They Investigated Hunter for 5 years and Found Nothing, the Special Council will Fully Exonerate both Joe and Hunter.

Ole mitch has no business being in the Senate, period.

He did some good things while Trump was in, then tucked tail and turned on Trump vacillating at best the minute it took loyalty and backbone and personal risk to stand beside his president. McConnell put his own career and safety ahead of the nation even knowing that the result of it all would be putting a person like Biden in the WH.
You really are uninformed, or a hack of the highest order.

Literally nothing you posted has any relationship to reality. Nothing.

Incompetent rebuttal.

Comments which do not rise above 'you're wrong" without elaboration or substantiation are not arguments or counter arguments.

But, to put it more bluntly; you talk shit but you don't prove shit.
Incompetent rebuttal.

Comments which do not rise above 'you're wrong" without elaboration or substantiation are not arguments or counter arguments.

But, to put it more bluntly; you talk shit but you don't prove shit.

Incompetent OP deserves nothing. Neither do you.
He did some good things while Trump was in, then tucked tail and turned on Trump vacillating at best the minute it took loyalty and backbone and personal risk to stand beside his president. McConnell put his own career and safety ahead of the nation even knowing that the result of it all would be putting a person like Biden in the WH.

That's because mitch is first, and foremost, political class.
Ahh, Alan 'I wore my underpants' Dershowitz. Well, ever since he declared:

"If a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment."

He has been in the legal doghouse,
The quote was widely criticized by legal scholars and commentators from across the political spectrum, who saw it as an overly broad interpretation of executive power that could potentially provide a legal justification for a wide range of misconduct. Critics contended that this line of reasoning could undermine the system of checks and balances by rendering athe president immune to impeachment for virtually any action taken with the rationale of self-interest tied to perceived public interest.

AS for Turley, the man who is the self appointed man of the moderate viewpoint, whose criticism of liberals is often and criticism of deserved criticism of conservatives is scant and thus borders on sycophancy, Turley is worthy of criticism, himself: To Wit:

I'll pass on both of them.
Perhaps Dershowitz and Turkey have a desire to protect our Constitution from democrats who want to use it and especially its Bill of Rights as toilet paper. After all the dems want to live in a Marxist socialist workers paradise. That obsolete form of government proven time and time again to be a failure doesn’t like freedom one bit.
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They found absolutely nothing on Hunter at all (besides simple mis-demeanors).
US Attorney Weiss had authority to investigate anything he wanted relating to Hunter, and he found nothing .

This new "Special Council" designation does nothing and changes nothing with regard to the powers of US Attorney Weiss, the investigation, and the facts of the investigation. If Hunter was dirty, Weiss would have found it.

I welcome the Special council as it will fully clear Joe and Hunter from this GOP Witch Hunt of lies.

If they found nothing why was he willing to plea guilty to crimes?
They found absolutely nothing on Hunter at all (besides simple mis-demeanors).
US Attorney Weiss had authority to investigate anything he wanted relating to Hunter, and he found nothing .

This new "Special Council" designation does nothing and changes nothing with regard to the powers of US Attorney Weiss, the investigation, and the facts of the investigation. If Hunter was dirty, Weiss would have found it.

I welcome the Special council as it will fully clear Joe and Hunter from this GOP Witch Hunt of lies.

Now now, let's not get into defending sleazeballs like Hunter who get by in life on their daddy's good name.

If he did the crime, let him have his day in court and do his time.

I also don't understand how special council can clear Joe. He is not being investigated by him.
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Just like the rest of you, am only hearing opinions based on what political party you prefer.
Really we have very little proven information in either direction.
With the exception of, we all know Hunter has some bad problems with behavior & drugs.
Stop lying,it’s well documented Joe Biden’s bribes he has taken all the way back to his days as senator and very credible whistleblowers have come forward on his call girls on the laptop.opinion my ass.:no_text11: Try documented facts.

It’s all documented the Biden’s pay offs he has received from China.we git whistleblowers this troll ignores so stop this opinion bullshit.

The only thing that’s not proven is the lies cooked up by the corrupt and evil fbi and injustice department on trump.

Oh and I am not a tepublican,everybody thst knows me knows I have always said both parties are corrupt and one and the same and that kennedy is my favorite president ever.

Unlike you,banker,and rumpass,everybody else goes by facts,you three stooges are the only ones thst have is NOT an opinion that bankers hero obama lied to the American people on reversing bush’s policys and expanded them,a FACT this trollboy ignores and it is not opinion thst Biden has ties to communist China it is fact,that’s why everybody laughs at the banker even people on his own side.

The only one that has opinions on this thread is paid shill the wanker and ther other paid shill rumpass.
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That’s the world the wanker and rumpass live in.
Ahh, Alan 'I wore my underpants' Dershowitz. Well, ever since he declared:

"If a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment."

He has been in the legal doghouse,
The quote was widely criticized by legal scholars and commentators from across the political spectrum, who saw it as an overly broad interpretation of executive power that could potentially provide a legal justification for a wide range of misconduct. Critics contended that this line of reasoning could undermine the system of checks and balances by rendering the president immune to impeachment for virtually any action taken with the rationale of self-interest tied to perceived public interest.

AS for Turley, the man who is the self appointed man of the moderate viewpoint, whose criticism of liberals is often and criticism of deserved criticism of conservatives is scant and thus borders on sycophancy, Turley is worthy of criticism, himself: To Wit:

I'll pass on both of them.
Perhaps the Democratic Party and its recent actions show both Dershowitz and Turley that it is not really interested in preserving the rights and liberties granted by our Constitution and the Bill of Rights to citizens.

Perhaps they have enough integrity and honesty to voice their opinion on why the Democratic Party which does seem to want to make our nation a banana republic is wrong. In passing I heard Dershowitz state that while he will defend Trumps he will not vote for him in 2024.

I admire such men. They have more interest in preserving our nation than advancing the goals of just one Party. If this nation is to survive with any resemblance of what it was imagined to be, we need more men like Dershowitz and Turley and fewer like Joe Biden who sold his influence to buy mansions and gain wealth.

If Biden gets away with it and I predict he will, my grandchildren will live in a nation much more like the Soviet Union then the USA that I grew up in. A nation that has nothing worth fighting for as it is a one party dictatorship ruled by the corruption and greed of its political leaders.
Perhaps the Democratic Party and its recent actions show both Dershowitz and Turley that it is not really interested in preserving the rights and liberties granted by our Constitution and the Bill of Rights to citizens.

Perhaps they have enough integrity and honesty to voice their opinion on why the Democratic Party which does seem to want to make our nation a banana republic is wrong. In passing I heard Dershowitz state that while he will defend Trumps he will not vote for him in 2024.

I admire such men. They have more interest in preserving our nation than advancing the goals of just one Party. If this nation is to survive with any resemblance of what it was imagined to be, we need more men like Dershowitz and Turley and fewer like Joe Biden who sold his influence to buy mansions and gain wealth.

If Biden gets away with it and I predict he will, my grandchildren will live in a nation much more like the Soviet Union then the USA that I grew up in. A nation that has nothing worth fighting for as it is a one party dictatorship ruled by the corruption and greed of its political leaders.
:thup: Rumpass totally got owned.
Historians will look back at our times and say the reason the United States fell was the lack of a responsible free press. The main stream media decided to back the Democratic Party and coverup for the malfeasance of its highest level politicians.

They found absolutely nothing on Hunter at all (besides simple mis-demeanors).
US Attorney Weiss had authority to investigate anything he wanted relating to Hunter, and he found nothing .

This new "Special Council" designation does nothing and changes nothing with regard to the powers of US Attorney Weiss, the investigation, and the facts of the investigation. If Hunter was dirty, Weiss would have found it.

I welcome the Special council as it will fully clear Joe and Hunter from this GOP Witch Hunt of lies.

This is a good piece of rational thinking:

“If we start going down these paths that really bear no fruit — we are not going to get an impeachment through the Senate,” Buck said.

“The reality is that the impeachment process is one that is going on right now. The Judiciary Committee, the Oversight Committee, the Ways and Means Committee are all investigating. They're developing really good information about Hunter Biden,” Buck added, noting that “there is not a strong connection at this point between the evidence on Hunter Biden and any evidence connecting the president.”

There’s a “perfect storm” brewing in the House in the coming weeks, and it could pose a threat to Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s speakership, Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) said Sunday.

“On the one hand, we've got to pass a continuing resolution," Buck said during an interview on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki.” "We also have the impeachment issue. And we also have members of the House, led by my good friend, Chip Roy, who are concerned about policy issues. They want riders in the appropriations bills, amendments in the appropriations bills that guarantee some type of security on our Southern border.

“So you take those things put together, and Kevin McCarthy, the speaker, has made promises on each of those issues to different groups. And now it is all coming due at the same time,” Buck said.
The days of the GOP walking Goosestep, inline with the day's talking points may be over. They lately been eating their own.

Then we have:

House Republicans’ newly announced impeachment inquiry into President Biden compares unfavorably with Donald Trump’s impeachments in many ways.

An op-ed by Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) published by The Washington Post on Friday spotlighted one of the most significant: the intraparty pushback.

Buck, the member of the hard-right House Freedom Caucus who has emerged as an unlikely critic of the GOP’s “weaponization” and impeachment efforts, was unsparing. Rather than merely saying the inquiry was premature or counterproductive, he argued it was effectively based on a myth.

Central to the GOP’s impeachment effort is the idea that then-Vice President Biden’s push to oust Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2015 was corrupt. To hear members of Buck’s party and conservative media tell it, that’s because Shokin was looking into Burisma, the Ukrainian company whose board included Hunter Biden.


Ken Buck, a Republican, represents Colorado’s 4th Congressional District in the House.
The House is back in session, and Americans are getting an up-close look at Washington’s dysfunction. We are barreling toward a government shutdown without making progress on cutting our out-of-control spending. Yet Republican leadership has decided to divert attention to an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

The GOP’s charge against Biden is that he personally benefited from his son’s deplorable business exploits around the globe. Without doubt, Hunter Biden’s shady business deals undermined America’s image and our anti-corruption goals, and his conduct was thoroughly reprehensible. What’s missing, despite years of investigation, is the smoking gun that connects Joe Biden to his ne’er-do-well son’s corruption.

Still a fake thread title but that is what is sought at Unfounded Statements Moron Broadcasts
Still a fake thread title but that is what is sought at Unfounded Statements Moron Broadcasts
Can you admit Trump lost the election and is lying about election fraud that never happened??

I doubt you can admit it.

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