They Investigated Hunter for 5 years and Found Nothing, the Special Council will Fully Exonerate both Joe and Hunter.

I welcome the Special council as it will fully clear Joe and Hunter from this GOP Witch Hunt of lies.

Why don't you just call them and tell them what you know.

I am sure they'll be happy to drop the whole thing on your word.

You seem to "know" so much about what will happen.

You make a career of demonstrating your crystal ball on this forum.

I'll bet you are rich in the stock market.
They found absolutely nothing on Hunter at all (besides simple mis-demeanors).
US Attorney Weiss had authority to investigate anything he wanted relating to Hunter, and he found nothing .

This new "Special Council" designation does nothing and changes nothing with regard to the powers of US Attorney Weiss, the investigation, and the facts of the investigation. If Hunter was dirty, Weiss would have found it.

I welcome the Special council as it will fully clear Joe and Hunter from this GOP Witch Hunt of lies.

I have been predicting the Bidens will waltz away scot-free if the Dems don’t lose everything in 2024. The FBI, DOJ and IRS are corrupt at the top if not all the way through.

They found absolutely nothing on Hunter at all (besides simple mis-demeanors).
US Attorney Weiss had authority to investigate anything he wanted relating to Hunter, and he found nothing .

This new "Special Council" designation does nothing and changes nothing with regard to the powers of US Attorney Weiss, the investigation, and the facts of the investigation. If Hunter was dirty, Weiss would have found it.

I welcome the Special council as it will fully clear Joe and Hunter from this GOP Witch Hunt of lies.

Want to be a crooked politician? Be a Democrat and a far left one to boot. They get dimbulbs like you and the other crack head left wing loons kissing their backsides.

yeah, those same Republicans were crickets when Bill Barr weaponized the DOJ and used the DOJ as Trump's personal attorney.

None of those letters prove that Garland failed to keep politics out of the DOJ. Besides, it's one sided, let's see Garland's response.

You see, the logical fallacy is that to assume that the indictment of criminals has something to do with politics.

No, because the fact that Donald Trump is running for president doesn't ameliorate the following facts:

1, Instead of waiting the usual 6 months out from an election to declare his candacy, he did it 15 months, almost a year in advance of the norm. Why? Because he perceived it would help shield himself from prosecution. But....

2. It didn't, it forced Garland to assign a Special Counsel to investigate him. That was done to create a wall between the presidency and the DOJ, yet Repubs give no credit to Garland for doing it.

3. If Trump had waited until 6 months, like it is normally done, the investigation would be long in playi before he would have declared his candidacy. That being said, the investigation did, in fact, begin before he declared his candidacy.

4. Indicting a politician does not equal politics. Garland indicted Trump for violating the law. The fact Trump is a candidate and now a politician is an incidental fact.

5. As for politics, the charge falls flat given that Biden's DOJ, headed by Garland, is also investigating the President in the Documents case, his son for 5 years (for who knows what), and other democrats, as well, including Bob menendez, not to mention the DOJ defended Trump twice, in a civil court.
I have been predicting the Bidens will waltz away scot-free if the Dems don’t lose everything in 2024. The FBI, DOJ and IRS are corrupt at the top if not all the way through.

If you accuse, you must prove, and that, you have failed to do,
They found absolutely nothing on Hunter at all (besides simple mis-demeanors).
US Attorney Weiss had authority to investigate anything he wanted relating to Hunter, and he found nothing .

This new "Special Council" designation does nothing and changes nothing with regard to the powers of US Attorney Weiss, the investigation, and the facts of the investigation. If Hunter was dirty, Weiss would have found it.

I welcome the Special council as it will fully clear Joe and Hunter from this GOP Witch Hunt of lies.

Hunters "punishment" plea deal unheard of.....that's why the smart judge threw it out! Ask your law friends if Hunters plea deal is "normal"....
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I love how folks are now arguing basically that yes Republicans wanted Weiss to be the Special Counsel for Hunter until he arranged a plea deal they didn’t like so now he can’t be Special Counsel. You can only be Special Counsel, it seems, if you give them their desired outcome.
That isn't what Republicans wanted, dumbass.
yeah, those same Republicans were crickets when Bill Barr weaponized the DOJ and used the DOJ as Trump's personal attorney.

None of those letters prove that Garland failed to keep politics out of the DOJ. Besides, it's one sided, let's see Garland's response.

You see, the logical fallacy is that to assume that the indictment of criminals has something to do with politics.

No, because the fact that Donald Trump is running for president doesn't ameliorate the following facts:

1, Instead of waiting the usual 6 months out from an election to declare his candacy, he did it 15 months, almost a year in advance of the norm. Why? Because he perceived it would help shield himself from prosecution. But....

2. It didn't, it forced Garland to assign a Special Counsel to investigate him. That was done to create a wall between the presidency and the DOJ, yet Repubs give no credit to Garland for doing it.

3. If Trump had waited until 6 months, like it is normally done, the investigation would be long in playi before he would have declared his candidacy. That being said, the investigation did, in fact, begin before he declared his candidacy.

4. Indicting a politician does not equal politics. Garland indicted Trump for violating the law. The fact Trump is a candidate and now a politician is an incidental fact.

5. As for politics, the charge falls flat given that Biden's DOJ, headed by Garland, is also investigating the President in the Documents case, his son for 5 years (for who knows what), and other democrats, as well, including Bob menendez, not to mention the DOJ defended Trump twice, in a civil court.
You really are uninformed, or a hack of the highest order.

Literally nothing you posted has any relationship to reality. Nothing.
they have found a lot, and Trump is set to go to jail, the only reason he was not impeached is because the of partisan politics, but the evidence against Trump is overwhelming and now he will face a jury that will convict him, vs a bunch of partisan hack politicians that support his crimes and corruption
They found nothing, wanker. There is no evidence against Trump.
If you accuse, you must prove, and that, you have failed to do,
I have no powers to investigate but I can observe. My observations are that the nation I love is turning into a banana republic.

They found absolutely nothing on Hunter at all (besides simple mis-demeanors).
US Attorney Weiss had authority to investigate anything he wanted relating to Hunter, and he found nothing .

This new "Special Council" designation does nothing and changes nothing with regard to the powers of US Attorney Weiss, the investigation, and the facts of the investigation. If Hunter was dirty, Weiss would have found it.

I welcome the Special council as it will fully clear Joe and Hunter from this GOP Witch Hunt of lies.

You arent going to get anything from the special prosecutor. All of the evidence that sinks the Bidens will come from James Comer.
What you mean is that they stalled prosecution of Hunter for 5 years and then arranged a sweetheart plea deal where Hunter got off with no prison time.

Weis was appointed to continue the cover up. I'm sure you do welcome the special council, as every scumbag in this country does.

They Investigated Hunter for 5 years and Found Nothing​

Really, idiot? Where was that finding ever published? :link: For five years, the DOJ and FBI have HID and SUPPRESSED Biden evidence, first claiming the laptop was just a russian propaganda hoax even as they sat on holding it. And this 'Special Counsel' chosen now to further obstruct the GOP protecting the Bidens is both criminal and illegal. What the GOP want and need to get to the bottom of the treasonous Biden crime family is an INDEPENDENT counsel, but at this point, I'm beginning to wonder if the idiots in the GOP know how to even tie their own shoes. 👞

Thanks for providing the signature exemplars! It proves what I've long suspected about Mitch McConnell---- the man is suffering mental deterioration, worry, fatalism, repression, caution and depression and should be seeking psychiatric counseling. The man has given up, is a lost cause, and has no business holding any important position in the senate.
I have no powers to investigate but I can observe. My observations are that the nation I love is turning into a banana republic.

Ahh, Alan 'I wore my underpants' Dershowitz. Well, ever since he declared:

"If a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment."

He has been in the legal doghouse,
The quote was widely criticized by legal scholars and commentators from across the political spectrum, who saw it as an overly broad interpretation of executive power that could potentially provide a legal justification for a wide range of misconduct. Critics contended that this line of reasoning could undermine the system of checks and balances by rendering the president immune to impeachment for virtually any action taken with the rationale of self-interest tied to perceived public interest.

AS for Turley, the man who is the self appointed man of the moderate viewpoint, whose criticism of liberals is often and criticism of deserved criticism of conservatives is scant and thus borders on sycophancy, Turley is worthy of criticism, himself: To Wit:

I'll pass on both of them.
Ahh, Alan 'I wore my underpants' Dershowitz. Well, ever since he declared:

"If a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment."

He has been in the legal doghouse,
The quote was widely criticized by legal scholars and commentators from across the political spectrum, who saw it as an overly broad interpretation of executive power that could potentially provide a legal justification for a wide range of misconduct. Critics contended that this line of reasoning could undermine the system of checks and balances by rendering the president immune to impeachment for virtually any action taken with the rationale of self-interest tied to perceived public interest.

AS for Turley, the man who is the self appointed man of the moderate viewpoint, whose criticism of liberals is often and criticism of deserved criticism of conservatives is scant and thus borders on sycophancy, Turley is worthy of criticism, himself: To Wit:

I'll pass on both of them.

Of course you will. You are an intellectually dishonest political where.

You are dismissed.
Thanks for providing the signature exemplars! It proves what I've long suspected about Mitch McConnell---- the man is suffering mental deterioration, worry, fatalism, repression, caution and depression and should be seeking psychiatric counseling. The man has given up, is a lost cause, and has no business holding any important position in the senate.

Ole mitch has no business being in the Senate, period.

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