there was no insurrection on jan 6th !


Why are the real fascists from the right on this forum citing Reuters’ reporting that the FBI exonerated Trump of any coordination with the disturbance at the Capitol on Jan6?

I haven't seen you or the other Nazis here citing that?

You are obviously an idiot. Do you disagree with the FBI on that according to Reuters?

The Gestapo is no more credible than the little Goebbels of Reuters.
I say the next time you want to join an insurrection, rob an electronics store instead.
NFBW wrote: the Oath Keepers insurrectionists planned and conspired to corruptly obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding.

Yes, but Fool lies a great deal.

I understand your hatred - the very concept of keeping and Oath to Defend and Protect the American Constitution is anathema to all you and your filthy party seek.

Now, as far as "corruptly obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding" let's remember what you Nazis did in 2018 - which you fully support.


The purpose of the conspiracy was to stop, delay, and hinder the Certification of the Electoral College vote. The insurrectionists could not stop, delay, and hinder the Certification of the Electoral College vote from outside and if they all stayed outside there would be no plans ahead of time to use the demonstration as cover to start a violent confrontation. 21OCT29-POST#765

As the purpose of the conspiracy by you Nazis when you occupied the Capitol (as proven above) was to stop, delay, and hinder the Certification of a justice to the Supreme Court that would alter the balance of power for you of the Nazi party.

32. From at least as early as November 3, 2020, through January 6, 2021, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, the defendants, THOMAS CALDWELL, DONOVAN CROWL, JESSICA WATKINS, SANDRA PARKER, BENNIE PARKER, GRAYDON YOUNG, LAURA STEELE, KELLY MEGGS, CONNIE MEGGS, KENNETH HARRELSON, ROBERTO MINUTA, JOSHUA JAMES, JOSEPH HACKETT, JASON DOLAN, and WILLIAM ISAACS, did knowingly combine, conspire, confederate, and agree with each other and others known and unknown, to commit an offense against the United States, namely, to corruptly obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding, that is, the Certification of the Electoral College vote, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1512(c)(2)


Purpose of the Conspiracy

33. The purpose of the conspiracy was to stop, delay, and hinder the Certification of the Electoral College vote

You are demagogue, but more than this, you are a hypocrite. You savage enemies of your Reich when you have done a million times worse. The protests at the Reichstag Fire are not even in the same universe as the open treason you Nazis engaged in at CHAZ/CHOP. The level of violence you Nazis through your Brown Shirt Terrorist troops have inflicted during the Insurrection that you continue to this day in your revolution against the Constitutional Republic.

Piss off with your faux outrage, we all know it's nothing but Nazi posturing and pandering.

We are at war, you Nazis seek to end this nation, we Americans will not let you succeed in your abject evil.


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Indeependent wrote: I say the next time you want to join an insurrection, rob an electronics store instead. 21NOV28-POST#905

NFBW wrote: Can you explain how robbing an electronics store would stop a joint session of Congress from unconstitutionally not counting all the electors that are certified in what’s called safe harbor? 21NOV28-POST# Serious question.
Indeependent wrote: I say the next time you want to join an insurrection, rob an electronics store instead. 21NOV28-POST#905

NFBW wrote: Can you explain how robbing an electronics store would stop a joint session of Congress from unconstitutionally not counting all the electors that are certified in what’s called safe harbor? 21NOV28-POST# Serious question.
Robbing a multitude of stores causes prices of goods and insurance rates to skyrocket.
The CEOs of these stores also provide politically correct responses to excuse the perpetrators which causes the perpetrators to commit violent crimes, such as what has been occurring in NYC, Chicago, Detroit, LA and other localities which never make it to the headlines of major news outlets.
A thug unpunished believes he/she is not only above the law, but that there is no law that applies to them.

Blue Mayors have basically eliminated the concept of an action being a crime.
Robbing a multitude of stores causes prices of goods and insurance rates to skyrocket.
The CEOs of these stores also provide politically correct responses to excuse the perpetrators which causes the perpetrators to commit violent crimes, such as what has been occurring in NYC, Chicago, Detroit, LA and other localities which never make it to the headlines of major news outlets.
A thug unpunished believes he/she is not only above the law, but that there is no law that applies to them.

Blue Mayors have basically eliminated the concept of an action being a crime.

The question was

NFBW wrote: Can you explain how robbing an electronics store would stop a joint session of Congress from unconstitutionally not counting all the electors that are certified in what’s called safe harbor? 21NOV28-POST# Serious question.
I gave an answer way above your emotional capacity.

The question had nothing to do with cities or private property contained in your answer. So you are a liar.

The question is:

NFBW wrote: Can you explain how robbing an electronics store would stop a joint session of Congress from unconstitutionally not counting all the electors that are certified in what’s called safe harbor? 21NOV28-POST# Serious question.
Do you know what a police barricade around a Federal Buikding during a protest is meant to do?
I watched police blockades being pushed aside in Portland.
Have you watched any video in the last 2 years of what's going on there?

I also read every day about people being shot to death by thugs in Blue cities, so stop the bullshit.
It's obvious you think buildings are more important than human beings.
"Insurrection" as a term?
Does it really matter that much?
The MAGAMob was trying to disrupt the counting of the Constitutionally mandated Electoral Vote. They succeeded....for a short while. So we can forgive folks...a lot of folks....for thinking that was sort of insurrection-y. No?

And what were you Nazi twats doing here, you fucking hypocrite?


But that's different, because reasons.
was that at the capital? was donny anywhere in the vicinity?


nice try - but yer false equivalency failed bigley. now where's the pic of kathy griffith?

False in what way, tampon?

did the secret service visit her? yep.... did she lose her all her gigs? yep ...

She gained gigs. All the hate night shows booked her.

But that's irrelevant. You Nazis shed crocodile tears over some gallows, while you have done this shit for decades



why isn't the nutter from AZ held to the same standards & kicked outa congress for his cartoon depicting the slaughtering of AOC & threatening biden?

just stfu & sit down, troll.

You Nazis are such fucking hypocritical clowns.

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