
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
How can you over spend your budget by $20 trillion at the federal level and billions of dollars at the state level, and still have infrastructure that mirrors left-wing failed states like Cuba and Venezuela?

One word: progressivism.

The failed left-wing ideology stymies growth, punishes success, rewards failure, spends beyond its means, fails to prioritize, kills jobs and innovation, and drastically reduces the standard of living.

US infrastructure is falling apart — here's a look at how terrible things have become
As soon as the left enters this thread - they will immediately give the same old tired, lame excuse about military spending. But our military is underfunded with a $551 billion budget (a constitutional responsibility of the federal government) while our idiotic unconstitutional spending on socialism exceed $1.2 trillion per year.

Imagine what that money could do for infrastructure every year. And imagine how that would create jobs - making the socialism unnecessary. But then the left wouldn't have people dependent on government, and thus, there would be no reason for the parasite class to vote for them.
35 republican Governors, 26 states entirely controlled by republicans, the Federal Government entirely controlled by republicans, the power of the purse under republican control for 19 of the last 23 years.... b-b-b-b-buuut DEMOCRATS :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
35 republican Governors, 26 states entirely controlled by republicans, the Federal Government entirely controlled by republicans, the power of the purse under republican control for 19 of the last 23 years.... b-b-b-b-buuut DEMOCRATS :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
Black Fag...the $20 trillion was there before Republicans took control of all three factions of the federal government.
35 republican Governors, 26 states entirely controlled by republicans, the Federal Government entirely controlled by republicans, the power of the purse under republican control for 19 of the last 23 years.... b-b-b-b-buuut DEMOCRATS :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
Black Fag...the $20 trillion was there before Republicans took control of all three factions of the federal government.
All republicans endorsed it, dumb shit.
The guy wants the stone age for this country. Fucking insane fucker.
Says the dillhole supporting and advocating for policies which have caused our infrastructure to crumble to the point of the actual Stone Age. The same dillhole who wants energy policy to mimic the 1600's by outlawing coal, nuclear, and natural gas.
All republicans endorsed it, dumb shit.
No. No, they didn't Black Fag. You're endless volumes of complete and total misinformation is astounding really.
That's weird. Then why did the GOP run Supreme Court support it... why did the GOP led House fund it.... and why hasn't the GOP House and Senate repealed it now that they could easily do it? Hmm.
That's weird. Then why did the GOP run Supreme Court support it... why did the GOP led House fund it.... and why hasn't the GOP House and Senate repealed it now that they could easily do it? Hmm.
How does one "repeal" $20 trillion debt, Black Fag? :lmao:
That's weird. Then why did the GOP run Supreme Court support it... why did the GOP led House fund it.... and why hasn't the GOP House and Senate repealed it now that they could easily do it? Hmm.
How does one "repeal" $20 trillion debt, Black Fag? :lmao:
Aw you don't understand anything :itsok:
I don't blame you for running after saying something that stupid... :laugh:
^ says the guy who thinks the debt is entirely the result of things that happened in 8 years of Obama

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