They keep releasing gun criminals, they even release school shooters.....this is insane.

Speaking of mental illness

Poverty should not exist. 55 years of the Great Society. Racism is something that is intangible and tangible and the real rulers are the ones who accuse. Gun irresponsibility come from this. Drugs and Mental Illness are more solvable in a reduction way if real agendas are pushed.

Actually, the great society did work, in that like Social Security, it kept a lot of middle class families from dipping into poverty.

We spend far more on middle class entitlements than we do on poverty relief.

The rest is your typical crazy babble.
April 13, 2017
Donald Trump deflected questions Friday morning about his kindred spirit Vladimir Putin’s alleged policy of killing journalists and political opponents. On Thursday, the Russian president praised the GOP frontrunner as “brilliant” and “talented,” prompting Trump to respond that it was an “honor” to be complimented by someone so “respected” around the world.

Is that why Biden supported Nord Stream 2?
Because Putin kills journalists?
We don't have a gun problem in the U.S.

We have a problem with, in particular, the democrat party releasing violent gun offenders over and over again.

In this case, however, I can't say it was a democrat or democrats responsible......what it does show, is that we can't even keep school shooters in prison.......and then asshat, anti-gun extremists will blame normal people who own guns for self defense, sport, hunting and competition........while they keep releasing the actual, violent gun offenders...

This is Illinois, however, so the likelihood that the people releasing him were democrats is really good...

this guy brought a gun to school with the intent to commit murder......he fired at people and hit at least one student.....and they let him out of jail in a year.....


It was there, inside the large room, that McQueen and the resource officer saw the male student spraying gunfire.
A young man, she would learn that day, had brought a pistol to school intent on killing a girl and who knows how many others who he felt had wronged him. McQueen got word that someone might have a gun only moments before things went sideways.

The would-be mass murderer? Illinois let him out of juvenile prison less than a year later. Unbelievably, when the state wanted to return him to the community, locals objected and he has since been placed elsewhere.

Amber Guyger killed a man.... and was convicted of murder....

You think she should have gotten no time.

Amber Guyger killed a man.... and was convicted of murder....

You think she should have gotten no time.


What was the motive for her shooting the man in the apartment that was directly above her refuse to tell us what her motive for killing the man was.....

What was her motive? know, the primary reason for convicting people of murder...
Speaking of mental illness

Actually, the great society did work, in that like Social Security, it kept a lot of middle class families from dipping into poverty.

We spend far more on middle class entitlements than we do on poverty relief.

The rest is your typical crazy babble.

The Great Society created the generational poverty seen in Black families today........they were on their way to the middle and upper classes going into the 1960s and the Great Society destroyed the black family and doomed their children to poverty in democrat party controlled cities..

70 percent of black children are now born in families without fathers in the home....that causes poverty........
Uh, guy, we currently lock up 2 million people. Locking people up isn't the answer to crime. If anything, it makes it worse.

Most other industrialized countries lock up less than 100K people. China and Russia lock up less people than we do.

quite the contrary....

We have crime because of five factors.

1) Poverty
2) Racism
3) Drug Addiction
4) Mental Illness
5) Gun proliferation.

Other industrialized nations don't have our crime problems because they have social programs to deal with these issues, and they don't let average citizens own guns.

If I have a complaint with "liberals" is that they don't go far enough to solve these problems.

We don't have a racism problem.

We have crime because 70% of black children are raised in homes without fathers.......this creates generational poverty, but generational democrat voters...which is why the democrats will keep pushing broken homes....

Other countries? Are now reaching the same point we were at in the 1960s.....their criminals are becoming more and more violent, as their families have also been destroyed by their welfare states.......their "Teenagers," are knifing each other and will eventually move on to shooting each other....

World War 2 slowed down their family breakdown, and now they have caught up...

Read "Life at the Bottom." it explains the destruction of left wing policies on the British family...


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What was the motive for her shooting the man in the apartment that was directly above her refuse to tell us what her motive for killing the man was.....

What was her motive? know, the primary reason for convicting people of murder...
What was the motive for whomever you're mentioning in the OP? Please back it up with reliable sources....

The fact remains that if the murderer is don't necessarily think they should get any time.
What was the motive for whomever you're mentioning in the OP? Please back it up with reliable sources....

The fact remains that if the murderer is don't necessarily think they should get any time.

Wow.......using a false accusation of racism to deflect from your inability to answer the question....

Typical cowardly, lame left winger.....


"Duh...I can't answer the .....racism...."
Wow.......using a false accusation of racism to deflect from your inability to answer the question....

Typical cowardly, lame left winger.....


"Duh...I can't answer the .....racism...."
Interesting…you didn’t tell us the motive of the criminal in the OP
As your dear leader praises and falls in love with Jong un?

Former President Donald Trump remarked in 2018 that "Hitler did a lot of good things," according to a new book, leaving his chief of staff John Kelly reeling.
In 1990, Vanity Fair reported that Trump's now ex-wife Ivana Trump once told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband kept a book of Hitler's speeches, called "My New Order," near his bed.

April 13, 2017
Donald Trump deflected questions Friday morning about his kindred spirit Vladimir Putin’s alleged policy of killing journalists and political opponents. On Thursday, the Russian president praised the GOP frontrunner as “brilliant” and “talented,” prompting Trump to respond that it was an “honor” to be complimented by someone so “respected” around the world.

“He’s running his country and at least he’s a leader,” Trump said, leaving the hosts stunned.

“But again, he kills journalists that don’t agree with him,” Joe Scarborough pressed.

“I think our country does plenty of killing also, Joe,” Trump replied. “There’s a lot of stuff going on in the world right now, Joe. A lot of killing going on and a lot of stupidity and that’s the way it is.”
That deflection doesn't even qualify as "passable". 1.5/10 at best.
And Biden ended them.
Why does Biden love Putin?
Yeah, ONE month before the pipeline was completed.
Ignore the TWO YEARS of Trump's 'sanctions' were in place as well as all the construction that still took place, but it's ALL Biden's fault.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

03:17 AM - 19 Jun 2013
That deflection doesn't even qualify as "passable". 1.5/10 at best.
'Joey has the morals of Stalin and the ethics of Pol Pot. He WANTS and NEEDS violence. Joey CELEBRATES dead children. Joey MUST have a high body count to push his agenda'.

'Joey is the purest, darkest example of undiluted EVIL on this site. Joey is evil on the level of Blohkin'.

Sure Q NUT.
Biden loves to drink their blood after he kills them, too.

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