The United States is the ultimate prize/place to live DESPITE what the left claims.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

We are the envy of the world and our status as having the MOST IMMIGRANTS of ANY NATION proves it.

If things were so bad here people would not be flooding our shores year after year.
Naturally I expect some to lie & spin because of Covids influence on travel right now but FACTS are FACTS. Just as our economy was booming before covid, so it will again as it finally subsides.

We are the envy of the world and our status as having the MOST IMMIGRANTS of ANY NATION proves it.

If things were so bad here people would not be flooding our shores year after year.
Naturally I expect some to lie & spin because of Covids influence on travel right now but FACTS are FACTS. Just as our economy was booming before covid, so it will again as it finally subsides.
Nice post. Thank you.
Don't believe anyone promoting anti-Americanism or those who want power to destroy your constitution.

If they dislike America so much, they are free to leave. It's not like they are trapped in Canada with creepy people in their lives. Freely leave and go find success elsewhere.

As I always say, just remember, you can't take your constitution with you.
Don't believe anyone promoting anti-Americanism or those who want power to destroy your constitution.

If they dislike America so much, they are free to leave. It's not like they are trapped in Canada with creepy people in their lives. Freely leave and go find success elsewhere.

As I always say, just remember, you can't take your constitution with you.
You have no more right to tell people to leave a nation than you do telling people they can't live in a nation.

We are the envy of the world and our status as having the MOST IMMIGRANTS of ANY NATION proves it.

If things were so bad here people would not be flooding our shores year after year.
Naturally I expect some to lie & spin because of Covids influence on travel right now but FACTS are FACTS. Just as our economy was booming before covid, so it will again as it finally subsides.

The Left prove it every day they claim the world is angry at or laughing at us.

Notice how they all cry when we pull our money or troops out.

If we weren't their envy of the world, they'd be too busy with themselves to care what we do.

Right now, do you know what France or Portugal or Estonia or New Zealand is doing, and, DO YOU GIVE A FLYING FUCK?
Don't believe anyone promoting anti-Americanism or those who want power to destroy your constitution.

If they dislike America so much, they are free to leave. It's not like they are trapped in Canada with creepy people in their lives. Freely leave and go find success elsewhere.

As I always say, just remember, you can't take your constitution with you.
You have no more right to tell people to leave a nation than you do telling people they can't live in a nation.

Wait, isn't Free Speech a thing still? I know it's not so much in Canada, but this is a US Message board.

As such, I can and I will tell people to leave if they hate their nation. I would have left long ago, if I knew what I knew now, and, if I didn't have the Creepy Ones spreading lies about me that ensure I wouldn't be treated fairly outside Canada.

Until the good Lord takes me or the communists take over the West, I will continue to provide free counsel to those who don't understand how good they have it in America.
Don't believe anyone promoting anti-Americanism or those who want power to destroy your constitution.

If they dislike America so much, they are free to leave. It's not like they are trapped in Canada with creepy people in their lives. Freely leave and go find success elsewhere.

As I always say, just remember, you can't take your constitution with you.
You have no more right to tell people to leave a nation than you do telling people they can't live in a nation.

Wait, isn't Free Speech a thing still? I know it's not so much in Canada, but this is a US Message board.

As such, I can and I will tell people to leave if they hate their nation. I would have left long ago, if I knew what I knew now, and, if I didn't have the Creepy Ones spreading lies about me that ensure I wouldn't be treated fairly outside Canada.

Until the good Lord takes me or the communists take over the West, I will continue to provide free counsel to those who don't understand how good they have it in America.
And you still have no right to tell anyone what to do with their lives, free speech is not a tool to be abused but you are trying.
Don't believe anyone promoting anti-Americanism or those who want power to destroy your constitution.

If they dislike America so much, they are free to leave. It's not like they are trapped in Canada with creepy people in their lives. Freely leave and go find success elsewhere.

As I always say, just remember, you can't take your constitution with you.
You have no more right to tell people to leave a nation than you do telling people they can't live in a nation.

Wait, isn't Free Speech a thing still? I know it's not so much in Canada, but this is a US Message board.

As such, I can and I will tell people to leave if they hate their nation. I would have left long ago, if I knew what I knew now, and, if I didn't have the Creepy Ones spreading lies about me that ensure I wouldn't be treated fairly outside Canada.

Until the good Lord takes me or the communists take over the West, I will continue to provide free counsel to those who don't understand how good they have it in America.
And you still have no right to tell anyone what to do with their lives, free speech is not a tool to be abused but you are trying.

I can't tell people to leave? Fly a kite? Parachute into N Korea? How is that abuse?

You see your analysis of semantics is where speech is censored, erased and ultimately crushed. I didn't threaten, encourage violence. I certainly didn't do anything physically or harm anyones career. I stated the my opinion and I think it is backed by a great amount of data.

People vote with their feet.
Don't believe anyone promoting anti-Americanism or those who want power to destroy your constitution.

If they dislike America so much, they are free to leave. It's not like they are trapped in Canada with creepy people in their lives. Freely leave and go find success elsewhere.

As I always say, just remember, you can't take your constitution with you.
You have no more right to tell people to leave a nation than you do telling people they can't live in a nation.

Wait, isn't Free Speech a thing still? I know it's not so much in Canada, but this is a US Message board.

As such, I can and I will tell people to leave if they hate their nation. I would have left long ago, if I knew what I knew now, and, if I didn't have the Creepy Ones spreading lies about me that ensure I wouldn't be treated fairly outside Canada.

Until the good Lord takes me or the communists take over the West, I will continue to provide free counsel to those who don't understand how good they have it in America.
Moonbug doesn't understand free speech. He's a democrat.

Democrats spend all day bashing their own country. That's free speech. Then turn around and admit there's nothing better because none of them ever leave.

They know that if they pulled their shit in any other country like they do here, they'd be locked up or dead.
I'm not sure it's a good thing when people from shit-hole countries are taking extraordinary measures to get into your country.

I would be curious to see how many people immigrate here from Western nations. I have worked with tons of people from all over Europe; they come here on assignment, and a large percentage of them choose to remain (and many seem to remain eligible for their home country pensions, BTW).

The main two reasons for them remaining is (1) kids grow up here and don't want to leave, and (2) tons of unique places to go and things to do in the U.S.
Don't believe anyone promoting anti-Americanism or those who want power to destroy your constitution.

If they dislike America so much, they are free to leave. It's not like they are trapped in Canada with creepy people in their lives. Freely leave and go find success elsewhere.

As I always say, just remember, you can't take your constitution with you.
I’ll trade citizenship with you anytime.
Don't believe anyone promoting anti-Americanism or those who want power to destroy your constitution.

If they dislike America so much, they are free to leave. It's not like they are trapped in Canada with creepy people in their lives. Freely leave and go find success elsewhere.

As I always say, just remember, you can't take your constitution with you.
I’ll trade citizenship with you anytime.

Are you American? If so, let's try and do it. If we can find some sort of exchange program I am game. I've looked into it, even offered my country to recant my citizenship and they literally denied me.

Tell me, what country denies your request to denounce your citizenship? More importantly, how creepy are the abuses against someone that they go to the extreme to take such a step? The same person who at one time almost joined the military (completed the math/psychological exam, physical, with flying colours).
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Are you American? If so, let's try and do it. If we can find some sort of exchange program I am game. I've looked into it, even offered my country to recant my citizenship and they literally denied me.
20 years ago I would have jumped at the chance. I love Canada. I have lots of friends there. Problem is I’m a couple of years away from retirement. I seriously don’t think the US government is going to give social security to a Canadian citizen and Canada won’t give ss to someone who has not put into the system in Canada.

We are the envy of the world and our status as having the MOST IMMIGRANTS of ANY NATION proves it.

If things were so bad here people would not be flooding our shores year after year.
Naturally I expect some to lie & spin because of Covids influence on travel right now but FACTS are FACTS. Just as our economy was booming before covid, so it will again as it finally subsides.
Yes but in the past us Americans were doing much better than the immigrants coming here. Today we’re competing with them. At least our blue collar workers are.

An immigrant today is happy to work at Walmart. Back when I was a kid there were jobs at gm and ford.

And European, Canadian and Australians no longer want to come here. Thats why we import africans, muslims and Mexicans.

Think about it. If we could get more europeans no way we would be letting more Muslims in.

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