This is how Joe Biden welcomed Mike Pence in 2016....

But now that Biden has won more votes than any candidate in US history and will win the same amount of EVs as trump and Pence in 2016....suddenly there is massive voter fraud....which was documented on a yellow sticky along with a couple other conspiracy theories.

I can understand trump's apprehension, since he is going to be broke soon after leaving office; Melania is preparing divorce papers, and he may very well be indicted by both the Biden DOJ and the State of New York. So....he is fighting and making up ridiculous voter conspiracies. One message to The Don:


If the election stopped in 5 or 6 states in the middle of the vote count in 2016 with Hillary leading large, restarted at 1 am when everyone was asleep, I am willing to bet that Hillary would have found a way to get into the W.H.
Seem to recall the withered old bitch told Biden never concede if he lost.
Also recall something about the Logan Act and Flynn.
So let’s appoint a special prosecutor and investigate, oh forgot don’t have a fake dossier to flaunt.

But now that Biden has won more votes than any candidate in US history and will win the same amount of EVs as trump and Pence in 2016....suddenly there is massive voter fraud....which was documented on a yellow sticky along with a couple other conspiracy theories.

I can understand trump's apprehension, since he is going to be broke soon after leaving office; Melania is preparing divorce papers, and he may very well be indicted by both the Biden DOJ and the State of New York. So....he is fighting and making up ridiculous voter conspiracies. One message to The Don:

Sooner or later Trump will show some class? Pretty hard to bet on it.

I must respectfully disagree. trump HAS NO CLASS. But eventually the voting will be certified and the electors will be chosen and Biden will officially win. Then. perhaps, his prostitutes in the US Senate, aka Miss Lindsey and Ted (your daddy killed JFK) Cruz will need to admit that the Liar in Chief lost.

They can either admit it or trump will be lead from the White House in hand cuffs.
Yep. Voter fraud and tampering just magically appeared because the great orange savior lost. So many white people voted for him. He couldn't have lost.

While Trump did win 54% of the white vote, 46% of white voters - nearly half of ALL white voters, voted for Biden, plus more women, more minorities, gays and the elderly.

The smarter white voters realize that Trump is an idiot.
Yep. Voter fraud and tampering just magically appeared because the great orange savior lost. So many white people voted for him. He couldn't have lost.

While Trump did win 54% of the white vote, 46% of white voters - nearly half of ALL white voters, voted for Biden, plus more women, more minorities, gays and the elderly.

The smarter white voters realize that Trump is an idiot.

Actually, if the demographics are accurate, those making more money voted for Trump. You know, the successful folks. If you think the McDonalds workers and teenagers that voted in mass for Biden/Harris are "smarter" then you might just be one of them.

But now that Biden has won more votes than any candidate in US history and will win the same amount of EVs as trump and Pence in 2016....suddenly there is massive voter fraud....which was documented on a yellow sticky along with a couple other conspiracy theories.

I can understand trump's apprehension, since he is going to be broke soon after leaving office; Melania is preparing divorce papers, and he may very well be indicted by both the Biden DOJ and the State of New York. So....he is fighting and making up ridiculous voter conspiracies. One message to The Don:


That is a great photo and shows class by the presumed President-Elect. Once he is validated or Trump concedes....whichever comes first...... I will hold VP Pence and President Trump to the same standard. Until then, it is only the Media and the Democrats that have declared Biden as President-Elect. Prove me wrong and show us where and when in history a presumed President-Elect has been declared President-Elect pre-validation or pre-concession?

But now that Biden has won more votes than any candidate in US history and will win the same amount of EVs as trump and Pence in 2016....suddenly there is massive voter fraud....which was documented on a yellow sticky along with a couple other conspiracy theories.

I can understand trump's apprehension, since he is going to be broke soon after leaving office; Melania is preparing divorce papers, and he may very well be indicted by both the Biden DOJ and the State of New York. So....he is fighting and making up ridiculous voter conspiracies. One message to The Don:


That is a great photo and shows class by the presumed President-Elect. Once he is validated or Trump concedes....whichever comes first...... I will hold VP Pence and President Trump to the same standard. Until then, it is only the Media and the Democrats that have declared Biden as President-Elect. Prove me wrong and show us where and when in history a presumed President-Elect has been declared President-Elect pre-validation or pre-concession?

This time in 2016, trump was sitting down with President Obama, who was welcoming him to the White House. When Obama won in 2007, GW Bush released the GSA to make a statement to provide Obama full cooperation in the transfer of power, within two hours of the announcement by the networks.

The Liar trump thinks he can gaslight his way into a second term. He has been conning the nation for four years. It ain't gonna work this time. Biden is going to win Pennsylvania by as much as 100,000 votes, twice what trump gained in 2016.

If trump or the GOP Pennsylvania legislature tries to hand the EVs to trump, they will be breaking the law and the USSC will make them award them to the winner of the popular vote.....BIDEN.

Otherwise, we will be an Authoritarian State. The Military is already accepted Biden as the winner, by clearing air traffic over his house. There is no turning back.

But the WH staff should take matches away from trump. He may be willing to burn down the WH, since he is willing to destroy Democracy.

But now that Biden has won more votes than any candidate in US history and will win the same amount of EVs as trump and Pence in 2016....suddenly there is massive voter fraud....which was documented on a yellow sticky along with a couple other conspiracy theories.

I can understand trump's apprehension, since he is going to be broke soon after leaving office; Melania is preparing divorce papers, and he may very well be indicted by both the Biden DOJ and the State of New York. So....he is fighting and making up ridiculous voter conspiracies. One message to The Don:


That is a great photo and shows class by the presumed President-Elect. Once he is validated or Trump concedes....whichever comes first...... I will hold VP Pence and President Trump to the same standard. Until then, it is only the Media and the Democrats that have declared Biden as President-Elect. Prove me wrong and show us where and when in history a presumed President-Elect has been declared President-Elect pre-validation or pre-concession?

This time in 2016, trump was sitting down with President Obama, who was welcoming him to the White House. When Obama won in 2007, GW Bush released the GSA to make a statement to provide Obama full cooperation in the transfer of power, within two hours of the announcement by the networks.

The Liar trump thinks he can gaslight his way into a second term. He has been conning the nation for four years. It ain't gonna work this time. Biden is going to win Pennsylvania by as much as 100,000 votes, twice what trump gained in 2016.

If trump or the GOP Pennsylvania legislature tries to hand the EVs to trump, they will be breaking the law and the USSC will make them award them to the winner of the popular vote.....BIDEN.

Otherwise, we will be an Authoritarian State. The Military is already accepted Biden as the winner, by clearing air traffic over his house. There is no turning back.

But the WH staff should take matches away from trump. He may be willing to burn down the WH, since he is willing to destroy Democracy.

Everything you mentioned makes the case for presumed-President Elect. You can be pissed off all you want that Trump has not yet conceded or that the validation has not occurred. In all of your historical references, the presumed-losing candidate conceded the Election and had no basis or grounds to pursue for voting irregularities.

I noticed you did not site "at this time" in 2000. Was Bill Clinton providing GSA transfer of power and full cooperation?

But now that Biden has won more votes than any candidate in US history and will win the same amount of EVs as trump and Pence in 2016....suddenly there is massive voter fraud....which was documented on a yellow sticky along with a couple other conspiracy theories.

I can understand trump's apprehension, since he is going to be broke soon after leaving office; Melania is preparing divorce papers, and he may very well be indicted by both the Biden DOJ and the State of New York. So....he is fighting and making up ridiculous voter conspiracies. One message to The Don:

When Biden concedes, let us know.

Otherwise, STFU.
The Trump cult has zero class.

Democrats have no morals. I guess we are even.

Democrats aren't the ones who are lying, cheating and trying to steal this election. This election was conducted under the gaze of cameras everywhere. The election wasn't even close. This is the biggest loss by a sitting President since Roosevelt beat Hoover.
Yep. Voter fraud and tampering just magically appeared because the great orange savior lost. So many white people voted for him. He couldn't have lost.
Can you explain how, in the middle if the night, when they were supposed to have stopped counting, how biden acquired 200,000 votes and not one for trump?

If I will explain this to you, will you give up your denials and accept that Joe Biden won the election?

But now that Biden has won more votes than any candidate in US history and will win the same amount of EVs as trump and Pence in 2016....suddenly there is massive voter fraud....which was documented on a yellow sticky along with a couple other conspiracy theories.

I can understand trump's apprehension, since he is going to be broke soon after leaving office; Melania is preparing divorce papers, and he may very well be indicted by both the Biden DOJ and the State of New York. So....he is fighting and making up ridiculous voter conspiracies. One message to The Don:

When Biden concedes, let us know.

Otherwise, STFU.

When you can produce any tangible evidence of voter fraud, let us know.
This will not end well for your side...and Trump will still have lost.

But now that Biden has won more votes than any candidate in US history and will win the same amount of EVs as trump and Pence in 2016....suddenly there is massive voter fraud....which was documented on a yellow sticky along with a couple other conspiracy theories.

I can understand trump's apprehension, since he is going to be broke soon after leaving office; Melania is preparing divorce papers, and he may very well be indicted by both the Biden DOJ and the State of New York. So....he is fighting and making up ridiculous voter conspiracies. One message to The Don:


That is a great photo and shows class by the presumed President-Elect. Once he is validated or Trump concedes....whichever comes first...... I will hold VP Pence and President Trump to the same standard. Until then, it is only the Media and the Democrats that have declared Biden as President-Elect. Prove me wrong and show us where and when in history a presumed President-Elect has been declared President-Elect pre-validation or pre-concession?

This time in 2016, trump was sitting down with President Obama, who was welcoming him to the White House. When Obama won in 2007, GW Bush released the GSA to make a statement to provide Obama full cooperation in the transfer of power, within two hours of the announcement by the networks.

The Liar trump thinks he can gaslight his way into a second term. He has been conning the nation for four years. It ain't gonna work this time. Biden is going to win Pennsylvania by as much as 100,000 votes, twice what trump gained in 2016.

If trump or the GOP Pennsylvania legislature tries to hand the EVs to trump, they will be breaking the law and the USSC will make them award them to the winner of the popular vote.....BIDEN.

Otherwise, we will be an Authoritarian State. The Military is already accepted Biden as the winner, by clearing air traffic over his house. There is no turning back.

But the WH staff should take matches away from trump. He may be willing to burn down the WH, since he is willing to destroy Democracy.

Everything you mentioned makes the case for presumed-President Elect. You can be pissed off all you want that Trump has not yet conceded or that the validation has not occurred. In all of your historical references, the presumed-losing candidate conceded the Election and had no basis or grounds to pursue for voting irregularities.

I noticed you did not site "at this time" in 2000. Was Bill Clinton providing GSA transfer of power and full cooperation?

Whether or not Trump has conceded the election is moot. Trump has lost this election, and there is no basis or grounds to pursue for voting irregularities.

In 2000, the election hung on a recount with a difference of 576 votes, which went to the Supreme Court. None of the states which Trump lost, has a loss of less than 5000 votes. Recounts are only successful for the losing side, where the election is decided by fewer than 1000 votes. This election isn't that close at all.

Even though the full throated transition didn't start until later, Bill Clinton included W in the daily briefings during that time frame. It should also be noted that the country wasn't dealing with multiple serious crises at that time. No pandemic, no economic collapse, and no racial unrest.

Trump isn't even bothing to deal with any of this stuff. He hasn't been seen or heard from since the night of the election, even as thousands of Americans are dying every day, and over 100,000 people per day are getting sick. If Trump wants this job, it's well past time that he started doing the work.

If he doesn't to do the actual work of dealing with these multiple crises, he should fucking well get out of the way.
Yep. Voter fraud and tampering just magically appeared because the great orange savior lost. So many white people voted for him. He couldn't have lost.

What exactly does patience cost you? If you're right, and there is no there, there, then I would be among the first to congradulate Biden, on his victory....Doesn't mean I would agree with him on one damned thing, but, what does it cost to find out? Nothing.
Orderly transitions from one presidency to the next matter. It’s only been a week, but if Trump persists with this, the transition will suffer eventually.

You guy's are pushing too hard, moving too fast...I'll use an analogy here....In a football game when a team get's away with a foul, they tend to run back to the line and try to snap the ball fast before the ref can stop for review...IOW, try to get away with it....That seems like what you people are doing today...
It took a week to count the votes and we still aren’t done. Certification occurs in about 1-2 weeks. Electors meet in 1 month.

No one is preventing any of Trump’s legal challenges from being heard.

But there is a time table.

Gore challenge took 37 days

But now that Biden has won more votes than any candidate in US history and will win the same amount of EVs as trump and Pence in 2016....suddenly there is massive voter fraud....which was documented on a yellow sticky along with a couple other conspiracy theories.

I can understand trump's apprehension, since he is going to be broke soon after leaving office; Melania is preparing divorce papers, and he may very well be indicted by both the Biden DOJ and the State of New York. So....he is fighting and making up ridiculous voter conspiracies. One message to The Don:

Well, that was back in the days when American Presidents demonstrated maturity, intelligence and dignity.

We'll get back there.

But now that Biden has won more votes than any candidate in US history and will win the same amount of EVs as trump and Pence in 2016....suddenly there is massive voter fraud....which was documented on a yellow sticky along with a couple other conspiracy theories.

I can understand trump's apprehension, since he is going to be broke soon after leaving office; Melania is preparing divorce papers, and he may very well be indicted by both the Biden DOJ and the State of New York. So....he is fighting and making up ridiculous voter conspiracies. One message to The Don:


Currently, Biden only has 259 EVs. He hasn't won anything yet. With the legal challenges looming and massive fraud in many states, he may lose.

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