They Aren’t ‘Migrants,’ They Are Illegal Aliens


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
While the pandemic, and a president who actually gave a damn about the American people, would have every person caught sneaking into the country on a plane back to wherever they came from so quickly they’d barely have the chance to exhale on an American, let alone infect untold numbers of unsuspecting people, that is not what Joe Biden and Democrats want. Mandating masks back on, the rights of Americans curtailed, our lives threatened, but the flow of illegals rolls on, unabated.
So confused. Is this just all troll? You present yourself with a picture of the guy whose own employer/promoter says in court pleadings no serious person could believe was doing actual facts instead of "entertainment". So are you trying to be serious or just spewing partisan made-up crap, and when others point out that it is lies you'll just defend yourself as a reality-free entertainer?

And then you celebrate the POTUS who denied the pandemic, said it would go to zero, rejected all science, said it would clear up by the beautiful day of Easter 2020, suggested injecting bleach, and otherwise got it wrong on every single uninformed bloviating lazy guess he made, was somehow caring about the American people? The inheriting rich guy who never served, hid behind bone spurs to avoid putting himself on the line, cheated on every tax return to avoid contributing anything to the country, betrayed every principle ever to serve his insatiable insecure ego ... that's your patriotic hero?
While the pandemic, and a president who actually gave a damn about the American people, would have every person caught sneaking into the country on a plane back to wherever they came from so quickly they’d barely have the chance to exhale on an American, let alone infect untold numbers of unsuspecting people, that is not what Joe Biden and Democrats want. Mandating masks back on, the rights of Americans curtailed, our lives threatened, but the flow of illegals rolls on, unabated.
Officially you are incorrect immigrants are classified as documented or undocumented both are legal in this country. The term illegal immigrant was coined by anti-immigration people.
Officially you are incorrect immigrants are classified as documented or undocumented both are legal in this country. The term illegal immigrant was coined by anti-immigration people.
It may be popular, but it's meaningless.
Officially you are incorrect immigrants are classified as documented or undocumented both are legal in this country. The term illegal immigrant was coined by anti-immigration people.

Hey aren't you all over the board lecturing us about how bad Covid is? So what do you think about all these illegals taking up entire hotels with their Covid diseases? You know about that right?
ummmmmm did not refute the point......Biden is ENABLING ILLEGALS to break the law and screw up America..while Mr Trump was trying to stop the ILlegals
Officially you are incorrect immigrants are classified as documented or undocumented both are legal in this country. The term illegal immigrant was coined by anti-immigration people. are a new babble crapper = bullshit you HAVE to be documented or else it's ILLEGAL
While the pandemic, and a president who actually gave a damn about the American people, would have every person caught sneaking into the country on a plane back to wherever they came from so quickly they’d barely have the chance to exhale on an American, let alone infect untold numbers of unsuspecting people, that is not what Joe Biden and Democrats want. Mandating masks back on, the rights of Americans curtailed, our lives threatened, but the flow of illegals rolls on, unabated.
You reside nowhere near Sanity Land. Masks prevent COVID spread. Are you vaccinated, boy? Why not? Are you a sick sociopath who wishes to infect children and others with that deadly Delta variant, and think you're acting for your own "freedom"? Wrong. You're just a selfish immature brat with an attitude problem. Your treasonous attitude needs correction, little boy.
Hey aren't you all over the board lecturing us about how bad Covid is? So what do you think about all these illegals taking up entire hotels with their Covid diseases? You know about that right?
"Illegals" is incorrect. The word is not a noun. And used for people, it is insulting and racist, which of course is why you love the term, right, Ugly AmeriKKKan? are a new babble crapper = bullshit you HAVE to be documented or else it's ILLEGAL
As crimes go, illegal entry is a trivial one. Why do people get so upset over it? RACISM, pure and simple. White-right racist lowlife, confused Ugly-AmeriKKKan bigoted devils hate helping brown refugees, it threatens their whiteness. How pathetic.
If you don't go through the immigration process you are in this country illegally. The US does have immigration laws.
USA policies did largely contribute to wrecking those Central American countries, so to deny assistance to the refugees only makes people in this country like like evil schmucks, you know, in imitation of their racist Orange Führer.
So confused. Is this just all troll? You present yourself with a picture of the guy whose own employer/promoter says in court pleadings no serious person could believe was doing actual facts instead of "entertainment". So are you trying to be serious or just spewing partisan made-up crap, and when others point out that it is lies you'll just defend yourself as a reality-free entertainer?

And then you celebrate the POTUS who denied the pandemic, said it would go to zero, rejected all science, said it would clear up by the beautiful day of Easter 2020, suggested injecting bleach, and otherwise got it wrong on every single uninformed bloviating lazy guess he made, was somehow caring about the American people? The inheriting rich guy who never served, hid behind bone spurs to avoid putting himself on the line, cheated on every tax return to avoid contributing anything to the country, betrayed every principle ever to serve his insatiable insecure ego ... that's your patriotic hero?
i'm like Stephen Colbert on the Colbert Report...just playing a character to entertain
Officially you are incorrect immigrants are classified as documented or undocumented both are legal in this country. The term illegal immigrant was coined by anti-immigration people.
Undocumented people are not legal to stay in this country and those like you need to learn that.

Those crossing over the board no matter how they do it are here illegally and should be deported back to their country of origin and told to apply the correct way for entry into this country!

Also why is it you are for undocumented people to illegally breech our border and be allowed to be abused by the Cartels?
USA policies did largely contribute to wrecking those Central American countries, so to deny assistance to the refugees only makes people in this country like like evil schmucks, you know, in imitation of their racist Orange Führer.

They are not refugees any longer and if you want Central America to stop being a shit hole then maybe you should tell your beloved China and Russia to stop funding those gangs down there that are killing those people!
If you don't go through the immigration process you are in this country illegally. The US does have immigration laws.

You mean Customs and Immigration. People come in all the time on a variety of visas for tourists, students, green card holders.
Undocumented people are not legal to stay in this country and those like you need to learn that.

Those crossing over the board no matter how they do it are here illegally and should be deported back to their country of origin and told to apply the correct way for entry into this country!

Also why is it you are for undocumented people to illegally breech our border and be allowed to be abused by the Cartels?

Every road between Mexico and the US has checkpoints and border patrol.
So confused. Is this just all troll? You present yourself with a picture of the guy whose own employer/promoter says in court pleadings no serious person could believe was doing actual facts instead of "entertainment". So are you trying to be serious or just spewing partisan made-up crap, and when others point out that it is lies you'll just defend yourself as a reality-free entertainer?

And then you celebrate the POTUS who denied the pandemic, said it would go to zero, rejected all science, said it would clear up by the beautiful day of Easter 2020, suggested injecting bleach, and otherwise got it wrong on every single uninformed bloviating lazy guess he made, was somehow caring about the American people? The inheriting rich guy who never served, hid behind bone spurs to avoid putting himself on the line, cheated on every tax return to avoid contributing anything to the country, betrayed every principle ever to serve his insatiable insecure ego ... that's your patriotic hero?
lets get this support the pedophile xiden?...thats your hero....sick, pathetic....
xiden belongs to china and russia--you are delusional.....obviously, if the now pedophile in the white house, xiden, gave 2 shits about AMERICANS, the illegals with the chinese flu, without the death jabs would not be shipped across AMERICA to spread the chinese flu....
i suggest you get your head examined, and work on finding a brain that works
You mean Customs and Immigration. People come in all the time on a variety of visas for tourists, students, green card holders.
The people Biden is letting in, processing and then releasing are in essence illegals. They don't fill out visa applications and attach a check or money order and mail it to the correct address. They are released and 99.9% will never show up for a court date and the court system is so backlogged that it is basically worthless.

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