30 Percent of illegals are refusing the vaccine. Biden says "LET THEM IN".


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Proof positive that the homeland is under attack and being orchestrated by Biden and the Democrats. They welcome and encourage them to come on in, and then when the illegals refuse the vaccine NO PROBLEM GET ON THE BUS!! :omg:

So they are apparently running from fear of persecution but aren't willing to take a free vaccine as they enter illegally?

How many Americans will die due to this illegal activity?
How many Americans will die due to this illegal activity?
ALL DAY LONG it's lecture lecture lecture about vaccinations.
In Biden's speech today, he said the vaccines are about LIFE AND DEATH. Ok dipshit, so if that's true why are you authorizing unvaccinated illegals to enter the country? The original Covid Pandemic started with a few thousand Chinese travelers.
Somebody should tell the Cretin in Thief ....to close the border.

Illegals should NOT be let in just like that.

There are proper channels to enter this country. Legal channels.
Proof positive that the homeland is under attack and being orchestrated by Biden and the Democrats. They welcome and encourage them to come on in, and then when the illegals refuse the vaccine NO PROBLEM GET ON THE BUS!! :omg:

The New York Post is also owned by international pariah super scumbag Rupert Murdock along with Fox News, the Wall Street journal the Sunday times and Australia sky news. In other words your echo chamber, brainwashed functional moron.
Proof positive that the homeland is under attack and being orchestrated by Biden and the Democrats. They welcome and encourage them to come on in, and then when the illegals refuse the vaccine NO PROBLEM GET ON THE BUS!! :omg:

Are you suggesting that that should be required to have the vaccine?
Where is Mac1958 ?

he is all in on other threads ranting about Americans who dont take the shot

Yet here is the guy he voted for purposely spreading the chinese disease around America through the illegal aliens and mac1958 doesnt say a word
First time in my life under Trump and Biden that I am ashamed to be an American. Thanks to them we HAVE become another "shit hole country". Biden's immigration policy is an American tragedy we will never recover from. Biden has done more harm to Americans already than Trump did in 4 years.
Daily headlines like this. ..
Biden resumes fast-track deportation flights for migrant families, but many are unable to travel after positive covid tests...
.Border Patrol Is Releasing Undocumented Migrants Infected With Coronavirus...
Deporting illegal aliens and their children would force them to make a better place for themselves in their homeland and stop illegal immigration that is destroying Americans and the economy.
FUCK YOU BIDEN AND ALL YOUR SUPPORTERS. I will never cast a vote again. NOT to mention my people living with no running water and electricity and inadequate education and medical care. The Native American. DAMN YOU TO HELL>
ACLU is unamerican.
The Biden administration on Monday renewed a public health order that allows U.S. border agents to quickly expel migrants arriving at the border as the ACLU is resuming a legal challenge against its continued use.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued an updated order that maintains there is a public health justification, given the ongoing pandemic, for the Biden administration to continue kicking out migrants without allowing them to seek asylum. The order can remain in effect indefinitely.
...this is one of the most stupid policies ever by a POTUS...Biden is an idiot puppet
Proof positive that the homeland is under attack and being orchestrated by Biden and the Democrats. They welcome and encourage them to come on in, and then when the illegals refuse the vaccine NO PROBLEM GET ON THE BUS!! :omg:

That's how you know it was never about the virus.

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