There is a lot of talking that the shots given as a vaccine harm humans, so listen up

So is the CDC, it's called gaslighting Elmer

hey blew it, and know it......

The worldwide science is there to review. Don't take one scientist, one science group or one countries conclusions.
Examine the statistically significant empirical data does not lie.
Those not willing to do the work themselves rely on others.
Don't do that.
Don't let politics influence you from either side. It is not a political issue.
Sparky, of course they lie. Don't you also notice posters lying here as well?
I believe my doctor is accurate as to what a vaccine is.
If you had actually read the report, you would see that it says "For two doses of COVID-19 vaccination, the odds ratio of Long COVID for acute COVID-19 severity was 7.5 (95% CI: 3.1,18.4), and for zero to one dose of COVID-19 vaccination, the odds ratio was 7.4 (95% CI: 3.5,15.8). This analysis rules out the possibility of interaction between COVID-19 vaccination and acute COVID-19 severity."

You need toknow how to read and think for yourself
it does when you're paid to collect them Elmer

Follow the money and poltics of every study.
You must take some time and examine many studies from many sources, as I said.
That includes many studies throughout the world where the studies have different sources and reasons for the study.
If you have your mind up and you only look for data that proves your conclusion, you will not have an accurate assessment.
Too many people look to politicians and not science for their conclusions.
I have lots of floating spike proteins strengthening my immune system and I feel, GREAT.
I believe in science. I don't follow conspiracy theories started by uneducated individuals consumed by fear and supported a small minority in the science community. Only crazy people listen to the outliers. You know there are some who think the earth is flat. I am guessing you are one.
There's science and there's political science, reading down the thread, you follow political science. Stop being so credulous.
Follow the money and poltics of every study.
indeed the crux Elmer


Like what characteristics?
I said based on your stand on vaccines but reading some of your other posts, I was wrong. But I disagree with your stand on vaccines. I feel those putting their personal freedoms above the greater good are going aginst the spirit of our country. MAGA is a selfish movement that looks at their own needs, not the needs of our nation.
There's science and there's political science, reading down the thread, you follow political science. Stop being so credulous.
You have avery limited view of science. Science comes from many sources ,many countries, many groups. look at the science from countries with different political goals. Look for data that does not have political motivation.
You appear to have a political agenda.
You have avery limited view of science. Science comes from many sources ,many countries, many groups. look at the science from countries with different political goals. Look for data that does not have political motivation.
You appear to have a political agenda.
My science is more than OK, my geological science background is more than ok too. I have a science agenda, you have a political science agenda.

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