There are now too many polar bears. LOL!!!!!!!!

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Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
There are too many polar bears in parts of Nunavut and climate change hasn't yet affected any of them, says a draft management plan from the territorial government that contradicts much of conventional scientific thinking.

The proposed plan — which is to go to public hearings in Iqaluit on Tuesday — says that growing bear numbers are increasingly jeopardizing public safety and it's time Inuit knowledge drove management policy.

'So many bears': Draft plan says Nunavut polar bear numbers unsafe | CBC News

Get that? GLOBAL WARMING has not yet affected the polar bear populations in that region of the GLOBE.

Regional warming?

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Guess Global warming is the hoax anyone with a working brain cell thought it was. LOL
The polar bear food supply must also be thriving. So much for AGW.

I wonder why this isn’t being reported in the MSM. LMFAO!!!
I think the consensus that climate variations occurs or occurred between the mid-1980s to around 2014. The lack of consensus is the cause and the impact of human contribution. In other words, there is zero consensus on AGW.

I am willing to concede the point if we can talk about the solutions. There is no way that taxing me will change anything. There is no way that transferring American wealth to other nations is going to fix the alleged problem.

Let's talk real solutions or everyone can fuck off.
There are too many polar bears in parts of Nunavut and climate change hasn't yet affected any of them, says a draft management plan from the territorial government that contradicts much of conventional scientific thinking. The proposed plan — which is to go to public hearings in Iqaluit on Tuesday — says that growing bear numbers are increasingly jeopardizing public safety and it's time Inuit knowledge drove management policy.
'So many bears': Draft plan says Nunavut polar bear numbers unsafe | CBC News Get that? GLOBAL WARMING has not yet affected the polar bear populations in that region of the GLOBE. Regional warming?
Did you read the article? More polar bears are on land because there's less ice.
Co2 has nothing to do with Earth climate change. So Sayeth THE DATA.

FRAUD is not science
FUDGING DATA is not science
PARROTING is not science....

This not Politics. Not even close. Please repost in Environment.
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