Zone1 There is only ONE thing wrong with the (true) Catholic Church


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
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I don't speak of the Vatican 2 Church, which is no longer Christ-centered but man-centered. Basically, the anti-Christs listened to at Vatican 2 were allowed to change too many things... and longStoryShort we ended up with a "church" that focuses on man, not God.. Sure, the Real Presence of Christ is still there. He promised He would never abandon us (mt 2820), but who needs all that... what I call "politics" (in a generic sense of the word)... long story

In any case, as said b4, I discovered the true Church preserved by a few faithful Catholics, the primary one being Bishop Marcel Lefebvre... learned a lot and etc... but then soon discovered that this Church too


has humans in it..

So that's what I am saying here. There is only ONE thing wrong with the (non-Vatican 2) Catholic Church:

there are humans there

and that can definitely seem like enough (to have wrong w/ it)
I don't speak of the Vatican 2 Church, which is no longer Christ-centered but man-centered. Basically, the anti-Christs listened to at Vatican 2 were allowed to change too many things... and longStoryShort we ended up with a "church" that focuses on man, not God.. Sure, the Real Presence of Christ is still there. He promised He would never abandon us (mt 2820), but who needs all that... what I call "politics" (in a generic sense of the word)... long story

In any case, as said b4, I discovered the true Church preserved by a few faithful Catholics, the primary one being Bishop Marcel Lefebvre... learned a lot and etc... but then soon discovered that this Church too


has humans in it..

So that's what I am saying here. There is only ONE thing wrong with the (non-Vatican 2) Catholic Church:

there are humans there

and that can definitely seem like enough (to have wrong w/ it)
Religion is about man becoming close to God. How did Vatican II change that? The changes were made to give people a better understanding of their religion, e.g. ditching Latin.
I don't speak of the Vatican 2 Church,


which is no longer Christ-centered but man-centered. Basically, the anti-Christs

The what? Do you know what you try to speak about?

listened to at Vatican 2 were allowed to change too many things... and longStoryShort we ended up with a "church" that focuses on man, not God.. Sure, the Real Presence of Christ is still there. He promised He would never abandon us (mt 2820), but who needs all that... what I call "politics" (in a generic sense of the word)... long story

In any case, as said b4, I discovered the true Church preserved by a few faithful Catholics, the primary one being Bishop Marcel Lefebvre...

Aha - you are a Lefebvreist. ... And you think the ~2500 bishops + 300-550 other catholic consultants of the 21st Ecumenical Council (Vaticanum II) - by the way including the former bishop of Dakar Marcel Lefebvre who agreed with everything - had been wrong in 1962-1965 while only Bishop Lefebvre was right - with whatever what no one really knows - when he finally broke with the Holy Church in 1968 or 1970?

learned a lot and etc... but then soon discovered that this Church too


has humans in it..

So that's what I am saying here. There is only ONE thing wrong with the (non-Vatican 2) Catholic Church:

there are humans there

and that can definitely seem like enough (to have wrong w/ it)

Sure human beings are members of the Catholic Church - whatelse should anyone expect? Human beings like the unknown Elise and Otto Mayer for example and some others - or Peter and Paul for example - or Saint Francis for example - or Saint Nicholas who is also known under the name Santa Claus. We have long lists of "role models" - while no one has to forget that everyone is an individual being and not able to be someone else. But what is the "role model" of Marcel Lefebvre? ¿Rebelllion? What makes not only holy this man in your view to the world - but even to a super-hero-bishop-idol whom everyone has to follow? What is the charisma of this man in your view to the world? He is in my view to the world only an absurde traitor of the one holy church. A warning example.
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¿Rebelllion? What makes not only holy this man in your view to the world - but even to a super-hero-bishop-idol whom everyone has to follow? What is the charisma of this man in your view to the world? He is in my view to the world only an absurde traitor of the one holy church. A warning example.
so, Lefebvre was a traitor to the Church, though he kept to the teachings of the Catholic Church that lasted for 1965+ years

and the ones who started teaching falsehoods like "any religion can save; you don't have to convert" are true Catholics

well, I know one thing for certain: you are not one of those, apparently. Do you believe any religion saves? If you don't believe that, then you disagree w/ Vatican II yourself..
so, Lefebvre was a traitor to the Church though he kept to the teachings of the Catholic Church that lasted for 1965+ years

What's nonsense, because no one is able to say so about any year of history. Panta rei.

and the ones who started teaching falsehoods like "any religion can save; you don't have to convert" are true Catholics

And that's bullshit what you say. Only god knows who goes to hell or heaven. His decision - not your decision. By the way. Did you never read the tolerance speech of Lady Gyburc from the epos Willehalm (in Frech: Guillaume)? Wolfram von Eschenbach wrote it in ~1217 AD. Or much more easy: Did you never notice Saint Francis and others like him?

well, I know one thing for certain:

Then you found a point where you could move the whole universe into a new direction - if it had a direction and if it would move at all. All our knowledge is always only able to be knowledge in our personal context.

you are not one of those,

I am for sure not one of what?

apparently. Do you believe any religion saves?

No. God saves. Also to be a member of the Roman Catholic Church saves no one automatically - but to be catholic is another thing. In my words "God is a Catholic", so every Catholic is always on a good or a best possible way. What doesn't mean that all others are always on a bad way.

If you don't believe that, then you disagree w/ Vatican II yourself..

I disagree with nothing what "The Church" says - except that also women ahould be priests - but on the other side the church is broken, breaker. This makes it for no one easy to find the best of all possible ways for the own person. "One god. One truth. One church" is the paradigma it needs. And this means not that a single arrogant allknower like Marcel Lefebvre is able to define that the throne of god is his throne.

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