Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
No reasonable, rational person who was informed and educated on the facts and history would ever embrace the left-wing ideology. There is nothing to be gained by socialism, oppression, and government control.
The Peopleā€™s Republic of China tops the list, with 76 million lives lost at the hands of the government from 1949 to 1987. The Soviet Union follows, with 62 million lives lost from 1917 to 1987. Adolf Hitlerā€™s Nazi German government killed 21 million people between 1933 and 1945. Then there are lesser murdering regimes, such as Nationalist China, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam, and Mexico.
It always ends the same - more poverty, more misery, more death. The Obama Administration alone proved that much. Higher unemployment, healthcare left in complete disaster, unimaginable national debt, a nation divided by race, class, religion, and gender, invasion by citizens of another nation, lawlessness nationwide, etc.

The Reason the Left Gives Communism a Pass
. The book's main conclusion is that the deaths of 30ā€“60 million people killed in famines all over the world during the later part of the 19th century were caused by laissez faire and Malthusian economic ideology of the colonial governments. In addition to a preface and a short section on definitions, the book is broken into four parts: The Great Drought, 1876ā€“1878; El NiƱo and the New Imperialism, 1888ā€“1902; Decyphering ENSO; and The Political Ecology of Famine.

"Davis explicitly places his historical reconstruction of these catastrophes in the tradition inaugurated by Rosa Luxemburg in The Accumulation of Capital, where she sought to expose the dependence of the economic mechanisms of capitalist expansion on the infliction of ā€˜permanent violenceā€™ on the South".[2] Davis argues, for example, that "Between 1875ā€“1900ā€”a period that included the worst famines in Indian historyā€”annual grain exports increased from 3 to 10 million tons", equivalent to the annual nutrition of 25m people. "Indeed, by the turn of the century, India was supplying nearly a fifth of Britainā€™s wheat consumption at the cost of its own food security."[3] In addition, "Already saddled with a huge public debt that included reimbursing the stockholders of the East India Company and paying the costs of the 1857 revolt, India also had to finance British military supremacy in Asia. In addition to incessant proxy warfare with Russia on the Afghan frontier, the subcontinentā€™s masses also subsidized such far-flung adventures of the Indian Army as the occupation of Egypt, the invasion of Ethiopia, and the conquest of the Sudan. As a result, military expenditures never comprised less than 25 percent (34 percent including police) of Indiaā€™s annual budget..."[4] As an example of the effects of both this and of the restructuring of the local economy to suit imperial needs (in Victorian Berar, the acreage of cotton doubled 1875ā€“1900),[5] Davis notes that "During the famine of 1899ā€“1900, when 143,000 Beraris died directly from starvation, the province exported not only thousands of bales of cotton but an incredible 747,000 bushels of grain."[6]

Late Victorian Holocausts - Wikipedia
The book's main conclusion
Nobody cares about the propaganda from a fascist. Nobody. History has shown every time that oppressive government ends in poverty, misery, and mass murder while liberty ends in prosperity, innovation, and peace.

The propagandists is you.

Fascists achieved greater prosperity, and innovation than the Capitalists.
Franco = #1 in economic growth in 20th Century Europe.

Hitler = #1 economic turn around in the Great Depression.

Nazis were ahead of everybody in technology at the time, because they invested in it.

First rockets into space the V2, modern computers like the Z3, first jet powered fighter the Messerschitt Me 262, Araedo Ar 234 the first jet powered bomber, proto-stealth bomber the the Ho 2-29 Bomber, the STG 44 the AK-47 prototype, and Volkwagon among many others.
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Hitler = #1 economic turn around in the Great Depression.
Again snowflake...Iā€™m not impressed by ā€œachievementsā€ from slave labor. The economic turnaround means nothing when 7 million people were brutally murdered and another 20 million were horrifically tortured.

You whine like a little bitch about cheap labor in New York from illegal aliens and then celebrate slavery labor under Hitler in Germany.

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