the TRUTH of inter-racial murder


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
blacks about 13% of the population...whites about 67%
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 514 you understand the math there???!!!!!!!!

cops have more to fear from blacks than vice versa
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.

In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
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So how about the police? Are you saying its understandable if a police kills a black person.
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I may be wrong (of course!), but I have noticed that when Caucasians murder other Caucasians, they usually murder family or friends.

On the other hand, I have noticed that when people of a certain non-Caucasian group murder Caucasians, the victims are usually innocent bystanders who did not know the perpetrator(s).
blacks about 13% of the population...whites about 67%
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 514 you understand the math there???!!!!!!!!

cops have more to fear from blacks than vice versa
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.

In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.

And black on black murders? Oh yeah, no reason to loot a Target or an Asian owned liquor store over that, really.... no point in trying to get money out of black thugs' families.
So how about the police? Are you saying its understandable if a police kills a black person.
Yep, a liberal would rather blame a policeman than a criminal thug. This is how well public education has made stupid people..
You think you are part of some protected class that could never be victimized by bad cops? What the authorities do to "them" could easily happen to you unless we refuse to allow the authorities to do it to anyone.
So how about the police? Are you saying its understandable if a police kills a black person.
Yep, a liberal would rather blame a policeman than a criminal thug. This is how well public education has made stupid people..
You think you are part of some protected class that could never be victimized by bad cops? What the authorities do to "them" could easily happen to you unless we refuse to allow the authorities to do it to anyone.

Most of those in the "protected class" don't get arrested and then resist that arrest.
So how about the police? Are you saying its understandable if a police kills a black person.
Yep, a liberal would rather blame a policeman than a criminal thug. This is how well public education has made stupid people..
You think you are part of some protected class that could never be victimized by bad cops? What the authorities do to "them" could easily happen to you unless we refuse to allow the authorities to do it to anyone.

Want to avoid 'bad cops', stay out of Chicago, New York City, LA, and every other Democrat run city, especially those run by black pols and police chiefs. And don't bait cops with a lot of inane drivel and assorted hyperactive stupidity. They aren't there to serve you designer coffee and cinnamon buns.
So how about the police? Are you saying its understandable if a police kills a black person.
Yep, a liberal would rather blame a policeman than a criminal thug. This is how well public education has made stupid people..
You think you are part of some protected class that could never be victimized by bad cops? What the authorities do to "them" could easily happen to you unless we refuse to allow the authorities to do it to anyone.

Want to avoid 'bad cops', stay out of Chicago, New York City, LA, and every other Democrat run city, especially those run by black pols and police chiefs. And don't bait cops with a lot of inane drivel and assorted hyperactive stupidity.

Big city cops are fine ... big city politicians that run the cops ... well, I'm not saying anything.
So how about the police? Are you saying its understandable if a police kills a black person.
Yep, a liberal would rather blame a policeman than a criminal thug. This is how well public education has made stupid people..
You think you are part of some protected class that could never be victimized by bad cops? What the authorities do to "them" could easily happen to you unless we refuse to allow the authorities to do it to anyone.
I was the victim of reverse discrimination, where a black county cop, decided that my buick century was going too fast. Now the speed limit was 55, i was doing 57 and as the truck was approaching me from the other direction right behind him was this cop right on his ass. So the truck and i passed each other, along with the cop, who after about 10 seconds decided to turn around and turn his lights on. Since i was in the Air Force, i stopped my vehicle to see if he would pass, which he didnt, but pulled up behind me. Now imagine this tall black guy in a smokey the bear hat, walking like john wayne, came to my window demanding my license and registration. I gave them to him, asking politely why he decided to pull me over, in which he said "I clocked you doing 69 mph". Then he told me to stay in my car. When he went back to his car, and do what police do, i got out of my car and went to his window, where his radar was turned off. I asked politely again, "How could you know what speed i was doing when your radar was off?" in which he replied, "I just now turned it off." I told him i would tell my unit commander about this, in which he decided to give me my 15 dollar speeding ticket which i could pay off in the mail or fight it in court. Definately a bad cop, but when told he would be asked by the military why he was targeting military members who didnt do anything wrong, the bad cops back down.

But notice, that during the whole conversation, i did not once curse the cop, attempt to provoke the cop, but showed him courtesy and politeness, so the event wouldnt escalate to violence. Morons on the left, dont have any morals, values, honesty, or integrity, and this is why they are always treated like dirt.
blacks about 13% of the population...whites about 67%
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 514 you understand the math there???!!!!!!!!

cops have more to fear from blacks than vice versa
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.

In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
No one hears about “Black on [W]hite atrocities” because they are non-existent. These so-called “atrocities” are made up by guys like you to serve as strawman fallacies.

They are presented to deflect from and counter actual documented atrocities against Black people. Talk about projection!

If “Black on [W]hite atrocities” were based on factual information, they would be featured in every White-owned media in this country and beyond. From the New York Times to Brietbart, CNN to Fox Opinion News, leaders of the White community would be screaming for revenge attacks.

Instead they spend their ink and air time with celebrity gossip and defaming Black people lynched by police and vigilantes.
blacks about 13% of the population...whites about 67%
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 514 you understand the math there???!!!!!!!!

cops have more to fear from blacks than vice versa
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.

In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
No one hears about “Black on [W]hite atrocities” because they are non-existent. These so-called “atrocities” are made up by guys like you to serve as strawman fallacies.

They are presented to deflect from and counter actual documented atrocities against Black people. Talk about projection!

If “Black on [W]hite atrocities” were based on factual information, they would be featured in every White-owned media in this country and beyond. From the New York Times to Brietbart, CNN to Fox Opinion News, leaders of the White community would be screaming for revenge attacks.

Instead they spend their ink and air time with celebrity gossip and defaming Black people lynched by police and vigilantes.
hahahhahahahahah--it's right there in the link --sorry pal
and we know blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
..I know the truth hurts you, Sparky, and Pen
I'd like to see those stats run again via the variables of poverty and drugs Mr Harmonica ......~S~
.....I know just like the hate crime FACTS I post, this freaks your racist mind, doesn't it???!!!!!!
....just like in the other thread, the MSM never covers black on white crimes at all--it's a HUGE difference
.....this is another air tight thread .......these FACTS freak your racist minds--don't they???

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