Zone1 They Say a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

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There is no reason to oppose any type of plan that makes it easier for people to vote. Your party opposed a modern voting rights act. and there is no excuse than can be accepted for that.

I'm making this about truth and I'm sick and tired of whites pretending that race is irrelevant when you are where you are only because of race. You downplaying race because you're a member of the demographic that gets the racial preferences is disgusting. If a woman talks to me about how she faces problems due to sexism, I'm not going to dismiss her grievance by saying she's making this all about sex. The fact is that today's republican party is the party of racism and you do not have to like that being said. Your party is full of fascists who would implement what you think communism is. That's what they tried on 1-6. And screw the slave owning racists who you guys credit for finding a land that was already populated.

Yes, your party would oppose the Civil Rights Act if it came up today. Ask Rand Paul. Everything I said was the truth and really, it is time you republicans stopped trying to give yourself credit for something that happened before you were born while telling us how you can't be held accountable for things that happened before you were born. Learn that your disingenuous bs is exactly that because if no one white today owned slaves that means today's white democrats had nothing to do with slavery either.
Voting is a duty. just like Jury Duty. Do you hear a movement to serve on Juries by mail or video? Duties are not supposed to be easy; they lose their meaning and importance when they are easy. Important things like serving on juries or voting are supposed to involve effort. The kind of person who wants to vote by mail because it's easy is hardly going to take the time to research the real positions of candidates or the issues they are voting on. Early voting has similar issues with events that could easily change the voter's stance that happen late in a campaign. With the two exceptions of physical disabilities and travelling, voting should be done on election day IN PERSON.
That you should stop your black "brutha's" in Africa from enslaving people....... NOW!.

It's odd, you never see photos or paintings of seamen's backs showing the scars of multiple floggings. From what I've read the scaring and damage was far worse than what that photo shows. Seamen were flogged with nine-tailed whips that often had knots at the end of each tail to do more damage. Eash "lash" caused nine wounds and a dozen lashes was considered a minimal sentence for violating the rules or orders of superiors. A dozen lashes would result in 108 wounds that would scar at least as badly as the wounds on that ex-slave's back. Cruel punishments weren't limited to black slaves in the eighteen hundreds
Voting is a duty. just like Jury Duty. Do you hear a movement to serve on Juries by mail or video? Duties are not supposed to be easy; they lose their meaning and importance when they are easy. Important things like serving on juries or voting are supposed to involve effort. The kind of person who wants to vote by mail because it's easy is hardly going to take the time to research the real positions of candidates or the issues they are voting on. Early voting has similar issues with events that could easily change the voter's stance that happen late in a campaign. With the two exceptions of physical disabilities and travelling, voting should be done on election day IN PERSON.
Absolutely. If “easiness” was the goal in voting, why not just ask people to call a phone number and announce who they want?

The goal should be a secure election, in which motivated and knowledgeable people are given an opportunity to vote. We have that WITHOUT mail ballots, with exceptions for elderly, disabled, and military.
Try telling me something I don't already know. So like I said, whites have not ever been mistreated and took it.

There are slaves today in Europe junior.

You claim to be native American, at last check, the white man still has your people on reservations. Your people live with the highest rate of poverty, highest suicide rates, highest use of alcohol, and are killed by police more than anyone else. Yet you sit behind a computer spewing the same crap as the whites who continue to misuse your people. You have no spine, you are a loser and like I said, you are a disgrace to your nation.
American Indians are NOT confined to reservations and haven't been since the turn of the twentieth century. In fact, I believe, most Indians DON'T live on the reservations.
American Indians are NOT confined to reservations and haven't been since the turn of the twentieth century. In fact, I believe, most Indians DON'T live on the reservations.
Correct. IM2’s anti-white bias has him believing his own nonsense. Not only aren’t American Indians “confined” to reservations, only 13%
live there at all.
It's odd, you never see photos or paintings of seamen's backs showing the scars of multiple floggings. From what I've read the scaring and damage was far worse than what that photo shows. Seamen were flogged with nine-tailed whips that often had knots at the end of each tail to do more damage. Eash "lash" caused nine wounds and a dozen lashes was considered a minimal sentence for violating the rules or orders of superiors. A dozen lashes would result in 108 wounds that would scar at least as badly as the wounds on that ex-slave's back. Cruel punishments weren't limited to black slaves in the eighteen hundreds

Yeah, that is true. But, we all know our resident black racists don't care about facts, or history.

They just want, but are too lazy to EARN.
This is one of those statements where they can be responsible today for what their grandparents and great grandparents did. But mention what they did relative to Jim Crow or The Trail of Tears and suddenly they were not alive then or can't be held responsible for what their ancestors did.
Nobody is responsible for what their ancestors did.
I won't be told about native americans by whites who have severe racial biases and sellouts who call themselves native American but spend all their lives repeating what whites tell them to think. I will listen only to Original nations members like Lakhota, BillyBoom and Hellbilly.
I won't be told about native americans by whites who have severe racial biases and sellouts who call themselves native American but spend all their lives repeating what whites tell them to think. I will listen only to Original nations members like Lakhota, BillyBoom and Hellbilly.
You’re so pathetic, little im.2.

You deny you’re a racist, but for your very life you have no fucking ability or clue on how to begin to hide it. It seeps out of your pores. Fuck; it pours out of your pores.


You may, inadvertently, be one of the funniest dumbass motherfuckers on the entire USMB.
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I won't be told about native americans by whites who have severe racial biases and sellouts who call themselves native American but spend all their lives repeating what whites tell them to think. I will listen only to Original nations members like Lakhota, BillyBoom and Hellbilly.

Good, I will ignore your ignorant lying racist self.
You’re so pathetic, little im.2.

You deny you’re a racist, but for your very life you have no fucking ability or clue on how to begin to hide it. It seeps out of your pores. Fuck; it pours out of your pores.


You may, inadvertently, be one of the funniest dumbass motherfuckers on the entire USMB.
Projection :sigh2:

Once more, John Belushi rolls over in his grave every time you post using his image as your avatar.
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Nobody has to cherrypick. Newsvine didn't imply anything, she posted a historically accurate picture. We state historically accurate comments, the statements made about whites is based on a continuing pattern of behavior of a subculture in the white community. The affinity to imply things about blacks by whites has always been the problem. Stop pretending things are exactly the same for blacks and whites in order to whine. That's disingenuous and trifling. So stop whining.
Try telling me something I don't already know. So like I said, whites have not ever been mistreated and took it.

There are slaves today in Europe junior.

You claim to be native American, at last check, the white man still has your people on reservations. Your people live with the highest rate of poverty, highest suicide rates, highest use of alcohol, and are killed by police more than anyone else. Yet you sit behind a computer spewing the same crap as the whites who continue to misuse your people. You have no spine, you are a loser and like I said, you are a disgrace to your nation.
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