killer of that live creature or human in which they killed, so I guess it all comes down to how or why they killed in which adds the sting to the word if the reasoning behind it wasn't at all a good one. If one said that I am a killer to someone without their knowledge of why I killed, then they could draw all the negative connotations that word could entail, but if they followed up with why I killed a creature or a person as found in self defense, then they may understand as to why I had to become a killer within the situation to save a life or even my own life.

There is a difference between the word killer and the word murderer

A murder must be proven in a court of law and carries a prison sentence. A killer has taken the life of another human being and may or may not have comitted a crime
Agree, and the killer still has to be exonerated just as the murderer does in a court of law also, I mean in order to clear everything up right ?
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The fleabag chick in the OP was entitled to speak. I am astonished there are people defending what was done to her just because they don't like her or what she had to say.

This is what I mean about faux right wingers who claim to adore the Constitution who consistently demonstrate they don't know the first thing about it. Their totalitarian streak gets the better of them every time.
So your hopes are that she can just keep on going and going until she gets a win eh ? There has to be order in anything, but liberals don't go by any rules, so they stay in a fog about these things or do they ?

Did you not notice all the speakers had a time limit? She was cut off and dragged from the lecturn by thugs who do not believe in free speech.

If the fleabag wanted to rant about Republicans being a bunch of shitbags, she had every right to do so. Their response to her only served to prove her case. It is interesting they reacted they way they did. I guess they have something to be afraid of.
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How many people speaking out against Obama Care were thrown out of town meetings by democrats and where was your "outrage" then?

Were they recognized to speak or were they shouting down those who had been recognized to speak?

There is a difference
How many people speaking out against Obama Care were thrown out of town meetings by democrats and where was your "outrage" then?

Were they recognized to speak or were they shouting down those who had been recognized to speak?

There is a difference

Indeed. I would like to see a video of a right winger being dragged from a lecturn at a public hearing about ObamaCare under the same conditions.
Yeah, just like how when the killer, George Zimmerman, was using terms of endearment by referring to the late Trayvon Martin as one of those "punks" and "A**holes" who "always get away." He had no ill-will or malice at all, neither did FJO.

Iths thimple.

Hey nutsack - has he been convicted? I haven't heard that yet. What channel are you getting your "news" on, asswipe?
The killer, George Zimmerman has admitted to gunning down the late Trayvon Martin, that's not in question.

What channel are YOU getting your "news" and information from? ...jagoff!


The word killer
The killer of a man, woman or creature, and for whom the killer would not be found guilty of later in a court of law thus removes the stigmatism of the word killer after such a verdict or conclusion is reached as to why one killed or had to right? The word killer could remain as one has killed someone or something, but the impact of the word and it's meaning would change in accordance with the findings of the court or case being dealt with.

If killed and then caught in the act of murderingsomeone or something in cold bloodedness or in pre-meditated murder as found some cases, then trouble is coming for you, but instead if one killsl due to the act of self defense being administered in a case pertaining to such an act in a life threatening situation (to kill rather than to be killed in self defense) it could be easily found as appropriate in such a case, where as the act to kill a person or creature because of a life threatening situation that a person is placed in by that human or creature, one may find that to kill is always very much appropriate I think if so be the case yet it's still all depending. Now this could be echoed once again in this Zimmerman case via the verdict in the case once rendered, where as if the verdict is self defense in which they figured was to be administered properly in the case per the final decision by the jury, then what's your point again with the word killerin all of this ?

I could be called the killer of a lion, if that lion was attempting to eat me, and I would wear the title proudly if I succeeded in him not eating me or my family for that matter. I guess once a person kills anything that lives, they could be figured as a killer of that live creature or human in which they killed, so I guess it all comes down to how or why they killed in which adds the sting to the word if the reasoning behind it wasn't at all a good one. If one said that I am a killer to someone without their knowledge of why I killed, then they could draw all the negative connotations that word could entail, but if they followed up with why I killed a creature or a person as found in self defense, then they may understand as to why I had to become a killer within the situation to save a life or even my own life.

There is a difference between the word killer and the word murderer

A murder must be proven in a court of law and carries a prison sentence. A killer has taken the life of another human being and may or may not have committed a crime
And that's EXACTLY why I've used this word referring to the killer, George Zimmerman, since he killed Trayvon Martin about a year ago. It describes him perfectly.

At the time he's convicted, I'll ascribe the word "murderer" to that killer.
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No smear in what I said. I watched "Last Word" last night and it was a mutual admiration society.
You said "that's all one has to know about her", for being on the Lawrence O'Donnell show.

Are you saying that innuendo was meant to be a compliment?
Yeah, just like how when the killer, George Zimmerman, was using terms of endearment by referring to the late Trayvon Martin as one of those "punks" and "A**holes" who "always get away." He had no ill-will or malice at all, neither did FJO.

Iths thimple.
This one HAD to be exposed...
Warrior102 said:
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Chill out asswipe


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The batch ass cry baby is CRYING about CORRECTLY calling the killer, George Zimmerman...a killer.


Stop crying batch!

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I've never once heard someone who is anti-abortion, trash women. See, this is how utterly stupid you leftists are. You can't even think critically enough to understand that opposing abortion doesn't equate hating women. So, if you are pro abortion, this means you love women?

What about the women that are aborted? So, doesn't it logically follow that you must hate babies?
First off, that's what Sarah Slamen said she had to listen to before she was allowed to speak.
What was disrespectful was the parade of anti-choice zealots and misogynists who got up for 13 hours and called women murderers, killers, promiscuous, thoughtless, and selfish. Not a peep from committee chair Nelson on those.
And second, I don't give a shit about abortion! I have no comment on it whatsoever. I'm a guy. I don't have babies and it's not my dance. Don't waste your abortion speeches on me, because I could care less about this issue.
even if it was your kid being aborted?.....just askin....
She was out of line

While at times relevant and spot on in her assessment, she got out of line when she started to personally attack the legislators and that is where she was cut off

If she spoke just to the issue at hand she could have finished her time

Concerned citzen Sarah Slamen excercized her First Amendement rights and addressed the senate in Texas and this is how they rewarded her...

Sarah Slamen DESTROYS Texas Senate Committee And Gets Kicked Out!! (Abortion Bill SB 1) - YouTube

They have no respect for The Constitution.

They only pretend they do when it's for things they like and/or want.

When it's for things they don't like or want, they attack it and attack it well.

Remember Herr Bush's "Freedom Zones?" That was the joke of the century.

Well in the state of TEXX-A$$, they just drag your ass away if they don't like what you have to SAY.

Then they proceed to do they're backroom deals in the shadows.

Business as usual.

Sarah Slamen is not only a great citizen, she's my hero.

Go Sarah!!!

I don't remember you making any threads when Democrats did this, can you point them out, or should I just remember you are a hack?
Concerned citzen Sarah Slamen excercized her First Amendement rights and addressed the senate in Texas and this is how they rewarded her...

Sarah Slamen DESTROYS Texas Senate Committee And Gets Kicked Out!! (Abortion Bill SB 1) - YouTube

They have no respect for The Constitution.

They only pretend they do when it's for things they like and/or want.

When it's for things they don't like or want, they attack it and attack it well.

Remember Herr Bush's "Freedom Zones?" That was the joke of the century.

Well in the state of TEXX-A$$, they just drag your ass away if they don't like what you have to SAY.

Then they proceed to do they're backroom deals in the shadows.

Business as usual.

Sarah Slamen is not only a great citizen, she's my hero.

Go Sarah!!!

I don't remember you making any threads when Democrats did this, can you point them out, or should I just remember you are a hack?
Post a single instance of the Democrats doing this.

Please...I beg you.
How many people speaking out against Obama Care were thrown out of town meetings by democrats and where was your "outrage" then?

Good point. No dissention is tolerated by the Obama administration or they are targeted as enemies of the state.

I am sure that when you address senators that it's expected that you do so in a respectful manner, much like you'd be expected to do in court if you don't want to be removed or cited for contempt. The woman was just ranting in an angry fashion and it shouldn't be tolerated. She merely regurgitated all the liberal talking points one after the other. How anyone can cheer on this sort of ill behavior is beyond me. If she wanted to get her point across, she should have at least tried to speak eloquently, but she made the bad choice to be loud and rude. People don't listen to others when they are yelling, so it's doubtful she wanted them to take her seriously, she just wanted the other liberals to get excited about her display.
During the 1988 Democratic National Convention, the city of Atlanta, Georgia set up a "designated protest zone"[5] so the convention would not be disrupted. A pro-choice demonstrator opposing an Operation Rescue group said Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young "put us in a free-speech cage."[6] "Protest zones" were used during the 1992 and 1996 United States presidential nominating conventions[7]

Free speech zones have been used for non-political purposes. Through 1990s, the San Francisco International Airport played host to a steady stream of religious groups (Hare Krishnas in particular), preachers, and beggars. The city considered whether this public transportation hub was required to host free speech, and to what extent. As a compromise, two "free speech booths" were installed in the South Terminal, and groups wishing to speak but not having direct business at the airport were directed there. These booths still exist, although permits are required to access the booths.[8]

Free speech zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your lack of historical knowledge is quite revealing Marc.

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