There's Only One Terrifying Reason for a Woke Indoctrinated Military and This Is It


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
This has nothing whatsoever to do with the Military but everything to do with today's politics.

It's real, people. Read it and see how much of it resonates.

"America was founded on racism" and "parents need to stay out of their kids' education and shouldn't have a say in what they learn," are the kinds of things you'd expect to read on the pages of Pravda, back during the bad old days of the Cold War when the Communists were running Russia.

I have some news for you. Pravda is now part of the U.S. military's training manuals and the Communists are running Washington.

This exposé is courtesy of the invaluable Chaya Raichik, aka Libs of TikTok.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with the Military but everything to do with today's politics.

It's real, people. Read it and see how much of it resonates.

"America was founded on racism" and "parents need to stay out of their kids' education and shouldn't have a say in what they learn," are the kinds of things you'd expect to read on the pages of Pravda, back during the bad old days of the Cold War when the Communists were running Russia.

I have some news for you. Pravda is now part of the U.S. military's training manuals and the Communists are running Washington.

This exposé is courtesy of the invaluable Chaya Raichik, aka Libs of TikTok.

Yes, the demofascists are building a military designed to murder the civilian population.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with the Military but everything to do with today's politics.

It's real, people. Read it and see how much of it resonates.

"America was founded on racism" and "parents need to stay out of their kids' education and shouldn't have a say in what they learn," are the kinds of things you'd expect to read on the pages of Pravda, back during the bad old days of the Cold War when the Communists were running Russia.

I have some news for you. Pravda is now part of the U.S. military's training manuals and the Communists are running Washington.

This exposé is courtesy of the invaluable Chaya Raichik, aka Libs of TikTok.

Democrats are saying that the worst threat to the Republic are White Christian Nationalists.

They obviously are getting ready to fight them.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with the Military but everything to do with today's politics.

It's real, people. Read it and see how much of it resonates.

"America was founded on racism" and "parents need to stay out of their kids' education and shouldn't have a say in what they learn," are the kinds of things you'd expect to read on the pages of Pravda, back during the bad old days of the Cold War when the Communists were running Russia.

I have some news for you. Pravda is now part of the U.S. military's training manuals and the Communists are running Washington.

This exposé is courtesy of the invaluable Chaya Raichik, aka Libs of TikTok.

I'm not sure what you are babbling about.

I got racial sensitivity training when I was in the Army at Fort Sill, OK in 1981.

So this... really isn't anything new.

Enjoy Moms 4 Liberty’s really uncomfortable "60 Minutes" appearance​


Megyn Kelly Slams "60 Minutes" For "Moms For Liberty" Hit Job Over Indoctrination of Kids in Schools​

They are wrapping up Critical Race Theory, and Queer Theory into one educational agenda at the local level. It is all part of post modern philosophy.

This philosophy is EXCELLENT for demoralizing and destroying the social bonds of a culture and a nation, if you want to dissolve it from the inside.

". . . Postmodern philosophy questions the importance of power relationships, personalization, and discourse in the "construction" of truth and world views. Many postmodernists appear to deny that an objective reality exists, and appear to deny that there are objective moral values.[1]. . . "



Main article: Criticism of postmodernism

A common criticism of postmodernism is that it lacks coherence and is hostile to notions such as truth, logic, and objectivity. Specifically, it is held that postmodernism can be meaningless, promotes obscurantism and uses relativism (in culture, morality, knowledge) excessively.[citation needed]. . ."

You can find an entry for nearly every common piece of knowledge in the Wikipedia. . . but now ask yourselves. . . .

Why no wiki stub for Ordo Ab Chao? 🤔
I was in Basic with folks from South Carolina ... maybe a few more whities but none of them had ever been "integrated" ... never dealt with the other race until we all shared one big bedroom ... and we had six weeks to be a fighting unit ready for the killing fields ...

Some things are more important than politics ... some things are worth dying for ...
This has nothing whatsoever to do with the Military but everything to do with today's politics.

It's real, people. Read it and see how much of it resonates.

"America was founded on racism" and "parents need to stay out of their kids' education and shouldn't have a say in what they learn," are the kinds of things you'd expect to read on the pages of Pravda, back during the bad old days of the Cold War when the Communists were running Russia.

I have some news for you. Pravda is now part of the U.S. military's training manuals and the Communists are running Washington.

This exposé is courtesy of the invaluable Chaya Raichik, aka Libs of TikTok.

I heard the other day we are re-organizing our military due to lack of new recruits. Gee, I wonder why they would have a hard time recruiting people to fight with trannies and queers?
This is why you can't allow scum of the Earth into ANYTHING. We need Academia and they have all but destroyed it. We need a Free Media and they have co-opted that to the point it is no longer trusted -- At all by -- Anybody.

Look what they've done to our electoral apparatus. Nobody trusts it. I sure as Hell don't.

Look what they've done our Great Cities.... Destoyed, Human Feces, CHAZ Zones, Crime, Homelessness..... Disgusting. Even shit like this --

California Demolished Dam to Save Salmon, Killed the Salmon Instead

Hundreds of thousands of young salmon are believed to have died this week at the site of a historic dam removal project on the Klamath River, after an effort to restore salmon runs on the newly unconstrained river went awry, the Chronicle has learned.

The dead chinook salmon were among the first hatchery fish released on the Klamath since four hydroelectric dams were breached near the California-Oregon border, to allow the river to flow freely again and ultimately help fish flourish.

The EPA. We need an EPA but dimocrap FILTH got into it, infiltrated it and tuned it into College Frat Boy Chruch of Gaia. It's ridiculous.


We give them the tiniest, most mundane of tasks and they fuck it up. They can't even make a gas can that doesn't leak all over the place.

And now..... Now they have control of our Country's Military? It ain't funny no more. dimocrap scum really need to be destroyed. They are completely and totally useless.
What? A little deprogramming never hurt anyone.
"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.[1]"


Thanks for proving to the forum you hate the Constitution and aren't even an American anymore. . . :rolleyes:
If they do that enough a portion of the military will grow disdain for Americans. As other personnel begin to phase out and retire the younger ones begin to grow in rank as more just starting out also become trained to dislike American citizens.

After a while you end up with a military that is compromised of a pretty percent that have animosity towards America and Americans.

If you want to destroy a structure but you can't just knock it down or blow it up, then you begin to errode away at its foundation and super structure. Eventually it will collapse on its own.

Dyed in the wool real Americans can't be just be gotten rid of at once. But it's plainly obvious they are being crowded out and diluted. That's why so many schools teach kids to hate America, why were importing 10s of millions of illegals that have no love for America, why politicians keep trying to weaken our nation with laws, and so on. It's a long game to ruin our nation at every level.

Enjoy Moms 4 Liberty’s really uncomfortable "60 Minutes" appearance​

View attachment 912707

Megyn Kelly Slams "60 Minutes" For "Moms For Liberty" Hit Job Over Indoctrination of Kids in Schools​

They are wrapping up Critical Race Theory, and Queer Theory into one educational agenda at the local level. It is all part of post modern philosophy.

This philosophy is EXCELLENT for demoralizing and destroying the social bonds of a culture and a nation, if you want to dissolve it from the inside.

". . . Postmodern philosophy questions the importance of power relationships, personalization, and discourse in the "construction" of truth and world views. Many postmodernists appear to deny that an objective reality exists, and appear to deny that there are objective moral values.[1]. . . "



Main article: Criticism of postmodernism

A common criticism of postmodernism is that it lacks coherence and is hostile to notions such as truth, logic, and objectivity. Specifically, it is held that postmodernism can be meaningless, promotes obscurantism and uses relativism (in culture, morality, knowledge) excessively.[citation needed]. . ."

You can find an entry for nearly every common piece of knowledge in the Wikipedia. . . but now ask yourselves. . . .

Why no wiki stub for Ordo Ab Chao? 🤔

Marxists gonna Marx.

Again, diversity training has been part of the military all the way back when I was in during the 1980's.

And you kind of have to, when you have people from all sorts of different racial, religious, and cultural backgrounds from all over the country.

So what sticks in the OP's craw is that they say that Racism is engrained in America... Um, it might be unpleasant to hear, but it's not wrong.
Again, diversity training has been part of the military all the way back when I was in during the 1980's.
This is more than diversity training.

Diversity, is acceptance of our differences, but celebrating the fact that we all love America. . . ONE CULTURE. It is the defense of the AMERICAN values, the American people, and THE AMERICAN CULTURE.

This? This is multi-cultural training, and the indoctrination that America itself is the problem, that America is the threat to the agenda of the folks that bleev they own everyone and everything.

Well? What the hell is America's military even for then? Who is paying for it, and who is in control of it then?

It is no longer there to defend America . . it is a global police force. It is there to defend the interests of global billionaires.

It is there to be a force to make war on any threat to the interests of the global elites. It has become the goon squad for the WEF.

It is there to enforce. . .
De-population, moving human capital around at their whim, raping the planet's resources for their own gain, brain washing the masses, poisoning the water, the air, and the land for profit without the consent of the people, forcing everyone to use products they don't want, etc. etc.
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